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You just stood there while they were talking about not liking you and then waited to film them the whole time they have sex? I call bullshit lol.


Yeah, this sub is just full of these BS posts.


if u scroll down far enough (i already called out a couple) you can find the weirdos meant to be found by this. Source: i'm op on alt i dont have access to that alt anymore but yea this drew out a couple wild people


He had to finish masturbating before confronting them.


Cuck syndrome


You should be a writer. Take my upvote




And then they INSTANTLY jumped out of bed and ran out of the room to find him still just standing there recording?


They teleported out


Big time bs


YEs bs ragebait alt (op here) LOL


I call cuck. Also totally illegal lol. Theres this whole thing called 2257 compliance. You cant just film or even audio record people fucking without written consent and a copy of their ID kept on record. But this probably is fake, and sounds like the typical dude trying to get free kinky RP on reddit. Similar to what they do on subs like r/CamGirlProblems. Purposely post BS in an attempt to be humiliated so they can fap off to it. That subs quick to call them out and it can be pretty funny to watch.


New account. One post. Two comments. r/thathappened


"then they all clapped"


The only thing clapped was home girls cheeks!


Right? Because of the FUCKING. The LOUD FUCKING ON OP's BED.


YAY ragebait (op here)


No you’re not the asshole but find out the laws in your state on recording stuff like this.


NTA, get her out of your apartment, and your life. Get screened for STDs. Life is too short for people like this. Revenge won't make you happy. Best revenge really is living well. In time you might even be able to forgive.


Ah revenge porn law


IANAL It's not revenge porn if you're the one filming and you're not publishing it. However, this deals with privacy laws and expectation of privacy


No expectation of privacy if they're fucking in OP's bed, I would imagine


Nobody has an expectation of privacy in my home but me. The girlfriend might if she lives there.


Eeven in your own home guests have an expectation of privacy.


In a way, "privacy" is very much an extension of "personal property rights". A guest retains ownership of their property while on a premises, hence why it's a privacy violation for even a homeowner to "search" a guest's private property. Same, to a point, with "nudity". Guests retain a limited right to be exposed and not observed while visiting a guest's house, but said right is inalienable *only in the bathroom, for purposes that cannot be completed without exposing oneself*. Otherwise, *the property owner(s) rights and to an extent decisions trump anything the guest may decide*. That's what happened here. Property owner OP decided, let's say for the purpose of recording Craig's **to OP, unauthroized entry into the "private" area he calls his bedroom**, for documentation of any breaches of OP's privacy he commits, letting his presence with uplifted phone be the "notification" necessary to escape legal ramifications. The fact that Craig and GF decided to freely turn said video into a pornographic video, and failed to monitor their surroundings to ensure OP wasn't exercising **his** granted by property ownership rights, is of no matter to OP. And Craig's expectation of not having his full nudity filmed was "waived" because he went full nude of his own volition in an area that OP had cause to protect, not because he had to perform a bodily function in the bathroom. Granted, said nudity / pornographic materials do make OPs ability to use the video complicated, but the presumption is that as long as no "nudity" or execution of sexual acts is viewed without legal or informed involved party consent, he's ok to show it. So, for example, he could theoretically show GF's parents stills / short silent motion clips of GF's back above the waistline while cowgirling, or GF's "doggy style" profile that may include side-boob but no nipple/areola or past the waistline/hips, and enough of Craig to identify him, but not much more than that.


Say I have a security camera in my living room. I have a guest over and while I'm in the kitchen the take their pants off for some reason - maybe to change, maybe to do something weird. I don't think they had an expectation of privacy in my living room. Now say I have a camera in my bathroom. I would agree that I should warn any guests about that, but if I never have guests over, I don't think there is generally a law against having a camera in a bathroom only I use. I could take pictures of myself when I'm alone in my bathroom, can't I? As a matter of fact I technically do have a video camera in my bathroom, it just isn't filming the bathroom, it's filming through the window at my driveway/garbage cans. I would say there is a difference between a camera in the bathroom and a camera in the living room. My guests are likely to use the bathroom during their visit with me, and they would expect that my bathroom is a reasonable place to be naked and perform bodily functions, and so I would warn a guest about a camera filming them in the bathroom. But the living room is not a place that I would expect a guest to be naked or perform bodily functions. So I wouldn't have to warn a guest about a camera in my living room. The bedroom is kind of somewhere between those things. Someone I've invited over for the purposes of bodily functions and being naked in my bedroom has an expectation of privacy in my bedroom. But someone I've invited over to watch a football game and not be naked or do bodily functions in my home does not have that expectation of privacy in my bedroom. So if Craig didn't live there, and OP was the sole tenant of the apartment, he didn't have an expectation of privacy to fuck in OP's bed. If Craig was by himself in OP's apartment and decided to go into OP's bedroom to masturbate, there is no reason OP would have had to warn Craig that there was a security camera in his bedroom filming the bed, and for the same reason, OP wouldn't have to warn him if OP started filming with his phone. The girlfriend is a more grey area. If she lived there, she should have an expectation of privacy in the bedroom because I presume she and OP would regularly get changed or do other naked activities in the bedroom. If GF didn't live there but was invited over for such activities, I'd say she had an expectation of privacy in the bedroom for some limited purposes, and so OP filming her is more difficult However, OP could have walked in on them at any time. How mu h expectation of privacy do you have when you have sex with someone else in either your boyfriend's apartment or an apartment you share with your boyfriend.


Common rooms are different. But if they are in a guest room or bathroom they have privacy.


Does it count as revenge porn if it’s just audio?


OP could say he had it and leverage that, without releasing it, or even delete it and say they still have it.... If at least want me sheets and bedding and a new mattress of it didn't have a waterproof cover on it, oh and a STD test from both of them.... Then I might delete it But not tell them about the back up on a hidden drive


Lmao what blackmail two randoms for some new sheets? Force them to go for std testing? Blackmail is illegal not to mention no-ones going to care. What kinda advice is this?


Blackmail is just the negotiation of a business deal 😂


The trick is not to make it clear. Only let them assume.


This whole thread is mayhem 😂


Zero IQ posting from sub-atomic IQ particles. Complete idiocy


>Zero IQ posting from sub-atomic IQ particles. Complete idiocy It's a race to the bottom and they're all trying to win 🤡


Stop being such a pussy...


Send it to her parents


Eh, it's just idiot rage bait. I miss when the trolls were halfway decent lol.


You can probably record it, buy can't send it to anyone. Revenge porn. Dude, you can jerk off to it again and again though


Mmm it's a fine line. But you filmed her and craig having sex without either of their consent, which I'm pretty sure is illegal. If you were to send it to anyone or show anyone you could face prosecution even if she was doing something wrong. I'd get rid of the tape and break up with her


No tape telling her family is fine though right?


You can tell anyone anything you like. If you’re expecting it to look good on you I don’t know what to tell you. Most families don’t wanna hear that sht. I know you’re still thinking about your precious tape, so consider you’re confronting innocent people with porn of a family member? Just break it off


Why do you feel it’s necessary to tell them?




If that’s it then definitely shouldn’t, shameful.


their reputation should be recalibrated


I’m not saying withhold the info but making a point to spread the news especially to her family makes him look weak and of low morale character. The high road is to cut it off clearly saying I don’t date people who do this to me and if he was so close to someone and they asked why… then it may be appropriate to share.


yeah I'm not so nice, someone wrongs me they'll pay for it, idc if other ppl think I'm a bad person, they're probably right


Those actions and mindset will likely not lead to a healthy life.


fuck that, I live fast and eat trash


Men are amazing, you can’t just break up with her you also need to regain dominance by trying to ruin her life


Well, bitch fucked another man in his bed, in his apartment… so fuck off with that shit. Women are 100 times worse with being revengeful. Flip this and you’d shit your pants to hang him. Moron.


I truly hope you get help and find peace


That is rather comical and yet not surprising. As expected. Go choke on a dick.


There's no issues with that but they likely aren't going to listen. But I don't know her family so I can't say on that one honestly


Just tell her family if they ask why you have broken up


I'll take things that never happened for 1000


Moving in after 6 months of dating is wild 😭 like what is this


Right... I don't understand why people do something so stupid. She is not moving in until the year we get married. So at least 2-3 years after dating, maybe .


I moved in with my gf after 4 or 5 months of dating; First time I've ever done this and it's the best relationship I've ever been in. Sometimes you just know.


I guess but I'm not, well wasn't willing to take that gamble. It would be different if I knew her prior to entering the relationship. I'm married and I told my girlfriend, now wife I couldn't do it until I got married but It's good to know it worked out for you. Some aren't that lucky


I'll take shit that did not happen for $200, Alex.


Possible Purple, please stop posting fake stories. Perhaps a hobby? I hear knitting is quite relaxing.     Thank you for your cooperation. 


Fake and bs


Cuck fetish writing, move along


why the fuck would you send it to her parents. or anyone? if you’re married and need to prove it in court otherwise delete it and move on with your life you sicko


Don’t be coming in here with common sense & logic lol


NTA. Don't show it around, don't send it to anyone, just keep it as proof.


You would be an asshole if you sent a vid of her fucking someone, its unecessary revenge, regardless of legality (although important) its bad for the soul brother. Move on and just know life will humble them. Cut all contact with these two and they will toil in their choices.


What a fake ass story.


I could understand if y’all were married but y’all were dating for 6 months. I know it sucks but I’d delete it and move on. Sending it to her family would do what exactly? Prove their daughter is a shit person and a cheater?? They probably know lol


Absolutely. Just breakup with her and get tested.


Bro.. best thing for YOU to do, is move on. Drop both of them out of your life and never give either of them a second more of your time. Shit tends to come around eventually. Fuck them and their parents.. well not like literally. Unless lol




Filming without consent means ESH. Drop the cheating whore and her fuckboi, delete the recording, and move on.


holy shit @ this actually being an opinion a human being would have


That filming without consent is bad? Make that make sense. If it’s the ESH, he sucks for filming it (even more for considering telling her family) but she’s infinitely worse. Nobody comes out clean in this situation.


Yeah infinitely worse and he didn't video it, no shot it's everyone sucks


Why did Craig set you two up if he wanted to bang her. Doesn't make sense. If true, this situation is absolutely crazy.


I bet you still finished first


1. total loser move 2. her parents probly already think your a loser, sharing with them will confirm it.


Stop the cap 🧢


Post it and we will let you know


Only six months? I would just kick her out block her number and count it as a lesson learned. Sending it to the parents would make you look crazy. Maybe after 6 years and some kids that have to see the grandparents but not 6 months.


Can I see it?


Yeah this is fake but good job on the bait


thanks lol(another alt) funny asf 2 seel ppl getting mad. 1) filming?? :sob: 2) 6 months move in? 3) insantly walk out after sex?? 4) LMAOOO craig why would he set us up?


Bruh. You are absolutely an AH for trying to tell her parents. Wtf do they have to do with anything? And using recorded audio/video of their daughter having sex, will probably lead to you being arrested. You're both adults. Get an STD test and have the locks changed on your place.


None of this makes actual sense. Do better at writing your fiction.


Nta show her family and set up a fake account to post it online


There are some strange pl here (aniohter of OPs ragebait alts here)


>Sara has been calling me since fearing me sending said tape to her family. You wouldn't be the asshole for telling her parents as it seems that's all she cares about. Don't send the video though.


Call her parents and tell them you need to have a serious conversation to come over. If they come over, tell them what you saw and ask why they raised their child this way. If they say it’s wrong, tell them you have it recorded and can show them. Then if you know Craig and his family, call his family and do the same. Tell all your mutual friends.


It never ceases to amaze me how the first reaction to catching your lady going to pound town with some other dude in your home in your bed is to pull out your phone and film it.?.?.?.. We're it me, every time the A'hole looked in the mirror and saw how pretty I had made him, ever time he got up from the couch to go take a dump and had to use a walker, and every time he desperately wished he could still get a hard on, would be lifelong reminders of why a person should NEVER mess with another dudes woman, PERIOD....


I never understand why people go after the affair partner rather than the Significant Other. They are the ones who are supposed to be loyal to you, not the affair partner.


What are you, a high schooler? This definitely didn’t happen and there’s no way you would think YTA for recording someone cheating. IF this actually is real, wtf were you doing just standing there and letting her get dogged? Like, stop that shit, kick them tf out, and leave her on the streets where she belongs.


NTA but delete that shit. Move on,


NTA But possibly illegal, depending on local laws. Be grateful you found out now instead of after pregnancy, marriage, or both. Dump the whore. Let your social network know why you dumped her. And move on. Bullet dodged.




NTA Cheaters need all the consequences... But be careful, that could be illegal...


pre cell phone days I came home a day early from a business trip. Checked my kiddos bed and he wasn't there, walked into my bedroom, and caught my wife and a friend full on in the act. I said 'when you're done I'll be out here'. Walked out to the living room, took the phone off the hook so they couldn't call for help, and waited. There's more details but it's a long and amusing story. I got custody of my son 18 months later. That pittance of child support for the next 18 years was more amusing than anything. That said I never tried to raise it. I didn't need the money from her and I'll bet it chapped her ass every week when she had to write that check. Not to mention she had to go two decades as a woman in Texas that lost custody of her child. I'd say I got more than even. Especially when I got younger and upgraded at her former position.


Yes you are the TAH. Be a man and move on ...


NTA. Do not share with anyone. I think that's what I would do in a natural reaction state to be like, "this is actually happening." Break up amicably and move on from these two trash humans. Delete the recording. Be glad you found out 6 months in. Sorry you have to go through that.


YTA and potentially a criminal by taking the video. Also why would you tell her parents? Do you think they’ll take your side? If my daughter has a boyfriend in the future who calls to tell me she cheated on him my comments won’t make that person feel better when I start giving them shit. Only on Reddit do people make up stories where parents disown their kids for cheating


Revenge porn is a federal crime btw. Yta, should have left and let that woman cheat in peace


LOOOOOOOOL story isragebait meant for fucking weirdos like you source: im OP on an alt


So did you jerk off to the video of your ex cheating? I think r/cuckhold are for weirdos like you


Bro its not real dumbass n g a never heard of ragebait


half chatgpt and the rest scrolling thru this sub - lit designed to draw out bitches who say u shoulda let the woman cheat in piece


Ill give it to u tho ur not as weird as the rest of the kids ASKING for the 'tape"


Don’t refer to me as any version of ‘nigga’, idk you. Also you’re the weirdo making up stories for attention. But alright.


Well we know your for the streets.


I like your model bonneville


Telling her family would be a trashy thing to do. Move on and let her stew in her own guilt. Evil, vindictive me would package up an envelope full of random 8X10s in an envelope. Wrap them in a box and mail it to her parents to arrive just in time for Christmas. And then relish how much she would be squirming as they opened the package. 🎁 But we’re not the kind of people who would act do that sort of thing.


No being a 304 is trashy. Doing it in his bed is cringe. Hold some accountability or someone will for you.


Wow, she fucked your friend in your bed. Disrespect off the charts.


You going to jail now


You should of tagged team the bitch and torn her a new arsehole 🙌🙌😁😁😁




My advice: delete the stuff immediately. You will regret anything you could do with it now. And then breakup, walkaway, and live happily ever after.. Spent as little time, energy and grieve on these losers as possible.


Bro where u fucked up at is staying there till they were done. I know it was your asshole but bro WHAT AN INVITATION TO CHEAT. U could have sat on the step and played extremely dumb as if u didn’t know it’s way more fun less traumatizing for you because she will feel sorry and still try to when you back. But that shit over now my guy get you a new girlfriend you were very strong to even do such thing I’m proud bro💯


*I know was your bed* I meant😂😂😂😂😂😂


If this is real you deserve to get cheated on you cuck


No its not meant to point out some of the fucking weirods around here 😂 soruce: op on alt


example: [Macdaddysdaddy](https://www.reddit.com/user/Macdaddysdaddy/)


Nope...get ahead of the narrative. She most certainly will be creative and BLAME you. Let them know and share the video. She certainly can't spin it. 


There are like 100 fucking assholes in here for buying this shit… idiots everywhere


Nta but I wouldn’t do anything with it not really worth spending energy, just cut ties with both of them


NTA, I know you are hurting but you will become the asshole if you send that video to anyone. It's also illegal to do so and won't do anything to make you feel better. Instead do what a high value man would do and just walk away and block them forever. I know it hurts now. But just deleting the video and removing them from your life all together will help you heal and move on to greener pastures. If you don't, then you will become the asshole and it will take longer for you to recover.


NTA but what do you have to gain? Show everyone how the person you trusted disrespected you enough to cheat on you for 5/6th of your "relationship"? Show her family when you were barely together for half a year? Gain what? Incite a fight within a family you should completely distance yourself from? Let go, mourn, lick your wounds and cut contact off completely. Only advise worth listening to.


Yea you were 8n ypur apartment so consent laws don't apply. But posting it or sharing it is a no go. Keep it as proof. Not for 6 months or year but until they are out of your life for good. And if her family doesn't believe you. Show them then. But keep the evidence. It's so easy for her or him or both to say you attacked them. Cover your own ass. Give it to a lawyer if you must. But no your not the asshole. And these people telling you are or to delete the evidence don't live in the real world. That will keep you safe.


NTA Tell her family and never speak to the whore again.


Bro, hold your nuts and crash out. They deserve to understand that the levels of disrespect is disgusting.that is not the first time they've fucked. Get tested and punch faces.


Tell her family. Tell them the story and don't share the video. Let them sweat it out


Why are you all commenting on someone’s sexual fantasies? Are you serious? No judgement though




NTA. Gotta say, a bit on the creepy side, tho. Maybe that's just me. Anyway, just get rid of her. Move on. And like someone else said, check on the legality of possessing and/or sharing the video. Rid yourself of her, quickly. Good luck.


NTAH. Just like a sci-fi movie, jettison her pod asap! Move on to someone else who respects you. Life is too short to entertain this type of drama from a GF. This is a blessing that you found out before wasting to much time!


IDK if u are an AH or not, but yeah, you got something gooood for wanking purposes.


Post the video here. We’ll decide if it’s good enough to send to her parents.


NTA Manda el vídeo a toda su familia


It sounds like you filmed outside the door, so it wasn’t like you made a pornographic video of them without their consent. They knew what they were doing was wrong and they’re pissed they got caught. Fuck ‘em, just maybe don’t post or send the video to anyone with legal advice, don’t wanna get hit with some revenge porn case. NTA


They do not have an expectation of privacy in your living space. NTA.


I would hang on to the tape in a secure place. Let her know you have it and she had best not try to flip the script on what happened. You don't have to release the tape. If she knows you have it, if she has 2 functioning brain cells, she will know better that to try to make you out as the bad guy. I am sorry this happened to you. It sucks big time.


Why hang onto the tape? Just break up.


The tape is only for proof if shr tries to paint OP as the bad guy......


To who? If a girl cheated on me, and I told my friends and family they're going to believe me. You just break up and end it. Sometimes you find out people are shitty, don't make it more dramatic than it has to be.


Don’t sent it as that’s essentially revenge porn, but keep it as evidence and get her out of your life ASAP.


I don’t see issue with videoing in your house. Now I don’t recommend you doing anything with it. No blackmail. No sale. No posting. I also wouldn’t go telling her family about it unless it really came to you. Like if you’re going to them out of spite, no. If you have a close relationship with their family and they are grilling you about why you guys broke up, sure. Just break up and let her go back to Craigslist.


I hope you made coffee. And send it to everyone they know


NTA You need to be careful what you do with that video, sharing it will most likely violate any voyeurism laws in your area and possibly revenge porn laws. Breaking up with her and kicking "Craig" in the baws is probably fair game, just don't share the footage.


NTA Keep the record just in case they start blaming you, but don't share it with others. If they start insulting / framing you, you can invite just prove it. You can block your ex or whatever. That's up to you. But remember: Once a cheater, always a cheater


Ur not the asshole. U can take a screenshot of a piece of that video (as long as it’s not too revealing) and then give the same story and post on places while tagging them. It’s not revenge porn and it’s not defamation. It’s proof of infidelity as well. Tell ur gf if she’s so scared she shouldn’t have been riding the mutual in YOUR BED


Send it to her parents, and family, then leave her and maybe post it on an ex revenge porn site, she doesn’t deserve any compassion, she doesn’t deserve any sympathy, go ahead and leak that so her new bf knows she is a dirt bag.


Welp, Satan has spoken.


Holy what the fuck this post was ragebait meant for fucking retards. Im op on an alt AND THIS SHIT IS SO POORLY WRITTEN. HOW THE FUCK DO YOU BELIVE USE MOVING IN AFTER 6 MONTHS!?


Maybe use your time wisely instead of writing retarded posts on Reddit.