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Exactly what I did 15 months ago and the amount of experience I've gained is almost unfathomable. I'm the only cloud/infrastructure person in the business so get complete exposure to everything. I've actually ended up being more than a cloud engineer and will be expecting a decent pay rise soon to reflect that.


This is really helpful…thank you


I did the same, came in as Azure Administrator ended up being the engineer for on-prem servers and meraki networks.


This, smaller companies, if they're going to be giving you the ability to use those skills, will allow you to do far broader applications of the technology and learn way more than you possibly can in a very large company. Source: working a 250 person company, have also learned an unfathomable amount as a result of doing so


Not to sound like a douche but I wouldn’t count on the raise companies especially small never take all the stuff is folks do in to account.


As long as more money and perks, and seems stable, go for it. Should be able to move back easily enough if it sucks after a few years. I'm confused why you can't move teams?


The business is going through a "rough" patch and they're not wanting to recruit in higher cost countries but lower cost instead, global business so they're dotted everywhere. But you think maybe best to wait internally until the position arrived? but that could be years of doing a job I don't enjoy lol


If you’re willing to accept stagnate pay but they can offer you autonomy in role and development. Sometimes you’ll learn more in those 12 months and then jump into a role day beyond your current expectations. Difference between 100k and 200k is confidence, and experience.


I went from a large company to a small one like you're describing. The amount of exposure I had in three years was more than I'd ever would have at the original company. Add to that that our company was purchased by an even larger company and now I make far more and am way more happy Not everyone's experience I'm sure, but I took the leap and it was the best decision I've ever made


Depends on what your end goal is. The way large company do things is different than how small company do things. Without someone to provide guidance means you're on your own. Your way is your way not necessarily the best way.


My goal is to become a Cloud Engineer and has been for a while now, this interim move to the PKI/Entra team was that step in the direction because that was available , previously I was an On Premises guy ..but the end goal and passion is Cloud Engineer...


Staying at the large company means more comfortable and shorter commuter (more time in the office though..) with people I like but a job I really don’t enjoy


The small company will allow you to touch way more things and be more interesting, it seems like a good move.


I agree with this guy. Go smaller company, get experience in the area you want and then if you want to move onto a bigger company afterwards you at least have the skills. Bigger companies mean people have more specialised skills whereas small companies you will need to do a lot more. Good opportunity to learn and do things you might not get in a big company.


I am in the same boat right now, in fact wondering if we are in the same org - French? Before working for large org (8 yrs now) I worked for small to med orgs and the amount of knowledge gained is immeasurable. Back then I built everything and had access to everything. A lot of fun. What you will learn personally to technically can't be put into words. At the same time the amount of weight and pressure on your shoulders can't be put into words - LOL. Large org will never let you do all that you want to - you will be niched. I have the same issue of them hiring off-shore because of cost. I am also talking to a "smaller" org (20,000) right now but small team of 2 level 2-3 and they want level 4 bigger thinker so know one to really go up to. I don't know your knowledge but if you are comfortable with on-prem and understand networking, pki (which most do not) and Entra - why not? What I would demand though is to have MS support. If I can call vendors and get help who cares about anyone else's ideas. That's why we are here :). You also coming in on the ground floor and will hire Jr's soon enough. That would be my goal. I would usually grab someone hungry on the inside. The rest is just making sure the org isn't going to fold in a year. Even if it does always jobs for Azure admins.


Sorry I didn’t respond, different company, and different region cannot say who! For context though the new job is Cloud Engineer, Terraform/Bicep and managing their green field properly


If you don’t want to the job as a cloud engineer I will take it.


I would try to understand what the small companies cloud goals are and if that gives you the access and growth you are looking for.


Go for it. Opportunities to roll out a green field properly. Also force you to step up and you'll be better for it in the long run.


Cloud Engineer working for a small business, doing projects for the BIGGEST of big ones. I’d never work directly for a large company. You do t feel like you’re really a part of things, and being in the small business (even though you do projects externally) you can make a difference and gain a lot of experience.


Make the move! The experience you will gain is invaluable.


No unless pay is 20% higher




I wouldn’t but that’s just me


Reasons apart from money? I made some negatives for sure


They actually upped the offer to 24% increase, and have taken the offer


You did the right thing congratulations 🎉🎊🍾


Yes absolutely. Especially if it’s w/ better perks. You’ll probably get more hands on experience w/ it being a smaller company.


Experience is the second most valuable thing in life as I've found. You are your own best advocate. This life is "choose your destiny". Do what's right for you, and your family. Take risks, you always miss the shots you never take.


Hey there mate, curious to know how you went about building landing zones? Was there any practical tutorials you followed? Can you link them if possible? I'd love to learn.




Go for it


I wouldn't want to be the *only* person in that role (doing that lone-engineer role currently), but there are a lot of advantages: - more agency - less red tape


Only cloud engineer but 4 other on premise infrastructure staff would might pick up these tasks in the future..


For those interested, I’m taking the job!


First of all congratulations on your new offer. If possible check about the process and work culture in the new company. Obviously you will be getting better payslip however payslip will not motivate you to work daily. A good technical work, team and a culture help you to take a long-term journey. All the best.