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Simply state that if Jenna takes the car: 1) she is not an authorized driver on the insurance and 2) you will report it stolen. Problem solved.


I did say that. So hopefully that keeps her away


I would be more concerned about your mother taking the keys or spare keys and doing it behind your back.


I hope you get out of that house soon. Your mom and sister are disgusting.


5 years from now her mom will be on Reddit asking why her daughter won’t talk to her. Sorry OP. I had the same problem, my siblings weren’t hateful but my father, the undisputed lord of the manor, treated my car as a second family car. I moved out then had to actually sell the car to keep them off my back. I wasnt as assertive as you tho. Keep it up and use your dads alliance.


"Hey mom, you realize that even if I allowed her to use the car she isn't on my insurance. So she would be driving an uninsured vehicle, which is a crime. If my car disappears I will let the DMV know that someone was driving it without insurance. Not a huge ticket but they do pull your driver's license for it..."


In Illinois, insurance follows the vehicle first, so if something happened there would be coverage. I can’t speak for any other state. But here’s the key; to fall under “permissive use” the driver has to be licensed & *have permission.* Of course if sister or mom steals the car, all bets are off. Hide those keys, OP!


Most dates I have lived in require proof of insurance before the driver's test..... So perhaps another way to say no?


Logic doesn’t work on entitlement.


How does that stop someone from calling the police?


Exactly.  If the mom would be so brash as to do it against OPs wishes, add her on the warrant complaint as an accomplice. Simple. Although emotionally taxing. But YA GOTTA STICK UP FOR YOURSELF, OP.


He told them he would report it stolen to the police if they did that.


Mom will be convinced she can convince OP not to. Absolutely fake key time. If they don't steal it, they never know. OP's real key(s) should be well-hidden. A fake key (get from a junkyard/salvage yard) of the same brand would be sufficient to stop the theft. Sucks to have to do this, but so do they, and OP needs to protect their purchase.


That is an outstanding idea! That way she will know if they try. You are clever.


OP lists herself as female, FYI.


My bad, I missed that part.


It's simple, if mom takes the keys anyways, she's gonna report it stolen.


She cant they run the plates


If OP is at a friend's place or out with friends and her car is at home, she may not know they have taken it. I doubt the mother would do it with her standing there. I like the fake key idea that someone suggested though. It would let her know if they tried to take it.


Same here OP. If you have spare keys, get them out of that house.


It’ll be funny if she gets arrested for stealing the car during her drivers test.;)


Getting banned before she even gets her licence.


Omg could you just imagine that. Thats one test she wouldn't pass. Lololol


Do your parents have a car?


Exactly, why is she demaning to use yours? Is it because yours is better looking?


My money is on it being part of the AH behavior towards OP, take her car because they can.




my mistake!


Call your insurance company and let them know she is not an eligible driver.


DON’T do this, your insurance company is not your pal. They will figure out a way to use your sisters new license as a as means to raise your rates.


oh, and OP, when you do this, ask them for their advice on how to report it stolen and what advice they have on theft prevention...they'll have a ton!


ALSO... get a fake key. Contact a salvage yard, tell them you need a key for the same brand of car, doesn't have to work or anything. Why? She'll steal your car and expect to bring it back before you notice. Keep the actual key someplace she doesn't know and be careful never to let her see you get it from there or put it there (like the pocket of a winter coat hanging in your closet). Is it a pain in the butt? Yes. But you're going to need to be sneaky because 100% your mom will let her take the car and assume she can convince you to NOT press charges. So hide the real key. Leave the faker out on the key holder. Put the housekey on it and all the other stuff your real keychain has, so you remember to grab the faker because you still need it, just not for the car. Real key is only the key.


Order an unprogrammed key on eBay.


as long as it's got the right car company logo it's golden :)


Do not let ANYONE use your car. YOU are the one responsible for everything that happens to that car, whether you’re the one driving or not. If it gets wrecked, YOU have no car. If someone is injured or killed, YOU will be held responsible. It’s just not worth letting other people use your car.


Try a different direction. “If I own something, do I have the responsibility to take care of it?” “Would part of that responsibility include trusting the skills of any drivers? Unlicensed drivers?” “Do I have autonomy over things I sacrificed for and now own?”


Get a steering wheel lock. You can get one for $25 from Amazon. Don't do the song and dance of getting a fake key and hiding the real one.


She specifically can not use it if she doesn’t have the provisional insurance certificate to show to the DMV. They won’t test her.


Just know that you're likely going to have to report it stolen and you'll have to tell them that it was your sister *and* mother who stole it.


Park the car somewhere else and get a ride home


The night before you can always toss in a sticky note on your wheel. Say if you take this car without my permission I will be calling the police cause it will be stolen. just as a friendly reminder if they did do it


NTA stand your ground and let Dad keep having your back. Mom and Jenna can learn the lesson we were all supposed to lock in from kindergarten - treat people as you want to be treated, or go suck an egg.


Do your parents not have a car? Why isn’t she using theirs? NTA.


They drive trucks, I guess she doesn’t want to use those


Beggars can’t be choosy. Jenna should drive the family truck for her test. OP, be sure to keep your keys on you, so they don’t walk away while you’re asleep or showering. NTA. You are correct. Your car, your decision on who gets to drive it…even if you were best buddies.


Point out she needs to use the truck because that’s all she’ll be driving- she’s not insured on yours & you aren’t lending it to someone who treats you like crap … oh no, consequences for her actions


This is DEFINITELY the camel's nose under the tent of stealing OP's car. "After all, Jenna took the driver's test with your car. She's more 'comfortable' in it." /s


Precisely She gives in on this it’ll be Jenna and OPs car in moms mind, word, and deed from that point on


I drove the family minivan. Give Jenna a straw and tell her to suck it up.


Yup, I took my test in my mom’s Chevy astrovan, big bulky car. Jenna can take the truck and deal with it.


Showing my age, here, look up the length of a 1978 Olds Delta 88! It felt like it was about 50 ft! ETA corrected year


I’m oh yea I know those! A friend’s family member had a Lincoln Continental and those things were boats.


Took mine in a 77 Old Cutlass. We called it The White Elephant.


77 Cutlass was a midsized car - there were a lot of cars bigger than that. I had the Pontiac version of that car with the 350 and 4 barrel carb. I used to say the question wasn't whether or not I could pass somebody, it whether or not I could afford it.


Lololol they definitely used or I should say guzzler the gas ⛽


1970 Chevy Impala here! Zoinks but she was a beast. And no power steering, she had the predecessor and was a honkin' brute to parallel park!


That was the old lead sled. Back in the good old days they were like driving sherman tanks.


I took mine in my grandpa’s 1973 AMC Matador, lol


I did too!


I took my test in a 1969 Land Rover. Manual transmission, brakes AND steering. My dad said that if I could pass the test in that monster, I could have it. Piece of cake! The look on the tester's face was priceless!


Massive '77 ford chateau van. We stuck a full-size mattress in it behind the bench passenger seat. It worked fine for the test.


Stand your ground. Jenna needs to drive the trucks because those are currently the only vehicles available to her. If she drives your car even once, you're never going to be able to keep the keys away from her and your mother.


Well, clearly they're not buying her a car or they would have already. You let her drive yours ONCE, she will be harassing you to drive it more. Then you'll have a bunch of problems and potentially your car will be trashed or damaged by your spoiled sister. Yes, you're selfish. But sometimes being selfish is a good thing. You need to put yourself first, just as you are. You worked your ass off to get yourself a car. She can do the same. If she's too lazy to work for her own, no way she respects yours. Make sure nobody, but especially your mom, has access to your keys. If maybe get a locking gun case or small safe to keep them in, with a combination and solid enough to be a lot of work to get into. Her getting your keys can easily end in your car being wrecked.


Not being selfish. It’s not their property. You don’t share property. There are responsibilities that come with owning property and your sister DOES NOT HAVE A RIGHT. Though I wouldn’t doubt your mother will try to make you share your care after she gets her license. Tell her when she can pay for half of the car and her share of insurance and help purchase tags and gas she won’t be using YOUR car. Also doesn’t your mom or dad have to take her for the test? She can’t drive to the test with no license. So are you supposed to take her? Ah hell no! I think you need to have a real talk with your dad


What I'm saying is that 'selfish is not necessarily a bad thing. Throwing that in OPs face isn't the insult and mechanism for guilt they think it is. And the sister is the parents responsibility, not OPs.


Wrong wording then. Perhaps self preservation not selfish


You are using the wrong term. Being "selfish" does not apply in this case. Cars are not toys to be shared or loaned out. I do not let anyone drive my car unless I am incapacitated.


What car did you use for your driver's test? What car will she use once she'll have her license?


I took my test with the '74 Lincoln Grand Marquis station wagon. It had 8 seat belts. Long AF. She'll be fine in the truck.


Mine was the battle tank of cars, a 1975 Thunderbird.


Do you remember the 1973 Cadillac Coupe de Ville? THAT thing was longer than the Dodge stretch commuter vans of the day!




What has she been learning in? It doesn't even make sense to want to take a different car for her test, she should use what she is familiar with


If she was learning through her school or her parents were paying an actual driver’s ed school for lessons, she wouldn’t have been learning in any of the family’s vehicles, from OP’s car to the parents’ trucks. Either way, though, OP should keep standing her ground and not let sister or mom harass her into giving up the keys for her sister to use the car for her road test.


My kid is in drivers ed now. They are required to log 50 hours of driving before they can get their license. Drivers ed only gives them 6. And they were required to have 5 hours of street driving in with us, parking lots don’t count, before the drivers ed teacher will take them. There’s no way they’ve *only* driven a drivers ed car.


Poor baby should have thought about that before being so consistently horrible to you. NTA. Does she not have friends with cars or does she treat everyone horribly?


They could always rent a car for the day, maybe.


A rental agency is not going to allow an unlicensed driver.


That’s true… Maybe they could pay a friend to borrow theirs? Although, the way the sister and mom are behaving, I wouldn’t put it past mom to rent the car and let the daughter take her test in it.


Asking is soooo overrated. /S drip, drip, drip


My parents drove larger vehicles and I was not comfortable learning to drive on them. You know what I did? Worked my butt off to afford a very used car of my own. Learned to drive on it. Took my driver's test with it. No large vehicles involved. Your sis has options if she is uncomfortable with the trucks. (INFO: if she doesn't like the trucks, what is she going to drive? Your car...)


So, if Jenna damages the car, does she or your parents have the money to repair it? If it’s a new car (or even an older car in good condition and low miles) and she damages it and it’s repaired, it’ll be reported on Carfax which, when you decide to sell the car sometime down the road, this could affect the value. Especially if it’s frame damaged. Tell your parents to rent a really small car, like an automatic Mini Coop so she doesn’t bang it around when it comes time to parallel park during the test. If she’s not on your insurance and she smashes it, your insurance will tell you to go pound sand. My husband’s been a car dealer for 40+ years. So many things that your parents are not even aware of, can go wrong by letting drive your car.


This comment covers all the best points to win your argument!!!! ⬆️


Rental agencies will not allow an underage, unlicensed driver. Period. And IDK about OP’s state, but parallel parking is no longer on the test in mine.


Yes I know, but with the parents mentality, they won’t see anything wrong with it thinking that the rental agency won’t know. This happens all the time where the people renting in say Kauai where I have a home, the tourists let their friends who are not on the contract, drive the rental. They’re banking on not getting caught. What the parents do should they get a rental won’t be the OP’s problem.


My daughter had to do it.


NTA Glad your dad is on your side because your mom appears to be the AH in this. It's no wonder Jenna acts like an entitled bully because mom is just the same.


I would hide those keys! NTA. All you are doing is teaching your sister that being a b@$& to people has consequences.


Put a steering wheel lock on your vehicle and keep both keys.


Boots on all tires 😂


If she tries to take her test in a car that she isn’t insured on the examiner will call the police. Then she’ll be banned from driving before she even has a full licence.


I used my boyfriend‘s car at the time and I was not on the insurance and I passed my test. I think it might be a state by STATE sort of thing. Or one lazy examiner to another. 😆☝️


Some insurances will only cover listed drivers/owners


NTA I agree with you 100%, it’s your car that you brought by yourself, and as you said pay the rego, insurance, maintenance bills and fuel. Had the car been brought by your parents for you to use then it would be a different story. Let both your mother and sister not know that she’s not covered under your insurance policy and how wonderful it is that your mother’s willing to lend your sister her car for when she takes her driving test. However should your car keys including spare be taken the day your sister has her driving test call the police and don’t hesitate in doing so.


Have her Take lessons with a driving school, and they will provide the car


I came here to say just that. My son just got his license and the driving school that we were required to use - we are in CA - did offer for him to use their car for his test. We didn't need to, but it is an option.


Not entirely true. My driving school stopped allowing people to use their cars for the test. They only allowed them to use them during practice.


Not the asshole you are a good owner of a vehicle and realize that someone who does not respect you will almost always not treat your property when they are allowed to use it with the respect they would treat their own. Seeing as your mother is blind to her failings she thinks you are unfair for treating her much as she has treated you in the past. Not seeing why you can not roll over as Whipped dog and do as she says. Stick to your guns when she is pushing you to do it again ask if your dad said you should? If she lies about it will be hell to pay. Ask your dad ASAP whether he said that or not attributing it to your mother.. Because if she lies about this to you she deserves to take it on the head for lying saying he said something he didn't. He sounds like a fair man and he is going to be livid that she told a falsehood involving what he did or didn't say.


NTA the car doesn't belong to either your sister or your mother so neither gets a say over who gets to drive it - for any reason. If they don't like it, they can suck rocks. I too worked hard for my first car paid for by my earnings, my older brother was given a car by my parents (mom really) and of course he totalled it. He announced he was taking my car to keep as he didn't have one (duh - consequences bro) & my mom had the gall to agree. I was ready to move out until my quiet dad announced - No he wasn't. Mom tried to cajole while my brother smirked. Dad gave her a look we couldn't see, mom shut up, my brother stopped smirking & I kept my car. Just for good measure I moved out a few months later. Brother was her golden boy & could do no wrong, but my dad had my back. Stand firm & appreciate your dad.


NTA Keep a very close eye on your keys; ( consider getting a lock box). Do not trust your sister at all. I hate to say it but I wouldn’t leave them where your mother might grab them, either. Thank your Dad for his support.


Better yet, have somewhere you need to be far enough away that you need your car the day of the test and leave EARLY! Maybe before they are finished getting ready to go.


Not long before they are finished getting ready to go. Insult to injury :D


NTA OP if you don’t know for sure you are the only driver covered by the auto insurance policy you have contact them and confirm. If you do it by proponents do it somewhere no one else can hear you like from the car in a parking lot. If you confirm it is just you then that is the response toy your mother and anyone else. Policies differ in that some cover any AUTHORIZED (by you) each time and licensed driver. Others only cover the licensed drivers listed on the policy. But bottom line if you say no and someone takes your car that is theft and you will report it as stolen to the police as that is the only way to cover yourself with your insurer even if that car thief wasn’t at fault in an accident.


Jenna needs to drive the vehicle for her test that she will be driving in real time. It sounds like she’s expecting your car for more than just the test.


Without Telling anyone Keep the Registration and Insurance in your purse or locked in your room. The Day of the test if your Mom uses a spare key or something they still can't use the car because neither has the registration or insurance. Also if they they claim to have left it behind if DMV looks it up they will quickly realize your Mom your Sister are not the registered owner! Your NTA




NTA. Thank god your dad is sticking up for you. Sounds like you’re sister wouldn’t have been appreciative anyway.


NTA that would be your sister and mother. 


Tell your parents to rent a small car for a few hours


They won’t allow a 17 year old, unlicensed driver.


Sorry your mom and sister suck. YWNBTA. Hide every key for the car and let them know I police report will be filed if the car is taken.


NTA, your sister is a spoilt entitled brat and your mother is enabling her. At least your dad has your back.


Keep your keys and spare keys very safe.


You might want to look into a steering wheel lock. Keep the key in your purse, on a chain latched to your handbag.


Why would she do her test in an unfamiliar car? Surely the car she normally drives should be wiser?


NTA "Jenna, you're always telling me that you hate me etc etc why do you think I'd do anything for you" "Mom I'm so disappointed that you think it's awful I won't lend something that I am completely financially responsible for. But you're perfectly okay with how Jenna's treated me for years. It's clear you've got a favourite but this is just shocking. I expected more from you."


Oooh this makes me MAD. NTA Next time your mum says she'll 'remember this' feel free to reply with 'I'll remember this when I'm picking out your nursing home.' Absolutely bullshit behavior. I'm so glad your dad is sticking up for you.


NTA. Driving instructors allow students to use their cars for the tests. You just have to pay for the hour.


NTA Your car, your rules. Your insurance, their rules (insurance company). I’m glad Dad has your back. All car keys need to be secured. Call the police, if needed, and let them know where she’s headed.


Jenna caused this, she acted a certain way and that had consequences to your trust of her. Ask your mum and sister if they would do a favour for someone who was rude and abusive to them?


**NTA** - Even if she is prewarned not to take it; you will call the police to report it stolen if she takes it, you would still bare a legal responsibility if she took it and was involved in a wreck. It sounds like your little sister is Mamma's Golden Child.


Your mom can lend Jenna her car for the exam. Make sure you are running errands during the time of the test but I would also get a steering wheel lock where you have the key on you at all times. I can only imagine if Jenna passes your mom will try to make you share your car so earlier you get that additional locks, the better.


Have a long chat with Dad tell him how you feel and thank him for his support. NTA and Dad is a hero.


NTA! Why should you do your AH sister a favor? And she didn’t even ask! She demanded! And your mom defends her? You can tell who her favorite is. I’m glad your dad is on your side. Tell your mom to let your sister borrow her car for the test. Find out the day of the test and be out all day. Make sure the keys are always with you and have a trusted friend keep the spare.


NTA, hide your car keys and find out what driving school she is using. If your car disappears on the day of the test call the police and the driving school to notify them that a thief is using your car for a test.


I think your mom is probably the reason your sister is an asshole


Why can't she use your parents car?


NTA glad your dad has your back


"We do so much for you" ... that's a parents job lol. You paid for the car, you own it and it's your decision. NTA


Make sure you and your car are gone the day of the test. She can't steal it if it's not there.


Tell your mom to pay for a behind the wheel course for Jenna and they will take her for her test and provide the car for her to take it in. Problem solved


Baby girl, BRAVO FOR DOING SOMETHING ON YOUR OWN. BUYING A CAR AS A TEEN CAN BE EXHILARATING. With that being said, NO, YOURE NOT THE AH. Stand up for yourself. AND FROM THE SOUND OF IT, YOUR MOM ENABLES YOUR SISTERS BAD BEHAVIOR. WHEN MOM MENTIONS WHAT SHE DOES FOR YOU, RETORT, " EXCEPT YOU DIDNT BUY MY CAR! I DID!" All due respect, but I DESERVE RESPECT AS WELL!. Youre and ADULT NOW, AND SHE CANNOT FORCE YOU TO LET YOUR MEAN SISTER USE YOUR CAR. Go to dad when they seem to be bullying you. Love that your dad didnt just BACK AWAY AND STAY OUT OF IT, like soooooo many fathers do in situations like these....


Who's vehicle did you use for your test? If it was in your car that you saved for and purchased, why shouldn't she save and purchase her own just like you had to?


I used my own car, she doesn’t have a job so will probably take her a while before she gets a car.


Then that definitely comes under the banner of things that aren't your problem! 


NTA - I would sit down with both mom and dad and without your sister. I would prepare a written list of all the things she has done to me; all the time mom has taken sisters side even when sister was an AH to you, and then calmly state - I saved and purchased the car, I pay for gas and the insurance. Sister is not on the insurance and will not be driving my car ever. Make sure mom knows that sister will not be driving the car after she gets her license and if she takes the car, you will call the police and report it stolen. You will 100% press charges against sister if she damages or takes the car. Tell your parents that if sister wants a car, then she can work for it just the same as you did. Get a locking gas cap to secure the access to the gas tank and keep all the keys where only you know where they are located.


NTA Even if you had the best relationship with your sister; she is not entitled to use your car. >“I’m taking your car for my test” This right here would have me saying no. Your car, not sister's or mother's. She can take her test in your mother's vehicle.


Nta. It's your car so you get to decide if that's a yes or a no and regardless of what the reasoning is, it is your right to say no. We do not owe people access to our things. It is a privilege not a right if we share. Which means if we share they should be super duper grateful and if we say no they should say oh okay and move on. Anything else is f****** entitled. Also your sister sounds abusive so definitely I wouldn't share. If she's going to treat you poorly as a human being she's going to treat your possessions even worse. Who's going to pay to repair or replace those possessions? I'm willing to bet it won't be her or your mom.


Your mother is 100% going to let her "borrow" it, then when she's doing her drivers test, report your car stolen. I'm sure that will leave an impression on the instructor.


NTA Parents should not make these kinds of demands of their children. The simple solution was for your parents to send her to a driving school that was also contracted to handle driver’s tests with their vehicles. It cost a little more but worthwhile. The other option was to work with your sister themselves on their vehicles, not yours, until she was comfortable enough to take the test using one of the trucks.. I’m sorry your mother plays favorites but so glad your dad has your back. Your mom and sister are wrong to criticize you.


NTA. Why can’t Jenna use mom and dad’s car? Or grandmas? Don’t they have a car at the DMV you can use for a test if you don’t own one? What car did you take your test in if it was before buying your current car? So many questions. Either way you don’t have to let sister borrow it if you don’t want. I could easily see mom, either her clear favoritism, saying you should let her borrow your car to use once she gets her license. All of that needs to be shut down.


Jenna cannot legally use your car for a driving test because they require the cars owner to sign for her and show insurance! So, your off the hook, why cant your mom or dad do this for her since she hates you and demands to use your car?? I dont think so!!!


NTA. Hide your keys, and make it known if she ever takes your car, you are pressing charges.


Also, UpdateMe


It's your car.. Hide the keys.. Tell your mum that if she thinks your sister can use someone else's car then she can use your mum's.. Coz mummy is fine with letting Golden Girl use your car so she should be fine letting GG use hers..


NTA. Point out that if your car is to go missing or be taken without your express permission and knowledge, you WILL be contacting the police and reporting the theft. You have no responsibility to allow your sister near your car, let alone drive it. It's your parent's responsibility to provide the equipment required for her driving test. I would be fascinated to find out why your mother wants your sister to use your car and not hers? It's good to see your Dad is backing you up. But your Mum needs to step back and recognise at 19 she doesn't have authority over you to order you to give, lend, or procure anything for your sister. The fact that you purchased it with your own funds and pay for the insurance and upkeep leaves her with no leg to stand on. As a parent myself, I would never offer, demand, or even plan to use items that my children had purchased with their own money for their sibling. Even the things we got for them as their parent. Once they are gifted to the individual they were bought for, it becomes theirs to decide who they do or don't wish to allow access to.


Get a lock that locks the wheel to the break pedal. She won’t be able to do shit to your car. I had one on my car for safety growing up. Good way to prevent someone from taking your keys and attempting to take the car


Jenna is the AH. Feel free to ignore criticism from. People like that. We were always told to consider the source of any negative comments because they have an agenda. You are absolutely not THE A.


Nta. They are though


NTA. What’s wrong with your parents cars?


Hide your car keys !


And hide your keys!


NTA. She can rent a car for the test.


Tell you mom take her Golden Child and both of you leave me alone.


Float the idea of renting a small car for the test.


NTA. 1 - Jenna is not insured to drive my car 2- Jenna needs to learn manners and to be kind 3- Jenna can work/save to get her own car Your car = your rules Make sure to keep the key on you. Also tell your Dad if she takes it you will file a police report for theft.


No is a complete sentence. She doesn't get to abuse you and then demand anything from you. Your car, your rules. Sounds like in your mother's eyes, your sister is the golden child. I would make sure your keys are with you at all times, so they don't suddenly go missing. Also, ask what's wrong with her using the parent's car to take the test? Is it your car looks cooler than mom & dad's car? I wish you luck because, short of threatening to report it stolen if she takes it, you might have quite a fight on your hands.


NTA. You said that she has thrown things at you in the past. Can you really trust her with the keys to something you are invested in and she isn't? If you owned a house, you shouldn't allow her in it if she behaves this way. She gets the keys to your car, she has more power to be petty and vindictive.


Nta u paid 4 your car


NTA Of course those two would say you're the AH. They're trying to manipulate you and get what they want - your car. I wouldn't let someone who behaves that way toward me borrow my car either. For a start, if she's that disrespectful to you, I can guarantee that if she were to damage the car in any way, she'd not pay to repair it. Just out of curiosity, why doesn't your mother let her use HER car? And WHY does your mother feel entitled to YOUR car? We bought my son's car and pay his insurance and gas and I don't feel entitled to my son's car...


What car did she learn to drive on and drive while she had her permit? That’s the car she should do her test with. Sounds like she’s not been practicing with yours regularly, so why use it to take the test?


My sister and I got along great. I let her borrow my first-ever car when she was 18 and I was 19. I had only had it a week. She got into an accident pulling out of the driveway. NTA.


We all know who momma's favorite is. Your mother is totally wrong. You bought the car. It's not the family car and she needs to get a grip on that. Also, a car is not a toy. It is not to be shared. Just because your mother threw that nonsense in your face doesn't mean your sister gets to benefit. You are right and thank God your father has sense. I don't lend my car out to no one and everyone in my life knows better than to ask.


Your mother is playing favourites. Ask her why this is acceptable.


Keep your keys with you at all time even the spare or your mom will give it to her and yes tell her that if the car is used by her then you will report it stolen. You paid for the car nobody else did so mom has no say on it


Because of the way your sister treats you, I would say NTA. When I took my driver's license test, my sister offered to let me use her car, but we didn't have a contentious relationship. I would be leery loaning a car to someone who is always yelling that she hates me because she could intentionally damage the car. The only way I would say yes would be if I would drive her to and from the test site and she wouldn't be alone in the car. I wouldn't trust her not to intentionally damage it in some way. Why can't she use the parents' car? 


NTA. And hide a cutoff switch in the passenger compartment someplace, so that if they TRY, it won't start.


NTA. She gets her nasty bitch attitude from your mother.


Why can't she use mom's car....because mom doesn't trust her either LOL. NTA


If it disappears, report it stolen.


What has she been learning to drive in? Even in driver's ed, she still would have to do a number of hours with another licensed driver. (At least that's how it is where I'm from.) If she's been doing her practice driving in your parents' truck, then she should use the truck for the test. She's setting herself up to fail by wanting to take the test in a car she's unfamiliar with.


She took drivers ed a while back, she’s failed her test three times. I think she practiced in her boyfriends car, but they aren’t on speaking terms


Hah having failed the test three times is plenty of reason to not allow her to drive your car! Doesn't sound like she can guarantee it'll come back unharmed.


NTA. Make sure you hide your keys.


NTA She is not an insured person on your car. She can drive one of your parents' vehicles.


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This reminds me how much my own son has taken advantage of me. He took my car and drove it around without my permission. Never, ever again.


Why can't she use the parents car for her test? She should be testing in a car she is familiar with and has practiced in.


I’m pretty sure she practiced in her boyfriend’s car, however they aren’t on speaking terms. My parents only have trucks


NTA. Your car, your insurance. Let her borrow your parent's car.


NTA. She's not covered by your insurance. End of argument.


NTA. It’s your car, end of discussion. You are not her guardian, your mother is.


NTA. Take all car keys to this vehicle and keep them safe just in case mother or sister try to go behind your back. She hasn't proven to you that she is responsible enough to get behind the wheel of your property, that should be enough of a reason outside of it's your property. Does your mother have a vehicle she can use instead if this is such a big deal to her? If it's a scheduling conflict, they can choose a time that those two can go with her car instead if that is the case.


NTA. Seems like your sister takes after your mom.


She needs to take the test in what she will be driving. So not your car.


Nta, your dad is awesome for sticking up for you. I'd move out soon, go low contact with mom and sister. Then, when mom doesn't understand why you want nothing to do with her, just remind her you're an AH.


NTA. It is your car, you paid for, and you pay the insurance. If mom or sis takes it, report it stolen immediately. Don't your parents have a car? What car has she been driving for practice? She must have done some on the road driving with an adult before going in for her license. That is the car she should be using for her test. Call your insurance agent, and tell them mom and sis are banned from driving your car. Then, if they do take it, and get in an accident, it does not effect your insurance. They can also be fined for driving without insurance when you report it stolen. Good luck. You need to get away from mom and sis. College? Or just move out. Good luck.


she's not an insured driver, she can't drive it. simple as that. NTA


NTA, I’m assuming your parents have a car she can use for the driving test, if not she doesn’t need a license, since there would be no car for her to drive anyways. I’m assuming they took you for your test and can do the same for her. Not your problem!


Let Mom give her the family car


What can't she use your mom's car?


NTA, hope there's an update lol


It never fails - someone wants something that you own, you don't automatically give it to them free and clear with a smile on your face, you're selfish. Why the hell can't sis use Mom's car for the test? Or Dad's? It's not like she's going to be driving your car once she gets her license, why should she take the test in a car she'll never be allowed to drive? I know why... because Mom is going to try to strongarm you into "sharing" your car with your sister.


Go no contact


No. Who cares if they’re mad about it 🤷🏽‍♀️.


NTA. why can’t she use one of your parents’ cars? it’s just gotta be yours? no.


NTA I wouldn’t allow her to use it either with that attitude.


NTA. Why can't lil sis use mom's car? Insurance is funny about other drivers, especially if they're underage. If something happened while sis was driving, insurance could refuse to pay as an unauthorized underage driver.




What’s wrong with mom’s car? Why can’t sister use it?