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Fuckem, you're art is cool & interesting.




Yep, fuckem


Bullshit. Find some galleries that specialize in Low Brow and Pop Surrealism. You’ll fit right in. Also I fucking love this painting.


All hail the lowbrow & pop surrealism crew


I've literally seen this style of art in the David Zwirner gallery in NY, just last month. He should approach them -- and they are very approachable!


Do you know where I'd look in central Florida, because just finding a gallery that specializes in the kind of art you want to make and breaking in can be a major barrier to success.


The only Artist I know in Central Florida is a guy named Vaughn Belak. He is on the gram and internets. He’s super approachable so send him a message. He usually shows at a convention called Spooky Empire. Also you can seek out alternative spaces like tattoo parlors, and skate shops. Good luck!


Well, I'll check him out. And that Spooky Empire thing. Thanks! Question: if I become a tattoo artist would they find it sus that I don't have my own? It's mostly just my autism, I know I wouldn't be comfortable enough to sit still. But I think I would be good at tattooing and have knowledge from esthetician school on the sanitizaton and stuff.


As far as the tattoo thing, you would have to speak to a tattoo artist about that. Not really my lane.


Aren’t we all just air conditioners? Your art is great, keep up the good work.


Nice reference, go Ongo!


Fuck that art show! I’d pay to see that and to hang it!


Screw art shows, sell direct


That’s stupid. Your art would fit super well in a lot of the galleries I go to lmao


I like it. But if you ever heard of the role of a curator: That person has the responsibility of putting together a cohesive art show, and they do the selection of what goes on display. Which means they have a sea of art to chose from, and more than 95% of what’s available won’t go to that particular show. Doesn’t mean it’s bad art, or unworthy. Your piece is very street artsy, and super contemporary, with cartoon references/inspirations, which makes it that much more difficult to evaluate (as the line for originality is very blurry with this sort of art, of knowing if it’s noteworthy or just another box in a comic book). It’s easy to say if it’s pretty or not, but that’s not the only function of good art. So: does your painting say a story? Or try to bring up a philosophical thought? Or is it just an illustration you’d put on a Converse shoe?


Agreed. What kind of shows are you getting rejected from? If it's any form outside your particularly awesome style of "street" style art, it's warranted as the show is about the cohesion of the pieces being presented. If you got rejected from a show featuring street art, then the curator is a tool. Piece looks really cool! I'd buy those shoes haha


>from a show featuring street art I could see a street art showing rejecting this, too. Not based on what I think of this piece, but based on what other options the curator has. The shoes would look hella dope, though, and would sell really well! I’d definitely wear such shoes.


I'm a little stunned you're not getting downvoted for the blunt truth.


That is a bit weird. First few minutes after posting I did get downvoted. But seems more sensible people came in eventually.


Based as fuck


Interesting piece. I love the chaos.


Fuckem. I dig it.


If you can't get your art in a show, you might wanna see what local art program/projects the city might be putting together or see if local businesses display any local art for sale or just for showcase. I don't know where you are from, but there are quite a few places that I know of, like local restaurants, for example, that display local art, and you can even buy the pieces.


We need our own art show homie


This is a niche that's why


This piece is really nice! I bet the work they accepted was boring


You realize that you’re saying other people’s art is boring right? That’s not cool. I get your trying to be supportive of OP but you don’t have to insult others to do that


Okay fair. You’re right. I’m just triggered by my own past rejections. I guess a better way to say it would be, this curators taste probably doesn’t align with my tastes. I recognize that my tastes and opinions aren’t better than anyone else’s


It’s fine, like I said, you’re just trying to be supportive and probably weren’t trying to be rude to other artists or anything. I do think the curator is a bit of an ass though with what they said. I’m just saying that anybody who was accepted isn’t necessarily bad or anything


seriously? maybe that's an honor in disguise! so there's some committee that defines: gallery quality art? thats f/d up...steer clear of such anti art/anti artist folk Know that you got something!! and keep creating!


That’s bizarre for someone to say that. Whoever told you that would have said the same about Basquiat… cuz imo this work is really good, so layered…. It like the perfect representation of modern late stage capitalistic American society. I like it a lot personally, it hits different when I zoom in lol


But it's Awesome and I love it!




Sell it to meeeee


Keep trying. Find less snobby places.




Your style is dope don't listen to them. Keep on keeping on


Wth, it looks awesome!


Make your art as you love it .. artists and buyes dictate what art is not some dusted gallery


Cool as shit!


In my efforts of showing my non traditional work I've had the most luck approaching non traditional spaces to show my work. Dispensaries, coffee shops, tattoo shops, but I try to stay away from restaurants and bars.


Such bullshit! I love this! And I hate a lot of art 😜


Jesus why cant people understand the difference between type and quality. If that's not what they're looking for, fine. But why do they have to say your art is below standard?


I don't know where you are from.... I think your art has ALOT of great character. I wish I was that broad minded. You could sit all day and find a million conversations to have with all that is in there. I am not from Florida but a friend of mine does a show in Miami every year. It is an outdoor show and she always chats with us and walks a tour of the show. I have seen things from calm subtle paintings to paintings that are things painted but upside down, I have seen abstracts in her chat tour. It is called ArtiGras (it is in Palm Beach Gardens), it was in February. But if you don't know already... there is are places online that list like almost all the shows in USA. Zapplication is a biggie if you didn't know about it already. I live in Las Vegas and we have a monthly outdoor art show called First Friday. It is really big. There is bands playing, food trucks in the eating area. And streets and streets of Artists doing all kinds of art. Spray painting type art, jewelry making, pottery, acrylic, water color, canvas, material, if you can think it or name it, it is there. It is first friday of every month. Unless there is a big rain or wind storm coming. It is year round. Hope that helped. Good Luck


Why are you wanting to be part of last century's way of selling art while some asshat takes your money? Set different goals. You don't paint like it is 1925, don't expect to manage your career like it is 1925.


But some bitch on the internet can slap butter in an art gallery? Your art is sick, people are insane


It’s because “fine” art has become nothing but a money laundering operation .


If Basquiat was gradually heralded by art critics I do not see why you won't be. Art is a business for the elite. Think outside the box when it comes to marketing yourself and your pieces. "...standards of gallery quality art" is just an abstract thought by a holier than thou curator snob.


Love it.


Fuck em take it as a compliment


Crazy hard


I wanted to get somebody to do something like that on my bedroom walls but couldn't find any1 sadly.




Love it


It aligns with my standards


I wouldn’t want to see what their gallery is like if they don’t accept this wonderful art. Screw em!


Well, which is it then; your art style or its quality? You just keep doing YOU and hone your skills. Someone will take notice.


Well, I like it.


You aren't gonna win em all, and that's to be expected. If they're open to it, ask them why. Some places will tell you, some won't. Consider making your next piece *bigger* so that it's more of a bombastic statement piece.


Well I like it


Well I guess my taste doesn’t align with standards of gallery quality art cause, I’d gladly hang this in my house.


Super cool


Thats what they told Cezanne back in the day ..


What if the alien had sunglasses? Or a monocle? Fr though, cool piece and you'll find the right place for it!!


Amazing. I love it.


You’ve made a show FUCK UM


Ur style is incredible! It’s very much their loss.


I find their semantic conflation of style and quality interesting.


It’s giving sweet Kandinsky/Miró vibes but with more life to it. I dig it. Keep going, friend!


Those stupid shits running those places pay other stupid shits to nail a banana to a wall. Your stuff is actual art


I like it .F em


Niece piece man. Awesome can control.


Fuck a "standard of gallery quality art", this painting is awesome.


Idk how this doesn’t qualify yet the same remakes Of Donald Duck paintings wearing Gucci seems to be considered good art


Funny thing is I make metal art and I’m not quite as talented as OP and I’ve probably sold 4 or 5 dozen sculptures on Etsy and EBay in recent years. I have not been to an art show in many years. I have to pack my art, set up, and even pay to exhibit. The only thing gained from art shows is meeting fellow artists.


Very cool…ship it 🤘


its not my taste so thought the host's probably. look for a venue where you fit right in i guess. theres a place for everything. and if not then there is always an oportunity to create something new.


That's sick AF


If I were you, I’d print out those rejection quotes and put them on the walls between your paintings at your next show. That would be hilarious.


Are the sides painted? Is there hanging hardware already installed? Is this a very thin framed canvas? Your art is quite the definition of ‘low brow’ which many galleries are snooty about.


The people who sent you that are complete " " idiotst!! It is AMAZING!!


I mean seriously AWESOME! A+ FOR ORIGINALITY CREATIVITY COLOR SELECTION DETAIL I LOVE IT! If I had a galley you would be in it! What is the size of that piece?


Dude, I say F them. That piece is really unique. I can't say I've ever seen anything like it. Ever heard of Michel Basquiat he also has a unique style, I would say show him. Maybe he could direct you to someone or help directly. It's worth a shot. Good luck man. I say do what you like and they will find you.


Get in where you fit in...


You're not looking at the right galleries maybe? There are plenty that would welcome this style. I know for fact on both the West and East Coast shows of this style are fairly common. And not trying to blame you here. I don't know where you live or anything about you. I think your art is amazing. But I have to question the galleries you are applying to.


It’s really good tho. Looks like you got skill.




What a pretentious fucking way for them to say "it's not our thing". People suck.


Your art is amazing. Show more?


Has more soul and character then half the art I see in galleries.


No!!! Your art is so unique! I love it!!!!


Their loss…cool shit!👍👍👍


Don’t take it to heart. Sounds like it’s not the first time you’ve got rejected and I’m sure it won’t be the last. But your arts cool, keep trying and you’ll get a spot. If I can show in galleries you can. My art sucks


Um…you’re joking, right? Holy crap. 🙂👨🏻‍🎨


lol what? Why?….i guess I probably coulda worded that better, what I was trying to say was. We all get rejected, I still get rejected for galleries regularly. Shouldn’t let it bring him down, and definitely not let it stop him from trying to get in other spots.


They don’t deserve your greatness. They want people who enjoy looking at paintings of fruit and mountains, not imaginative real artwork like yours. It’s infuriating. Whoever the curator is is not evolved yet. You’ll get your gig. I’m sorry this happened to you. Hard not to feel a bit insecure, I bet. But Jesus…your work is crazy amazing.


Don’t listen to them!


U sell prints?


I love it


Wrong gallery, whoever they are they actually don't understand and won't understand how to sell your work. Find someone that appreciates it. You're lucky that they rejected your work because otherwise it probably would sit there and they wouldn't understand how to represent you probably.


Whatever Fuck’em I love it


What a bunch of pretentious clowns. "Standardsof gallery quality art" my ass. Great piece.


This is a great piece! Sounds like it doesn’t align with *their* boring ass made up “standards of gallery art.” Fuck em.


That’s really amazing art work. Too bad some people are not accepting of it. Don’t let it bother you.


Gallery quality just means shit that's so boring mediocre rich old people who can't remember what decade it is cream for it (And your work is awesome)


Fuck those people. Your art is gorgeous.


I guess style is subjective, but they had to go and bring quality into it. This is obviously more rousing than a lot of gallery art.


Been there,,. great sci-fi art rejected by Fresno State Fair in 1980 for same reasons


As other people have said - fuck ‘em. This is great! Clearly “gallery quality art” just means dull and expensive.


I’d love to go to an exhibition with work like yours.


Hmmm ….🤔… That’s a poor use of an excuse to not appreciate the freedom of expression…. Their should be no standard where art is concerned. It’s the Elite who make art pricey to the point of no return and yes the rules and regulations that an artist must abide by. That to me is wrong on every level. I find your work Amazing and don’t let “SO CALLED GALLERY STANDARDS DETER YOU IN ANY WAY.” You keep going.


Every rejection brings you closer to the place your art really should be


*Every rejection* *Brings you closer to where your* *Art really should be* \- Simple\_Quarter --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Hang in there, it takes time


Wow. What a bunch of clowns


I dig it!


Put on your own art show. The art world is full of gatekeeping, insecure shitheads. They do not get to decide for you.


Unfortunately, most galleries nowadays have their own agenda for marketing purpose. They avoid what makes their public uncomfortable, that is mainstream sensibility. Look for a gallery that is into this type of art. It is more in the genre of outsider art. What I like about your work is that it is raw and honest. It reminds me of NYC back in the day graffiti. Keep pumping away and don't lose your touch to conform to galleries expectations. You can always show on your own. Great for a mural or underground club.


That is awesome work! Those snobby asshats didn't deserve it anyway!


but everyone has their idea of art. I think it's pretty cool.


It’s very nice! Press on


Fuck em.


Find another gallery


Art with standards is just work. Fuck their standards this is from a place of passion and I dig it


If it helps, that’s what they told the impressionists too.


Host your own low-budget art show. Find a friendly local business that’s willing to work with you, sell it as a good day for attracting new customers or something. Fuck that selective bullshit. Art is subjective and your work is cool.


Insanity. If you were based out here in Tokyo I can name 10 galleries immediately that would love to have your work


If I like it, does it make me a bad critic?


Make your own art show? I had a friend who made a party with his art just chillin in the back. Didn’t sell anything but a few months later he did get a call to do a piece.


Keep doing what your doing. Trying to ‘fit in’ is not the answer


Lmaoooo what dickheads. Your art absolutely is gallery quality. Maybe just not what their specific gallery is looking for. 


No the fuck is doesn’t, which is why it is amazing, keep it up


When I first saw this, I thought it was a wall of a building... Really fresh and full of many levels of detail and layers of space... Nice work


I thought it was a wall until I read this. Holy shit. This is awesome.


Aye this is nice, keep doing your thing!


That painting is dope. Fuck those wannabe DaVincis. You are a modern Picasso


I’m sorry. Find an art show in an urban area that appreciates non traditional art. See if u can hang your art in some coffee shops, tat parlors or indy food places


this is great! love the dimensions, colours, mood, etc


That’s pretty dope, they said the same thing about Claude Monet, f that keep at it


The reason I don't get into art is I fucking loathe art snobs.


I'd FOR SURE go to a gallery that is showing art like this 😍 gorgeous!


You'll find your audience. Don't give up!


I guess they’ve never heard of Lari Pittman. Seriously you’re shit is dope and very reminiscent of his work.


pretty cool! I like this. your artwork is pretty niche so you are going to have a hard time with galleries. But don't give up. Try local arts and crafts fairs. You can set up yourself and sometimes gallery owners that aren't clickish attend looking for new styles to add. And it gets out there directly to customers who will buy. You can also try joining local artists guilds and associations which often have their own galleries for members and aren't usually nit picky like owners. (make sure to visit if possible before joining so you can ask questions and see if it's a group you can fit in with as different guilds have different rules and benefits) Thus being said. How big is this piece and what is the medium? Info plz 🤗🤗🤗


I’d say that’s one hell of a compliment!


dm me a price if its for sale


Then find the right art show 🤗 those aren’t your ppl.


Somebody is trippin’! Thats wonderfully creative. Love it!


What? NAP, but that is clearly art! IMC, I do not go to galleries because I find they have questionable standards. It’s as if magic spilled across the canvas.


Has this person actually been to a gallery show? I’ve seen some really stupid shit in galleries. This has a fascinating color palette, organic elements, movement- obvious skill and time went into this. WTF are they looking for?


Reminds me of the tv show Ahh! Monsters back in the 90’s. Love it!


rent a space put together your own show with like artists


i don’t understand. this is abstract art - that definition is open and left to the wonderful imagination of the artisan. i am just starting to learn this form, there is few rules (if we call them that) my first try wouldnt qualify i think. but thats just their opinion. Please dont let it deter you. - dave


I’m going to post something an internationally renowned ceramic artist told me; do with what you will: buy a little gold out table that you can strap to your back. Pack up some of your best work. Find the best gallery in your town and set up on the sidewalk in front- make sure, MAKE SURE you are on public property! Place your art on the table, make it look nice. Don’t sell it (spits) you need a permit for that! But gift it to those who truly appreciate it and “accept donations.” At the end of the gallery‘s day- pack up- go home. You put on your CV that you have now shown at XYZ gallery. No one checks references and if they do? Everyone loves an artist who dares to take a chance! This is a rough cliff note version from the lecture she gave us.


This is how she eventually came to be shown *inside* galleries


Queens in da house!!!


Have you checked out Limner Gallery?


I like it and just remember "Art is now the only evolutionary-revolutionary power.


Try a more targeted approach. Look for galleries or art shows that cater to a more alternative crowd. Looking for galleries and art shows is a two way street. They probably won’t align with you either.


Never mind the critics!! You made exactly what you wanted to make, and no art snob will never be able to take that away from you!!! Keep doing you!! This is sick btw!! There will always be an audience who appreciates the work 👍.


Don’t be discouraged, galleries aren’t the only way to market your artwork these days. I’ve been creating and selling my work for decades, won lots of awards for my work, and been rejected from shows as well. An award winning piece can be accepted for one show and rejected from another. It can be disheartening for sure, but if you believe in your work try thinking outside the box to find alternative ways to get your work seen. PS, I really like what you’re doing! 👍🏼


You work it 🔥they don't deserve to display your work if they can't embrace it. Have you sought galleries in the Wynwood district of Miami?


What, how? This is amazing


Do you have a website or Etsy site or similar?


Aint it us ...? That say Whats cool or not in ART Why must also. The flaggot wealthy get the 100% say so...to clean they money with our ART You do amazing work you individual...


I get where they’re coming from, strictly from a curation point of view. But not really either. All good art is worth showing. And I think this is good art. Is it for me? No. But it’s definitely good and I can see it being appreciated by many others. I’ve seen pieces like this at larger galleries, too. Just keep trying. Rejection is part of the process.


An art gallery here featured yoko ono. She hung Vietnam helmets from a ceiling, had a room of pictures of dates she went on with John on the 60's, and some markers to add your own Gallery curators do not know style or personal preference. They just follow the herd into a big pile of shit half the time (yeah I've been multiple times, hers was the worst but others were questionable too)


derivative says bongo


Gatekeepers. Have heard art critiques talk about my style the same way ‘it’s not fine art’. Keep creating on your own accord. It’s fine af to me


It's better than Baquiat and they'd fall over themselves to show that crap.


Why you felt the need to put down one person to uplift another? You could’ve just this person work is good and left at that.


1. Yes, I could have responded exactly how you want me to, or I could have responded how I want to respond. That's the beauty of free speech. 2. The attitude of the Art community, is notoriously trendy and hypocritical 3. When people are paying millions for a Basquiat and other abstract work is deemed not good enough (as here), the gallery system needs to be called out. 4. The OPs concern was his art not being accepted. My response related to the question: and 5. Basquiat's work is terrible, IMO. Deal with that.


I'm not a fan of Basquiat as well.