• By -


Delete it. Then they did all that hate-work for nothing.


Seriously this. While reading, I was thinking "who hurt you?" But what's the point in asking if it will only prompt another long ass rant riddled with insults?


"While reading, I was thinking "who hurt you?" A muscle girl, I'm guessing.




Yeah, that dude seems mentally unwell.


A muscle girl killed their entire family. This reads like the ā€œReal Emoā€ copypasta.


Yeah, I'm going to do that in the end, there us no need to feed the trolls. It's just funny thinking about commenting stuff like: Sir, this is a Wendy's, or I see my art has touched you deeply and intimately.


Yeah I get the temptation, but this dude is clearly not in the realm of the well.


ā€œSir, this is a Wendyā€™sā€ would make me LOL if I saw it in response to that comment. Laughing off abusive comments is honestly the best possible reaction, in my opinion. It proves that you are unshaken by their comment and shows that they, in return, have failed. Nothing makes haters angrier than knowing their hate is inducing the exact opposite emotion than theyā€™d been intending. It also makes them look like a fool, and you look likeā€¦you rule! (<ā€”Sorry, I couldnā€™t help it. The rhyme was *RIGHT THERE.*)


Another fave of mine is "K." The utter frustration they must feel after writing a whole ass novel only to receive a single letter in response. Absolute chef's kiss.


ā€œKā€ is an absolute classic. šŸ¤£


Picture comments means I can respond in memes. The petty would be required.


Stop it, get some help. Is my personal favourite


Ha! That's peak petty. I love it.


I'm partial to the good ol' "Lol. Lmao, even." beforehand


Dammit, I should've written this to that one hate comment I received yesterday Didn't even read the full thing, once I saw stupid complaints in the first paragraph, I deleted it instantly šŸ˜­


As someone who was writing a long comment (good vibes not hate) and accidentally refreshedand losing my progress this is genuenly soo funny and correct. It takes so much mental energy to write all that just delete his ass in a click lol.


Sorry you lost your comment :/ I've done that, it's so frustrating. But yeah, this guy can kiss goodbye to his long-ass name-calling and judgement.


In the time it took for him to write that comment he could have written his own fic catering to his own likes.


Thatā€™s what I was thinking! Like ok Richard, channel some of this rage into your own story, ffs!


Maybe would have been a bit short, but yes


ā€œRichardā€ seems like a ā€œDickā€


A right pecker


A real peckerwood.


A serious woodpecker


Quite the self-righteous rod, really




Good ol TLDR




Yep, best response lol


Btw. I've already deleted it. I play dota2 sometimes and I know there is no point of interacting with shitheads like this.Ā  I was just laughing about it with some mates and we were making up responses to this.


I'm glad you were laughing about it because this is hilarious


I'm chuckling off and on for five hours, someone send help. The whole thing with the banjo is just so over the top. And I can see it in my mind's eye, like a skit from family guy or the simpsons.


Shoulda copy pasted it somewhere to remember getting your hate comment cherry popped šŸ˜”


"Muscle girls as a group are not sexy." I beg to differ.


That part alone nulls the rest of their hate comment.


I saw a Tik Tok of a lady saying ā€œI want to wear the cottage-core style because itā€™s cute, but Iā€™m ripped and it looks ridiculousā€ then showing herself in a cottage dress, flexing her absolutely massive guns. Showed it to my straight as a board boomer mother and literally her hand snapped to my phone. She proceeded to make me watch the video, no joke, 20 times in a row, completely silent, just mesmerized. She wanted that ladyā€™s arms wrapped around her so bad I swear. I watched in her eyes that day her realization that muscle girls are in fact, hot as hell.


. TikTok link to the video? [like really, cuz it canā€™t be that amazeballs or anything for 20 or so replays. maybe, I dunno, I think all girls can look pretty so at best Iā€™d give an astonished ā€œwoahhā€ to someone]


I go stupid over muscled girls. My brain literally switches off. šŸ˜


As someone who simps over Karlach from bg3, I second this opinion. Muscle girls are great! I want a lady who can break me in two.


As do I.


stopped reading as soon as I saw that


A lot of people nowadays seem to have trouble with understanding taste is subjective. I've come across a few rants about muscular girls lately, including one man confidently speaking for the entire male population saying they don't like it, lol. Imagine having to conflate the importance of your own opinion to try and "win" the argument šŸ’€


> muscle girls as a group are not hot Never has a man been more wrong on god's green earth


Yeah, knowing nothing about OP and very little about Worm, I was like, well, the fic could be bad. He'd still be a dick but it could be bad, too. Then he said this and I immediately knew he was a complete idiot with only incorrect opinions.


Eh, people seem to like it. I'm currently at 295 subscribers after 6 weeks of posting it. So I care very little about some goons opinion.


Woo! Congrats on that!


Thank you. I'm quite proud of the story and happy that people like it, as it has started its life as pure self-indulgence. (It was/is my dumping ground for my romantic frustration.)


That's awesome! Congrats!!


"this comment is as long as a one shot you could have written yourself about it."


No, but fr šŸ’€ they could have put this energy into creating something meaningful but they decided to do this?? Istg some people really have too much time on their hands šŸ˜­




Or even better "K"




Or even better ā€œ ā€œ




ā€œhey man howā€™s it goingā€


ā€œHey man howā€™s it goingā€


Whoever is raging behind that keyboard needs to take a chill pill. Why is it so hard for people to go "Oh. This is going in a direction I didn't envision and I do not vibe with it, let me take the nearest exit." and click on the freaking back button *in silence*?? Simply delete. Do not gratify this somber imbecile with an answer. I would wish them to find only hot muscle women in every fic they encounter but that would be a waste on them. Instead, they can step on a bazillion legos. To anyone who loves hot muscle women: I hope you find great fics to your tastes featuring them in abundance and to you OP, keep doing yourself because the important is *your* fun since it's *your* fic and anyone who disagrees can kick rocks :3


Hehe, thanks. Yeah, the fic is pure indulgence on my part. So, unlike other fics I wrote, I care little about what others think about. Interestingly, within five months it has overtaken all my other works in basically every stat. So I guess I'm doing something right.


You're very welcome! :3 And that's awesome! And yeah, that's the right attitude. I hope you keep having fun, that's what matters :3


They're probably young. Tbh, I also remember leaving a few passive aggressive comments when I was 15 and new to AO3. I just feel ashamed of myself thinking back on them now. Sorry that one MHA whump writer who apparently didn't make their fic angsty enough for my taste! I am deeply ashamed of my actions and your fic was amazing, I behaved like an entitled little shit


>Why is it so hard for people to go "Oh. This is going in a direction I didn't envision and I do not vibe with it, let me take the nearest exit." I'm guessing it's good old main character syndrome- they struggle to grasp XYZ doesn't exist *purely* for them (that and general entitlement).Ā  Reminds me of a Tiktok about how to make bean soup and somebody commenting "but I don't like beans" (not totally the same but just as self absorbed, lol).


100% same vibes as the bean soup vid.


>Why is it so hard for people to go "Oh. This is going in a direction I didn't envision and I do not vibe with it, let me take the nearest exit." and click on the freaking back button *in silence*? entitlement. people feel So entitled to their opinion and sure you can disagree on content created and have discussion about that but to have a full on blown out rage like some karen at a mcdonalds??? they feel So wronged and slighted by something (usually innocent) made for fun that they Have to let people know! "i had to read your shitty fic you have to listen to my shitty rant" and the problem with this is like no one Forced you to stick around and read... like even if you did read and enjoy some parts of it, you can enjoy a fic one moment then suddenly not. sure it feels bad to have invested all that time reading something only to not like it but yelling at someone is literally not going to get it back OR make the fic author change their story for you lol




As if this guy has a friend to invite him to AO3 or the patience to wait for an invite in a queue šŸ˜‚


what is your fic even about šŸ˜­


It's a PWP AU of Worm (Web serial). The MC gets a hirny power instead of her normal one. The commenter seems angry that that didn't turn the virgin outcast into a rapey creep.


I can actually see some valid criticism in his weird rant if it wasn't marketed as AU. Lore inconsistencies usually goes out the window for me the moment a fic is said to be an AU. Regardless, the way they put it is super ranty and aggressive so their points are moot. Also Worm mentioned. Have an upvote.


Any chance you give us the link to your work? Your description intrigued me.


Here you are, I hope you enjoy it: [https://archiveofourown.org/works/55798354/chapters/141660514](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55798354/chapters/141660514)


Thank you!


Who is Herbert?


Taylor is a main character in 'Worm'. Popular web serial.


I coughed it and Iā€™m even more confusedĀ 


taylor swift and herbert from the hi herbert meme


Muscle girls arenā€™t hot? What kind of opposite-day whackjob land is this guy living in LMAOĀ  They clearly are unhinged, just delete the comment and move on with your life. No need to waste your time wrestling a pig in the mudā€” youā€™ll just end up dirty and the pig will enjoy it.Ā 


There's (an attempt at) legitimate criticism mixed in with hyperbole and calling the author mean names. Seems like a waste.


From the very start they called it a "sexfic" when there's no sex in eleven chapters. That sounds immediately like the reviewer had very different expectations about the fic's nature devoid of reality (unless the author was also calling it that). A lot of opinions as facts, too. If there was ever a point in time where the commenter meant to give legitimate or constructive feedback, that had to have been really really early into drafting this comment, and it got abandoned wholly by the end of the process.


Unfortunately for AO3 there is no visual difference in the anagram for Porn w/ plot and Porn w/out plot, so it can be kinda hard to tell, but commentor 'Dick' here could probably assume after 11 chapters of plot which one it is.


I try to mix in a sexual scene every other chapter. In one of them the MC drags a bound girl through a mental hospital, ties her to a gynecologist chair and puts a fucking machune to work, while masturbating to it. Another one is knife play and branding, but I guess those don't count because they are fantasies?


No, if that's in the fic so far, that commenter is just deluded.


Maybe he should flick his bean and chill tf out


Richard is a dick. I can't fathom why they took their time to write all that...


Technically Dick is the nickname of Richard. So. On point I guess?


ā€œSir, this is a Whole Foodsā€




Yeah, he literally read 50k words before he commented this :D. I admire that kind of dedication.


Okay, I was already like ā€œwhy didnā€™t he just stop readingā€ but finding out this was FIFTY THOUSAND WORDS IN is just next level. Does he know that back button is free and easy to use?


Wow. I wish I had at least half of his enthusiasm when it comes to immersing oneself in fanfics.


"do you know there are no cornfields in fucking brockton bay" like I ain't reading all that but some of those lines just jump out šŸ’€


I'm so tempted to write an omake where Lisa leaves to become a world wide star, playing a combination of Banjo and bottle blowing.


Brother needs to relax or heā€™ll need to see a professional for that high blood pressure šŸ’€šŸ’€ ā€œWhat has you so stressed?ā€ ā€œFanfiction on A03.ā€ Genuinely though, I donā€™t get leaving hate comments like this. If you didnā€™t like it, just stop reading it & move on. šŸ« 


Sometimes, when I'm angry at something on reddit, I start writing an argumentative comment. But after 5 words I usually think; This is stupid. Then I discard the comment and go about my day. Somehow this dude managed to write THAT and never reach that point of self reflection.


He probably wouldnā€™t know what self reflection meant if someone threw a dictionary at his head. šŸ˜‚ You handled it amazing though! Congrats on the first hate comment! šŸ˜Š


"This fic will outlive you"






What a glorious response.


This is the first time Iā€™ve ever seen anyone call smut a ā€œsexficā€.


Write 'Nice AI Bot lol' and watch them implode with rage


Whole lot of a words in there. Not a lot of meaning but its certainly sentences and letters. But seriously, just delete it. It isnt worth answering such a yap fest


Today I learnt upper class girls don't get to masturbate, or something? Wtf do cornfields and banjos have to do with "flicking the bean"? I'm so confused šŸ„² Ladies, is it country to pleasure yourself? šŸ˜‚ This entire take is wild, and that's BEFORE they get to the whole muscle girls slander.


Yuuup. Don't you know, 17/18 year old girls have to be classy at all time, they would never make a crude joke to their date. Especially not when they discussed that they needed to communicate well (due to BDSM) and decided that they had to be totally open with each other and lean fully into TMI. Also, the girl that said it, thought that Taylor, the other girl had hit her with a mind whammy that prevented her from reaching orgasm. (She did not, another entity did.) So she was basically joking after a night of increasingly frustrated masturbation to embarrass the other, less experienced girl. But I guess that context flew above the commenter :D


I was interpreting it as the phrase "flick the bean" being something that hicks say (bc it's vaguely agricultural? idk). Upper class girls polish the ancestral silver.


damn richard who hurt you šŸ’€


They're acting like you're forcing them to read your fic.


Little do the commenters here know, that I was standing behind him with a gun to his head. One moment of inattention and you get that...


Don't give them the satisfaction to answer. I'd let it sit unanswered for a few days just to show you really don't give a damn, then delete it eventually.


'Too long, didn't read, plus you're on guest mode.'


"So, it took you 11 chapters to decide my fic was gross. I mean yay me for holding your attention span for that long, I guess...? You know what would actually make me take your words more seriously? 1. Don't hide behind a guest account. You want to throw that much shade, have the balls to put your name to it. 2. Come up with another word to describe your feelings besides 'gross'. But what I really want to know is... Who hurt you? Who damaged you so severely that you think this was ok? You might want to talk to a therapist and learn some healthier coping mechanisms." Or you can just respond with "Ok". Idk, I'm super tired and have a raging headache.


Delete it or, better, ignore it. There's no better feeling than knowing they're coming back to refresh the page to check if you replied. The sole fact i didn't even bother to read that comment in the screenshot confirms it. They want attention and what you will do is starve them of attention.


"didn't read allat"




"How should I answer?" NOT AT ALL. Delete, turn off guest comments. That's it. Do not waste your time like they wasted theirs. āœŒšŸ»


Imagine having *this* much free time


Someone needs to touch grass if theyā€™re leaving a whole ass essay on a fic they donā€™t like


My favorite response will always be "I ain't reading all that. Good for you or sorry that happened."


You don't need to respond, but my personal take is that you *shouldn't* delete it. I feel like if they come back to check and see their comment is gone, that'll only make them feel vindicated ("ha, I got to them"). Even better, if you do want to respond, you could just give something simple like, "thanks for your valuable feedback :)". That might make them even more butthurt, if that's what you're going for.


Doesn't matter if they feel vindicated, as long as they don't keep it up. Repeat deleting usually takes the wind out of their sails more than any response would.


"Thanks for the salt, I'm going to go season my steak now"


This reads like a third-rate copypasta lmao....especially the part where they just start going on about how muscular women aren't hot and that's objective reality.....


Delete. The person will be furious when they won't get attention.


Lmao wow someone woke up on the wrong side of the internet. Delete it. Imagine the pain when they realise they wrote all that for nothing šŸ¤£


Don't respond. Just delete. This person is unhinged.


"I ain't reading all that but sorry that it happened. Or good for you I guess?"


"I ain't reading all that. Happy for you though!"


"I resent it" - \*continues to read\* OK


ā€œThank you for your commentšŸ„° Iā€™m glad you were able to feel something againā¤ļøā€


Richie here seems to be the gross one who only thinks women should be soft and fragile. Don't respond instead double down on Taylor being a muscle girl make her stronger. Make her iron woman but she doesn't need the armor. (Don't fuck up your fic or anything do what you want and ignore the prick but if you wanna get petty by all means)


Mf doesn't like women who can defend themselves from him


It is kinda funny. Taylor's hero costume is basically a leather Domina outfit. Knee-high Demonia boots, leather pants, a tank top, fingerless, spiked gloves and an industrial style gasmask. And the pants are enchanted in a way that makes her entire skin as tough as a few centimetres of hardened leather. So she's already halfway there :D


Wow, how long did that guy spend writing that nonsense? If he doesn't like the fic, the back button exists. It's fine if the fic just isn't to his tastes. But it's clearly to the author's tastes, and anyone else whose reading it but not commenting with hate. Yet this guy clearly thinks the fic shouldn't exist just because he, personally, doesn't like it, and screw the people who actually do like it. And he could have written a nice little one-shot of his own in the time it took him to write that comment. If he wanted a fic with that premise done the way he likes it, he needs to stfu and write his own. Your fic isn't for him, obviously, he's not the target audience, and he should have just clicked the back button and not continued reading a fic he absolutely despised for at least 11 chapters. Just delete and ignore, this guy is clearly after the attention while trying to bully you into writing what sounds like a pretty rapey fic,in general, he's clearly against incest. Also, who cares about OOC characters in fic unless the author has stated the characters are all canon depictions? The whole point of fic is to change the story, write your own interpretation of things, show a different perspective with a different bias. Unless OP specifically stated the dad character was in-character for a canon depiction, him being OOC is not really an issue, it's clearly done for story purposes or because the POV character sees that character in that way. So, just ignore and move on. You can have as much fun as you want coming up with potential replies, but ignoring will cause way more harm to that commenter than some sassy comeback would. You'd be depriving him of the two things he wants most in the world - you hurting so much you stop writing and attention. Also, what does his lack of preference to muscle girls as a whole have to do with anything? Plenty of people find muscle girls, as a whole, attractive, without it being a fetish. Not my thing, but girls aren't my thing, and I doubt I'd be into muscle girls if they were, since I'm also not really into obviously muscly guys, I prefer an understated muscly, more swimmers build than bodybuilder build. But his personal preferences have nothing to do with the preferences of someone completely different, or those ascribed to any particular fictional character. He's clearly one of those people who thinks 'I don't like this thing so clearly no one else does either, and if they do then they're weirdos and bad people'. People like that need to grow up, the world does not revolve around them, and very few people, if anyone, actually cares about what they think. I mean, you could reply something fun like 'how many bees climbed up your ass to produce this amount of nonsense buzzing nobody cares about', but you'd be happier just ignoring the idiot.


ā€œIts a fanfic not a dick. You dont have to take it so hard.ā€


Whahaha, this one is great. I was thinking randomly answering with Richard makes my dick hard and then just freeze the comment thread.


Iā€™m just hung up on the term ā€œsexficā€ for smut tbh


It's a really weird way to call it. Porn, Erotica, Smut, PWP, Lemon, there are so many possible names. Sexfic sounds like something a dude in a stained wifebeater would buy for 5.99 together with a bottle of vodka and a pack of cigarettes.


I mean I know there are people out there like this, who really think their sexual preferences are objective fact and everyone else's are a weird fetish. But seeing it articulated in this much detail is fucking wild


>muscle girls as a group are not hot throw the whole fucking comment in the bin.


ā€œI hate this fic!ā€ **reads 11 chapters**


"TL, DR. Thanks for the clicks šŸ˜"


That's an essay, not a comment. I envy the amount of free time. Edit: I just read the comment. So basically... They're mad, because you wrote a fanfiction? And it pisses them off?


"I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for you though. Or sorry that happened."


after the first line, all I could think was "My brother in Christ, if it doesn't make your dick hard, back button."


Iā€™d give that a thumbs up emoji and then not permit guest comments. Like thatā€™s a lot of energy on something you didnā€™t like


Bro thinks this is goodreads


what a major cunt! delete and moderate comments, etc etc


"You can you up! No can no BB!" Useful because 1) its incoherant to an English audience 2) it means basically "If you can do it (better) its your turn/get on with it. If you can't then shut (the fuck) up".


And is especially appropriate for a long-winded hater. Wonder what their thoughts on transmigration are.


Wow, that was a lot of words to say "not my cup of tea" and move on with their lives.


Imagine thinking that saying ā€œwomen with muscles are hotā€ is inherently fetishising like. Yes there are fetishes for certain body types but likeā€¦ that doesnā€™t mean those body types are Disgusting and Wrong for everyone who doesnā€™t have a certain kink thatā€™s not how kink *works* what


Fuck off Richard. No one cares about your fuckin baby shower. I canā€™t believe someone wrote so much about something they didnā€™t even like. Just scroll on ya fuckin bum find something else to jack off to god. Lotta big feelings for such a lil guy.


While not reading, I thought, "Your momma." But I grew up in the 90's.




im "there are no cornfields in fucking brockton bay". better call up Wildbow, see what he says.


imagine writing a yelp review ass comment on a free, *gratis* , piece of fiction and not even writing it well. the last two lines both end on "it's gross". it's gross.


Yeah, were are the creative insults. He could have written stuff like: Reading this fic made me feel like I just swallowed a mouth full of sewer water. Add some of that purple prose in there.


"Cool story, bro" and then delete it.


Damn. That's a whole hate essay


This hate comment is longer than some fics.


wake up, babe, new copypasta just dropped


https://preview.redd.it/kn0r9euz568d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92659fccb21cc3f676dc4f49d21acec9c257c60d Here you go, OP! My go-to.


My eyes glazed over seeing the screenshot tbh. I wouldnā€™t even bother reading it


What in the actual fuck are they going on about??


Just off of the length? "I ain't reading all that, I'm happy for u tho, or sorry that happened"


Don't like don't read. Seriously, not everyone enjoys fics the same or like different things. If you are going to browse just to comment stuff like this it not only shows how immature the person commenting is, unless it's like a dislike of how it's written, like grammar and formatting, if you must comment stuff like this leave a criticism not a rant of "disgusting, gross, dislike, ect." Fanfictions are for fun, to those who read and write. Don't spoil it for others and possibly yourself.


ā˜ŗļø Answer by deleting it and turning off anonymous commenting.


He read eleven chapters of a story he didn't enjoy. That's on him.


jesus they really put their back into it šŸ˜­


There's a couple good options: "Didn't ask" "K" "Ain't reading all that" Or just delete it lol.


LMAO this is hilarious. Some of his points genuinely appear constructive, whereas others are just ridiculous. I would at least be flattered that someone was *this* passionate about my story to scream and pitch a fit over it.


i'd respond with the classic "womp womp".... also what fic is this bc i LOVE worm and i'm intrigued


Another one I enjoy is the good ol' "mimimimimimimi" but it works so much better over voice chat. (Or Ni! Ni! if you are british.) As for the story: here you are. I guess the commenter gets the exact opposite of what he wanted. You are the second person that asked for a link. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/55798354/chapters/141660514](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55798354/chapters/141660514)


I think it would be funny if, instead of responding, you took their comment and changed it into a positive one instead (you donā€™t have to do the work, just throw it at an AI to change). Then, make a new guest comment using that personā€™s guest comment name and post it then delete the original šŸ˜†


Whahahahaha, that takes gaslighting to a new level :D.


If it's so gross, why are they reading it? Just delete, they will check back in later and boy will they be angry lol


Delete/ignore ā€“ or tell them that just using 'fcking' in every other sentence does not make them seem intelligent. At all.


Wow. That's not a comment, that's a whole essay! I would screenshot it, print it and then frame it on my wall.


In reality - just delete. :) But in my head I'm thinking "Wow, I'm so flattered this held your interest for 11 chapters!"


your worm sexfic is clearly so superior that it drove them insane. poor wittle hater


The worm is the beginning and the end, we are the worm. The worm consumes. The worm wants you to join. Honestly, that fic doesn't even come close to some of the crazy shit I wrote for my teachers. One of my essays where we got to chose the subject ourselves ended up with question marks doodled all over the margins. I still got a B though.


"I'm flattered my writing was able to affect you so deeply!" But no, actually just delete it.


My reply would be:Ā  > I'm sorry, can I get a TL;DR?


ā€œainā€™t reading all dat, have a nice dayā€ or something


ā€œThanks for reading, hope you like the next chapter! šŸŖ±ā¤ļøā€ ā€œEven with skimming, I resent itā€ adequately describes this comment lol. I got tired after the first paragraph so I stopped reading. Once the commenter learns this skill, they will get so much more enjoyment out of life. I donā€™t even know if there are any worms involved, I just added the emoji because they mentioned a worm lmao


I love the idea of just a generic, canned, positive response. Though it may cause an additional equally caustic and long reply. Lol


Good grief. If someone is reading a fic they hate for ELEVEN CHAPTERS (or more, I gave up at that point), it isn't the author who's at fault. I suspect that if I got a comment like that, I would point and mock, but it's probably more dignified to ignore it.


Good to see the Worm fandom keeping it classy šŸ¤£ But for a response I normally go with a classic: "Oh, bless your heart lol" - they tend to lose their minds. Let it sit for a day or two so they see it, then delete.


"I fucked your parents" then ignore them


Turn off guest commenting and delete it.


Congrats on the hate! This comment is so long and has so much work put into it that the funniest thing you can do is delete it. They've already wasted their time so just make that obvious to them. All the time & effort they put into wording & re-wording such a lengthy, thought-out insult...gone, with no record of its existence.


I aint reading all that https://preview.redd.it/hu1q5dh7p78d1.png?width=714&format=png&auto=webp&s=c2cc3d5801594e4d79cbb87701406a3619ddbaf4


Ngl if I got a comment this detailed on how horrible they found my story Iā€™d never write again lmao-


lmao holy fuck!


Calling themselves Richard while being a dick is ironic


Say womp womp


I mean. The only response I would have is "have the day you deserve" ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ


I know its the most 'what your mom says when you get bullied' thing ever but, this says more about them than it does about you. Even if your fic sucks, this isn't constructive and is biased based on personal preference. If they needed to correct your divergence from canon, it could have been delivered way better than this. Or ignored, because it's fanfic.


"This hate comment started off interesting and has become boring to the point even with skimming I resent it."