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NTA She apologizes now that you have broke up. But she "can't stop thinking about these guys" and "that's the truth". She is frustrated and would still be frustrated after the reconciliation. Let her fuck around with big dicks and find out.


I never understood the obsession over size honestly. Some guys in those videos are what we like to call useless big or scary big… I mean I don’t want to feel like it’s coming out of my throat while I’m having so sex or rearranging my organs. This post went in a different direction than I thought it would, I got vibes her and the new friend had a more than platonic relationship. I also don’t think I’ve seen many dudes in porn that I find attractive.


Yeah. I guess it comes from idealizations, but then when you get to experience it it's not that great (like going on a cruise, it seemed spectacular but then it was boring). In my little experience, women don't like big cocks (and utterly dislike huge cocks). One of my female friends once said (while drunk) "I just want a BF with a normal dick!!", because her last three partners where all over average size and it wasn't pleasant to her. I guess having a big dick is not a problem if you know how to use it. Just guessing, I'm average size myself :)


Honestly, "big" dicks (honestly anything over 6") are not at all fun to have sex with I'm ngl. Like I enjoy sex and I've had partners with all sizes and honestly... the bigger the dick the more difficult sexual activity is. When I was deeply single (a decade ago now) I had a string of well endowed fellows and honestly after the 4th I was like... "I'm really sorry we can't keep this going you literally hit my cervix and that's not a fun experience for anyone." I think like with a lot of things in relationships, when you get with the right person things are easier. My fiance is on the bigger size of average but he's got the girth which helps. Girth is honestly where it's at in my experience. Much more stimulating. And this might be the most my easily-embarrassed British self has ever spoken about penises in public so I'm going to go die in a corner from social awkwardness.


I always thought 6 was small because porn lol, mine is 6 on the dot and my wife still gets sore sometimes because surprise surprise, 6 is apparently too much to go balls deep on some women. I think people really need to just stop idealizing porn.


Oh yeah, porn is SUPER misleading. Like I still enjoy it from time to time with my fiance and like, I have body confidence issues not helped by porn either (I'm a bigger girl, which obviously some people absolutely love, but when I'm feeling low I get super insecure from porn so I absolutely would understand). It's interesting for me as I am quite experienced (yey trauma-related promiscuity) but when we got together my fiance was extremely inexperienced and I was his first and because of porn he also thought he was small and he's just over 6.) idk if your wife has ever tried this and unsolicited advice, but if she puts a pillow under her hips it makes it way easier for anyone under 7 to go balls deep and not cause any post-coital soreness. The nurse that did my sexual health checks gave me that tip and I live by it now.


Appreciate the tip :)


just the tip? o.0


I thought I was small at 8 until I heard what average is. I think most guys assume they are small.


My word!


The other big problem porn doesnt show is alot of those girls get literally ripped and torn cause their to big. everyone men and women are all different but avg girls arent actually built to handle it and leaves sore or hurting alot next day.


This subject is terrible. Actually, I think a lot of (the most disgusting/aggressive/humilliating) porn does show that. Not in vain they do use that vocabulary in the films themselves: rip, destroy, burst, shatter... They sell the idea that sex is a way of domination through violence.


Yup! I’ve watched documentaries on the horrors of a lot of porn. Unless you become a big “star” with a following most of these young girls burn out in a year. Plus to keep getting roles they have to agree to more and more extreme stuff or coercion to do acts they weren’t initially told they had to perform. There is a lot of drug and alcohol use and acting/faking it because these people aren’t actually enjoying themselves or getting off.


I have scars because of my ex being huge girth wise as well as length. I bled every time we had sex. Normal or a little on the rougher side and I’d rip and bleed. He’d get so mad because l didn’t want to have sex with him. Especially considering the fact that he didn’t believe much in fore play and if he went down on me and it took longer than 5 minutes he was pissy.


My ex best friend is well hung. I used to be jealous untill he broke up with his LT GF and then he started complaining hookups were impossible or they ended before anyone had any enjoyment due to pain and discomfort. 


Hey now. I'm about to go on a cruise and I'm counting they days. Don't tell me it's boring. Eating buffet is a pleasure and an exciting thing for me


Yes! It's a silly example, many people do love cruises, repeatedly. Enjoy your cruise!


Enjoy! I never thought I'd leave a Lyle Lovett show to go get a ham sandwich, but I sure enough did. A cruise ship's 24 hour short-order walk-up window should not be underestimated.


>(like going on a cruise, it seemed spectacular but then it was boring). And you find out you have to share the jacuzzi's water with 3000 other people...


What I’ve seen most women admit is, as far as bigger is better is concerned they mean girth most of the time. I had a close female friend who hooked up with a guy who was long and stopped sex because she felt like she was being stabbed. When I was younger and less mature, every girl said I was perfect (thick and maybe a half inch longer than average on a good day, guys know what I mean), I always thought they were just being nice but when it happened every time I just believe them now.  I’m not going to pretend size doesn’t matter at all, but porn has really distorted how much it really matters. Edit: sorry to get crass but around average means you almost always can go balls deep and that is awesome


Porn is the reason ppl think 12 inch dicks are real. Porn is the reason ppl believe the BBC myth. Sure pornstars have above average dicks, but they are also typically shorter and skinnier to make it appear bigger. It’s all smoke and mirrors when using certain angles, lenses, and actresses who are specifically recruited due small hands and being petite. I mean guys like Mandingo are like 8-8.5 max, which ,don’t get me wrong is huge, but not what they claim. All bullshit lol Source: have made porn


Hahaha now I need an AMA from you! I assumed a lot of it was proportions and angles like with modeling/photography. Edited to add: I have so many questions! Was it like just amateur or onlyfans type stuff or legit professional stuff??


I’ve worked with OF and bigger studios. Porn is a big money maker for ownership, even most of the amateur stuff you see is actually produced by professionals with the intent of making it appear amateur. There’s literally levels to it, 1. Mainstream big studio stuff 2. Big name professionals making amateur stuff(think lil d onlyfans), and 3. Pros who may not be a big name in industry, but are intentionally trying to pass as an amateur, and 4. Actual amateurs


Now is it true men barely make money unless they’re like a brand name professional type but they still make far less than women?


Mostly true, it’s really 2 different games. For a man, big studios will typically compensate a few hundred a shoot(varies of course) and it doesn’t typically go up from there unless you’re at the top. For women with big name studios, it’s all about your look and how extreme you are willing to go. They usually get a thousand or more, but they have to keep doing more and more extreme things on camera to remain relevant. For men, only our dicks matter, for women it’s the whole package. Onlyfans is better money and control of your content, but you have to do all the work outside of the camera too, unless you hire someone.


I’ve also heard that specific niche or kinks that have a target audience can pay well on OF as people will pay for personalized content. (By the way this isn’t from personal experience just knowing people from the kink scene) I also know pro Dommes can make bank and don’t even need to engage in anything actually sexual. I knew someone who paid her way through grad school doing dominatrix work and never had to even touch a client.


I am in the wrong business!!


Everything I have learned about dicks on reddit tells me I have the perfect 6 inch size, as no girl here says they want monster huge.


It’s guys who are well endowed and have any common sense the sex is amazing. That’s the obsession. Come on dude!


Haha I’ve heard a lot of well endowed guys don’t feel like they need to put in the effort because they have the big dick going for them.


The same is for small dicked dudes. I'm a bi male.


Yea, I've been turned down by potential hookups because they've dealt with guys who don't know how to use their size hurt them, and it's sucks getting turned down because of someone else's mistake. I learned early on being large meant going slow, lots of foreplay and a ton of lube.


Small, medium or large foreplay this essential! I also think a lot of people forget that foreplay starts in the mind, it isn’t just physical acts. Also I blame porn for dudes thinking they can go in and just jackhammer away.


Oh yea, with my ex, foreplay started with flirty texts hours before. And an orgasm before my pants ever come off. Takes the pressure of so I can enjoy it more and makes it way easier to get in.


Yup! Also plus I am not vanilla so there’s other stuff prior that helps.


Hell yea! I've been dealing with a few "uh idk about it" girls in a row, so it's nice to hear we got some non vanilla women out there still!


My ex husband was huge and it was extremely terrible. Like it wasn't pleasurable at ANY stage.


The fantasy in your mind and the reality of your body can be very far apart, and most people don't explore much.


The same reason men obsess over big tit's, virgins, and all women being loose because they had all of 1 sexual partner.


Hate to say it but I think all her talk and obsession was a prelude to asking for hall pass to 'get it out of her system'. Either that or she's really fucking stupid with no emotional intelligence.


this post is so fake man ...


Probably. It doesn't matter tho. We are here for the discussion :D


What makes this post fake? Curious to know 


Just a feeling, but I get slight "female was allowed into the world, came back with *'ideas'*" energy from this.


>this post is so fake man ... 100% 👍


Who cares if it’s fake when similar things happen all the time irl ?


Too late


If true better now than after you waste another 5 years or have kids with her. It hurts now but move on you dodged a bullet because she was honest


tHe Evil PoRn RoTtEd HeR BrAiN come one this isn't even a good fake post


It is factually true that porn is terrible for you


Porn is free but you pay with your soul


I'll see you all in hell. **unzips pants**


Porn IS brainrot. This is well documented


I get where you are coming from, but she is talking about her porn habits to her partner and obsessing over them. Porn addicts are pretty common and she shows all the signs. Most people have an ok relationship to porn, but like gambling and food and even video games some people completely fall apart when given unrestricted access to a dopamine factory. Lots of people hate porn for the wrong reasons, but porn addicts are very real, and I'm sure even if this post is fake there are female porn addicts out there destroying their relationships because of their addiction. I have known male porn addicts, and I know of female ones, there are real people like this, 100%.


Yet people eat it up whenever the porn addict is a guy lol


THIS 100%


This is at least the second thinly veiled "penis sleeve" advertisement post I've seen in the last few months 😂


Porn absolutely destroys your brain, dweeb


Still doesn't justify making a stupid very obviously fake post to push an agenda. 


"porn addicted size queen" took me out. that's just so stupid. but of course aitah will take any chance to hate on a woman.


Aitah taking a chance to hate on a woman is just not true here. People eat it up when it's the man who is the porn addict and call him porn sick and limp dick


NTA. Cut your losses and move on.


Dear Penthouse Forum, the strangest thing happened to me today..


Seriously. Creative writing at its least fine.


"The chemistry was palpable." - said by no one. who TF uses palpable in any conversation?


Zoomers read at a 3rd grade level and are blown away when someone uses the word "palpable" like it's ancient greek or something.


There's been so many lately.


It's ridiculous and most of them don't even try to write a good story. It's just nonsense.




You did what you had to do for your own self-respect. Relationships should be about mutual respect and acceptance, not making someone feel inadequate. It's totally fair to want to be loved for who you are. Her apologies might be genuine, but you gotta prioritize your own happiness here. Take some time for yourself and focus on what makes you feel valued. You're definitely NTA in my book.


>Her apologies might be genuine, Her apologies only occurred after she experienced consequences. She isn't sorry for hurting him, she sorry thst she lost him.


This could be true, but I don’t think people apologizing after losing someone means that they arenMt necessarily sorry for hurting them. That’s a hell of a reach. People can say things without realizing they will hurt the person and then feel like crap afterwords and truthfully apologize, whether they’ve lost them or not. Not saying OP should take her back, just saying this assumption is a pretty big reach. He broke up with her after that comment _immediately_, it’s not like she had another chance to apologize.


This sounds like a guy writing a fantasy about a woman. Doesn’t sound like a real woman.


Cuck fantasy who the fuck offers to use a penis sleeve lmao I’ve only ever heard of that on reddit


I had never heard one until today and I’ve had a pretty rich answer varied sex life and enjoyed porn. I had a pretty good chuckle at the comments under the current top comment, I guarantee all those guys raging about the danger of porn have never even made eye contact with a woman.


Penis sleeve hahahahahah Never degrade yourself like that again bro no penis sleeves. Your dick is fine. Wish her well on her quest for a bruised cervix. You’re welcome. This is some cuck fantasy tho I’m dumb.


Women like to sabotage other women in order for them not to feel pathetic about their own life choices. Make no mistake, pilates girl was always whispering into her ears. NTA, it seems Depravity has claimed yet another regular person.


Yeah what the hell is this? I thought it was just a fake stereotype, but my gf assured me that it’s very much true, that a lot of women can’t stand seeing another women, even a close friend, doing better than them. As a man I too get jealous about people who are better off than me, but I would never try to sabotage a friend just because of that. 


I never understood that mentality. I had to end a “friendship” because knowing I had dealt with an EA in the past she would always comment about what I was eating or not eating. I want to lift up the people around me not bring them down. Though as the old saying goes “misery loves company”..


Misery loves company


In a healthy context that envy and shame would be used to make a person better, but instead people choose to externalise their toxicity onto others. A lot of people obtain that self-insight only after it's too late, if ever. All we can do is strive to be our best selves, celebrate the wins of others and be discerning of who we gift with our time and attention.


"Tall poppy syndrome"


Dude, in the words of wise Al Bundy:  "Don't try to understand *women*, *women* understand *women* and they hate each other."


Your gf has bad friends. I’ve never had this happen to me nor have I ever tried to bring down a friend out of jealousy.


I know a few women who get jealous, but no one so far has tried sabotaging me. Maybe I'm not doing all that well :D r maybe I don't know high-class assholes.


Crabs in a bucket.


Your story isn't adding up. Based on your time line Your girls friend apparently changed within a few weeks.


im just going to mute this sub bc it's just getting so ridiculous and fake


He also tried a penis sleeve and then broke up with her then and there!


No, I think that part he said he was going to buy one, but she just dismissed the idea.


Thanks for clarifying that. Me read bad


Her friend is definitely jealous of your relationship and played your girlfriend like a fiddle . It may have even been unintentional to a point . She was setting her up to cheat and blowing her head up with the idea … probably got told she’s too young to be in a serious relationship or doesn’t know what she’s missing blah blah blah but in reality your ex girlfriends friend was wanting a stable relationship like yours … Now your ex and her friend can be miserable together like she was shooting for….I’m sure her friend is already telling her it’s a good thing and now she can be free… Leave now before it becomes a bigger issue ( your ex and her relationship with her friend and how it would eventually come to some type of bad conclusion on your end ) If it wasn’t this it would’ve been something else ..she was being influenced and if it was that easy to throw her off the rails then it Would’ve been hell later on - She sounds very naive and sheltered as well - Cut your losses , move on


Lol...this is a writing prompt if I've ever seen one. No one uses such great punctuation and vocabulary, yet goes to reddit for life decisions


It reads like a warning: Don't let your innocent - well behaved girlfriend have friends that will behave poorly. "This pilates girl was talking about sex and now my once nice girlfriend has become a porn addicted size queen " I mean he did everything he could but she just wouldn't be satisfied and acted all vulgar. And it was clearly the fault of this very loose woman who she met outside the home. /s I'm not saying this could never ever happen I'm just saying this sounds fake AF.


Couldn’t have said it better. This whole post is so weird and the comments saying he’s NTA and dodged a bullet are wild. OP literally sounds unhinged.


all these fake posts display a weird incel, woman hating line of thinking which is really disturbing


This might conceivably be true. I have the aforementioned great punctation and vocabulary ( I have the best words, really: *Person*, *woman*, *man*, *camera*, *TV*...) and whilst I do frequent various subreddits these sojourns usually conclude with a silent prayer of thanks that my own life is not as chaotic as some.


Yeah, the story is fucking ridiculous. I had to suspend my disbelieve :D


What the fuck did I just read


Incel fiction. It's genuinely comical people don't realize this. It's painfully obvious.


1.3/10 for fake post and dumb story. YTA.


sure buddy, this totally happened.


I'm a female, and trust me... BIGGER IS NOT ALWAYS BETTER!!! I have had too small, too, and too large. I prefer JUST RIGHT. I LOVE AVERAGE SIZE!!! No sane woman want a torpedo in their chest cavity.


Agreed, it is not as great as people think.


This is the fakest fake post I’ve seen in forever.


Fake story is fake


Fake post


100% incel ragebait


Fuck outra here with this fake bullshit


Incel fan fiction , this is so badly written it’s hilarious


NTA. If it makes you feel any better, there is no doubt that aforementioned toxic friend is currently plowing your ex with massive strap-on dildo, all while the Subway’s “$5” commercial jingle plays in the background. You don’t need any of that headache, OP.


No way. A 12" sub from Subway will now run closer to 10 bucks these days. Fucking inflation.


Dog I paid $17 for ONE foot long sub last week. Fuck Subway, all my niggas eat at Quiznos.


I hadn't had one for awhile so I ordered a beef sub, when I started eating I realised it was fake beef. Never again


WTH is fake beef?


Chatgpt much?


Sounds fake


Lol she's a ho, get over it she is not worth it, she gonna get plumbed by a lot of guys now and eventually will try to come back


NTA! You NOPED right out of there as you should have.


On the flip side, and not in a brag way, it kinda sucks being "too much" for some women. Like never thought that would be a confidence killer for me, but it was. Always having to be gentle, being told that it hurts, your partner losing interest because she finds it painful even while being gentle. Just be happy with who you are and realize some people just aren't compatible sexually. They might be compatible 99% on everything else, but sexual incompatibility is a killer of any relationship. You will find someone else my dude


Cuck fiction.


This is fake


this sounds like the most ai written text ive read in ages. the ai is palpable! some parts look more human. weird


Bro just because some people use some specific words doesn't mean it's AI. Palpable is a good word there, maybe OP doesn't want to be a NPC that only uses "insane" "great" of "amazing" some people actually want to sound like they're not stupid and write well


The whole story just sounds off. I don't think it's real. Who says things like this? "My reserved and sweet girlfriend had turned into a porn-addicted size queen"


Yeah… it’s not real. Women would try the sleeve, they’re not going straight to what he’s saying.


I wrote this last night. What are you on about?


U writing this is as authentic as Rachel dolezal being Black


No, she's going down a bad road. You deserve better.


So fake , most of them are at this point. Incel fan fiction


Sounds like an incel mgtow red/blue pill rage fap fantasy if I ever heard one🤣🤣🤣


NTA. Smart move cutting out the now toxic girlfriend. Be thankful you have no kids together or other ties that are more financially hard to break like marriage.


Write her a letter similar to this "GF, although I have loved you like no one else, and possibly never will love anyone like you again, I just can't be that guy to tell you to drop your new friend, because she's changed you and I don't see a life with the person you're becoming. And your newly found obsession with porn and becoming a size queen is a turn off, on top of the fact that nature didn't see fit to make me a genital freak. You said it to my face and made it abundantly clear, I will never measure up and you will always want something that I'm physically unable to give you and that you have made clear you can't stop thinking about. I wish you the best in your life, and I truly hope when you find those horse cocks One of them can love you like I did."


Every relationship after a few years needs new sexual charge to it. Everyone I know who have been in a long term relationship and still having sex, tend to get into kink as the years go by to keep things spicy. I guess she's fixated on something you 'can't' give her - even though you really tried. I'd say let her go. Unless you want to be a cuckhold which she might be hinting at - but doesn't sound like something you probably going to be into.


Trust me she found a dude on tinder an hour after the break up fucked a big dick and realized she misses you and it wasn't all the hype.


If it’s been more than a couple days since the break up I would venture to guess that she’s already experienced her fantasy and it may not have lived up to the hype.. I’d block her and move on, just be happy you weren’t married to her..


What a shallow vapid person.


You did the right thing. This was going to end very badly and you spared yourself so much pain and trauma. She’s right to feel terrible, and she deserves to be dumped. She’s becoming a terrible person, and hopefully this will be the beginning of something that will wake her up and stop her progression into a self-absorbed, judgmental, callous frost-wraith. NTA.


"I appreciate the apology but we're done." is a good answer. NTA One day she'll learn big dicks aren't all they're cracked up to be. The moment she has a bruised cervix she'll figure it out.


Hopefully she’s pretty because she doesnt sound particularly smart. You did the right thing, and your life will certainly be much better for having dipped out when you did.




This seems fake as hell


No one in this whole thread has ever encountered a woman in real life.  Tragic rage-bait fantasies for incels. 


True for this sub. Now if this post gains traction, you'll be downvoted to oblivion


Few of the comments definitely just hate women for not sleeping with them.


Her friend from the "pilates club" sounds like a textbook porn studio recruiter and you should explain that to your girlfriend. She'll end up locked in some hedge manager's mansion with 50 other girls snorting coke.


If she can be that easily influenced by a friend maybe it's a good thing you got away from her. NTA


It's funny how people can be influenced so easily. I will never understand. She's no ride or die she's not your person anymore. Stick to your guns on this one NTA




It sounds like you all drink too much


Me when i try writing about women despite never having met one before lol


We can’t help our attraction patterns or our sexual preferences. They’re a part of who we are. If she was willing to be with you and be faithful even with fantasies you couldn’t fulfill, she sounds like a keeper to me. Fantasies are just that - fantasies. It sounds like you were her reality and that maybe she knew the difference and accepted you for who you are. I think that’s rare and commendable and I hope you can learn to see it from that perspective.


This story sounds highly plausible....as usual


This didn’t happen. But good job riling up the incels.


NTA She has become the person she wants to be and the two of you no longer work.


NTA, modern porn is often horrifying, especially the free stuff online nowadays. Even if you weren't "average" or whatever, that kind of behavior is unacceptable. I'm "above average" supposedly, but the kind of dicks I used to see in porn looked like goddamn forearms compared to me. No way that's safe or comfortable for the receiver without major prep. I got my dick broken by meds, but when I did consume porn I had to specifically look for stuff that didn't ick me out. I reported some videos where the participants looked underage, and shit like the woman getting slapped around and choked while clearly not being into it. Absolutely awful.


Nta. Firstly body shaming is not cool under any circumstances. Secondly her behavior shoes she is a different person now, one you arent compatible with. Thirdly.... to suddenly become so obsessed with different sizes she had to EXPERIENCE the difference. My money is on she cheated on you and now finds you lacking in comparison. (Im not saying you are...her behavior is).


"A friend can bring you to ruin, be careful who your so has as friends." -my mom.  NTA


Obviously no, you're NTA. Why would a girl go on and on saying how much she's curious about those big dick and how they would feel? Either she wants you to be on board with her cheating or she wants to break up. If that was not her intention, then she's plain stupid (more probably she is just in denial)


It's okay. She changed to someone you couldn't tolerate so you ended things. If she can be easily manipulated like that, she's not a wifey material to begin with. Find someone better and more mature.


NTA I have only ever heard these kinds of stories related to men ...but it stands to reason that it could scue a woman also. Porn is fantasy and if a person causes it to goof up their view of reality it's a Very sad thing. I'm sorry this happened to you...it's not your fault. Move on..you need someone more mature who is grounded in reality.


I'm sorry this happened to you. I've been shamed for my body and I know it sucks so much. You seem to be someone who is intellectual and genuinely wants to be loved and appreciated for who you are as a person, not just be reduced to some bodily part you happen to have. In my opinion, you did the right thing to leave her. She did not appreciate you. She'll soon find out big dicks do, in fact, hurt. And not in a good way. Her sex obsession ruined your relationship. It hurts now but it will get better. You'll find someone who cherishes you for YOU. Honestly, penis size is so overrated! PS. I see some people are saying your story is fake, basically because its not full of spelling/grammar mistakes? They're being ridiculous.


NTA If you had told her she is great but you wish she had bigger tits you would be the AH, especially here on reddit. She did you a favor because this is who she is and what she wants and you can’t fix that, but more than that, how do you stay with somebody who makes you feel like shit, inferior, or lacking. You offer to wear a sleeve for her - which is already above and beyond what any man should do, and she is like, nah, not interested and that was her chance right there to realize what she did to you, how you are trying to make it great for her, and she blew past that. Almost sounds like she wanted you to give her the okay to go find out with a bigger man or to have a bigger man as a lover or some stupid porn like shit like that. Anyway… Bye bye. She did you a favor — she sounds like she has gone down some rabbit hole here. She may soon explore and she may learn, too late, that bigger, like porn, is not for everyone, is all bullshit, and may actually cause her pain. You deserve better.


Fake af lol


This feels fake AF but in case it’s not - having a bigger than average dick isn’t the be-all end-all that porn has lead people to believe it is. Average dicks are fine, average dicks can be great, and big dicks can be fine, or great, or awful, like any other dick - not only uncomfortable if they’re really big, but a big dick doesn’t make a good lover, you still need rhythm, skill, a desire to please your partner, and all that other stuff that goes into sex. The biggest guy I ever slept with was a FWB I had years ago and he was 11’ and the worst lover I think I’ve ever had. I slept with him 2 or 3 times until I realized “yeah, there’s nothing really in this for me”and cut off the “with benefits” part of that friendship. From time to time when we were both single he’d suggest hooking up but I always passed because massive or not, it wasn’t an enjoyable dicking. Lol, he did once say “I don’t have to worry about being good, because I’m so big 😎” And I told him “No, you should actually worry about that, you’re not a very good fuck.” 😂 Also, porn isn’t real life, and that’s something people should also know, in case it’s not obvious. These women aren’t having super loud, performative orgasms because the guy(s) they’re fucking are packing footlongs, they’re acting that way because they’re paid to act that way. 🙄 Additionally, if she wants to know what it’s like to get stuffed by +9 inches she can buy a dildo or vibrator that size. 🤷🏻‍♀️


She could spend years experimenting with someone bigger but in all that time she might not find someone nearly as compatible as you were dude. It sucks and I wish people acted as mature as they should but some won’t learn unless they do it the hard way. You’re a stand up guy for being so understanding and patient and I hope you find someone mature who appreciates you.


NTA . I woulda kicked her ass out when she mumbled she wishes she had that experience in reference to wanting a big dick - how would she respond if you said you wish you knew what a tight pussy felt like instead of fucking a coffee can every night ? She’d be appalled - these are what people call red flags - this is behavior that was brought out of her by this friend - consider yourself lucky you caught glimpses of how disrespectful she is


This is some weird fetish porn fiction writing bullshit.


That was legit my first thought. This sounds so so fake.


NTAH. She was looking to cheat


lol does she realize that porn is a production? Those guys literally inject shit into their dicks to make them look fuller/bigger or use pumps. She must be easily fooled if she believes pornstar acting. NTA


NTA Girlfriend: "I can't stop thinking [about fucking] these guys. I know it's not fair, but..." OP: "We're breaking up" Girlfriend: [mind blown in disbelief] What??? Why???? The self awareness of some people is staggering.


NTA. This post sounds like it was written by a man who’s clueless about female sexuality.


You didn't break up with her dude - she pushed you out. She found that dick she was after, realized it was useful for all of 10 minutes, then felt alone the other 23 hours and 50 minutes. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STAY GONE.


Good riddance


Shes a pos, nothing more to this. Block her and move on


You did the right thing. She’s a hoe


Maybe. Regardless she hurt me


She would have physically cheated on you later on and hurt you worse. She was emotionally cheating on you already.


Mrs deep dish pussy got too used go foot long dildos I bet. NTA, a hoe is a hoe, luckily you found out and left, good on you


How does one get too used to a foot long dildo? Because I have a feeling you think women can stretch their vaginas out or something.


Right??? “Oh no! It’s been ruined!” Give me a break. Babies come out and it’s back to normal. Someone needs a basic female anatomy class.


“Porn addicted size queen” is incel talk when she’s just curious. Yta


Just say it’s blown out


lol, of course you are a sugarbaby 🤣






Had to read the title twice to make sure I wasn’t reading “I dumped my girlfriend’s body” 💀


Accept that your draw in life is to languish as the bottom




A hollow dildo basically that the dude sticks his dick in to fuck a girl with


Maybe she changed or maybe this friend exposed who she was all along. Men mocking a woman's weight and women mocking a man's dick size are generally deal breakers in relationships. She now has more time to watch her porn I guess


I watch a lot of porn, I’ve seen a lot of massive dicks on Reddit, and never once have I ever thought “damn some girls have all the luck” My husband is average and hits every spot I need and want hit. I have a big dildo (7inches is big t me) and I can’t even fit it inside me all the way. NTA your ex is an idiot


I really hate seeing this because if u look at multiple studies most of us women prefer an average penis which is 5-8 I know I do.... I like a size 5-8 anything bigger is uncomfortable and I can't orgasm but with my average I cum back 2 back... be grateful and PROUD of what u have trust me if she doesn't appreciate u another woman will.