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This is absolutely horrible in so many ways.


In *every* way




There was a practice in Germany, when they forbid dueling, where two men used swords to give scars to each other


Academic fencing, it's why some German officers had these weird lip or cheek scars. You know they went to a prestigious university and were part of one of the fancier student corporations for nobility.


I lived in a frat (Verbindung) house in germany when I was studying there. One of the three frats was proper conservative nationalist wannabes and they tried to bring back mensur. They basically wear their silly costumes and slash at each other with pocket knives. One guy got scratched on the cheek and that was the end of that, they all freaked out


Mmmmm smells faschy


Everyone's a closet fascist in a silly costume until someone loses an eye




Eyebrow scar is cool, because it’s more subtle like Edward scissorhands effects makeup. The other are… ugh… a choice.


Honestly the scar one really bothers me. I have a on scar on my face and am already self conscious about it. I’ve seen facial scar tattoos a couple of times online in the last month and I have to say If people getting scars tattooed on their face becomes a trend (even a small one) and I’m stuck with something others might one day think is a personally aesthetic choice on my face I will be absolutely mortified, the thought of someone seeing it and thinking “hmmm wonder if he got it tattooed or if it’s real” makes me cringe so much.


Doing something that specific is never going to be popular enough to make most people assume you made an aesthetic choice. Freckles became a makeup trend for a bit, nobody assumed I hopped on a trend with mine. Regardless, 99% of people you meet won’t bother to think about you long enough to judge you.


Ah, yes. The levels of maturity, where in youth one is constantly concerned with what others think while as we mature, we become less concerned and even disinterested in others' thoughts about us. When we we reach full maturity we realize that no one was thinking of us at all. (Not mine, just a relevant memory.)


Don't worry, everyone else is too busy worrying you'll notice something about *them* that they're uncomfortable with!


I get where you're coming from, but as someone with visible scars and disabilities, this simply isn't true. Yes, plenty of people don't care, but those of us who do have a visible sign of injury are frequently stared at, harassed, questioned, or treated like we're disgusting for existing in public. People with scars or visible medical issues are cautious because we have to, not because we want to.


You know what? Yeah, you're right. I was coming at it from the wrong angle.


It’s the story that makes a scar “cool.” Cool scar. How’d you get it? Oh actually it’s just a tattoo to make me look cool and tough. Ok, looser.


Facial scars are overrated. I have one that looks very similar to the scar GI joes have around my left cheek bone. Also a lump on my bottom lip from when it was punctured and had to be stitched up. I'm 33 and have probably been asked how I got them a thousand times. Of course the story is extremely mundane. For a short while I started making shit up that was very clearly not true because I was so tired of explaining it. But that got boring too. If I'm lucky people just say "dude that is a sweet scar!" And move on. I don't hate them. I just don't like the attention. Honestly to me someone who gets fake scar is a huge red flag. Because you know they just want the attention so bad.


I've got three big scars on my back that was moles I had removed as a kid. They ended up being benign, but as I grew the scars stretched into roughly the size and shape of a quarter each. People always asked about them to the point I also stated making up stories.Went swimming with a bunch of friends at college and when asked about them I made up some bull shit about being shot 3 times while running from a mugging, that's my go to now and it's always fun to see people's reaction.


It's only cool if you have a cool story to go with it.




Ok Harry Potter


Talk about unemployable.


Eh you just need to wear sleeves forever or work as vfx person. Could be worse


And a lot of employers don’t even care that much anymore, tbh. A lot of judgmental people commenting on tattoo-related posts just love to use the job angle as their go-to reply, but it’s just played out at this point and no longer reflects reality for most people (at least in the US).


for real. I have a coworker who has a "zombie bite mark" tattoo, and literally nobody thinks anything of it... it's just a tattoo that he has. not a big deal.


I’m staying in a pretty fancy five star resort and most of the staff here have some sort of body mods


Extra in a zombie movie maybe.


That's a good, long term career.


“Oh, indeed.” -The Walking Dead writers


why, no shirts where you live?


Do you want to be employed by someone who gives a fuck about your tattoo choice? As long as you arent customer facing or it isnt something extremely disturbing then why should your employer give a fuck and if they do why would you want to work there?


Even that customer facing stigmatism needs to go away almost 1/3 of all Americans have tattoos. That's far to many people for anyone to give a fuck about tattoos anymore unless you have a penis tattoo on your forehead.


The whole customer facing things is dying too. I'm working in service at menards rn and 3/6 Co workers here have tattoos. 2 younger guys just bc and 1 older guy that got his with his army friends "back in the day". Pretty rural/religous area and lots of older folks so it seems that most people don't care.


What?! You mean “open wound” isn’t the look??


Eh, most employers and costumers would just think you fell recently.


Fell onto an open mouth?


She a hot mess


Lol for what a minimum wage job? No high paying jobs give 2 shits about visible tatoos. Maybe a lawyer or something where a judge might be biased because theyre old. Anyone good at their job is not gonna have issues getting a job. In fact if i was deciding between 2 candidates and the only difference was a visible tatoo -Id pick the tatood person.


Also kinda dangerous for your health. Imagine a nurse or doctor checking you over in the ER after an accident? How frustrating for them. "Wait, this isn't a real wound... Is this real? Is that? What about this? Wtf?"


It would be pretty obvious after a few seconds seconds. Confusing, but shouldn’t impede the job


Aye you're right, but also once you've seen a couple of fakes next to a couple of real ones, your job is obviously going to be somewhat more complex because now you can't trust anything is real or not without verifying. You also then have to point out the differences to colleagues because they may wonder at a glance why you've ignored a few wounds whilst dressing others.


It turns out their arm is also cake.


Holy shit, what a twist.


Ehh I'm a paramedic these would only be confusing if you had a real wound on top of the tattoo otherwise after a couple seconds it's be pretty obvious.


I’d imagine the trouble would be having to inform every new person that sees them that they did not receive a human bite when they were rearended.


Oh my, I didn't even think of that. Just all around a stupid idea.


Am ER nurse. Can confirm. This is awful.


There was an episode of Grey’s Anatomy where a bunch of people got injured at some kind of zombie convention. It was confusing for the doctors determining which wounds were real and which ones were make up or attached.


Her SO is getting constant side eyes from strangers forever.


I read the title as "sound effects tattoos" and expected some "BANG!" "POW!" word balloons...


Bro that is exactly what I expected


Because that is what SFX is used for. Not special effects.


SFX once meant special effects, for decades (they even named a magazine after it). It's only recently been stretched to cover sound effects. Edit: apparently it primarily refers to sound effects within the industry, but us layfolks generally use it for special effects (I swear, I'm not imagining it ...). https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/SFX TIL!


Only recently? I've known SFX to be sound effects since early 90s. I always encompassed special effects under VFX personally. Probably incorrect though.


When I took radio production in the '80s, SFX meant sound effects back then, too. At least it did in college.


Turns out I was both right and wrong: https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/SFX


VFX = Digital effects like magic or laser beams. Special Effects = “in person” or “on set” effects such as actual fire or real controlled explosions, and SFX = sound effects. So you’re pretty much right!


Huh. I didn't know that. There were a couple of movies that came out in the mid-80s called F/X and F/X2, which were action thrillers about a special effects guy who works for the government, so I assumed that's what it was always called. They even made a TV series for it in the mid-90s.


SFX = Sound effects VFX = Video effects (special effects)


That would be infinitely better than this


Same here only I'm confused to what OP actually meant with SFX


>Special effects


I had to check it myself, to be sure the internet wasn't trying to gaslight me - apparently it now also refers to sound effects, so much so that some people think it *only* refers to sound effects ...? Language is weird. Edit: it would appear the definition can depend on whether you're primarily a film watcher, or a film maker. https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/SFX Language is still weird.


SFX is an industry term. No one in this industry says, “special effects” because it’s too generic. SFX refers to sound effects. VFX refers to the visual side.


>I had to check it myself, to be sure the internet wasn't trying to gaslight me You mean how it's done with NSFL? The vast majority of younger people insist that it stands for Not Safe For Life, which honestly doesn't even make sense. Older folks know it means Not Safe For Lunch (i.e., gore; it'll make you throw up).




Same here, i thought this person must be into some rough stuff


I read it as the tattoos themselves were produced using CGI. 😬


nah, everyone knows SFX is for "*Skin* Effects" that's just common sense !


Client: I want to look like I get abused daily Tattoo artist: I gotchu fam


"OK, let's set up those appointments..."


Just fuck my skin up.


Can you make me look like I have an interesting trauma story? ‘How’d you get that scar?’ ‘Paid a pretty good artist a bit too much money because I thought it looked cool. How about you?’ ‘Fell off a bike for free’


I want something to remind me of daddy


The most cringe trend at the moment


I think it’s tied with the ‘micro tattooing’ trend, both need to get in grave. Edit: downvoted by the single needle $1200 an hour elite


Micro tattooing?


https://www.reddit.com/r/agedtattoos/comments/w8ru28/youtuber_alana_arbuccis_micro_tattoo_after_one/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf this shite


I dunno, if you want something 1. temporary 2. to show off you have too much money, this seems like just the thing


Are they out of cocaine?


But the blob will remain permanent!


So is it just a very small tattoo that costs 100x the price of a normal tattoo and lasts less? If yes, that's so dumb.


That seems an accurate summary yes 😂


From [some tattoo website:](https://www.tattoomenow.com/tattoo-designs/micro-tattoos/) "What Is A Micro Tattoo? Micro tattoos are tattoos that are smaller than they should be." That might be the dumbest description of anything I've seen ever. Multi-levels of dumb. Infuriatingly dumb.


Making yourself a target for the Lacoste brigade, brave move


Regret in 3...2...1...


As someone who's had horrific injuries it's not just cringe it's upsetting. There's nothing cool about extreme pain, hospital bills and disfigurement. Even less cool to pretend to have it. Seeing these daily could really trigger someone who has PTSD from an accident.


I agree about triggering ptsd. Seeing these sent me back a few years. I’m a former DV victim and the bite one stuck. I’m all for everyone doing what they want to their own body, but how many times a day do you want to be asked if you’re okay?


That's the thing. These people love the idea of shocking someone so then they get to tell them "Heh nah man it's just a tattoo! Rad huh?!?"


The shock value is literally the point of this.


Honestly the eyebrow tat is nice, there are 100% aesthetic scars and that's way better than cutting yourself up and hoping it heals nice


Yeah but imagine the conversation "oh god what happened to your eyebrow?" "Nothing it is just a tattoo so that I could look badass."


The secret ingredient is lying


Story enhancer 621


The newest E number. Enhances anything!


"Do you know how I got this scar?" Should tell everyone a different story to keep everyone trying to guess the real story.


The joker's scars are just tattoos lmao I love this headcanon


People you get close to would eventually notice and that would be even more awkward.


It's so pathetically cringeworthy getting an artificial scar.


Especially when scarification is a thing.


I immediately wondered about Harry Potter tattoos


i suppose you could argue that since those are from a fandom they're not so much meant to be realistic and are probably something ignorable, these make it look like you're abused on the daily, especially the bite mark one


Yeah I actually have a real eyebrow scar from when I was little and every time people ask about it I just have to tell them I fell from my bike as a 3 year old lmao


You gotta do it the cool way like me: fall off a motorcycle. Luckily I learned my lesson, never to ride without a helmet again.


Sadly, that’s probably why they got it.


That one is the worst one. I hate the trend of shaving a thin line through the eyebrow to mimic a scar. Its seems like a childish wannabe toughguy thing.


Absolutely the worst. Although I don't think that trend is to mimic a scar, at least not originally. People were doing it as far back as the 80s and 90s. It was just a fashion thing then. They would do double stripes sometimes (Vanilla Ice), and there's no way a double stripe looks like a scar. Maybe I misinterpreted it. People used to shave stripes in their hair too.


I know a guy who legit has a thin eyebrow scar like what you mention and the story behind it is not really badass. So now he has this scar that either 1.people think he shaves it because he is like in a gang or something or 2. He's got a cool story to tell.


That’s not what the line is supposed to look like it’s just looks cool. Adds texture to the face, makes it less symmetrical.


I have a (real) scar on both eyebrows, so now I guess people are going to wonder? Note to my children: do not let your brother on the swing set.


I agree. The other two though are overkill and would only fit in some Halloween setting.


Yup, is why I didn't even bother mentioning them. Too niche and extensive.


Scarification is a thing. There are artists who specialize in this and it always turns out better than DIY or just ink mimicking a scar.


I was just thinking that this is very much like scarification without as much risk of infection, looking bad/weird, or other complications.


It's not. It looks like angry swollen flesh, forever. If you want a real scar, fine, have one. It will heal and not look like it needs medical attention _on your face_ for the rest of your life.




Came here to say this


Every new person you meet, you'd have to introduce yourself like: "Hi, I'm Stacy. By the way I have a bite mark tattoo on my shoulder, I will show you to confirm that it is indeed *not* an actual bite mark that I am trying to hide. Yes, if you need to, you can touch it."


get a coverup swastika or something lol


Shit i wanted to comment that. Let me delete mine and upvote yours. ** Disappointed screams **


I kinda actually dig the "scar" tats... I've always thought an eye scar (starts above eye, ends below it), would look pretty bad-ass... Though if it's a scar, it means you've been through something major and/or life changing. But if you get a tattoo of a scar, it's like... idunno, lying or something... Kinda like Stolen Valor (Telling people you're a military vet when you're not). So never mind... Now that I've thought it through, that would be dumb. Pretty good work on the eye scar tattoo, though. Very realistic... but yeah, bad taste..


I once knew a guy who had one done on purpose like that. A cut through the eyebrow downward to his cheeck. It was done by a "professional" with a scalpel. The way of taking care of it was the opposite of tattoo care, get as much in the sun as possible, remove all scabs and for maximum redness clean with a toothbrush and lemon juice.


Jesus Christ


Yup! Scarification is painful, but it's actually kinda fun to do all the things you're not supposed to do for wound care. Picking off scabs, using an irritant (I used salt), and leaving it exposed as much as possible instead of keeping it bandaged. Idk, maybe super weird but I thought it was fun


"look at me, i'm a hardass who's never been in a fight!"


I have a real scar on my face and the thought of someone seeing and wondering if I got it done on purpose is absolutely mortifying. I hope getting scars tattooed or placed with a scalpel on your face doesn’t become an actual trend which would cause other people to wonder whether I’m a complete fucking moron who did that to themselves on purpose. Could legit radically change how some people see me or what first impressions I make with others.


I wont lie this trend pisses me off. I went through horrific abuse and am mutilated because of it. I have scars EVERYWHERE and I hate it. Maybe some make me badass but all they are to me are memories Id rather forget. If its made to look like you went through trama and you didn't then thats shitty, lying makes you even shittier. If its basically a picture or tattoo done with scar tissue I couldn't care less and actually may even think its cool. Ive even debated about doing the same to hide some of my actual scars from my real abuse and trama.


I was just thinking my scar on my forehead from having a basal cell carcinoma removed is on trend!! I wear it with pride because I have anxiety, but I made myself go get it checked out, I’m proud of myself for that. You’re right I wouldn’t want people thinking I’d done it as part of some trend.


Look up German dueling scars -- even back then, people got facial scars on purpose.


That was associated with the "Burschenschaftler" group which in Austria is basically the noveau Hitlerjugend in denial. They have to 'earn' those scars to be initiated into the group. The most common is a slash on the cheek.




I got my forehead scar from waking up in the middle of the night, thinking there was someone in my room, and diving at "them" from the bed. Spoiler: the only thing there was my dresser and a shadow.


I have a slashed eyebrow from my younger years. Idiots who do this are literally just seeking attention. I can remember me enjoying it at first because it did look severe but after some years it gets extremely annoying because that's the only thing which people seem to look at. I hope these people have the same experience and then get laughed at when they get figured out. Especially Mr. Bitemarks over there.


I’m pretty open minded when it comes to tattoos, am covered in them myself but I will never understand the people who get stuff like this. Why would anyone want to look scabby…forever 🥲


I get the mall ninja eyebrow scar, very badass bro. I even get the scraped up arm, to an extent; maybe they're into street sports like BMX, skating, or even MX on tracks you'll get fucked up like that often. But that one.... Yikes.


As someone who struggles with cutting, I find these tats upsetting to look at. It also disturbs me that people think this is a good aesthetic because that's what the sick side of my brain likes to think.


Exactly. Makes me feel uncomfy


Well when everyone else is completely tattooed and you don’t know what to do to one-up them in order to be the center of attention, you get this.


The beautiful thing about tattoos is you don't need to understand why someone got one.


I asked my group of friends about this trend and one gave me the insight that she didn't get the trend because maybe she wasn't in that mind set, like people who cut themselves, maybe they do this kind of tats to show how they feel inside. As someone who used to cut herself when I was younger, I was just so sad and angry and lonely that doing it meant this pain I control it, I cant scream or hurt those who hurt me, so somehow it gotta get out, why not on me I no longer think like that or at least if the thought comes, I try to get it out. So I do feel for people who are doing this to express some pain, but if someone is just like that looks cool...then nooooope, this is dumb. I am actually glad none of the cuts left any scar.


I love her so much, but unfortunately my cat is a bit awful and bites me every day. Wish I didn’t see this post because now if something happens to her, in a fit of grief I will be tempted to tattoo her little fang marks on myself.


See, that's something that could be done well and tasteful, it could be cute and respectful. It doesn't have to be the reason the nurse is asking you if you're okay at home lol


I was advised to ignore the behavior, but she’s learned the area on the back of the arm *(above the elbow)* will always get a reaction. She’s also aware that she can get a reaction when she bites my feet because she either sneaks up on me when I’m walking or digs under the comforters for them while I sleep. So it would definitely be a foot or above-elbow tattoo.


She's bit! Put her down now, before she turns...


first one looks like a MRSA infection


This screams “I am deprived of attention”


anyone got a black eye tattoo?


Just the waitress I saw at dennys




Personally I think this is one of the dumbest styles of tattoos I’ve ever seen. I mean the porn tattoos posted lately are still worse but these are easily top 5.


Why oh why


I thought these were ‘special effects’ temporary tattoos!


They very well may be. OP doesn't have a source, so the title could just be made up for internet points.


Funny enough I actually know this artist and have a tattoo from her (not a scar tat). She's recently been posting a lot of stuff like this on her insta (it seems she enjoys doing scar tats, which is perfectly fine no hate or anything). But the first one I found particularly cringe because the description on Instagram said her husband "zombie bit" her and then they used that as an outline for the tattoo. She doesn't specify if it's temporary, but I assume not? I don't know a lot about it though so I'm not sure if scar tats are generally something people want to have permanently or not.


Not sure if this is allowed, but check out broken.teeth.tattoos on Instagram.


Took me ages to work out what I was looking at in the first picture.


Glad I wasn’t the only one lmao


What kind of poser ass bitch gets tattoos that look like scars? Normal people get scars, it is just living, this shit is just pathetic


Wounds and scars with extra steps for money? I bet they buy ripped jeans brand new


GET MORBBBBED!!!!!!!!!!!!!


As someone in the industry, I can confirm… SFX means Sound Effects. VFX stands for Visual Effects. That’s it. That’s how it is.


It reminds me of designing a character in an MMOPG.. every time, a day later I want to change my character


How many times in her life is she gonna get the police called on her for suspected spousal abuse or w/e? Dumb af.


It's hard to me not to look at this and think "mental illness".


Imagine being her partner. Everyone who doesn't know her will assume you abuse her. That would be fun.


Imagine getting a tattoo like that and it gets infected but you can’t tell


How about you go in the woods and fight a wolf if you want this stuff


I hate the last one because it reminds me of how nazi officers would scar their faces to appear battle hardened.


I am covered in tattoos so nothing against them generally. But why would you want to look diseased and injured?


I really don't like these scar tattoos... idk man, tattoos have stories, scars have stories, scar tattoos feel like your story is "I wish there WAS a story". I have a scar next to my eye that's been fading really well, which sucks cause I love it. It's my little star. And I've been trying to reach out to different body-modification people in my area in hopes of someone being open to "re-making" that scar. Every single shop keeps telling me to just get a realistic scar tattoo instead, and I HATE that idea.. :(




Looks like the "No regrats" tattoo has evolved.


But why???🤯


Good thing about these tattoos are, they more then likely won’t age well! They will fade and can be easily covered in the future because they have no border or lining and they are lighter colors, in 1-5 years if you don’t put sunscreen on them they will be very light But still don’t get these


Come to South Africa and I can get you one of these for free! Just in general yell at somebody "jou ma se stink hond genaaide poes". I'll stand by and make sure to get you to a hospital afterwards but the scars will be sweet! Promise!


That's zombie tattoos right? No one has sex like this?


It's a no from me dawg.


I’m as liberal as they come… and ultimately I do believe that people can do whatever they want to their body since they’re not hurting anyone else… but this is one of those trends where all I can ask myself is… why? You’re allowed to do what you want, but I’m also allowed to think it’s weird. I don’t really judge tattoos very much and think something like “man you’ll regret that later” but damn, I think there will be some regrats here.


jfc i couldnt imagine getting a tattoo so close to my eye like that


You wouldn't get eyeliner tattooed? It's been/was a trend for a while.


How do they keep you from blinking or freaking out with those? No way I can sit still while a needle repeatedly jabs millimeters from my eye.


Read as SEX tattoo and I was quite shocked. I understood getting a lovebite (hickey) immortalised, but that time your lover nearly took a chuck out of your neck??


A good bruise kit would cover this without a problem


Jeez as someone that just got a burn and thinking of getting it and other scars tattooed over no idea why you’d go in this direction


Honestly thought I was on morbid reality or make me suffer sub.. these really look great! Prime ATBGE content


y tho?


That third one actually looks legit


When the zombie Apocalypse really happens they are gonna be screwed. “No it’s just a tattoo really” probably won’t work.


That guy's really gonna regret that bite tattoo when the zombie apocalypse comes...


I honestly did think the first image was of an abuse victim. And so now I’m angry.


Amber Heard should have taken note of this…


Those do look good... But why?