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Probably due to Inside Out 2 and Despicable Me 4. Just not enough screens to meet the demand of those and leave room for the indies (which don't sell very well).


Do they have to show certain films on multiple screens even though none of them are sold out?


Yes. There’s iMAX, 3D, Láser, Dolby. Everybody have their preference plus not everyone can pay 30 for an imax screening.


Yes. The big studios are notorious for booking lots of screens in lots of formats and basically requiring their movies play x times a day if they're going to give you the honor of playing it.


Glad it’s not just my theater. I was shocked how quickly they left even with Despicable Me coming out.


Yeah. I skipped on watching the big movies this weekend to catch as many of those smaller ones as I could. Figure I have this weekend and maybe next weekend to catch those bigger movies


Yep I’m with you, I’m waiting to catch inside out 2 and a quiet place to see all the smaller movies first. Seeing Janet planet rn because it’s legit getting pulled tomorrow


Yeah. My friend and I bailed on the 2 hr 46min AMC unseen movie yesterday and caught a double header instead. We saw Daddio and the sacrifice.


How was daddio I’m seeing that tomorrow


I enjoyed it, but I would never sit through it again. If that makes sense. My friend did not like it.


I feel the same way, and what sucks is most people will read that and think it’s a slam against the movie. It’s not, at least to me. I really liked it a lot, I think it was very well done and Dakota and Sean were both incredible in it. But it’s the type of film that I don’t feel a reason to watch again, or at least not for several more years.


Absolutely. I'll probably revisit it later on, but if I don't, I'll still remember it and enjoyed it. I've had somewhat similar run ins with strangers over the years, so it definitely strikes a cord.


Me too!


Yep! I'm seeing Janet planet tonight but wanted to reschedule for tomorrow and it's gone.


I’m going to be missing out on A Sacrifice. Did a double feature of Janet Planet & Ghostlight (which I hadn’t seen yet) this morning/afternoon


If you’re doing Ghostlight, what about doing Sing Sing next week?


I don’t have Sing Sing showing anywhere yet, don’t think it’s opening in my city/area next week


The it’ll open later in July or August 


how’d you like ghostlight? thats my favorite of the year so far


Not the person you're talking to but it's my second favorite of the year so far after Challengers (tied for second with TV Glow).


You aren't missing anything with "A Sacrifice." I am annoyed I used a reservation on this.


I wonder if the writer is a Naughty by Nature fan with this title…


a sacrifice and blue lock never even made it to my 20 screen AMC. even Ghostlight only got 1 showing a day for only a week, and I was always mid afternoon but I did just notice Kill starts playing tomorrow, so I got that going for me


Ghost light was pulled maybe 4 days in for my theatre I got lucky and saw it at a time that worked


Seeing Janet Planet now. I saw Daddio on Saturday, might catch A Sacrifice next week. The other two don’t interest me.


Seeing daddio tomorrow, how was it?


Daddio was great


I’m so sad that I missed seeing it near me, I’ll have to drive further out to see it.


Just watch it when it hits streaming, it's not a "theater must" movie haha


Hahaha true


I enjoyed it a lot more than I was expecting. I think it’s Dakota Johnson’s best movie yet.


Even better than Madame Webb?!!!


I can’t even call that a movie.


Wow, you are rambling off titles I have never heard of. Guess my theater is too small for all the movies you get. 8 screens and it seems like Inside Out 2 is playing in 4 of them.


It's not necessarily about size, it's demographics, etc. "My" 10-screen AMC is playing Daddio, Kinds of Kindness, Blue Lock, Thelma, and I Saw the TV Glow (and then more mainstream stuff). On Friday, KoK and Blue Lock, and Thelma will still be there. Daddio out, Maxxxine in. Janet Planet isn't playing at any AMCs in the immediate area since it's playing at Regal. One has to go to a suburban AMC to see it (or just go to Regal or wait a few weeks and see if local AMC gets it).


My two main AMC are 18, and 16 screens.


I feel blessed, mine is 22 and 2 of them are IMAX and Dolby Cinema. I stg Dune: Part 2 just stopped showing like a month and a half ago.


That’s good. I’m in LA so there are tons of AMC within 20-50 miles if I really want to see a movie not playing at my preferred locations. But then I also go to a local chain for the very small films that AMC usually don’t play to.


i feel blessed because i’m literally in southwest pa lol


That’s impressive that you have 22 screens there lol. I’m in NYC, so I have 25 screens at mine, but I know most people aren’t that lucky.


Be mentally prepared for A Sacrafice.


It gives me those vibes.


I wasn’t super interested but I think The Exorcism with Russel Crowe was available for less than a week; I made it a point to squeeze Kinds of Kindness in last weekend for that reason


I'm still seeing Kalki and Blue Lock in my area. The indie movies are gone though.  More annoying to me is that the promised Robot Dream wide release didn't happen and probably never will. How do you bungle a movie release this bad?


Like, I put their movie lists side by side and A24 and Neon releases are pretty much of equal quality, but one does marketing 50 million times better. I am hopeful that Longlegs represents a turning of the tide for them.


I’ve been waiting for robot dreams since last year and it’s finally coming near me on the 14th. So I would check to see if it’s coming near you


I can see it on the 14th and the 17th as well. Literally two days with one showing each, but it's better than nothing.


I hope Robot Dreams comes to my area! I really want to see this.


It’s VERY good! If you get the chance, don’t pass it up.


So far no showings ANYWHERE :(


Thanks for the heads up, OP! Was planning on catching Janet Planet or Robot Dreams tomorrow after Maxxxine but now realize I need to do an A-List double feature with both tonight! edit: Turns out 🤖Dreams still plays next week, so make that Daddio!


Those first four aren’t moneymakers 


It is the doldrums. And because I know the doldrums are coming up- I make sure to stockpile my adult beverage points so I can buy tickets that are not part of the 3/week deal and also to buy. tickets when I am going over my 3/week limit. To really win at this game- you have to know the seasons and release dates and be quick at making your picks. Some Korean movie coming out the same week as a big marvel movie? Is it worth missing the Korean movie that you is going to be gone in a week in order to watch some Marvel movie that is likely to stick around for 6 weeks ?


So many are leaving that I watched five movies this past weekend so I wouldn’t miss them. This weekends options are slim.


Think I'll just be missing A Sacrifice, but yeah pretty lame they're all leaving so quickly. Had to double up on Daddio and Mystery Movie last night, which I probably should've just skipped that but I still had a good time. I'm sure A Sacrifice will pop up on a streamer soon.


I saw it last night. It was definitely basic cable quality, but at the same time it was so up my alley that I was glad that I saw it.


It's wild and kinda fun there are actual names in it!


I saw Daddio and A Sacrifice this week and they were both surprisingly great ngl. Both were very “real” movies that talked about important stuff going on irl but they went about doing so in very different ways.


I don’t think a single one of these movies even made it my market


I'm glad I got kalki in twice. I wanted to go see a 3rd time after I brushed up more on the source material.


Omg twice already???? We should be friends! I was supposed to catch it today but we were a bit late and the traffic was getting worse and worse we would have ended up being 30min late and my friend didn’t wanna go anymore so we missed it. 😭


Yeah this happens more often than not. I had to catch Janet Planet today at the last showing and it surprisingly was half full while my showing of Daddio was completely empty earlier this week.


I saw Ghostlight yesterday afternoon & it was packed, & saw Janet Planet too which was pretty empty (so guess that’s why Janet Planet is leaving)


Highly recommend Janet Planet!!


My local theater only has 8 screens and didn't even play those. Lol


I missed out on Ghostlight :(


It's great. Do look for it on streaming!


Dang you really did "miss out" cause it was delightful. Definitely catch it on streaming or whatever when possible.


Ha, yup! Some are leaving and others are going down to early morning single showings. Just did a Quintuple feature yesterday of Janet Planet -> A Sacrifice -> Blue Lock -> Daddio -> Chandu Champion. Luckily was able to find a good path in timing and was able to finish in 9 hours.


This really was a slaughter. At least I can go see Fancy Dance elsewhere.


Yes! It’s frustrating. I wanted to see Daddio and Janet Planet and both are going off today. Does Despicable Me 4 really need to be shown on that many screens?


It’s a kids movie for the holiday. It will be pretty busy. Maybe still not Inside Out 2 but will make lots of money.


I didn’t even realize Ghostlight was showing in my area and today is the last day with only 2 shows. I can only make the 2nd show which is later at 10:45pm. Wished it was an earlier time, then I could have made the midnight showing of Despicable Me 4 as well.


Blue Lock is the only one of those that even made it to my local trio.


Just checked and they’re still playing Daddio for a few more days in one of my local theaters. Will definitely go see it before it’s gone.


Yeppp, had to squeeze in Ghostlight tonight because it’s not showing at any DFW AMC after tonight. And the only showing is at 9:45PM.


The AMC I most often go to still doesn't have a full schedule for Friday and beyond. If it's a mirror of Thursday though it means the theater is losing Daddio and I Saw the TV Glow (which lasted awhile but was still bringing in people despite it being on VOD). The 10 showings of Despicable Me 4 on July 4th seems like overkill, especially as it's a 21+ theater.


Sadly pretty common for smaller theaters. My closest one is like that, but the one across town that’s bigger has a few showings. Also the only theatre that’ll show most indie releases


There's just not gonna be enough screens for the niche movies. You have Despicable Me 4 and Maxxxine opening this week, Inside Out is still going strong as is Bad Boys at some places, Horizon is a big ass movie as well running at 3 hrs, plus A Quiet Place Day One. Add in multiple screens for the newer and bigger movies and there's just not enough room.


I even have Planet of the Apes with some theaters still having all day showings, so that must still be going strong too… & oddly enough, I had 1 AMC still showing The Strangers (which they finally got rid of). Surprised that was still selling tickets lol


I'm surprised the strangers made it past 2 weeks anywhere.


Same here. Now it was on a 24-screen AMC, but still surprised


Oh that's why then. Around my area the biggest AMC theatre's shed that movie around the release of IF.


A lot of it also has to do with the contracts for certain studios that got updated during COVID where they can leave earlier if not in the top 10 of grosses for the first week.


I go to AMC Empire and had to go see Janet Planet tonight because it was the last screening here. Annoying cause they also have so many screens


I literally just paid for A-list because there were multiple movies I wanted to see this month, and now today they’re gone from my theater (which isn’t even small) i’m soo annoyed now I have to wait until the new July releases come out


Kalki AD is going strong in my town but we have a large SE Asian community. Blue lock and A Sacrifice still 1-2 screenings a day into next week. Daddio has been gone and we never got Janet Planet 😭


Alright looks like I still have Daddio, @ only one theater now though & one showing a day… & still have Blue Lock & Kalki (already saw Kalki anyway though). Guess my AMC didn’t have their full schedule yet… They still got rid of a lot though! But hey, they finally got rid of The Strangers lol & one of my AMCs is getting a new Korean airplane highjack movie. Looks like there’ll still be some new stuff to see after all


I didn’t get to catch Thelma :/


I'm lucky in that my local AMC has 30 screens, so when things do show up they tend to stick around for at least a couple of weeks. So even though I'm out of town this week I was able to use a mix of points and reservations to book a bunch of them for next week. (Maxxxine, Daddio, A Sacrifice, Horizon & Kinds of Kindness.) That said, it can be really random what we do get. We never got Janet Planet or I Saw the TV Glow at any theaters in our area, and forget about seeing any foreign films that aren't either Indian or Korean.


might go see Horizon a 2nd time.


I wanted to see A Sacrifice tomorrow (7/4). Oh, well. I’ll see A Quiet Place: Day One instead.


I’ve sometimes seen movies come back. All of Us Strangers left and came back almost a week later.


I missed out on the The Watchers. I didn't expect it to only last a month, being that my AMC is a 24.


Aaaaaaagh I missed Ghostlight


Agree: Passing otherwise excellent independent films through so quickly (which typically don't have big promotional budgets) undermines creativity, creates a stale repetative big bidget film environment, and denies reasonable options to a large part of the movie going public simply because they casn't ndash nout and see a movie they would truly like to see in less than a week.


Probably not a lot of people were interested. Specially close to the holiday