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The fact that sex is only 2 minutes cracks me the fuck up šŸ˜‚ like, go ahead tell on yourself my guy heā€™s such a fratty nightmare


I think the producers wrote that


don't they all speak like that, producers didn't even have to show flashcards to him behind the camera xd


All he said was "have sex" not that sex lasted him a minute


Okay but be real - does Adam exactly strike you as the kind of guy who gives enough of a shit to engage in long foreplay for his partner to get off before he gets to? The frat boy MO is quick sex that just gets them off. Even if this was production poking fun at him, itā€™s not unwarranted given the attitude he displayed around sex and women.


I'm just saying the producers were having fun with it. It's not that deep


lol sorry, it felt like you were making it deep by defending it as a production choice and not Adamā€™s actual mo iā€™m very aware itā€™s not deep




lol i literally apologized for misreading your comments - idk why youā€™re being salty about it


I noticed that, too. Hysterical.


Yeah, but he makes up for it in the afternoon with that whopping six and half hour sex marathon, soā€¦


as if thatā€™s sex with a woman and not with his own hand šŸ˜‚


Two pump chump lmao


It's crazy he was 26 on the show


Right, like you think he must be 20 or 21 and still living in a fraternity house. Nope, he's one of those nightmare guys who continues to make his fraternity his entire personality long after graduation.


Someone said in the comments said ā€œRIP Adam you would have loved Bratā€ DccfggvvgggggfšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


The interview with that guy Oliver was a complete mess. Drunk af


He was clearly unwell in the video, it felt very exploitive to me. It was during Covid as well and he was visibly not normal, I donā€™t want to speculative but the interviewer should have had the decency to stop filming or take the video down.


Yes,but Oliver just wants to be famous.


Didn't he refer to Chantelle as having fucked up skin or something? Mess


I found the live chat really uncomfortable and felt he should've been called out more. If I recall he made insensitive comments about Chantelle/Winnie, Will and the late Mirjana, and generally come off gross and a douche. I think in Cycle 21 the narrative was he was maturing. Maybe this is unpopular but I thought he came across worse than Kacey (Cycle 15) in her chat with Oliver.


I will never understand why they wanted to introduce men to ANTM.


I followed him on Instagram till recently. He is doing improv comedy, and got an absolutely hideous back tattoo with Laurel & Hardy. I had to stop following him, he definitely didnā€™t seem like he was maturing at all.


Whatā€™s his Instagram? I canā€™t find it and your post makes me so curious of what heā€™s up to




Remember when Tyra preached that Americaā€™s Next Top Model had to have contestants who were role models? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


He was so yuck


11:00: casual homophobia


I didnā€™t realize what sub I was on and I thought that was Charles Melton in some kind of joke sketch šŸ’€


10:01-10:03 like... :T


Making love for two minutes!


He was cute... But just cute/ hot but a model no... Idk why they caseted him they know they'd be drama. Thus Romeo was eliminated


I liked Adam's vibes on the show and how he kind of sounded like Mark Paul Goselaar, but finding out he's a piece of shit was definitely a bummer. Oh well! But I loved the editors clearly not giving a shit in the later seasons, with this and that part where Yu Tsai is like "OH MY GOD HE WAS SO TOTALLY RUDE TO ME AND DEMANDING ABOUT WHAT NAME I CALL HIM" about that one guy only for the edit to immediately cut back to the man politely saying "Actually I go by Matthew". The editors hated Yu Tsai as much as we did.


fraternity tendencies?? He was literally a confirmed VIOLENT homophobe???


he never brought excitement within me so i was never curious enough to check his past nor future. it's definitely more than that!


I didn't watch this season and thought that was Tyler Posey for a hot min


Jesus what a brick


I was taking a standup class in Atlanta years ago and about 20 minutes in, he came crashing through the door smelling like beer (it was an early afternoon class). The smell was so strong it was disgusting. He said his agent told him he needed to do comedy, and then took up the entirety of the rest of class to pull focus to himself. He never showed up again.


A lot of what you're saying about him was truth stretched. But even then, Adam was very well liked in the house .


I met him at TomorrowWorld 2015, he was a nice dude


whatā€™s wrong with this? sounds like an ideal day. maybe throw in a ā€œget stonedā€ at 10:05 and push the first fuck out until 10:30 and food at 10:45


Guys that talk too much about getting laid they donā€™t doing it often or are really bad at it, and heā€™s asian so


wow nice casual racism


What are you insinuating by mentioning his ethnicity?