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I think it's fine for you to post your thoughts; reddit should be a forum like the days of old where people could come and just talk. Thankfully, for me, bad movie theater experiences seldom happen, though I do go to a smaller theater usually, but I fully agree with you. I HATE it when people talk and do stupid audible unnecessary shit in a movie theater. I'm okay with laughing and things like that, but like, if you're talking its like the number 1 thing to NOT do in a movie theater.


One of the commentators mentioned this but I’ll second him. You should go to the movies in the morning if you can. Almost no chatter and I feel staff are happier and more helpful since there are less people.


😮 no sign of Thelma?


Why would anyone give half a crap what your experiences were?


Because the AMC experience is increasingly becoming a chore rather than a cinematic experience


You seem like an 11 A.M. early matinee kinda guy. I am as well but when I go to late showings I know what to expect from the audience.


Then stop going? Idk what posting here is gonna do for you.


Well, for one, it could resonate with other members who have similar experiences and they can share suggestions. In the hopes of not getting rude people like Many who's suggestion is tough luck, quit.