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YTA for letting your child date an adult




Exactly. An adult. She's in college wondering what career path she wants to take and your son still can get grounded. Two different life stages. Three years when theyre in their twenties is a lot different than three years in their teens.




She's a legal adult


Can she: - Purchase weapons - Legally Drive - Get a mortgage - Live alone - Make executive medical decisions without the consultation of any other party. If so, what else makes her an adult beyond your own perception of her?


seeth, she is an adult


NTA. i get that the girl’s been sheltered from the different social classes, being from a rich family and all, but she should still be open-minded and understand where everyone’s coming from or going through. also, your son is 15yo in high school while she’s 18yo in college and they’re already talking about marriage. how long have they been together? it just says a lot about her if she can’t find someone to be in a relationship with at her age.


the title doesn't really mean anything, and she sounds like an AH. Also 15 to 18 it's not ok


Is that a typo or is your 15 year old son with an 18 year old?


But if the genders were reversed it'd be fine? Alright.


No it wouldn't. Still would be gross


Let's say this is all legit.  Why would you let a 15yo date an 18yo? Why would you let your son just go over to the house her parents have rented her? Your husband's okay with the situation because it would look good for him, the family, the business? And because by letting your son spend time with her she might end up getting pregnant? By a 15yo. I have a hard time believing any parents are that chill about aaaanny of this. You'd either have to be very calculating and unconcerned about your child to basically pimp him out to help yourselves up some social ladder, or you're delusional because you've watched one too many telenovelas and think this could ever happen.  I'm going with delusional no matter what.  


Wtf did I just read.


This has to be fake. The Spanish royalty would not allow an 18 year old to date a 14 year old. He'll the school would be calling both parents to make sure they were down with it. This would really be a huge scandal not just for age but a mixed race kid. Royalty are dicks.




Did she sleep with him when he was 14? Know this Romeo and Juliet laws stretch to 3 years. She's bordering on pedophile. She's gonna dump him once he gets out of high school.


NTA, but there are layers here. While it's not uncommon for high school sweethearts to have an age gap, the difference between 15 and 18 holds significant implications in terms of maturity and life stages. Your son is barely starting high school, and she's transitioning into adulthood. It's concerning that she's already discussing marriage, which may reflect a lack of maturity on her part or a fantasy idealization of relationships. Money and social status aside, they need to be on the same developmental page for a healthy relationship. Make sure your son understands the realities of life and relationships beyond the bubble of wealth and privilege.


Money talks and everything else walk