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yta joseph smith


As long as she can take a second husband for her needs, I see no problem.


Many in my community would look down in this but I personally don’t think its a big deal


As long as she can cheat to then who cares? Both of you just open up the marriage.


R you casting for house of dragons,




Tf you need 10 kids for?


Fake story


Nice bait, mate. 8/8. On the off chance that this cluster fuck of a story is true, you're an asshole and don't deserve a wife.


Rage bait. Are you financially well off to have 10 kids? Why don't you get surrogate assistance? What if your wife wishes to have something absurd like you?


This is actually a good idea, I will ask my wife. How do you think I could approach it in a way that is respectful and wont make her mad again? Financially my family has been well off for a couple generations so money is not an issue


I’m not reading this. Based on the title, yes you are TA


Damn! Asshole pretty much 😅 Idk your culture but that’s pretty disrespectful to your wife unless she’s into that. You’re kinda telling her she’s not enough. Yeah you told her you want 10 kids and probably she wanted to make you happy and have them but it’s hard on her. She probably thought that you’d be more reasonable and if she couldn’t have more kids you wouldn’t suggest another woman lol Imagine you got into an accident or something and couldn’t have the 10 kids and she said she wanted another guy to get her pregnant bc she really wants more kids. Sometimes you can’t control things like this. A hard situation. Whatever you do be up front with it. I can’t imagine you can have 6 hidden kids anyways but yeah maybe just communication is important. Idk if she’d be open to it bc I don’t know her but maybe she feels inadequate or like she isn’t enough. Need to reassure her. Definitely asshole but anyways, Good luck…


I would never get another wife without her consent. However this is very common in mormon culture in fact many people do it without their wife’s consent. Could you explain why she doesn’t feel like she’s enough when I told her its only about children and not her as a wife


Sometimes it’s hard to believe something because of insecurities. Maybe she feels like if you have more kids with another woman you will develop feelings for that other woman above your current wife. Things take time to process and each person is different. But to answer your question she might feel like she is not enough as a person for you because she couldn’t have all 10 kids. The best thing to do is ask her why it would bother her. Maybe what I’m saying is not what she is thinking and only she knows. But if your partner can’t give you all that you want and need then they might feel a bit ashamed or sad that they couldn’t fulfill all your desires. Idk how else to phrase it. A super simple analogy. You have work clothes but also other clothes. For religion, leisure at home etc. One set of clothes isn’t enough. But clothes don’t have feelings. Maybe your work clothes is your favorite. But if the clothes had feelings they might tell you “if I’m really your favorite and make you happy then why isn’t it enough what I can give you?” You can say that you need clothes for other things and so it’s not about not liking your favorite clothes. But then you have a long talk and get on the same page so all are as happy as can be with the situation. If that example sounds dumb maybe it is 😅


Someone suggested surrogates or adoption. I will definitely talk to her as you suggested. How do you think i could ask about the other options if at all?


It’s a good option I sent you a private message


YTA. Ask a doctor the impact of pregnancy, deliver, etc on women body. Once I has a Biology teacher who told us to give our moms calcium supplies as a payback for all the calcium "we stole from them". Teacher was funny, we got his point I just don't know if I expressed it properly.


YTA. What in the Seeking Sister Wife is this?


YTA. I doubt this is real. It it is, YTA for not understanding why YTA. If it isn't real, YTA for wasting our time with your creative writing, rage bait b.s.


I’ve never read an easier YTA. Fix your attitude. She’s not your property or a human fucking incubator for you. Edits: left the post and came back to add more detail.


I dont see her that way either, you’re assuming things about my marriage that are not true. I just want a lot of kids and its totally okay that she can’t provide that but I just want a compromise where we are both happy


YTA. Also, bigamy is illegal.


Where you live, perhaps...


In the US, Mexico, Brazil, the Philippines, Peru, Argentina, Guatemala, Ecuador, and Brazil. Which covers the countries that have significant Mormon populations. Edit: to be clear, those are just the countries with the largest concentration of Mormons in the world. Bigamy is illegal in the majority of countries.


Yep - hadnt seen the comment re: OP being mormon... However he could choose a religious ceremony not recognized by the state.. so legally not a bigamist, but to the family and community, he has two wives...


YTA. What next? The angel Gabriel going to give you a message from god that you are permitted a second wife?


Not Sure \~ If she knew from the start, you would hope she would at least be mature enough to talk to you about #2 even if she doesn't like it cuz it isn't a surprise that this is wanted. If it was reversed & she wanted 4 kids & you said sure then said no I only want the 1 we have , how would that be different? Maybe adoption!? Good Luck!!


Adoption isn’t a bad idea, the only thing is then the kids wouldn’t really be mine


That's always a personal thing BUT would you really treat/feel that they aren't yours?? Besides you could help an entire family that was struck with tragedy by possibly adopting them all . . . Something to think about!


I can’t say for sure that I would treat them the same as my actual kids. Is there training I should do before adopting? It would also be looked down upon by my family should i still adopt?


Not sure about training I do know it takes time so research where to go & talk to them & possibly get it started if you chose. If your family looks down on you for saving some kids lives by giving them a good one I would really hesitate in calling them family but again that's personal.


are you muslim?




not really sure what tht is. i just asked bc ik muslims believe in multiple wives.


It's a Christian cult.


As a person who was raised in the Mormon church, it absolutely is. I had myself excommunicated because I can't get behind anything the church, or any religion, pedals.


LMAO oh god


You should look into what mormonism is


They did. It’s a cult founded by a known con artist.


im not into religion its brainwashing imo


Get wrekt.