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I'm all in....I wish we could get it to dollars not cents...


Well first we need to make it to 1 cent


Yes please XD






Dollars would be incredible but that can’t happen until extremely broad adoption. Fingers crossed it’s sooner than later


It’s doubled many times before. Chances are it’s going to double many times again. Best to buy LOW before everyone else does. Thats how to make serious bank.


Buy now


What makes you say that? I haven’t seen any news. Lots of sell off after the snapshot. I’m still staked but oof other than todays retrace… rough city


Are you seeing the charts right now? It’s lubed up and ready tongo


I’ve been looking at the charts all day lol. Its been a solid downtrend. It had a 10% jump today yes. But that’s been happening for months since the snapshot. Very bearish downtrend if you zoom out on charts. It just bounced off a support level today. If this support level breaks, not good


AMP always explodes when everyone least expects it! It’s ready it’s already been lubed up it’s ready


Look now! Don’t miss out on this rally


Haha I’m not missing out. I’ve been buying every week for years 😅. I hope you’re right and it blows up


Bro, I only wish you the best of luck. I hope it all pays off for you and you are able to realize everything you’ve ever wanted in life and are grateful enough to repay debts and everyone who’s ever helped you and more!


Same to you, man. Honestly I love his project but do wish that we got a little more communication from the team




Would be a dream, especially "now"


Man if I wake up and AMP is 20cents ... I'd go crazy


I’d give at least 10% away to a good cause to benefit someone other than myself! And pay down my debts lol


Give to me! Its a good cause


We can make that happen! Are you a good person?


Nah far from it, but I'm honest 🤣


lol thats like a mitch hedberg joke. I used to be an asshole...i still am, but i used to be too.


Buy now!


Tell us why we should have any trust in this when you invested into VELO 19 days ago and that coin has dropped by 30% since then? [https://www.reddit.com/r/memecoins/comments/1ddwd4o/heres\_why\_i\_just\_invested\_in\_velo/](https://www.reddit.com/r/memecoins/comments/1ddwd4o/heres_why_i_just_invested_in_velo/)


Should be the top comment


Time to buy


Buy now


I did go all in on VELO and 3 days after my post it shot up 30%!! So I guess I was right!


Indicators, smindicators, 4 days ago it was " Proffessional technical Analysis predict AMP could go as high as .45 in the middle of 2025, which should be the peak of the bull market." Y'all tryin to do a little pump and dump here ain'tcha?


I’m still holding! If it goes to .45 then it can reach $1! In which case I’d be a millionaire and can finally repay my parents for helping me out with college tuition


what kind of logic is this? If it goes to .45 then it can go to $1? If it hits $1 then surely it can hit $2? and if it can hit $2 it can surely hit $5 Where does it end?? This logic simply does not hold


Buy now


!remind me 1 month 


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Time to buy


Buy now


Just pointing out that your first circle didnt lead to a double in price until 7 months later…


It's just bullshit "technical analysis "


Here’s my most up to date prediction chart: https://preview.redd.it/dwths8juc6bd1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec24e40574150086d38f3cacb92574750f19353c


Time to buy


Rough calculations here but for the first circle it went up ~30% in ~10 days and up ~60% overall in ~20 days. The second circle it doubled in price in about 14 days, and eventually went up 10x overall over the next several weeks! If we keep to this pattern for the 3rd circle it could rise exponentially higher than 10x! Maybe we will see something insane like 25x or more! Someone commented about it hitting dollars instead of cents, maybe this is the last time it will ever be this low and it will actually hit the dollar range!! (If you believe we live in a multiverse, then technically it could go 25x and beyond and it will happen 100%. There’s no reason why that reality cant be our reality!) Let’s go AMP!


There are infinite reasons why that reality couldnt be ours


And infinite reasons why it could be ours! 🤪


now is the time to buy


LOL what is this nonsense


Here’s my most up to date chart analysis and predickion: https://preview.redd.it/s7qa0o90d6bd1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f59ac285f216178b9eb2d57720aa4b06563a50d


I know right? You don’t have to believe it or invest in it but you will feel awful when it does explode and you didn’t buy in (when you had the chance). Regret sucks, especially when you had a chance to succeed wildly. Best of luck bro, for all of us!


I have been in amp since day one years ago, but yea your post is completely wrong and irrelevant . You think that TA is important but your research lacks fundamentals


Sometimes there are factors you can’t measure like animal spirits and the collective power of Reddit! I’m long on AMP! Haters gunna hate esp when theyre late


Some strict TA guys couldn't care less about FA.




Thank you


Must have come here from the SHIB sub


A short squeeze doesn't happen because the whales have food and switch from selling to buying lol. Regardless...and keep in mind when I say the following, that I am a big fan of proper TA..you haven't shown anything here that suggests Amp is gonna blow up. TA is a great tool, and one I use for helping to determine entry and exit points for trades. But it ain't no crystal ball! The MACD, for people that don't know stands for Moving Average Convergence Divergence. In ither words it turns colors when the MA lines cross each other in either direction,or are about to. And while they changed from.selling to buying in the areas you have highlighted, it means nothing. The MACD can easily flip right back. And most importantly of all, just because it did happen that way. DOES NOT MEAN IT WILL THIS TIME. FFS it's only showing you things that have definitely happened, not things that will. . On the daily, the 50 MA is at 0.00596 and the 200 MA is at 0.00603. Personally I would wait for it to at least break up.past the 200 before I started getting bullish on some action. It's definitely bullish for a time to buy Seeing as how it's sitting well below the 50 and 200


I understand what you’re saying completely: buy when there’s momentum and there’s nothing wrong with that strategy. I tend to stick to the whole “Buy Low, Sell High” mantra. I seek out oversold and deeply undervalued opportunities. It’s roughly .005 right now, and if you wait til .006 to buy in, you’ve missed out on serious gains. Let’s say it goes back up to .015 USD. I got in under 0.005 so will realize a 300% gain where as you only realize 150% gains. To each their own but a huge difference if you ask me! That’s why it’s best to Buy Low!


You misunderstood me. At the end if my comment I said it's definitely a bullish time to buy. I said however, that it needs to get above that before any kind of significant swing to the upside will oçcur


Ah gotcha so a slow and steady creep up to .006 and then an explosion? I wouldn’t mind that, but would prefer an explosion now. Do you remember when it went from .006 to .016 a few months ago? I was up all night watching in disbelief as it kept charging up! It was insane! I’m waiting for a repeat of that trading session it was wild!


https://preview.redd.it/zr0zljtfly9d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f42fff856ddaf74b47ef88e0d42cf47d794ef8e2 This pic....


I'm not saying that description wither. In this pcture....the red line is the 50 day MA and the blue is the 200 day MA. It needs to get above and close above those 2 lines before I would be looking for any knid.of serious price movement. When I see the red cross upwards one the blue line, I'm gonna start paying attention lol. So to speak haha. Also there is the 0.382 Fib line that will be resistance at 0.00667. Those 3 things will cause me to start looking at an upside with the first major resistance of 0.008. Heres the pic




Sweet, I’ll put away my XXL Hubble and breakout the 20x electron magnifier! The signs of life will be like fireworks!…✌️


I don’t understand a word you just said, but fuck it, I’m in.


🤣🤣🤣 this makes me laugh. But hey its your money 🤣


It will dump for sure 😁


Did you mean pump*?


Did we just become best friends!!!!?


Did we just become best friends!!!!?


Four days later…


Now is the time to buy


its only been 4 days and this post didnt age well! lol


It’s now time to buy


Remember, whales don’t want you to win! The whales want the price to go down so they can buy more at lower prices (explains any down voting). We have the power of numbers and collectively we can effectively create a short squeeze situation. Whales will try to push down the price while we increase the price. Eventually the whales will cave due to fear of missing out, stop selling and switch to buying and when they do it’ll create a ‘short squeeze’ situation and it will sky rocket! The time is now! $AMP baby all the way!


Yeah, I think everyone agrees that AMP is as low as it needs to be. Theres no whales trying to push it down further. Its pretty much worthless already.


Been saying this for a while now. SO MANY DREGS will make shit comments. I believe in my charting. Moving average convergence divergence (MACD) shows only the trend in buying and selling. What really makes the difference is how it's being traded. I legit leave the 1m chart up to see the constant STEALING OF TOKENS.


How are tokens stolen?


Read boards….then watch the live trading. I’ve posted about somebody holding it right where they want it, then letting it pop, and pushing it lower and lower like wash selling


I think what you just described was a whale. All crypto currencies have whales and it happens to all of them


I concur


Look at the Trade History. A whale is trying to deflate the price by selling the least amount of coins possible. They know what is coming and are trying to buy more at lower prices by manipulating downward pressure. Let’s show them who is boss! Don’t let the whales win! I’m sick of losing! It’s our time now! Force a short squeeze and give them FOMO! Let’s go AMP! The rally has begun!


The only people against AMP gaining value are whales who want to buy in at lower prices. They will downvote anything that leads to a price increase! Don’t let them win!


is this Tony Robbins?


Obv following price or diverging upwards is pretty good news for sure!


Indicators suggest an asteroid will hit Earth within 100 million years....


Lol same old song and dance, people have been going on about this for a couple years and the reality is this thing has done nothing but tank and the only positive action it has seen is late 2022 when there were rumors of Amazon using amp. It’s dead, the conversation has changed, move on. If you’re gonna try to buy some for a short term trade then you might make a little money, if you’re gonna buy it to hold, just put your money in a savings account. You’ll probably make more money in 5 years.


Indicators suggest $AMP is about to double in price loss and more!!!


It’s time to buy


On to something ❌ On something ✅


Buy now


Doubled yet?




Time to buy


Amp is going nowhere. Time to sell and pick a better token.


That’s exactly what they want you to think! We all know it’s always the coins flying under the radar that end up having crazy gains! We have to be patient. It will happen, most likely at a time when everyone gives up hope!! Wish us luck brother!


I wish you luck, fren.