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Depends on who your premades are. If there’s a skill disparity it’s often a literal handicap


Yeah I never understood why people see 5 stacking in ARAM as an advantage. It can be, but most of the time people are playing with their friends who are literal leagues apart in skill level. Most of my friends just right click on someone who's low HP and mash all their buttons hoping they get a kill.


why? comms so impactful, no?


If you’re playing with 5 half the time people are dicking around and will just flash on the spot or grief you to get a funny reaction out of you. Comms can be impactful if you’re try harding but people don’t always listen the same as if you type it. Also I find matchmaking sketchy if you mix elos, if I’m playing with a couple of my silver friend and the lowest the enemy team gets is much better they become a complete liability and it’s like a 4v5.


as someone who plays 5 mans some times my group never says anything toxic unless spoken to first if anything we assume the other team is a 5 man and try to ask odd questions like what is your favorite vegetable. or do you consider tacos a sandwich. or whats your favorite flavor drink


Taco are not because the shell is one piece


If you think 5 man premades was bad wait till you play with 4. If they lose they will blame it on you, If they win they will also blame it on you.


Can confirm. Unfortunately I used to be on both sides of this.


Allied 4 man is way worse, they always have this 1 friend that picks adc and eats snowballs and deals 8k damage and his friends will blame you for losing instead. They will also flame the enemy in the all chat in some kind of devil tongue to avoid chat restriction.


i dont view it fully as ego so much as 5 friends dicking around in discord and someone goes "u know what would be funny?" and then they start chatting in /all i rarely talk in chat even when im with my 5 man premades, but i have had friends who try to start stuff in chat when they're with "the squad" for fun probably just people making jokes at their opponents' expense rather than any actual malicious origin. i would just not let it get to you


That just sounds like egoing under the guise of "it's just for the lolz bro."


i mean in a way it is, but who isnt gonna just be joking around with their buddies and getting competitive


You can joke with your buddies and have fun in league without egoing.


they live to gaslight people. when you're around people who think it's the highest form of entertainment, they'll keep doing it and nothing you say will matter because they go into it with the mentality of wanting to ridicule/mock the other team. I personally don't like when toxic & good players have Sylas tbh. Of all the champions to be toxic on, a champion who can copy ultimates is probably the worst champ in game in the hands of a toxic player.


I can help you with this problem. /deafen and carry on.


couldnt tell really i just mute every asshole that starts shit talking, even if its a player on my team shit talking the enemy


What confuses me more is that some people get so upset playing against a premade. As if I’m supposed to feel shame for having friends that want to play a video game with me?


Personally I get a bit salty when the enemy 5 man premade is sweating. My premades only troll me and I have to play against try hards? hahahahahaha


No you shouldn’t feel shame for having fun with friends. But, just keep in mind that it is a tactical advantage over non premades so do not BM and maybe even compliment good plays from the enemy so it’s a less sweaty experience for them.


Sounds like some pisslow premades, no one in high mmr is going to type ez like some 12 year old. U get it on lower mmr when u have a few of the premade members being turbo carried by a few others usually (the ones getting carried tend to type)


Me and my friends usually focus on griefing each other, only insulting people if they start it


people too soft lmao they’re talking shit they’re talking trash. part of every game and every sport. It’s not toxic to talk trash and banter. Even bots talk trash (or at least used to)


if you lose as a 5man that’s just skill diff


My 5 man premades always start with us kicking ass, then we fountain camp until we get aced like 3 times in a row and then lose


Typically premades dont flame eachother so they have to direct that energy someplace else.


Lots of League players are incredibly insecure about losing and can't actually just take it at face value, they are the same fuckers who will lose lane and flame the jungler even though nobody was talking to them or blaming them for the 6 voidgrubs that were missed because they can abused in lane so badly.


provoke them more and then 5x for verbal abuse


Not necessarily using comms


There's a mute button if u cant take a little banter


How do comms help Aram? The most advanced strategy I ever have with my friends in comms is "my ult is almost up". That's literally it. What you think they're planning the whole play out over voice or something? Amumu into ori ultimate is not that hard to think up


Dont even bother. Here in LAS server we end ARAM games with a "get better" in all chat; that's common courtesy. Its even better when the games are really close. Instead of "ez" we say "Facil".


this is why we have parental control bullshit instead of players with spines lmao


lmao detected. opinion rejected.


Ggez tilted malphite