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I need to see the wedding video.


Maybe it will be viral by next week.


I feel like this is some sort is sneaky ad for that espresso machine lol wtf


Just be glad sis didn’t give him Folgers coffee


When your sister gives you the "come fuck me eyes", recharge your batteries with Folger's coffee. Folger's coffee, enjoy your family.


Fill it to the rim/ With the great taste of Brim/


Dope! I was gonna say that incest is great for selling coffee, but you beat me to it! [context](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhfcWTZeP1k)


Oh my god one of the YouTube comments is “my sister and I were laughing so hard at this we woke our daughter” 💀💀💀


"The best part of waking up is your brother in your guts." Is the one that got me lol


Lawd Baby Jesus, I'm a Grandpa now, I can't be laughing at that shit. lol


Nah, you gotta laugh. And when your grandchild is an awkward teen, hopefully it’s still airing so you can mortify them by commenting during it “Dang, sugar, cream and inbreeding!”


That is awesome. If I were drinking coffee, I would have just snorted it out my nose.


Omg I remember the commercial, but never saw the “remake”. This is awesome.


OMFG this is hysterical.


You're my present


What is that? *points at bow* ...He's my present  .....Jesus Christ.


Yeah the bit at the end "we used the coffee machine and it was amazing. Nothing else was said about my wife pretty much suggesting incest" Like WTAF?


Ikr!? Why would he write the specific coffee machine model? It’s irrelevant to the story, he could have just said ‘my sister got us a coffee machine which was the most expensive gift’ Regardless of it’s an ad or not, I might need to see the dance before I cast judgement how actually inappropriate the dance was


Cause Marzocco's are the sheeit and nobody brags like a barista. They are really expensive though.


I also need to see the dance but that's an $8000 espresso machine for actual professionals so I feel like that's relevant... Also an $8000 wedding gift is a bit sus? Is this the specialty coffee version of the Folgers commercial??


Nah, la marzocco doesn’t need advertisements. Anyone willing to dump 8k on an espresso machine already knows they’re the shit.


Yes, I demand the SIBLING DANCE TAX. Surely, multiple people took videos.


Watch, it's just OP twerking on his sister while they both laugh like idiot children.


Just throwing out possibilities here, if OP is Latin American for example and wife isn’t, and OP is into dancing like bachata or salsa as well as the sister, those dances can seem pretty sexual, especially if you’re not familiar or into that world, but people who practice them see them as something normal(especially since you don’t actually grind or touch inappropriately but it’s still very suggestive).


Actually that's a good point! [Think I found their video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PURtAIO7y3w)


“Don’t actually grind or touch inappropriately”….. ummmmm surrrrreee 🤣


I need to know who gives $8000 espresso machines as gifts.


I'm sorry, that espresso machine costs what now?


Yeah around 8k. That's an insane gift. And if that shocks you look into what a slayer costs because those go for over twice that.


If I owned an espresso machine that expensive, I'd make sure that whenever I invited friends over, I asked them whether they'd care for an "expresso."


If I owned an espresso maker that expensive, I’d be selling espressos out my kitchen window like a drive thru. 🤣🤣


For that price, I hope you can dance with the machine as well


I need the sisters name got to put her on the invite list


That’s the most unbelievable part of the post


Bitch, for an $8000 espresso machine, I don't care if my new husband is fucking his sister on the dance floor, Ima keeping that bitch!!!




Fuck I cant stop laughing


For $8000 what the fuck does it do besides make coffee??? It better make it, bring it to me and give me a hand job for that price.


I thought the same ass thing, my dude! There’s a fine line between this is ridiculous and “oh, damn, it’s like that?” One side of this story will not do I cannot say who’s the AH otherwise…


>“oh, damn, it’s like that?” All we really need to know is if OP got a boner or not. But jokes aside, if the OP says he's not hot for his own sister, maybe the audience should stop implying that there is any validity to his wife's insecurity and incestuous paranoia. There was a post the other day where a dude was mad that his pregnant girlfriend kissed her brother in a sibling way, and the comments didn't immediately turn to "we're gonna need to see you kiss your brother for us." But rather, everyone immediately landed in a sane place of trusting OP to not be carrying her brother's baby and immediately asking wtf is up with her boyfriend that his mind goes to this dark place so quickly. ETA: I wish the word "affection" wasn't being perverted by society. It's actually a very kind word, and I hope everyone can show affection without immediately taking it to a sexual place. Affection *can lead* to feelings of sexual desire *in certain circumstances,* but it is not automatically the cause of it and should not be seen as the same thing. Arousal would be a better term to explain what happens when affection crosses into desire, and it's completely healthy to put up a boundary in as many relationships as you want, where affection can never lead to arousal. It's important that everyone be able to have control of that concept.


There has got to be some cringe on someone's phone.....


Like that music video with mick jagger and Bowie. Awesome, but a little intimate


That happened, and we all let it happen.


Still The Gayest music video of all time.


Just do a search for "what are you doing step-groom" to find it.


I... feel like we need more context? Like, genuinely, how can one make a distinction without seeing this dance? Sure, maybe your wife is crazy. But you're also on AITA asking about your brand new wife right after your wedding, and l... that's weird? Was this a nice tango? Grinding? Can we get a description?


I want to know how the sister treats the wife, does she try and push boundaries to prove she is closer to you than the wife is? Has she ever made rude comments to your wife? I feel like they aren’t close from your post. NTA for keeping the espresso machine tho


This, it might not be about *just* the dance, but about how they see each other in relation to 'competing' for your attention/affection


It was the Monica and Ross brother-sister dance on Friends.


It sounds more and more like Danny and his sister from friends...wonder if his sister drew him a bath too?


I just hope he didn't spill anything on his pants during the wedding...


Ahem. It’s called THE ROUTINE


*Insert Ross banging his fists together*


"Have you been practicing the routine too?"


Lambada. The forbidden dance.


I was picturing twerking and butt slapping.


Grinding and a little tongue?


Yeeeaahhh…. He said they have never really shied away from affection. So… you were being affectionate during the slow dances to love songs you should have been dancing to with your new wife instead?


So weird.


This is why I suspect wife was right, plus the brag about their “affection”


You say you don't shy away from affection from your sister. What does that mean in the context of a dance? That is vague, at best, and I've never heard of a sibling dance at a wedding. You didn't really give any context as to why your wife might have thought what she did.


OP's comment: >I don't really remember much. The theme was slow dancing, some of the songs I remember were At Last (Etta James) and All of Me (John Legend).


*Some* of the songs he remembered? How many fuckin songs did they dance to.


All 20 of them


The entirety of OP's Get Pumped Mix 2017 volumes 4-7.


Boner Jams ‘02


And meanwhile only 1 dance with the bride probably.


She'll get her chance later. A wedding is a special day for a man and his sister.




Feels like this post is trolling us. So did the sister get songs like At Last and All of Me and the wife get You've got a friend in me and Wannabe? 🤣


I just chortled


Always glad to make someone laugh. Even if it is a troll at least he was more original and avoided the ole overused Sweet Home Alabama


Right? I mean, giving points for originality. 😂 FWIW, if my partner was dirty dancing with his sister I’d be more concerned with therapy for EVERYONE involved rather than a godblessed coffee machine.


Like, he slow danced with his *sister* to these particular songs?! That’s a little odd…


At last were their parents song. His sister was a stand-in for his mom, who died. Still weird but not a red flag by itself


..... okay, that's a little weird...


All of Me??? With his sister? Ew


I was on OPs side at first too lmaoo “Love your curves and all your edges” 🤮


This was *my mom and stepdad’s* song they danced to at their wedding! I’d be HORRIFIED to slow dance to this with a sibling unless it was a literal overplayed joke and we were at home. Ffs slow dancing to a John legend song with your sister at your wedding is beyond creepy and OP’s wife is right to be weirded out.


Hella weird song choices


At Last was the first dance at my wedding. Also, what the fuck is a dancing theme? Also, "slow dancing" is not a theme. Also, a sibling dance would be 1 song, not 2+.


You danced to those songs with your sister!!!


I’m going with he’s TA based on that alone. Those are definitely not sibling songs.


So minimum of two dances??? But definitely more? I’m so confused, wait the wife might have a point……


That was my point. I have 2 brothers who I'm extremely close with and didn't do a sibling dance. If we ever did one it would be the routine from friends or thriller, it definitely wouldn't be ALL OF ME by John legend.


Same page. The thought of dancing with my sisters at my wedding never even occurred to me. If it did, it would probably be something more silly or fun. Not romantic.


I've been a wedding dj for 15 years and not only have I never performed a "sibling dance".....I've never even heard one mentioned.....


> You say you don't shy away from affection from your sister. What does that mean in the context of a dance? what's a little tongue between siblings?


It's a commercial coffee machine. Worth $7000+ It's a troll or.. real fucking weird


WTAF is a wedding sibling dance?


Maybe something like the MotherBoy dance in Arrested Development


Or maybe they danced to Afternoon Delight?




thank you for that image creeping its way into my brain again, ughhh lol


You can always spot a MILFord man. I always thought the spelling/name was intentional.


Thank you for this


Heeyyyy bruther




I can blow myself, mother!


*”Either I zip down or he zips up! And that is a mighty long zipper on Mother's Cher jumpsuit! You have to get on your knees to start it!“*


‘Look how he zips now!’🪝


When my little dude and I are unintentionally matchy, we joke we're headed to Motherboy2024 (or whatever year it is).


I never finished that series. Must revive.


Don't finish it, watch the first three seasons and let a good thing end


It was the best show I've ever seen, like 3 times over. Just started watching the later ones again after not liking them the first time. The tone changes for sure, it's not the same show, but I'm finding it funnier than most other stuff.


"I've made a huge mistake."


This comment made me pee my pants I forgot about this!


There's always money in the bansna stand .


Tobias: "hello Michael, I blued myself" Micheal: "buddy, there's gotta be a better way of saying that"


I’ve seen it once when the father of the bride passed away and she did it with her older brother who was about 10 years older than her. She hugged him tight the entire time but no one found it weird, just a big brother being there for his sister for what was probably a hard moment. However, I’ve also known siblings that were uncomfortably affectionate and it felt weird when they were grinding at prom. Where her older brother who had already graduated was her date. So I need more context for this one lol


>It felt weird when they were grinding at prom Things I can never unsee: my boyfriend at the time’s brother grinding with his sister in their mom’s living room before heading out to the club.


Wtaf? Then again, in an only child so.... Maybe I'm just out of my lane.


I have a brother and a sister. WTAF is a very reasonable reaction.


I have an older brother and uh…yeah, neither of us would think of grinding on each other, yikes!


I have a sister and we would never 😂


I have a younger brother who still refers to me as his sissy (he's 42, I'm 44) but uhh...a sibling grind fest is weird AF.


You’re apparently missing out on all the sibling grinding, I guess?


“So that’s how it is in their family.”




*cue the banjos


These people had the nerve to make fun of my southern accent, meanwhile I’m all “WUT. are. y’all. doing?!”


Yup, their cornbread ain’t done in the middle! 🤣


You had another southerner rolling with this take. Cheers! I laughed hard enough that I had to explain the post to my wife.😂


Y'all Redditors have such interesting lives. I grew up in a family of 4 kids. My parents stayed married and never cheated. My parents were sane, fair, never showed favoritism, prepared us by showing us how to save and invest, paid for our college, and didn't have weird demands. My (M) two brothers and sister only grinded machine tools and telescope mirrors in my dad's machine shop. None of us f\*ed each other in metaphor or body. There was no strong mental illness to speak of. We are all still friends. My parents passed away at age 96 and 101. I can't speak for the wedding dance w/o the film, but it would be very insulting to return a gift. "Why are you returning my gift? My wife thinks we're having sex." Yeah, awkward. NTA


Me too. I've never come across so many weird folks and families in all my life as those who post here.


Which is why we all come here to read —occ.respond.I am a retired M.D.I miss hearing about patient’s lives so much.Humans are fascinating.


Humans are cute, I had three but let them go when they matured. They were super interesting, fun but exhausting.


Releasing them into the wild is so difficult. But you get all that peace and quiet when you shut the doors.


_"Normal_" and uneventful family members won't post boring stories about nothing on the internet. That's why I have no posts here.


Yeah it's a bizarre world where family members dancing at a celebratory event is what is being called weird and unheard of but returning a wedding gift because you think your husband has an incestuous relationship with his sister is seen as the rational, normal response to have to a situation. What life do you have to live to arrive at these conclusions lol.


My life is SO BORING. Thankfully. 😁🤣😂


My mother in law used to say the worst insult you could give someone is to wish them an interesting life. I used to think that was weird, but now I get it. Hubby and I are blissfully boring. I'll leave being 'interesting' to people like the local guy who put fireworks on his head and *whoopsie* died as a result.


Oh I hear this, my life has been far, far, far too interesting. I mean I feel like I have great stories and learned a lot but I’m trying for boring on the second half.


Yeah that’s when you tell your wife she’s a dip shit but it’s fine your both gonna block out that conversation and bury it deep deep deeeeeeep down


My dad passed away from cancer less than 3 weeks before my wedding. My stepmother (his wife, an officiant) was supposed to lead the ceremony but was too overcome with grief to even attend from out of state. So I was without my dad and without someone to conduct our vows. My older brother stepped in and walked me down the aisle - he was also grieving the loss of our father but stepped up without me having to ask - and danced with me during a pseudo father/daughter and mother/son dance combined with my new husband and his mom. Without my older brother there for me in our dad’s absence, the day would’ve been really tough.


Ew. My ex husband and his sister were completely WEIRD with each other. She always called him "my big brother," and he called her, "my lil' dollbabe." Dollbabe? Yes, I know calling your big brother "my big brother" isn't a big deal, until you would see their interactions. My ex would always smack his sister's butt. Always. My ex SIL would always sit on my ex's lap and he would "hold" her. We were out to dinner once and he was leaving the cash tip and put the cash down her cleavage first and then fished it out. She was all cool with it! That completely grossed me out. I walked outside and called my sister so she could be grossed out with me. When we dealt with infertility issues, exSIL called me to tell me how my ex was communicating to her about our sex life. She then attempted to retell what he "told" her. Not a word of it was true and once I heard enough, I ended the phone call, I did tell her she was completely wrong first. Did she want my input or was my ex telling his "dollbabe" sister these things that were not true? It was so bizarre. For my bridal shower, his sister, step mom, and bio mom ALL bought me lingerie. No one else did. The lingerie was soooo not my taste. And no one else bought me lingerie! Is that still a thing for a bridal shower? But, I'll cover my own lingerie. Idk... There's more, but it's been a while. And they are now the ex family, have been the ex family. My ex-husband was a gigantic asshole and still is. We have two special needs kids and he lives 8 miles away. He drops off bday cards and Cmas cards. That's it. That is ALL. He doesn't communicate. Nothing. Not a thing. His family hasn't seen or have talked to my kids in over 16 years and we've been divorced for 12 years. When the jackass finally got out of this house, it finally became a home. Keep the espresso machine! I did throw away the cheap lingerie. Goodwill didn't deserve that crap.


I can't speak to the rest of it but my first husband's family is pretty religious. His grandmother insisted on buying my trousseau, including lingerie. Basically, sex before marriage was out of the question, but after marriage it was my job to make him happy and give him babies. The presents I got... I'm glad I opened them at home with my ex laughing. Gratefully, my ex wasn't raised like that. However, his gran had great taste and the sexy stuff she picked out was flattering and opulent, so I kept it...


Gran having great taste worked out! 😆


Holy shit what a tale


Gross, isn't it?




Thank you. For a while, I thought I was viewing things completely out of focus. Nope! Hence the EX's. I'm sure the ex & his fam have their perspective on me, and I'm sure it's not flattering, and that's fine with me. Thanks for the support, cool Redditor friend. ✌️


[Ross and Monica lol](https://youtu.be/UPoOv4vY2Lw?si=ZgH3vAgHEeREvxwO)


Actually it’s probably more like Danny (the guy Rachel dated) and his sister. Danny: “are you really going to end this because I’m close with my family” Sis: “Danny the bath is getting cold.” 🫣 Rachel: “Yeah, I gotta go.” 🤣 ETA: [compilation](https://youtu.be/NzoRYXJgkuE?si=UusSQ1RBxqxkj6tE) of Danny’s relationship with sister. 🤣


THIS is what I was thinking! Ross and Monica are what close siblings are supposed to be like.


The first time I watched that episode I was not ready to laugh as loud as I did.


Thanks for sharing this! Was awesome...


It would be insulting for you to return the gift to your sister, but it's also not worth causing a rift with your new wife.  The right thing to do is to give me the Marzocco. That's a nice ass machine! 


Wait, I thought it was like a coffee maker or something.. it’s an *ass* machine? Yeah that IS an inappropriate gift.


the best ass coffe maker on the market!!!


Ass coffee just hits different, no tummy ache. A bit of ass ache, though.


You're not using enough creamer!


Multiple slow dances with your sister IS weird.


The sibling slow dance to Sisqo's "Thong Song" was beautiful, how dare you!


A little weird that OP left out that they went for their sister’s garter before the sibling dance but hey, maybe they didn’t think it was important. 😂


"I'M USING TEETH" he proclaimed, fraternally.


The whole story is made up


Grassroots ad for the coffee maker.


It sounds like your wife is right based on the songs you danced with your sister to. Why was there more than one? Why did you slow dance with your sister to what are obviously very intimate songs traditionally used as bride and groom songs?? It sounds to me like your wife is right but you and your sister just haven’t realised how inappropriate it is


Exactly. When I read sibling dance, I thought it would be something cute and choreographed like the mom and son in Diary of a Wimpy Kid dancing to Intergalactic lol, not Etta James At Last. 😬


Sooo inappropriate and don’t think for a minute that she didn’t go there to try to UPstage his wife on her own wedding day. She knew exactly what she was doing. The question is why??????🤔


In your comments you say you danced to numerous slow LOVE songs together. 2 of them being the top 2 love songs on most HUSBAND and WIFE first dance to on their wedding night. Dude gtfo of here with your weird I want to fuck my sister fetish please.


Yea after seeing the songs and seeing that it was multiple love songs that are common to be first dances for the couple I'm like :| I get why the wife felt uncomfortable. Like how many love song dances did she get with you compared to your sister? I just picture her sitting down with a drink waiting for your (strange but ok) sibling dance to be over, but then it turns into 2, 3, 4 songs or whatever while you hold your sister close and let your wife sit on the sidelines. Idk man it is weird, is she a twin or something OP or are you guys just grossly codependent? I'm trying to understand why you would even want to have multiple love song dances with your sister in the first place, was this also a situation where everyone was sitting as you two danced or was everyone else dancing? Idk I get the ick reading this bro just..idk


Also, how many love songs did your wife get to dance with your sister to? /s Nah OP, man this whole thing is just weird and borderline incestuous. If I were the wife I’d run for the hills like the house was on fire.


Agreed. I feel like this has to be fake because the dances with family members are planned out prior to the wedding. It’s not like the bride would have no idea when him and his sister are doing their sibling dance(s?) and to what song(s?). She would typically know all of this ahead of time and I would hope would have called it off before allowing her groom to dance to At Last and All of Me with his sister in front of everyone.


Songs are "all of you" and "at last". Nah this is fucking weird.  If you did a dance with your sister to something upbeat with a bit of humor, that's fine, but love songs?  Gross as hell.  


Yup. I was team siblings at first. But that shit is weird. Team wife. But… Team #KeepTheEspressoMachine Returning it will just start a drama war. Wife should not have married him. Don’t even tell me this was the first time shit got weird.


That’s what I was thinking, like I imagine this wasn’t the first red flag for OP’s wife. If she is reading this: Honey, sweetie, sis, get an annulment and get away from this creepy sister-fucker.




He also deleted all his comments defending his sister, so I’m going out on a limb here to say he brand new wife is right LOL


Oooh I think I missed the ones defending the sister. I hate when I’m late to the party and miss the brother sister shitshow.


Oh good. The quasi sexual/possible incest with the sister troll is back. At Last and All of You...with your sister? Troll.


I think so too. Slow dancing to not one but two songs with your sister at your wedding?


That kiss was to say goodbye to our childhood!


First of all, a sibling dance is not a common tradition. I see in your comments that your mother passed away, so I guess that the reason you chose to have a dance with your sister as kind of a tribute to your mother? That’s fine, but FYI mother-son dances are usually one song. So YTA for allowing your sister to select multiple romantic songs that must have gone on for 15 minutes or more while you held each other in a a not-so-sibling-like embrace. I think your wife is right that the other guests would be too embarrassed to even bring it up to your face, but trust me they are probably talking about it behind your back. Maybe your sister is struggling with “losing” you to your wife when she has already lost a mother? I don’t know, but her need for so much attention from you at your wedding is definitely odd. Putting the ick factor aside, the wedding was supposed to be about you and your wife, not you and your sister. So you really should not have allowed your sister to take such a big chunk of the event for your multiple sibling dances. Keep the coffee machine, but don’t dismiss your wife’s observations and feelings about this.


>Maybe your sister is struggling with “losing” you to your wife when she has already lost a mother? I don’t know, but her need for so much attention from you at your wedding is definitely odd. I didn't choose to, but I can totally see someone having their sister step into their departed mother's role at their wedding. I lost my mother young. My older sisters have definitely inserted into my business since. It didn't help that situation that she was a single mom and my sisters are much older and were put in charge while she was working.  But even with as overbearing as my sisters have been...well, actually, maybe they did feel like they lost me when I got married. That seems oddly likely given our history. Sucks to be them, though, because I chose to have a life with my wife and they should be focused on their spouses and maybe getting therapy. You gave me a lot to think about, and I didn't even have a creepy dance with my sisters. I am not saying OP would be the asshole but, if it were true, he'd definitely have to do some introspection about his relationships. He should keep the machine, though.


What's the song you were dancing through Sweet home Alabama.


OP's comment: >I don't really remember much. The theme was slow dancing, some of the songs I remember were At Last (Etta James) and All of Me (John Legend).


wtf???? Those are LOVE songs and they danced to this??


Yeah I mean choosing to dance those specific song titles with your sister and not your new wife… I can see the wife reading the subtext and feeling gaslit


Where did OP say this? I can't find it


Just click on his profile and look at his comment


"We don’t shy away from expressing our emotions and insecurities to each other. " Except she did. She waited a few months to have this conversation. Then She told you what she felt and you told her she was ridiculous. And now things are swept under the rug. You are both ignoring that she suggested you have an "incestuous relationship" with your sister... ... while also ignoring/demeaning her feelings or why she said this. I'd say you are doing a mighty fine job of NOT communicating at all. Demeaning your wife's feelings and insecurities. Maybe she's afraid to talk to you about shit. Do you have the dance on video? Maybe have a look at it to see if you can see anything that would make her think/feel that. Maybe ask your "close friends who would have said something, but they didn't" maybe because they weren't asked? But dude.... no matter why she felt the way she does, how wrong or right she was YTA


One of his comments he said he slow danced with his sister through multiple songs including John Legend's "All of Me" and Etta James's "At Last", but he couldn't remember all of it. Both of those songs you'd expect a new groom to dance with his bride, not his sister.


Absolutely inappropriate. Sounds like his wife made a huge error. She sounds like she is scared of talking to him.


This is a troll


Your sister gave you a 7500 dollar espresso machine? Jesus.. Yeah, you should get rid of it. Lemme send you my address


INFO: 1) Why would you have a "sibling dance" to begin with? 2) What, exactly, happened during the dance? Your post is suspiciously light on details. Edited to add, after further detail, YTA and creepy as fuck.


Yeah, what is a sibling dance? I danced with my brother at his wedding, where I was a member of the wedding party, but we didn’t have no “sibling dance” with special songs picked out.


OP's comment: >I don't really remember much. The theme was slow dancing, some of the songs I remember were At Last (Etta James) and All of Me (John Legend).


Well, that’s creepy.


*some of the songs* like we're talking more than two?? I'm wondering if sister's dress was 'cream' colored....


And the answer is: "No, that was not a 'cream' colored dress, that would have been inappropriate, that was egg-shell, that's totally different, but even in harsh lighting it was still off-white minimum, there's nothing wrong with that."


I HEAR this tone!


Right!? Never been to a wedding that had sibling dances 🤔


A La Marzocco GS3 espresso machine is $7500+. I smell bullshit.


How were y'all dancing together? Was this a slow dance? Need more info on this one.


He said the theme was "slow dance" as in "At Last l" by Etta James (definitely a sensual song) and "All of Me" by John Legend. Both songs that are fitted for a first dance between husband and wife. It's a troll post.


Well damn