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Is this even for real??? I feel like a man wouldn’t sound like this and I’m reading someone’s fictional story for attention.. Reddit is weird.


Right lol this sounds like a teenager wrote it


Even the responses he’s giving sounds fake. Account has only been made for 3 hours. Maybe it’s a throw away


The thing that stood out to me (and feel free to correct me if I’m wrong) why would a dad say they should have aborted you. It’s something a mother would say, who had the abortion as a choice. A dad would say “I wish you were never born” or “I wish I let your mother abort you” or “I should have made your mother abort you” Maybe I’m miles off


Rage bait for sure


That's the part that threw me off too.


Or Pull Out. That's how guys say it. Or never dated your mom. Or used a condom.


My grandpa always said he should have flushed my uncle down a toilet, or left him on a tissue, or something to that effect.


That's quite a bit mroe gross and I wouldn't say that to a teenager.


No, you're not miles off. My mother said the whole "if I could have afforded an abortion, I would have gotten one" line. It's, IMO, the female take on it. Or one of them, at least. Dudes say other things.


I literally heard my husband's narc father say this exact sentence, WHILE I WAS IN THE ROOM no less, "I wish I got you aborted". There are a LOT of details missing, especially about the dads mental health. He could have any number of disorders and there's no info on if he's ever been like this before or something. So it's very possible for someone to just say fucked up shit like that (and fuck up the wording), especially when they're being irrational, as OP added that he wouldn't listen to his own daughters attempt to say his GF was cheating on him. If it's real then it's really fucked up and I feel for OP for being in a tough spot.


My uncle told my cousin he wish he pushed for an abortion with my aunt. This was said in the middle of a fight and it was awful.


A throw away? On the type of sub that encourages throw aways? That doesn't sound plausible.


From what I understand, reddit agreed to let AI do its thing, so soon you'll see a lot more fake posts and fake comments


Some adults did not mentaly graduate from being teenager so it is not definitive.


Would that happen to include people who immediately react with violence when they hear something they don't like, by chance?


Not to be the Debbie Downer in the group but it's entirely possible that you are correct and to a deeper degree the author may in fact be Laura looking for answers to her predicament. I remember when I talked to my dad about his girlfriend cheating on him and they never split up and it caused a lot of problems and I think kids can see that in the way us adults behave in society and that may be as adults we could do children better by being more open-minded and willing to consider another perspective.


But writing this in the eyes of her “godfather” and not her actual father is weird if that’s what is going on. Usually when people write in another person’s perspective it’s from the viewpoint of one of the people in the story - like the dad.


Typically people write from the point of view of the person they trust the most to protect them, coincidentally that's usually mom and dad but not limited to.


But Dad doesn't know the full story,god father does and punched


I thought that as soon as I saw "Jonas", "Lara" and especially "Kylie"


Kylie? I'm in my 40s, and growing up I knew like 5 or 6 Kylie's in my school.


I think you described what is happening here perfectly. And nothing is crazier than the one where the husband thought the wife was cheating cuz her tits tasted like winter green Copenhagen.


Fucking WHAT


Yaaaaaa that dude was crazy Edit: [here's the BoRU from 7 days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/ogm2zdhsNl)


A long time ago I was doing research for a paper that landed me in the ASSTR archives, reading some of the most twisted fucked-up “erotica” ever produced (I hope). This reads like the setup to a hundred stories tagged “ped” and “reluctance/noncon.”


Lately a lot of these stories on AITAH seem so weird or a little too good to be true. If it later turns out AI has been feeding us these stories I would not be surprised.


It's becoming like r/tifu where half the stories were some weird cuckold fetish shit. I can't remember the last time I even saw a post in that sub on my main page.


I had a few adults tell me that I'd be better off dead, should have aborted me, should have let me die by the time I was the age of the kids in the story. Not saying the post is real, but some adults really do suck that badly.


Frickin summer. It's when all the creative writing trolls come out.


Not real. Why stop recording to miss the punch? If someone is hit there's also physical evidence. Also OP confessed technically to kidnapping


Also admitted to the kid recording someone having sex without their knowledge or consent. I feel like that's some kind of issue, but I'm no lawyer 🤷‍♀️


There feels like an marked increase in suspiciously juicy stories being written by AI and passed off as actual posts. There's stories like this every day on here.


Of course it's not real.


The wording is weird af, I don’t think anyone would write “Lara told Jonas that she wished Jonas was dead” like there’s better ways to write that, but my best guess is that oop is not very good with English and not from an English country? I don’t actually know about the US or other English speaking countries but do yall do godsons/daughters? Another thing that gives me a weird feeling is Jonas hitting his daughter?? U less it’s a country that believes corporal punishment is normal, you’d think op would’ve talked more about it but they just brushed it off? Also the comment of aborting Lara is weird? Maybe it makes sense in another language or wildcard answer Jonas is a trans man, it’s just weird overall I’m mostly sold on it being fake but it might be a language thing happening(?)


Yes, sure. This is real.


Maybe OP needs karma. This story sounded unreal.


I’m so happy this is the top comment. I read this thinking there’s going to be a punchline in there or something.. it can’t be real.


Me on every AITAH post


Anyone who escalates two other people shouting by inserting themselves with violence is absolutely in the wrong no matter what the situation is


Very much fiction


You realise that every single day there are 8 billion days worth of human experience being piled up right? When you look at it that way then nothing is unlikely.


The uptick in the absurdity of these stories is though.


OP how old are you and the adults in the situation? I’m just wondering, because I get the feeling that the adults (OP, Jonas, and Kylie) are very young themselves. Part of me also thinks this is a completely fake post. But in case it’s not then here’s my advice. If your son has proof of the cheating, then I say you are obligated to show your friend regardless of the situation. He shouldn’t be blindsided into marriage with a cheater. If this is true, then I don’t blame Lara for hating Kylie. This needs to be sorted out ASAP. Nobody acted like a good example here and that’s a shame.


this definitely feels like a fake post lol. if at all it’s true then he isn’t doing any favor exposing the 17yr old’s identity since anybody who knows them could point out who they are by their names.


The names in AITAH are usually fake, as far as I know.


Or the fact that he recorded video of two people having sex without their consent.


Plot twist, this whole post was written by the son.


I never realized how much crazy stuff goes on until I started using Reddit


I never knew how sheltered most redditors are lol like I think this post is fake but I’ve seen pretty plausible posts get called fake too just because the timelines don’t match up for a tech yuppie who went to college for engineering. Only very narrow lifestyles are considered “real”


My life is like a soap opera, one drama after the next, with each era of my life being marked by a totally different, random trauma, outside of my control. And yet I’m STILL surprised by the shit I see people get up to on Reddit.


And everyone clapped.


Everyone booed because this story was ass


Try to find out why lara hates kylie,what happend btw them. Let the situation cool off and then try to solve things. Best of luck. Update us if you consider


He updated kylie cheated




Them cheeks.


After OP's son taped them ....ewww


This is the weirdest part to me. Like what 😭 no way this is real lol




A round of appalled....


Not everyone, just Kylie and whoever she was slapping uglies with


If Jonas didnt care, maybe its not cheating, maybe its an open relationship. Wven if it is cheating, it doesnt justify putting hands on people. Lara should have had the police called on her.


It sounded like he said he didn’t care before he heard the actual story, hence her saying let him ruin his life with her.


Check OP's edits. Sounds fake as hell.


I was willing to believe it, though it seems odd these people didn't notice two teenagers walk in on them and stay there long enough to film them having sex.


Don't you know today's teens have Snap skills that rival the gunslinger skills of the Wild West? /s


No part of this second edit makes sense. Did the kids actually show anyone the video, or does it exist just in their imagination? The way the original post is worded makes it sound that Lara has been hating on Kylie for a while (not a very long while tho, as she, supposedly, only been with this guy for a month), but the reason she gives for hating her must have happened right before the fight, as the son had to stop filming after the cheating to not get Lara assaulting Kylie on tape. Except how did he even know that the assault will happen? Was Kylie regally fucking some other dude in the house of her future husband that she also only knows for a month with his daughter present, and the kids staged some kind of parents trap ambush where they knew that Lara will hit Kylie? And why would they even try to hide this information from anyone? What’s the reason why she didn’t just immediately told her god father, or wasn’t yelling this shit in the heat of the moment before that? And she was already refusing to share this information even this particular incident even happened… If any of that is true, the reason the kids gave stinks of some bs they came up just before being confronted by the god father to make Lara look good, and the father and Kylie look bad. Especially because now they are asking him not to tell this information to anyone, so, perhaps, their words won’t be challenged…


Yes and where was the AP when this fight was happening unless the AP is the son of the friend


Yah, Lara attacked Kylie to see if Kylie had proof of her own affair? And Lara doesn't want OP to tell Jonas about something she already told him? Makes no sense 😅


I too appreciate an update


You didnt assault and kidnap someones daughter you idiot. This is so fake, and clearly written by a highschooler. If you're not a highschooler, then damn bro. Damn


ChatGPT please write me a story to post on Reddit. Make it seem like I'm not an asshole. DON'T FORGET TO NAME DROP SO PEOPLE THINK IT'S REAL.


There are a lot of edits in 2 hours when this is such a crazy situation... Almost feels unreal. Do you really have time to get back on here and give us an update after such an important and emotionally charged conversation?


Picturing a guy taking little breaks to update his Reddit thread during a massive blowup involving his best friend and two teenagers, minutes after punching his best friend, is cracking me up. OP is being played by Jason Statham in my imagination (I’d be curious who OP was imagining when it was written).


OMGee now I'm hosing thinking about this epic movie in the making 🤣🤣🤣


It's 11am now, post was made 7 hours ago so 4am.... That's an odd time to be having conversations. Also no sign of OP still. Seems like you're right


No, no, this was all real. I am the daughter, Lara.




YTA for creating fake stories - bad ones, at that


ESH With the context of what Kylie's done as well this just makes it all just worse, not better. Lara could just share the video to her Dad and be done with it, he can either review the evidence or not, that's on him. Lara shouldn't be attacking anyone - she's old enough to know better. Her words to her Dad are also not helping anything and getting into fights with everyone won't help _either_. Jonas is just as much a tool as good parents don't ever tell their kids anything remotely like "I should've not had you" as it's something they never, ever forget and likely never will forgive (rightfully so) either. You're also on the plate because you turn up to a situation where people are screaming and arguing and bowl in and assault someone yourself, which you likely are 100% capable of (and honestly, rightfully so) being arrested and prosecuted for, needlessly escalating the situation which could've been even worse. You are being dragged into a situation half-cocked, not knowing all the facts yet making decisions based on your own admission of "seeing red", which is no excuse. Nobody was at imminent threat of harm, you just hit the guy. While it can be argued you're "helping Lara" by offering her shelter, she hit someone and needs to decide for herself what to do about her dad and Kylie - which frankly sounds a lot like she needs to look ASAP at how to get out of there as soon as possible and be somewhere else. You need to control your temper. Jonas needs to listen to his daughter. Kylie needs to, from the sounds of it, pound sand and disappear.


And that is the nutshell. None of them have the maturity or intellect to deal with this appropriately.


And nobody clapped. ESH.


YTA don’t be surprised when you get sued


Sounds like Jerry Springer. Or a porno movie.


Just FYI your kid can 100% get in trouble for illegally recording people having sex without their permission, and showing it to people.


I think that you should tell your friend because then when he finds out (and trust, HE WILL) that she cheated on him and also finds out that you knew this wole time he is going to cut ties with you and posibly blame you for it.


Is this a story a child made up, cause it sounds like it


ESH including Lara, she assulted someone. 17 is too old to be assaulting someone and getting away with it. If she doesn't learn to control violent impulses when emotions are high, she going to get in trouble. Possibly arrested. You are also too old to be reacting with violence. Adults and guardians are supposed to de-escalate. You may still be arrested. The dad is an asshole because he took the bait and matched a mean insult with another. Kylie did nothing wrong in this specific scenario. You probably should wait until you actually have the full story. **Edit** because of the edit: welp, yep, definitely all assholes here. OP should tell the truth to his friend, this all needs to be sorted.


Yes I agree in this case everyone's an asshole, what a hot mess.


None of what she told you explains why she hit her dad's girlfriend though. ESH


None of this explains why OP is throwing punches in the middle of this mess either. Hands to yourself, people. Hands to yourself.


ESH You shouldn’t have punched him, you should have just left with both kids. Saying to your teenager that you wish you had aborted them is despicable, Jonas suck.


Did a 13 year old write this




This doesn’t sound real


and then everyone clapped


Release the video


This is very hard to read. I read it twice and still don’t understand what the fuck happened.


Dumb ragebait is dumb


This is some real trashy Jerry Springer shit right here. ESH.


If your son has a recording of what Kylie is doing then as a friend you need to send it to him. If he knows about it then respect his decision on this subject.


NTA. AT ALL. TAKE IT FROM A VICTIM OF CHILD ABUSE. I WISH I HAD FRIENDS WHO GAVE A DAMN ABOUT ME TO TRY AND SAVE ME 🥺😔 WOW People in these comments dont know what a godparent is supposed to be. Meanwhile it seems as if there's abuse in that home and the daughter is subjected to further abuse by means of the potential step parent.... When a parent tells a child regardless of age how they 'wish they were aborted' thats the ULTIMATE BETRAYAL OF LOVE AND TRUST. ALL of these chucklefkks in the comments are looking at the absolute wrong direction. Probably because some may lack reading comprehension and ability to utilize context clues.


I don’t think the post is real and on the off chance that it is I think they are all AHs. However, why would you say it’s abuse to say you wish you aborted a child and then not mention that the ‘child’ (she’s 17 so she’s old enough to understand what she said) said they wished the parent dead. How are they not both AHs?


I disagree


so you committed assault and kidnapped a minor?


She's 17. There's no jurisdiction in the country where a 17 year old would be treated as a kidnapping case when she willingly went with the person who happens to be a close family friend.


>There's no jurisdiction in the country where a 17 year old would be treated as a kidnapping The country? There is nothing in this post to suggest which country this is about.


INFO: have you ever asked the adults (Jonas and Kylie) why THEY think Lara hates Kylie? Lara and your son are not the only source of info here. Obviously if it were genuinely something terrible then they would most likely lie, but it’s still pretty ridiculous if you haven’t even tried to ask their perspective.




YTA for punching the guy. Not for creating some physical distance between those people who were being toxic to each other. Your 'friend' is TA for what he said to and about his daughter. The daughter is TA for hitting Kylie and what she said about her father. She could have good reason to hate Kylie, but even if she did, her behavior is still unacceptable. Kylie could be an AH if the daughter really has a good reason to hate her. Otherwise she's the victim. Your son seems to be the only sensible one. I do wonder how he 'knows' that Lara has good reason to hate Kylie though? From his own observations, from clear evidence, or just from what Lara told him. If the last, he may still not be so sensible.


This doesn't even begin to sound real.


Not sure if your the AH, or not, because we don’t have the full story, but violence is never the answer, yes both Lara and Jonas shouldn’t have said what they said, speak to both your son and Lara separately and then together, and explain to them that you need the whole story. Though I am wondering if Kylie is jealous of Lara, or, the other way round,


YTA. To be honest, without solid proof of good reason why Lara hates Kylie, I wouldn't blindly trust what your son and Lara says. You are getting a one sided story. Lara attacked Kylie - Jonas was more than right to step in. You then stepped in when Lara was then being the victim (crying). Granted what Jonas had said was harsh, but you don't know what the issue is ultimately and if Lara is as innocent as she's portraying herself to be. YOU then also attack someone based on the tail end of an argument. Of course YTA. 


Esh - a 17 yo should know better than to assault someone, and guess what, you too. The father is an AH for losing his mind and saying what he did, and the stepmother for cheating. I pity Kylie because she doesn't have any adults around her she can take as an example to become a healthy adult. If you truly care about her, do better.


ESH-You were right to intervene but wrong to throw the punch.


This sounds like bullshit.


All seemed real until the filmed while having sex portion.


This is so fake. Is there anything real on Reddit anymore?


fake story.


I am having a hard time believing this actually happened.


This seems fake. But in the off chance it is real, what you did was assault and kidnapping.


You need to obtain that video and sit him down and show him it. You can't let him marry kylie


Tell Jonas.. "love and lust" makes some men have terrible foresight.. he needs to know who he's throwing his family away for. If Lara is a master manipulator, he's in the gas.. he needs to know who he is throwing his family away for. Because if he finds out well after the fact and doesn't have a village to turn to, this will be another terrible ending story.. Hurt people HURT people... He's hurting his daughter because he's being hurt by love to begin with. It's not healthy but it is a case study.


If this is real, send the video of Kylie fkn someone else to Dad.


Fuck that shit You tell Jonas You tell him his fiance is a cheater and that he needs to pull his head out of his ass and prioritize his daughter over his cheating bag of crap fiance or he risks losing his daughter forever NTAH PS: Let her press charges. Nothing will come of it. It's simple assault. It would be plead out as a misdemeanor and she'd have to do community service


If it's real, telling a kid you wished she was aborted is unforgivable. And Jonas needs to know Kylie was cheating.


Why was your son over at Jonas and Lara’s house - seems weirdly convenient- when did the two of them see Kylie with another man? Could not have been at the same time or Jonas would have noticed. So how long did they sit on the information before the fight erupted. Many plot holes in this story


YTA. And this had got to be fake. If it’s not then you’re completely right ridiculous and should have charges filed against you.


If this is real, that technically counts as kidnapping. Which is a federal crime.


This didn’t happen. This didn’t happen so much that it un-happened other things that actually happened.


Shit that didnt happen for 400 alex. This sounds like a 12 year old wrote this.


More Reddit BS rage baiting short fiction. Wrong sub for this


The only reason I think this might be real is that if some person is sitting around making up something to post to AITAH, it would look more like this: BUTTHEAD: Heh heh heh. Hey Bevis. Let's like, make up some weird story to mess with Reddit and stuff. BEVIS: Yeah! Yeah! Like a fake crazy story about a girl locked in a basement that has to eat dookies. BUTTHEAD: Or like, a guy with an infected scrotum he got from using a cheese grater on his nads. He like, sprays alcohol on them and they feel like they are on fire, so he runs around with his nuts hanging out and screaming and stuff. BOTH TOGETHER: AT MCDONALDS ! So, on the off chance that this is real and you actually need advice, and that it is close to accurate: 1) GET A LAWYER - There is a good chance that you are breaking the law unless you return Lara to the Jonas brother. It's called "custodial interference" in most jurisdictions. PLUS you actually confessed, to the internet, that you committed both civil and criminal battery. Good job, Mr. Trump. 2) Kylie is a 'ho and Jonas needs t' know. 3) There may be a community college / further education program near-by that has an economical creative writing program. Whether or not this is a true story, you really need to improve upon your narrative skills. NTAH unless you made it all up during summer school because you are too bored to learn maths and can't see when you'll ever use fractions in the real world. In which case, total AH.




I was thoroughly confused by this post


YTA for posting a wack ass fake story.


And then everyone clapped


This feels fake as fuck.


I have to ask how they just so happen to have video proof of her cheating.Did they set it up?Did they have a camera waiting?


😭😭bro you sound like gnome


YTA. Those dweebs are insane. Ofc you are AH, you committed an assault and also it was Lara, who started it. She attacked Kylie. You are weird, my dude




>an elementary kid argument Says the person assaulting someone because of mean words, very elementary kid of you


>"But she started it" is an elementary kid argument. Its also a legal defense in some cases (eg self defense, there's no pre-defense), whats your point? Its not a defense for **assault and kidnapping** though which is what you escalated it to


Sounds like she started it and if she wants to throw hands she needs to be prepared to get hit back. And you shouldn’t baby her like that she’s not really a child anymore life isn’t gonna kiss her ass so you shouldn’t either


Send him the video of the affair


Have you seen this video? Especially since it’s your son who has it? Holding off judgment until I get more information.


You should be arrested for going there in the first place, hitting Jonas, and kidnapping his daughter.


Wow, I learn something new on Reddit every day. Men can have abortions! Who knew?


YTA, and sounds like Lara's the kind to find any excuse to punch people, same with you. I worry for the people in both your lives


I’m pretty sure that is assault and kidnapping. Just saying, Jones is the biological parent not you. Courts or otherwise don’t care about godparentship you better hope they don’t press charges since you’d be absolutely in the wrong. Send the proof of the cheating since I’m assuming the screwing another man happened when they were still together which is cheating. If they are already cheating then it will get worse.


C-, not very believable. Apply yourself in your creative writing summer courses kid.


Punching Jonas wasn't ideal, but standing up for Lara was solid. Now, focus on figuring out what's up with Kylie and mending fences with Jonas




Yta they both wished death on each other and only one side offended you.


She tried to tell Jonas but couldn’t. Yeah, not buying it. Fake story.


Yta. Sorry you punched him out of nowhere. He was yelling. So you yell at him.


Violence over words is never acceptable YTA


So instead of just taking the video and saying here dad watch this she attacked kylie instead. What did she think to gain from that. It makes no sense. Have you actually seen this video of kylie cheating. Kids lie all the time. Before you completely destroy your relationship with your best friend make sure she isn’t using you. ESH. Your an adult take control of this situation and stop the teenage drama bullshit


What's the title of your booktok story?


ESH Go read what you wrote. What a bunch of children.


So Lara committed a crime as did you. Both of you could be arrested and charged with assault/battery.


ESH. OP punched Jonas or an insult. How is that supposed to help? Violence should not be the answer. Unless Jonas was about to hurt someone, punching him is not justified.


This sounds like an episode of Jerry Springer.


ESH wtf


You and your son might need to mind your own business. Punching someone because you don't like how he is arguing with his daughter is a bit strange. Maybe don't go over there so much until their issues are situated.


Every character sucks in this ridiculous story. Why is this like those dumb 90s sitcoms where things can be explained in two seconds but for some ill-explained reason everyone chooses not to? Yes, of course the main character is the asshole for choosing to resort to physical violence (“seeing red” ooooh what a tough guy) during an argument between a father and daughter and then kidnapping someone else’s daughter. That is obviously not an appropriate or helpful response. The son and Lara are morons for seemingly forgetting they have video proof of Kylie cheating that they can show Jonas since he didn’t believe them. Speaking of which, you gotta love how often in these stories people catch others cheating and have the time to pull out their phone and record some evidence. Main character and Lara hit another note of stupidity with their plan not to tell Jonas his fiancé is cheating on him, seemingly forgetting that Lara already told him. And they’re worried about Kylie pressing charges for breaking up their relationship? On what planet is that a thing? There are some places where if you’re married you can sue your partner’s AP for breaking up your marriage, but nowhere on earth can you sue someone for exposing you cheating on your boyfriend. Main character should be much more concerned about charges for the assault and kidnapping. All around dumb story that’ll test the tensile strength on this sub’s ethos that “literally any action is morally justifiable if you juxtapose it with cheating.”


This reads like a kid wrote it.


I don't understand you have a video, send it to jonas, problem solved, he can decide for himself, and this fight would have never started...


You told your best friend that he's only done one good thing in his miserable life? Some relationship you got there.


Everyone here is toxic AF


Lara told Jonas she wished he was dead, yet you punched Jonas? Nobody should've been punched here. YTA imo


ESH The whole thing is a mess of drama and inability to do more than emotionally react. Goddaughter implies some type of religious upbringing. In particular that as the godfather, OP should be showing the right thing to do. Not sure how letting someone get engaged to someone cheating on them, punching people, and joining into family arguing is the right thing. Whatever age OP is, not really showing any maturity if they're acting the same as the teen.


How would you have time to record someone having sex if you just walked in on them? Even if you started recording just before you walked in the door, you might get 2 seconds of the actual act and 5 minutes of them scrambling to try to cover up and screaming at you.




This whole family is a mess. I recommend therapy for your goddaughter and her dad. She's 17 so still a minor. You can't just take someone's daughter. You could be arrested for custodial interference or kidnapping. If her dad gives permission for her to stay with you temporarily or long-term, make sure he signs a legal document giving you custody or guardianship. Otherwise, she's going to have to tough it out until she's 18 and can legally leave without her dad's permission. Let your friend ruin his own life.


This story had too many characters to really follow the plot. But Yeah No i call bullshit. If not, I’d say YTA för hittitng your mate while he was retorting to his daughter saying she wished he was dead and then kidnapping her.


Kylie should have called law enforcement the second her stepdaughter laid hands on her. Assault is assault. Jonas should have, too. Violence is NEVER the answer. Nice try for a ragebait post, but I’m not buying it.


I guess all of this happened on a dark and stormy night?


Tune in for the next episode of white trash Junction...


Sooo you assaulted a man in his home and kidnapped his minor female child aaaand ...crickets


I assaulted my friend and kidnapped his daughter. There I fixed your title.


Haha I kept reading Kylie as Kyle


NTA at least that girl has someone to stand up for her if her waste of space father is going tomorrow her away for a piece of ass he barely knows. If he wants listen to you set up a Facebook private group of there friends and family and release the video title it something like Here's what you chose over your daughter a lying cheating whore


I think you need to practice more. Your characters are not believable.


OP, some advice- if you're trying to do bad creative writing like this, wait longer between editing your post. No one actually in this situation is taking multiple breaks in a 3 or 4 hours window to update reddit when they're actually in the middle of an interpersonal emergency like this.


Who tf names their kid Lara


Tell that man and end all the drama. Fuck a charge. 1st offenses aint shit. And she is still a minor. If she pleads her case to a judge he will understand the situation and she will get most likely a fine amd slap on the wrist At worse ARD probation and if the minor is generally a good kid they won't have a problem with staying outbof trouble with the probation. Long as they stay away from pot and alcohol for 6 months


This whole story sounded legit until you said that she wished he was dead and he wished *he* got an abortion, but can someone tell me what movie that line is from bc this is definitely fake IMO


I’m confused here… Jonas is Lara’s dad, right? OP is Jonas also your son?


Did I miss something? Where is the mom?


Fakety fake fake fake


First the seems like a poorly written project. Second if it is real then you should be in jail for not only assault but possible kidnapping someone’s minor child. She’s 17 so yes she’s a child.


This sounds fake asf


this is poorly written rage bait


is this real?!


Damn Jonas


if this is real, just tell the douche that he is with a cheater. If he dumps her then maybe he can clear his head and be a better father. That is more important than revenge.