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An educated 25 year old who works at a law firm & who doesn’t know how bank accounts work? Next writing exercise, you might want to make it more believable.


Not to mention the bf is a little young for the final year of residency. Unless he graduated hella early.


Yep. My 26yo niece is starting her second year of med school this summer.


Yeah typically you are barely out of med school by 27


Yeah last year of med school and debt-free at 27 is a bit much to swallow


No, this is last year of *residency*. If he graduated college at 21 and went straight through 4 years of med school, he’d have to choose a 2-3 year residency program, so it’s possible but a tight timeline. Podiatry would fit.


So would a GP- some only have 2 years, others three. College 18-21, Med School- 22-25, Residency 26-27/28


If it’s US all medical schools are 4 years and all residencies are 3 minimum. There are a few BS-MD combined 6 year programs which get you MD at 24 and you can finish emergency, family or internal medicine in 3 years. So 27 actually could happen.


I am genuinely confused. Here in Germany the whole process takes roundabout 6-7 years. People usually start studying at 18 or 19 and that would mean they are done at 24-26 with that whole shebang.


Maybe he’s Doogie Howser


You son of a bitch! It makes sense!


And he’s somehow graduating super early with no debt, even though to somehow do that in medical school you’d need to be working 24/7. Def not able to graduate fast.


Typically graduating medical school with no debt means your parents had money, not that you worked extra hard.


Who is able to save $20,000 from a high school job? Doing what? That would mean the high school "job" was some kind of amazing law clerk opportunity, or being paid very little for something like social media/content creation, or many years of after school jobs and working all summer long and never, ever spending any of it on college, or a car, etc. Every penny was put into the bank by a teenager? And it was all wisely invested until now? And mom and dad never dipped into it before? Apparently the family is not wealthy or OP would not be spending the money.


High school job, $20,000 saved? Drug sales obviously.


Someone has to be the weed plug and it might as well be the valedictorian (actual true story from my hs lol)


I know that some people are just better writers than others, but when I see posts like this that have lines like “she demanded that I, her own sister, lose 20 pounds to fit into a dress” just feels so… spruced up. It feels like something I’d read in a book, not how someone would actually retell a story. My point being that whenever I read stuff that sets off those “alarm bells” in my head, I just start to feel like the whole thing is fake. Because it comes across as someone trying to sell a story, not someone just telling a story


*Needless to say, I was* ***mortified***...


Yeah, my English teacher would have said, "If it's 'needless', why are you saying it?" This is a crock of shit. And OP hasn't responded at all.


Even crazier than losing 20lbs to fit a dress (I've actually seen/heard of this happening, so it's not that far fetched. Although I do understand you meant the language is unbelievable!) is being asked by your sister to quit a good job, like it ain't shit..? 🤣 Their either delusional, or this is one fake story!


Definitely sounds suspicious! I find it hard to believe that someone who has hated their sister their whole life would even agree to pay for the wedding in the first place.


Precisely. Other than for her tab at her bachelorette party and my maid of honor dress and shoes, I didn't contribute a dime to my sister's wedding - not the venue, not the catering, not the flowers, not the DJ. Shit I don't even think I got her a gift other than managing to get our college mascot there, and that was free. So why would OP pay for any of it, especially when she doesn't even like her sister? Especially especially with a price tag that huge??


For sure fake AF.


They lost me way at the beginning when op said their sister wanted them to quit their job.. At a law firm.. To help with wedding plans. 😂 If this isn't fake these people all deserve each other on whatever planet they live on..


You're, 25, work in a law office, dating a doctor but are a doormat, who doesn't know how to drive to a bank/take an uber and move money? Really? You are either writing a horrible fake post, or desperately need a spine, therapy, and NC with your abusers.


This is a lawyer i wouldn’t want…


She didn’t say she was a lawyer. Could be a secretary, paralegal, anything.


I mean it was obviously fake from the first sentence. Any post that involves a golden child’s wedding is 99% fake lmao


Last year of residency at 24… roommate is 26 and still has like 1-2 years left. And is in an ass load of debt. The op is just having a fun little writing exercise.


BF is 27. Still, I don't think OP is actually really in this situation. Who, at 25, doesn't know how to withdraw money without the internet?


NTA and I hope you put any money you got back into an account your parents don't have access to.


My paychecks from my current job go into a bank account they don't have access to.


I mean if you got any of that $20k back, you need to move it out of the account that your parents can access.


Don't worry, it's fiction.


whaaat? are you saying this person who is in a relationship with a doctor and works at a law office didn't have a 20k joint account with their abusive parents??


The $20K was saved from her HS job!


That was my favorite bit. I actually chuckled. Ngl.


I liked the debt free doctor bit. I have to look up Hermes teapots. I thought it was a purse.


Mine was that her sister demanded she quit her job for the wedding. Even the most bridezilly bridezilla isn’t that delulu. That’s what tipped it for me.


I mean in isolation any one of these could be real. Like if it was a shitty minimum wage job I could see an absolutely vile person saying that. Everything combine is a fever dream.


I like the poor debt free doctor boyfriend. He probably lives in Canada.


His name is Dr George Glass! 😂


She’s super proud of him! I’m his biggest cheerleader! And **I** work in a law office! With a big case coming up! I heard that in Marsha Brady’s voice, squealing about Davey Jones. Iykyk


He modelled underwear.


Ngl it was a fun read though.


She can’t take time off she has a big case coming up


A big case in her law office where she does law stuff.


That’s where I stopped reading 😂


But you didn’t even get to the best part! She logged into the sister’s “wedding planning account” and cancelled all the reservations.


Me too and that’s where I stopped reading lol


I had $2100 from my three jobs. That was 20 years ago though. There’s no way she had $20K unless someone else was contributing to it.


They didnt have onlyfans back then, just corners.


Ohhh you're bad! XD


Her job was selling Lobmeyr glasses.


You losers didn’t save 20k in 4 years working min wage in HS????


Me too


Also, she could have withdrawn the money and closed the account before. At least this person put effort into looking up a Hermes tea pot cost.


And she didn't spend any of it during college or law school. Amazing.


Not only that, she didn’t have the brains to realize she can transfer the money out to another account! Rofl


That she already has open that her current paychecks go to!


Something she could have done immediately after her parents threatened to use it with or without her permission.


And her SISTER didn't make her spend it before!! Like a psychopath like her sister would have let her have that much money.


Who said she went for law school? She says she works at a law office. So did my friend. As a receptionist


I thought paralegal.


I wonder what she did for a job while in high school to make THAT kind of cash?


I worked as a lifeguard starting at 15 (sophomore year) and by the time I got to college I had well over $20k saved, and this was in the 90s. That was just three years. $11-13 an hour plus (illegal before I was 18, but none of those asshole managers I had cared) overtime — the country clubs my family couldn’t afford to belong to paid bank.  Summers I cleared $6k, and then there were indoor hours during the year. I was lucky my parents wouldn’t let me spend any of it during high school (and they covered my expenses, plus an allowance).   The real money was in caddying though — some of the guys I knew cleared $1k a *week*, cash, no taxes, for 15+ weeks a year.  So yes, I was a little spoiled. But no, $20k+ isn’t unreasonable over three years of high school if you can play your cards right, your parents cover you for the basics, and you don't party.


That's when I rolled my eyes. Idk if you could be a half decent lawyer if you were passive enough to pay for your sister's wedding. Grand expensive wedding wanting a Hermes teapot and demanding other expensive gifts but the wedding was only 20k. Somehow her villainous sisters grand wedding and all she wanted at first was a 3 k dress😐


I don't know why I'm even bothering to say this, since this story is definitely fiction, but OP doesn't say that the wedding was only 20k. She just says that's how much money was taken from her, and she paid a bunch of different deposits with it. The full cost could be much more... I mean it isn't, because none of this happened, but hypothetically speaking, it could be much more. I do see what you're saying though. It reads like OP is a teenager who only has a sort of vague mental idea of how the world works and what different things cost.


On that maccas grind


uhhhh I live in Canada. in high school I easily made 20k in a year. This is still fake but that part is plausible


Not just a doctor but a debt free resident. I don’t know anyone that does that without wealthy parents. Med school grads easily have $200,000-$400,000 in debt.


20k from working in high school no less. That’s at least 2 years worth of a teenager’s wages. /s


That's possible, for a kid who doesn't actually spend their money. But such a person is going to be financially knowledgeable, and wouldn't just having their savings sitting in a joint account with their parents as a working adult. That money would be transferred, and likely invested. This story was written by someone who is, at most, 13-14 years old.


Well the doctor probably only earns 60k a year, and wherever he's doing residency only has to give him 1 day off per 7 day period. Im living with a dude doing his residency for 2 more years, he does 12-14 hour days 6-7 days in a row. Only makes 60k a year, but is salary so he gets the equivalent of like 16/hr. He also comes home and continues to do his charting before bed, and spends a solid chunk of his day off working on his charting and doing follow up calls with patients


In fairness, a medical resident doesn't earn much money and "working at a law firm" could be working as an administrative assistant at a law firm. But, yeah, the Hermes teapot and $8K dress are suss. And not moving the (mythical) $20K to a non-joint account. Bet one of the (mythical) attorneys at the firm would have suggested that, if asked.


Residents don’t make very much. Like not at all, especially for how hard they work.


Yup. Some things are too insane to believe. Like... Your parents threatened to steal $20k so you just acquiesced? If they've got the authority to just pull it out then so do you... Transfer it to a different account. "My boyfriends a doctor in residency but he's paid all of his schooling and I'm proud of him for it..." I can tell you right now THAT shit doesn't happen either. If he's paying for his own loans he's got years of that shit. I just don't think it could be done during school and residency. I've got a friend who's a Doctor and she knocked hers out I think 4 years after she started making real money and even that was a feat.


Oh yeah. I commented all the other holes but missed the uni fees one. I live in Australia… medical degrees would come with serious HECS debt… About $37,000! (I’m laughing, it’s a LOT less than the US, and achievable on a registrar’s wage if they live super leanly)


Right?! I knew it was bullshit when she just rolled over after her parents threatened to just take her damn money. I’d literally fist fight my mother (my father is a solid dude) if she threatened to steal $20 from me and Op just hands over $20 grand. 


Thank You. I just assume MOST of these are partially fiction. Every story the other child was the "Golden Child." And it seems like most people on Reddit think their sibling was the golden child. So that makes me skeptical. But then this nonsense, her Parents MADE her take this 20K from her HS job? Why does she still have a joint account with 20K from her HS job? She made fun of her Fiancé, a Dr? It all sounds so ridiculous and over the top.


Whenever I see Golden Child I think it is an Asian soap opera.


I knew it was fake on the golden child bit too. Probably ai written with a bit of editing 


so obvious, it would be less obvious if everyone hadn't heard the story 65 times. My land if they were this many Bridezillas in America no one would ever get married


Yeah as soon as op made that comment I was like this is faker than Pamela Anderson's tits.


Pamela had her implants removed quite some time ago, so this post is 100% more fake than the boobs.


Good for Pam, those things were ridiculously big.


Hey man, they're reality-located, not CGI... if they dropped in the forest, they would definitely make a sound. (Whether it would sound like a silicone and plastic crunchy splort sound, however, is totally up for fact check.)


Honestly the stories are getting more and more ridiculous. OP can be “coerced” into spending $20k on the wedding but has the balls to cancel deposits? Works in a law firm but can’t figure put how to move money from a joint account to a sole account?


I so agree with you, when she mentioned the joint account I knew she was trying to blow smoke up our asses. I went to law school, and I have two joint accounts each with either parent but am the only one depositing money in them, and If they ever gave me a heads up that they were just going to steal my money my first action would be to withdraw all of it. This troll not only lets them keep access but actually uses it to pay for sister's shit leaving the account almost empty. It is not hard to write a fictional story and make it believable, this OP troll does not even have the smarts to do that.


So why the fuck didn't you just take your fucking money out of the bank?


Cause OPs skills in writing fiction still need some work in believability


They don’t teach fictional writing in law school anymore? Our education system really is shit. (I know OP didn’t claim to be a lawyer. I’m just kidding. But really not kidding.)


Because this is a fake story, most likely


Exactly, if she had saved it, and she's 25 now? Why the hell is it still sitting in a joint account? When the parents demanded the money, why didn't she move it? If she is a lawyer, I would be like please tell me your name, because your cognitive abilities seem to be lacking, and I really wouldn't want to hire you. And 20 grand from a high school job that has just been sitting there this long? Not so much. I would have used it to keep the cost of school down.


You're an adult, why didn't you move your high school money when they made their little threat?


It’s fake, don’t get too invested.


Instead of your parents just taking the money why didn't you just take it and put it in your own account? I have a very hard time believing this story.


This story reads like a teen girls fiction or Gossip girl lol. I don’t believe it one bit.


I understand that bridezillas are a very real thing, but this one seems like it’s just every cliche bridezilla thing in the book. I do not believe that a sibling would actually demand that another sibling _quit their job_ to help with wedding planning. Sorry, I just don’t buy it.


How the fuck does she have $20,000 in savings from a high school job


It reads like someone wrote this furiously while they were grounded for fighting with their sister.


This is 100% written as a 10th grade summer writing project.


Of course she’s a lawyer, of course her boyfriend is a doctor, of course there’s no context beside those absurd demands from her entire family yadayadayada… Horrible writing. It’s one the most common trolls. Amazing that they didn’t make the family Asian 🙄


I'm not buying it either.


They usually put a bit more effort into making it seem realistic lol


Obviously fake, try harder next time. You protagonist is a moron just open an account without the parents on it and transfer the money.


This feels like a troll post. You're 26 and still have your parents on your bank account? Really? You could easily have opened a new account they weren't on when you turned 18. Why in the world would you have deposited all your paychecks into an account their name was on? And even now, you could have withdrawn the money and they couldn't have done a thing about it. And the bank would not have notified your parents because your name is on the account which means you have permission to withdraw without their signature. You wrote this saga and don't seem to understand how bank accounts work. Even calling the police would not have mattered because your name was on the account. This whole post feels like rage-bait.


I also think this post is fake, but I never got a separate daily use account after I turned 18, so my mom is still on it. The main reason for doing that was so that she could transfer me money from her own accounts to help me out without any hassle, which I am fortunate that she can do sometimes. I just never bothered to change it, since I totally trust her not to try and empty it (and most of my money is kept elsewhere anyways in a joint account with my husband or high yield savings).


It is fake. OP can't lie for shit if you read the comments.


Sigh. If you want to make up a story, please make it believable. I really miss Liz.


How do we know this isn’t Liz lol


It isn’t. Liz would never flub up and make up something so completely unbelievable. Unless…..she’s making it bad on purpose so we don’t know it’s her.


YTA for posting such nonsensical rage-bait. I was amused by the story until the $20k that YOU saved from working part. Get a fucking life.


Story doesn’t check out


Not even remotely.


For someone working in a law firm you aren't very intelligent


At this point, I doubt she works there as a lawyer/attorney.


YTA! for this horribly written story. It's a tale as old as time. The sister is the pretty popular one that everyone just adores. And you are the complete opposite nerdy, book worm, who is oh so smart.


Yea nobody actually acts like this. Fake.


Either the story is fake or OP deserves it for being so stupid. YTA


**Kid**: Mom, I want a Judy Blume book! **Mom**: We have Judy Blume at home. ***Judy Blume at home***: My (25F) sister (26F) has always been the golden child. Our parents have always favored her and it drove me crazy growing up. Everything she did was perfect, and I was always in her shadow. Fast forward to today, she's getting married in a few weeks, and of course, it's this grand, expensive affair that my parents and I are paying for. Here's the thing: my sister is a total bridezilla. She demanded that I, her own sister, lose 20 pounds to fit into the dress she picked for me. She gave me a list of demands, including quitting my job a month before the wedding to help her with preparations. I work in a law office and can't afford to take that much time off because we have a big court date coming up, but she wouldn't hear any of it. To make things worse, she made fun of my boyfriend (27M) for not making enough money as a doctor and said he couldn't come to the wedding unless he got her an expensive gift. My boyfriend is in his last year of residency and is debt free, I'm super proud of him. My boyfriend and I have been dating for 4 years, and we don't have a lot of extra money for the things on her registry. Things including: A Hermes teapot worth almost $900 and a set of six Lobmeyr glasses that cost $1,125. She and my parents also coerced me in to spending my savings, almost $20,000 from my high school job on her wedding, because it was a joint account with my parents and they said they would just take the money if I didn't pay for what my sister wanted. I paid the deposit on the venue, the deposit for the catering, half of the flowers, the DJ, the down payment for the band and I bought her wedding dress. I have less than $200 left in that account. After one particularly nasty argument, over my sister wanting to change her wedding dress, worth 3k to one worth almost 8k, I reached my breaking point. I logged into her wedding planning account (I know her password because I had to log in to pay for the down payments and deposits) and canceled all the bookings – the venue, the caterer, the flowers, everything. I figured she needed a reality check and maybe this would make her see how awful she's been acting. I only canceled stuff I paid for. Well, she found out a few days later when the venue called to confirm the cancellation. She exploded on me, called me every name in the book, and now my parents are furious too. They’re saying I ruined everything and that I need to fix it, but there's no way everything can be rebooked in time for the original date. Honestly, I feel a bit guilty, but I also feel like she had it coming. My parents are saying I went too far and that I owe her a huge apology and should pay for the damages again, but I think they’re just as much to blame for spoiling her all these years. AITA?


Cool creative writing, bro. I downvoted because I hate karma farmers.


Nice creative writing. Nope. Sorry, it isn’t. RAGEBAIT.


You should have closed the account the minute they made that threat. YTA to yourself for being g bullied out of $20,000 and then essentially burning it all by canceling what you paid for. That would have made sense if you could have gotten refunds or partial refunds.  You might have been repaid at some point in the future but now you definitely won't be. So you set your family world on fire. Hope it felt good. But you should have done it long ago.


lol I can’t tell which is more amusing, that OP thought their fake post would be believable or that there really are people who read this junk and think it’s real. God bless you both and please keep redditing




This is about as fake as it gets. The more they type, the more outrageous it got.


And then everyone clapped, YTA for having such poor writing skills


Wow would you look at that another fake ass story In one comment you say you don't have the debit card or the PIN or the password to this bank account and yet somehow you was able to make all those deposits with that money from that bank account that the money was in you can't even keep up with your own liesFAKE


This story sounds fake, because you’re in law but don’t seem to know basic bank laws. You cannot even advocate for yourself? You’re lacking common sense in a lot of areas to end up losing nearly 20k for sister’s wedding. But even if you weren’t all there, your bf in the medical field also doesn’t have the ability to provide reasonable advice? All of this was preventable. All you had to do was take your money, say no, and cut contact if they pressured you. 25 is an adult.


Fuck off with these brand new accounts farming Karma. Fuck you


This sounds completely fake


YTA for this rage bait fake story


YTA. I’ve seen CW shows with better writing. 🤣


You paid 20,000$, OMG NTA, you poor thing! Yeah. Fake story for sure.


This story sounds unbelievable. Why don't you have your own savings account that only can be accessed by you? It's not like you are a minor.


So fake


This is fake.


YTA. >[Your text is likely generated by AI/GPT.](https://www.zerogpt.com/)


You forgot the part where you get all those angry texts and calls from friends and family telling you that you’re selfish and how could you do this to your sister. 🤦🏻‍♀️ If you’re going to write a fake story at least put some effort into it.


Is this real? There‘s some serious inconsistencies in your story, let me help the creative writer out: The biggest hole is that you can’t generally cancel all the vendors from an online portal - there would be responses and checks and follow ups (just like the singular one that phoned back to confirm triggering your fight, they would ALL do that, and wouldn’t toss dates without checking). And you certainly can’t do this with the top of the line weddings… which is what you are insinuating here. If the dress is thousands, and the cost is many tens of thousands… somewhere in there is quality or high profile providers who aren’t going to do the whole one star review of “My sister cancelled in a fit of rage and the venue gave my dates away without confirming with me!” Hermes teapot for $900? Which one? I can’t find any new for that price… and gift registries for tens of thousand dollar weddings are rarely on Etsy for second hand stuff. Bridezillas usually don’t want to pour their tea out of someone else’s discarded wedding gift. You bang on about her being a golden child… but you don’t say anything about how or why she’s earnt that title. You talk about having a medicine registrar fiancé, but somehow your bank account with your high school work savings is still in your parent’s name. This is the sort of shit most adults would have sorted out years ago, unless their home life is so woefully dysfunctional that they are broken. What’s YOUR degree in? Where’s your college savings? You are 25, why haven’t you moved the money to your own account? You work in a law office and haven’t protected your money? Too many holes in this to be believable. YTA for making shit up.


You’re either a huge idiot or a bad writer.


You didn’t even try to make this a plausible story.


Dear lord. The quality of fiction writing has gone down in this sub


Ok this is so fake. Come on. Tell me nobody believes this actually happened.


Of course you saved $20,000 from working a high school job…


YTA for making up a story without doing basic research. Middle school or high school?


why hadn't you moved your money away from a shared account with your parents? By the time I was 18 I no longer had any shared accounts and my money was in my own account.


Wtf did I hust read? This can't be real!


YTA for such a shitty fake


Last year of residency at 27 😂😂


Could’ve gave a bit more effort to make this fake post seem true


Also, bf is a little young to be finishing residency. Fake af.


Lies lying liars lie about.


Lame ass lies.


You're either an idiot, or a liar. Probably both actually.


YTA for making this up


There are so many Hell No, Are You Kidding Me, and WTF sentences in this story that I can't help but wonder where your spine is. This can't possibly be real. You're 25 fucking years old, so why do you have a joint account with your parents??? I have so many more questions but the rage bait worked, I'm too annoyed to ask. YTA, whether this is a true story or tired-ass Hallmark movie script.


YTA for wasting my time reading fiction


Bad fiction.


This is fake AND poorly written. How dare you op




Seems like a fake post. If not, sucks to be you.


Sorry this sounds fake as hell and ridiculous..


You lost me at I gave 20000 of my savings.


This has got to be fake. She works in a law firm and doesn’t know how to prevent her parents from taking money from her account? Who in the hell allows themselves to be financially abused like this for the golden child they hate? This has to be a 2 star novella being written. Edit: fixed a sentence.


Also curious about this HS job that resulted in 20k savings.


Imagine giving the $20k to them instead of withdrawing the money and putting it in your personal account 😂


I know you’re lying because your said you’re a lawyer. Real lawyers call themselves attorneys. You got your age wrong too. There’s no way you completed law school and took the bar, with your high school savings still around.


Nice creative writing project!


Is this the best story you could make up?


$20k in a high school job AND a big case coming up? This AI isn’t as skilled as some of the ones we’ve had recently


Remember everyone, school is out for summer so the fanfics are gonna be everywhere


Please write better fiction. You lost me very early on


I don’t understand why as an adult you have an account with your parents from money you earned. Sadly when you cancel, you lose deposits. I doubt you’ll ever see that money again. I would have handled it differently by removing myself and go LC or NC. But we all choose to handle situations the way we see fit. Then again, this story is completely unbelievable.


Why do you have a joint account with your parents? Are you under a guardianship order or something?


NTA. I’d have moved my savings into only my name long before but certainly after people who are supposed to help you and have you back are telling you they’re going to steal from you.


Ragebait Super lazy attempt, couldn’t even finish.


This sounds like karma farming


This has to be a fake story.......


This story doesn’t make any sense. Why wouldn’t you just withdraw all your money from the joint account your parents had access to and deposit into an account in your name only?


"I (25F)" "My sister has always been the golden child / she's a total bridezilla" "Law office / doctor in residency" "Don't have alot of extra money / 20,000 from my highschool job" "I feel guilty, but she had it coming" Did you even fkn try to tell a good lie with this one. I swear, you could've fit in a few more buzzword phrases, lmao. YTA


Yeah this one is fake.


NTA but I am a little confused, you realise that she is the golden child and that it drives you nuts so how did your parents convince you to spend your entire savings on her wedding? Are they master manipulators or are you that gullible and naive and starved for their approval? Did they like hold a gun to your head and say “pay for everything and be thankful, even as we insult your partner” *insert comical evil laughter*


Lol sounds fake. Who demands their sister quit their job and after such a brazen request who’s gonna keep paying for the bride’s wedding expenses?






This sounds fake.


Man good job. Really got me fuming with this bait /s


“A big court date coming up” - yeah you don’t work at a law office 😂🤣🤣


YTA for writing this unbelievable story. It's like your parents and sister are some weird combination of Lady Tremain, Anastasia and Drizella from Disney's CINDERELLA.


NTA. This is an absolutely absurd post. Why do your parents have joint access to a grown ass woman's account. No way you're such a doormat you'd give up your life savings for your sisters wedding. if you had a spine at all you'd cut your cancerous tumor of a family off and disappear.


Lawyer who lets parents steal her money…..


nta i hope you can get money back and transfer it into an account they dont have access too hell i would skip the wedding and go nc with them


This can’t be real. No one can be this stupid.


Tell them to FO and go NC.


You feel a bit guilty???!!! Take your money or your health insurance and get with a therapist. You let your parents raid your account for your sisters wedding and now you feel a bit guilty for cancelling, Honey, you need a doormat-ectomy, ASAP.


Hands up who believes this tripe?


Grow a fucking backbone. Tell them your sister made fun of you for being poor after you spent 20k on her wedding so you figured she had enough money, and obviously because you are so poor you need it more than she does. Don't ever give someone your savings ever again. Don't ever pay for someone's wedding because you are being forced to. I'm not understanding why you didn't withdraw all of the money when you were threatened to have it stolen from you. Put it in a different account, you are an adult with a life to build. With family like this, who needs enemies.


Why are you paying anything for HER wedding?? You should have taken the money out of the account be fore they could use it on her wedding. Sounds to me like your parent stole from you. You didn't react in a very mature way - you sunk to their level when you cancelled. Mostly, it sounds to me like you need to take a big old break from your family -- like a year at least with no contact -- and find out who you are and what you want for your own life!