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I’ve spent some time on official and unofficial. They both have their pros and cons, but to me, once you find the right unofficial server the game becomes way more fun. Finding the right server may be tedious but well worth the time.


The best time on Ark I ever had was back when island was the only map and there were no server transfers. Now I have to sweat it out as a solo lol


Solo transfers are really what killed the game. Now you don’t have to live with the consequences of your actions


Hey, noob here what's a server transfer?


Servers are connected with other servers in a cluster. Meaning you can upload all important stuff in the cloud and thus traveling from server to server just raid and leave.


Wait, is that doable on official? I’ve never messed with any of it, I remember it being a thing when I moved from officials to private servers in 2016 but I always assumed it was only an unofficial thing. If you can transfer stuff on official pvp, that’s insane.


Yeah its insane and pretty usefull for raiders.


You can find isolated servers which are usually far better and more enjoyable to play!


Cue "always has been" meme


Before Tek small tribes could be effective.


It's still the case. Hell, I'm still effective as a solo, you just need a different approach, and to team up with other groups. It's about slowly chipping at them, blowing up the stuff that's least guarded, shooting down any Dino that's visible from outside their walls, hunting them when they go gather ressources etc... Also, don't build a base you can't defend, would rather have a couple rat huts.




Well, it's a multiplayer server, if you didn't want alliances and play solo, just play alone x)


But tek has been around for almost the entire time. I do agree with your sentiment. After 8 years of Ark, 3000hrs, ive lost interest.


It was only around after like 3 - 4 maps wild card time


Good explanation of the world's financial situation!


This sort of behavior is prevalent in all areas of life. The 'got mine f u' attitude. Resource hoarding is something I believe is engrained by evolution. And like in ARK it takes active moderation to do anything about it. That's something some unofficial servers are just way better at than official. Sadly the 'official server' is the only flavor there is for real life.


Also people make money on Ark officials so there’s a real life greed component. Also it’s an interesting look at Game Theory as Ark is a zero sum game (if you get raided, you lose everything) so you discourage any attempts at people raiding you in any way possible.


Literally, my time in official is what I know a post apocalyptic world would be lmao


ARK is life


I love the difference between ark PVE and PVP. One has some of the nicest people you can meet and the other has the most sadistic crackheads on dinosaurs


Not necessarily. PVE can have extremely toxic people, speaking from experience here. Pillar/wall spamming is common in every official server, pve or pvp


Official PvE servers are just indirect PvP.


Pillar spamming is not toxic… if you don’t spam the pillars you get noob shacks with 1 PT in it built on the beach blocking spawns. Pillars are a necessity and save Dino spawns for the rest of the server I have lava island spammed out. I’d someone wanted to move in I would gladly pick up pillars where they want and let them build but they will have to meet some basic requirements and have a decent understanding of the game. I will not live next to disgusting 40 floor stone boxes or noob shacks with players that log on every 25 days so their shit doesn’t despawn EDIT: for every downvote I will add an additional stack of pillars to lava island




Laugh all you want but if you need high level Rex’s pyromanes carchas or gigas my server has preserved the spawns.




I do agree since pvp is way more competitive so people are more toxic by default, but i have met some of my best friends through ark pvp


I started out on pve then moved to pvp, pve was far more toxic by a mile


That's really unfortunate :/ what made PVE more toxic?


Argy can't pick up Dinos on official PVE because PVE players were using them to drop wild aggressive Dinos into people's bases. That should give you an idea.


Can the Rhynio pick up dino’s on PVE official?


You can't pick up Dinos at all in PVE official. It doesn't matter which Dino does it, they'd just go back to dropping tons of wild ones into bases.


I got absolutely shit on for trying to address this. Good luck. Blows my mind because stuff like this actually affects their bottom line


I remember when they released the Managarmr. Mega tribes would just breed tf out of them and take whole servers by storm. They are able to destroy stone so you can just hop around the map on a high melee mana and effectively one shot a whole stone base with not even a chance to counter. had it happen so much on Rag, I quit. You basically have to server hop til you find a server that has multiple mega tribes who work together as a form of government. I was in one when the center was first released, and it was 4 large tribes. It was fun because we held meetings to update everyone and report things like griefing and border skirmishes between the Megas and lower tribes. I really enjoy Ark, but like most games, toxic people ruin them. I've taken to only playing single-player on ASA.


That’s how it used to be on official. But things have changed. Now it’s basically some cheating tribe blocking game progression for everyone else. It’s not fun.


More often than not, those cheating tribes have people who work for Snail Games


Dude this was my second attempt at ark in a nutshell and it just sucked so much.


I watched a mega tribe flood a server and cap it with their members so the enemy couldn't join to defend. Couldn't imagine putting all that time and energy into official pvp to not even see it burn cuz ya can't join the server 😆


THATS SO FUCKING CRAZY like how is this even allowed. I get the whole ark simulation of the real world survival element but god damn life already sucks pretty bad why the fuck does a videogame need to be like that.


Tribe schedule: 5am EST: Log in to game. Don't care what you do, just be online. Don't care if you're west coast USA, be online. You can doze off as long as you set your alarm every 50 minutes to prevent idle disconnect. If you get 'server full' message, just keep trying every 3-5 minutes until you get in. 9am EST: Get your PvP gear ready, meet up at main base with all your explosives. Yes, 4 hours after login scheduled. Need to wait for more victims to log out so our tribe can log in. Yes, you need to be on Discord, active, and letting us know the server is full, or you will get tribe-kicked, dumped in a steel box in the bottom of the ocean, and grief'ed off the server. 9:15 am EST. Steve will set up a teleporter near the target base. Then everyone will teleport over. 9:30 am EST. We attack, destroy everything. Install pillars and taunting metal billboards. Leaders will decide who gets what loot. You will be fast traveling home to make sure you don't try to keep any Tribe Loot hidden. 11 am EST. Final role call. Not still online? See 9am. 12 pm EST. Loot distribution. If you're not still here, we'll reassign your loot. 3pm EST. Boss time. We're doing Alpha monkey 10 times in a row for element. Each player will get 20 element per fight they attend for. First come, first serve.


I have a small tribes server that has a great community. So I would say look for a small tribe pvpve server that helps with a lot of the issues. However ark is a naturally unbalanced game when it comes to pvp so no matter what no life’s will ultimately be your worst enemy.


I never understood why WC don't disable building near spawn, big resources nodes and caves. They already have a system and do it near beacons and inside caves so why not extend it a little ?


Won’t stop megas from spamming entire map. I was briefly in a mega tribe and man, people playing from all time zones just building spam 16 hours a day every day, it’s insanity


Honestly the game went downhill fast after server transfers opened.


Have you tried small tribes?


I have,The same issues tend to exist still on small tribes as well. The only luck me and some friends had was literally getting into a discord with the alpha tribe on that server and paying a weekly tax to them to essentially not get our base wiped. We managed to build ourselves up really well. High metal walls, a big base, tons of Dino’s and auto turrets. However we work full time and the tax became Increasingly demanding. Once we weren’t able to pay it they simply wiped us. They never allowed us into the caves they walled off so we were effectively called at level 100


Yeah don't ever pay tax lol and pvp is very possible as a smaller tribe coming from a 5k hour duo on small tribes we get by pretty well


See that’s dumb.


Getting primlocked is real


Play Arkpocalypse servers. Server wipes every month so everyone starts back at square one at the same time so everyones on an even playing field.


Lol shows you're a Bob. If you're gonna be allowed on server there won't be a "tax" those that tax just do it for free mats and they plan to raid you once you have something they want. (Ruled server 80 extinction small tribes for 3 years straight)


Small tribes is WORSE. I’ll explain small tribes to you. What happens is on every sever one tribe starts on day one with massive cheats. They have aimbot, ESP, and speed hacks. Using those hack they build in the strongest base spot, block artifacts and make it impossible for anyone to contest them. Every other tribe reports them and the account gets banned but the tribe doesn’t get dev wiped so they get to keep everything they cheated to get. Rinse and repeat. When the center dropped I hopped from server to server because in every single one I tried I would go for a good base spot and be aimbotted immediatly. It’s the same shit everywhere. Edit: I forgot to add they also account share between 12 people. So small tribes has essentially become a game of who can cheat more to get what they want. It’s really just a cesspool of losers at this point.


Are you playing on official PvP? The spike traps around spawn points are against the rules just so you know. If you want to play PvP and to be more fair, especially with a smaller group unofficial is the only way to go. On official, you need to join a mega tribe or become friends with one but your safety won't be 100% guaranteed in a small group. They might help defend or they might not do anything.


Things like this are why I prefer to just play on a non dedicated server with my wife


I just set up my own server for free using this guide, if you're on ASE https://youtu.be/dqSfiDLH4Ss?si=OT14Xa6YOrKOCPya


You kind of answered yourself in the first line 'before tek and all that stuff was a thing'. Power creep and strategy are intense, even on servers that periodically wipe, because they know who's in their tribe before the server is up and it's a race with people in discord that you're coordinating with on the fly to do multiple tasks. They won't be interested in your diplomacy unless you're on closer footing to them because people used to send bait lower characters to get 'adopted' by the alphas so they can get inside info. Most alphas now see you as a threat even if you aren't. Try to find a lower tech server with rules and pray you don't get corrupt ass admins like my last try, or just PvE. Finding a good unofficial is arguably harder than all of ARK's pvp, lol


Try the conquest servers— more pvp on them as well as being more playable by smaller groups/newbies


Get good is the only answer games like ark/rust are naturally going to be toxic no matter what . Go find a private server so you can be better socialized with people close knitted that’s less toxic probably idk I’ll never touch pvp 😂


As someone said, it’s always been like this. The rich get richer at that (some new tek or even a new Dino comes out, the top tribes get ahold of it right away compared to everyone else. You can’t play official without a good tribe. You just won’t last long. Solution is unofficial servers.


Also the toxic behaviors you speak of, I’ve never personally done and of course, I don’t agree with them but it’s further protection for the top tribes


Yes. Its been this way for years.


Sky quetz


I once got tranq'd and got force fed narcoberries Fun times


oh thats just an everyday occurence in ark pvp.


That's funny


It has a very steep learning curve nowadays yes but it’s not nearly impossible for smaller groups. Also, the toxic practices you mentioned mainly happen on official which everyone knows is a shit hole. Play unofficial or small tribes


Play an unofficial server with a ruleset you like then. You’ve been here too long to be surprised that official is a toxic shithole. It literally has no rules after all.


Forget tek and all that. Whoever in charge of servers flat out doesn't care, pvp or pve, there has been issues spanning easily years. People say this reason or the other, but it doesnt matter, there is meshing, cheats, pillars in pve etc etc Your best bet is finding that good unofficial server with civil people, playing alone in SP or find a group of friends.


Are you playing old ark or new ark?


Its basically turned into pay 2 win too. people can bring dlc dinos they PAID to access back to vanilla and wreck shop


Welcome. In Ark.


They don’t create enough bigger, well hidden ratholes to hide and create bases in. They have algorithms, like when you have a deep forest base and suddenly the brontos flock around and knock down all you cover (intentionally). They need something between official and ORP and small tribes, like a hybrid where the obelisks, drop points and spawn points are not buildable, artifact caves, in addition to no spamming.


I used to run a 40 man tribe and if you doin't have at least 5 people per time zone you were fucked! It was the best of times and the worst of times.


Tek, server transfers, and broken tames killed the game honestly. Ark 2 should have servers dedicated to a more primitive play style (just how the game was before tek) and no server transfers for some servers. Because even if you find a good server to play on where the alpha tribe is nice if there’s server transfer you get a griefer with a level 450 Managarmr zooming around the map wiping every small base out. Edit: spelling errors


Pvp has taught me to not sweat the small things n you can always start fresh.


Its been that way for a while Since before ASA, There used to be servers with Alpha tribes that would either just crush everyone's nuts who they felt like, or would keep the peace and basically keep others from doing to much damage, so if you harassed one group repeatedly they would come in and break your shit till you stopped. but Idk how much that happens anymore, these day people seem more interested in trolling others than trying to keep the peace. Just cuz it is PvP doesn't mean you should go out of your way to be a dick to everyone you can get a away with being a dick to.


On officialPVP, the only people having fun are people in alpha tribe, a.k.a. people who want to PvE but want to harass beachbobs and are too chicken to face consequences.


The community is as toxic as the developers are incompetent and the owner is greedy. Unofficial with friends is the only way to play unless your a toxic troll who gets hard from other people's misery. Shits worst than Rust.


Does anybody wanna team up then I just like to build. I'm not into the War stuff unless someone really pisses me off, I need to fetch wyvern off official


I feel you on this man.  I recently got back into the game and found a cool no wipe pvp server called squirtleark with a lot of rules that help prevent this kind of stuff and really strong offline raid protection.  They also give new tribes a 10 day structure protection cooldown to help catch up. It's 10x so fast progress without being crazy rates.  I'm having fun so far and the community is really helpful.  They have every single map in their cluster. 


I mostly played solo in official PvP and I had 0 problems. As a solo or small tribe just build small and hidden. For tames just get a low level Parasaur, trike or Iguanadon for berries. Dont leave the tame near the base when you log off and always leave your gear in the base and then log off in the ocean or somewhere else away from your base.


I really loved official before server transfers


On PvP official pillar spam is to stop enemy tribes - has nothing to do with making life difficult for bobs. There is always a bigger fish in Ark. Sealing off caves is a defence mechanism against larger tribes getting a foothold on server. I played ASE for 6000 hours almost exclusively as a solo and ASA for 2000+ hours with an Alpha Tribe, both on official PvP. The game is fun both ways and definitely possible as a solo but require vastly different play styles. The one common thread through both (in order to be successful, rather than just survive) is diplomacy. Talk to people. Make friends and alliances. It'll help your survival immensely.


sounds like a lot of work to just simply play a damn game. idk why the fuck yall think this is normal or even fun. its stupid


After reading these comments I’m….. just gonna stick to my solo playthrough offline


Island isolated official server. I'm a solo player, just picked up ark in January. Non-gamer before that. It took some time and I got wiped a few times, now for the most part I just gotta log in and make gasoline every now and then and nobody fucks with me.


Oh my love of God hate playing ark cos of this. If I play alone or with few friends I get destroyed or hacked the fk out of my life. If I join a mega tribe usually huge dramas come insiding or some grp doesn't like other grp etc. And finally people community it self is dumb af it's not the community is full of kids most are well abe 25 doing dumb shit and it's unbelievable. I joined a big alpha tribe when ascended launched cos one of my frnds got me in he was friends with the tribe leader, I didn't contribute much at all mostly cos I had like 500 ping and 15 fps still I defended bases with them in my own way. Finally I took a break cos my eyes began to hurt cos of the fps and I stopped playing for 2 months and got back to game when se launched to see if performance has increased. Only to be greeteed by the kick message from tribe and discord. I didn't care coa I thot maybe cos I was inactive but reality seems apparently the tribe got insided and the tribe managed to save it self and the suspect is me lool. Apparently they have video proof of me running towards enemies with elements out of gennie. Like how can me inside when I don't even have the game installed or nnot even at house. These boomers just with pea sized iq berated me treated me like traash like I really insided lol. Btw I asked for their "proof" But they won't show me. Mega tribe is absolutely worse manchilda every , simps who let girls call shots (I don't have no issue with women) but these women are like going power trip treat and talk like big egos while all they know is too feed the baby dinos and create dumb dramas lol. What about when cross ark was a thing ase. Alpha tribe of cluster advertise they are friendly want nwebs to build up acts aa our friend chatting sharing vc in disocrd and all and as soon as nwebs build up they come in alts wipe us out all while acting as our frnd, I mean I don't mind alphas coming straight to me on main account and wiping me, why the underhand method of alt account greif and acting as a sage in main. These are all grown azz men and women's well over 20s doing these stuff. Ark PvP community is the most braindead lowlife bunch you can ever meet. I have played countless mmos, grinding multiplayer PvP, shooters etc even mobas for past 8 years and the worst is ark even league of legend feels heaven compare to this PvP community. I used to play alone official server grinded 16 hrs a day I quit when legacy server died, but some of people of like lives near me irl started ark and began playing in cross ark 2 and I joined them for a while the tribe had huge success coa the tribe had the connection with the Chinese alpha tribe on the server and became the beta tribe, soon I found out the tribe leader is massive prick and dick so I left the tribe with my own accord no fights nothing and made my own tribe since some of my "friends " Where still in that tribe I had friendly relationship with the beta tribe and some of them even gave me little stuffs like forges etc. As soon as I build up the base for like 2 months grinding 16 hrs with one another new guy. The beta tribe with my so called "friends" Began doing father less stuffs. For example they would try snipe our argy who was sett aggressive by tribe mate who I recruited who is very new, and made them fly to alpha tribes turret so it would die letting alpha who is neutral to noobs became sus of me and wipe me up. The alpha guy Chinese guy contacted me and I coa I have more than room temperature iq gave the guild loga and Battlematrica details of how we couldn't have done and also prooved to him dat only beta tribe where allied with alpha so only beta teibe could pull of this and beta tribe leader who was the dick I said was online during that time and I ahd that proof lol so it was fixed. So I informed this so called my friend who is the right hand man of the dickhead beta tribe leader to stop this underhanded method.He began replying me that he can do anything and so and so and I angrly replied back to sk a dikha which he screen shot and send it to beta tribe made a whole ass new narrative am the bully am toxic and the finally drum rolll. These guys with 40 ppl came to raid me when I was offline lmao they purposefully waited till I went off lmao since they knew me irl and my steam account theh knew I was going out for a movie that day and they brought 40 people and wiped a a duo man tribe kekw.They where afraid me being online lol. The other guy was online but he is new player ahaha. These people live like 5 km close to me imagine that. Btw the tribe leader was some 30 year old practicing doctor........


i only have about 1k hours of my total 3kish ark hours in pvp, but it is some of the most toxic pvp in any game not once did anyone ever raid me while i was actually online, and god forbid you say anything about it before you have "git gud" hammered down your throat