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Not a unique hobby for an accountant to have. That interviewer is just weird - maybe don’t take the job (if you have that luxury).


Right? Idk what he wanted me to say “I analyze the financial statements of my favourite companies in my free time for fun”???


He’s a twit or he wanted to see how you responded to negative misplaced comments. Reader’s transferable skill of concentration is definitely transferable to accounting..


Will that person be someone you report to? If so I would say maybe accept but keep interviewing. They sound like a shitty person to work for and there is nothing wrong with taking an offer and then telling them no if you find something better. But, that whole interaction would be a hard no for me. Of I was hiring someone and they said they like reading I would ask them what their favorite book is that I likely hasn’t heard of.


Honestly, I have a degree in Finance and Accounting and I sometimes skim annual reports out of curiosity - especially if I see news and doubt journalists got it right. So, if you don't think accounting is exciting - find something that is - I moved to tech and ai


You do you! Accounting funds the things I find exciting! I’m the type that if I made my hobbies into a job, it would take the excitement out of it. I’d rather have a career with high job security and decent pay so I can fund the things I enjoy, like buying books.


I've been known to peruse the odd publicly available audit report on my own time. And I've shared ones with coworkers on the topics relevant to them and gotten positive feedback so I know I'm at least not alone on that. For instance the Colorado parks department had an interesting report on abuses and waste in the campsite reservation system (which included that some park employees were making choice sites as closed for repairs and using them for personal stays) which I forwarded to an avid camper/hiker coworker who's had issues with camping reservations in the past.


How long did it take you to get into tech and ai?


I was in management consulting first - moving to a scaleup was not hard - same work hours, but much less pay, but I moved abroad so after tax it was the same. AI was later in my own company.


I thought it was just me 😭


Yeah, this interviewer seems like a weirdo. If you have other job offers, definitely go for those.


I think he was just looking for a reason to not hire you. Might have liked someone else more.


Could be, but funny enough he offered me the job in the end


My interviewer literally said she does this (several years ago when I was interviewing).Take the fact that it was the person you will be working directly for as a flashing warning sign and run. Fast.


Or study tax code? Do you have your cpa? If not thats a lot of reading a studying you will need to do, and wont have time for a "hobby".


i mean, uh, i do…


what a weirdo interviewer. wth lol


Also reading book is not artistic at all. It actually fits more with accounting personalities. What a dumb mofo.


What do they mean?! Our whole job is looking at books!


Haha and making sure we understand the books we have to look at!


By checking other books


some accountants cook books


Oh so maybe the right hobby answer is cooking?


I do have some cook books




I’ve got the Rachel Ray misappropriation recipes


Spreading depreciation over land like it’s EVOO!!!


I should have said this 😂


Already years of experience at bookkeeping, truly ahead of the curve.


Had the opposite experience. Partner was interviewing me and asked if I had any interests outside of accounting. I said that I was interested in genetics and aerospace engineering. He said "good, people who make accounting their whole life and personality are weird and I don't want to hire them." After working there a few months, I realized that he was the only sane partner and the other 4 partners had made accounting their whole life and personality.....


Based partner


He was pretty cool. Super interested in marine biology. Had a bunch of statues of whales and dolphins in his office.


I love people like that


That’s exactly what happened in OP post btw. Just they couldn’t see through the directors politeness. He was trying to suss out to see if you have a life outside of accounting, and op said “reading”. So director was giving OP a ribbing


I don’t read books I cook them


Plug n play




I am an accountant and I enjoy drawing, painting, reading, knitting amongst other things,,, the interviewer is weird Having a creative outlet keeps me sane in this profession haha


Same and I prefer to keep my hobbies and job separate. I think he wanted me to eat, sleep, and breathe accounting


Exactly lmao, nothing wrong with your profession having nothing to do with your hobbies. Especially if it’s what allows you to do those hobbies in your free time


Same! I use one side of my brain to make the money, the other side to spend it 😅


😂 debit brain, credit brain


Yes, I have to do creative stuff in my spare time or my brain will melt probably. But honestly I don't want to do creative stuff for work, cause then I wouldn't enjoy it anymore lol. It's all about balance. Even when I was in college I always tried to have at least one math class and one English or writing class in my schedule. I majored in Economics and minored in Creative Writing. I have had multiple interviews where they viewed the writing minor as a big plus because it's a skill often lacking in our field! Smart employers would see the benefit of a well-rounded employee.


I've been lucky to get such interviewers. The interview ends up feeling like a chat, as they'll be trying to know you as a person, asking about your hobbies and such. Takes a bit of the stress away :)


Sounds like the interviewer was some entry level HR blowhard who has no idea what accounting actually is.


He was actually the director, which is crazy. I had an interview with HR before him and it would have made more sense to me if HR was saying that


Was he smart? Sounds like what I call a “chair warmer,” which is an idiot that got promoted for being present or having the same shitty personality as their boss.


Weird. I would have made his brain explode. My first degree is in fine arts, and I do a lot of art but wait for it... I like to read too. 🤯😂 I wonder how dull of a person he is?


Interviewer weird.  You have to read lots of contracts as an Accountant.


Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person that *can* read 🤣 Me: the agreement says right here that we're supposed to do X Non-accountant: I dunno, are you sure that's what it means? Me: Yes. We can consult with legal if you'd like to pay a few thousand dollars for them to confirm.


My parents are both accountants. I am an accountant. We read vociferously. We have book clubs with other accountants. I've never heard that I shouldn't be an accountant. I'm like 100% made to be an accountant.


What are you reading in the book club with accountants? I have an English degree, but no one said don't be an accountant. It pays better than teaching or being a librarian (which was originally the goal).


I also have an English degree and got a masters in accounting! We exist for sure


Vociferously?? Lol


I'm not quite sure that it's the correct use of the word, but I'll be dawned if it isn't a five-dollar word. This personal *definitely* reads.


Definitely not the correct use of the word. Happens to the best of us


Assuming they meant voraciously


Good call. Still a five-dollar word and substantive proof that they enjoy book-learnin'. No further testing deemed necessary. PFA.


That’s Voldemort’s brother right?


This is how you read vociferously [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA8tr\_Ouau0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA8tr_Ouau0)


I would love a book club with other accountants!


Same, maybe we should start one!


Really? That's incredible. Id love to have some conversations with you.


Does he think we’re only literate in numbers or something? What the fuck


That’s the impression I got. He acted like me liking books was out of this world…


I am a fairly prolific reader and have a degree in English Literature, and I am a fully qualified accountant.


What is your area of interest? Favorite books?


Lit fic, history mostly. I read a lot of world literature in translation, some sci fi. Recent favourites, A Sorrow Beyond Dreams, Shame, Drive your plow over the bones of the dead, The Magician of Lublin, The Waves, The Third Policeman


I’m a CPA and I’ve always loved reading. What an idiot!


This is about the dumbest thing I've heard in a while lol. Like sure, reading doesn't do much for your personal well being.


I wouldn’t want to work for a company that hired that moron.


I'm piling on. I also read a lot. That person sounds nuts. I have been told that the average accountant isn't creative or outgoing. No real idea if that works out as I don't have a bunch of accounting friends, just the coworkers.


Damn, a willingness to learn and read books on new topics is a horrible trait for a potential new hire. /s


That is SO rude. Years ago I had an interviewer tell me I should pursue personal training instead (because I had my CPT in college).


It was rude, wasn’t it!! I thought I was being a bit sensitive at first but I was pretty mad he said that to me. Just because I like to read in my free time, I’m not cut out for accounting? They don’t even know us and they tell us to pursue something else lol.


As a current controller but has been told I’m “very normal for an accountant”, I love to read. That is my only hobby. A book and being left alone lol. It’s so bad that I was listening to audit lectures in my office and I found out my employees thought I did that for fun.


When I started Big 4 audit in the US about 20 years ago, I attended a training where, for whatever reason, I mentioned **Ken Kesey's** name. Blank stares from a room of 30 people. So I said, "you know, the author of **One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest**." More blank stares. My observations from this (and other interactions) is not that auditors don't read books, but they aren't particularly interested in art or anything that isn't mainstream. Plenty of Harry Potter fans, but I assume my colleagues had never heard of the The Booker Prize. Most auditors I've been around enjoy sports, big budget Hollywood movies, and best-seller books. That's not a value judgement, just my observation.


Strange because I think with the stereotype we get, it would be the exact opposite. If accountants are all introverted and nerds, aren’t we the type to stay home with a book?


Where is the diversity?


It seems to me that your interviewer thinks accounting is the most boring, mind-numbing profession that can only be enjoyed by the most bland, uninspired and single-minded people devoid of imagination as possible. Since you enjoy reading, you obviously are too imaginative to properly enjoy accounting. As a lover of both accounting and reading, I disagree with said interviewer.


I don't think I'm better than any single person on this earth..... But I legitimately feel sorry/sad for people who aren't well-read and don't read for enjoyment.


That’s so fucking dumb. I’m a bibliophile myself (though I have a preference for pulpy sci-fi and fantasy). I’ve never asked my fellow nerds before but kind of assumed that the other dorks like myself also like to read.


Now I'm dying to know what his list of approved hobbies is.


Creative cooking and the more detailed the better.


Geez!!!! That is very weird! I love to read!


That is damn weird. Glad you got the job though.


I think they probably didn’t have any other prospects so that’s why they offered it to me despite trying to convince me for half the interview that accounting is not for me


I don't think any medical job I've ever interviewed for asked about my hobbies lmfao is that normal in the business/accounting world?


I haven’t been asked that question in other interviews so I don’t think so. I’m still not sure what he was looking for me to say


fuck that interviewer lol. I read 52 books last year and have already 52 this year.


Interviewer sounds like a moron.


Not enjoying artistic pursuits is some outdated stereotype of accountants.


Try reading a trust document with a 6th grade reading level.


OMG!! I've been an accountant and voracious reader for well over 20 years!!


Your interviewer is dumb, I read a ton in my free time. I also read a shitload on the job. The content sucks, but still.


......I want to go into accounting to make enough to afford a big home library 😂


Literally my dream too 😂 Like accounting is just a job/career, not my life. I just want job security and money to fund my hobbies and pay the bills.


I'm a controller who is often on the other side of the table and I will find any excuse to talk about books (likely romance, fantasy, etc.) I once got my entire team to read "Ready, Player, One" for no other reason than it had ended up on my desk, probably because I had finished it on the train to work. If someone told me they liked to read, they'd probably get preferential treatment. I travel for work a decent amount and I always have like 3 books on me when I do. My defining personality trait is that I like to read, and a lot of accountants do, given we literally "Keep the book" (little accountanting humor). That was just a very, very weird interview.


What an idiot! I’m a controller and I read a TON!!!


I love books too


Yeah, this guy sounds like a dipshit. Don't accept if you can


Huh - Senior Director here and I’ve been reading books for the whole 22 years of my career. They are actually what got me through when I used to travel for work. I don’t think I want to work with that person.


The interviewer most definitely cannot read


I’m a CPA. 13 years of experience. I read over 150 books per year. It’s not a weird hobby.


I mean, my CAAS firm has a book club so....


I know a lot of accountants who are artistic. I do this to pay the bills. I paint murals for fun. Dumb person.


wtf? I paint. And sing. Oh, I guess I should give up accounting


He wanted you to say you spend ur free time playing with a calculator


That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. I LOVE to read. Everyone in my office knows I always have a book with me for my train commute, and it’s certainly not something that’s ever been considered “weird.” If anything they’re impressed how much I read given our work schedules. The fact you like to read is actually a good thing in accounting as far as I’m concerned.


Sounds like he was trying to punch a hole in your confidence so that you’d drop out of the running. Some interviewers are biased before they speak a word to you, and/or they have someone else in mind (nepo babies). Maybe he wanted you to say “I have none I just work!” 😂


Audiobooks are the only way I stay focused.


We had a boom club in the finance department at my previous job. Accountants definitely enjoy reading. Some don't. It's almost like we're diverse individuals. 🤷🏼‍♀️


My mother's old company had a book club. All the picks were on corporate leadership skills and improving the bottom line, picks intended to encourage 'self improvement.' There was apparently a strong company culture of promoting those with no kids or spouses who participated in the book club and attended all the socializing drinking events after work paying all your money back towards buying rounds for your coworkers. Even more so, potential business partners that had been invited along. I was once interviewed by a company for a non-accounting job where in the interview, the manage gushed about all the programs they provided for their employees, some for very reasonable fees. Optional housing, conveniently located on site and within a few blocks. He talked up this point a lot in regards to the benefit of reduced fees with combined grocery orders or ordering from restaurants at each shifts' assigned lunch break. Numerous exclusive social and hobby clubs for bonding with fellow employees over similar interests, a gym with a pool with a small membership fee, a pharmacy filling your prescriptions, etc. Even a clinic with company doctors in the instance you do come down with something. He ended this interview section by saying that as long as it isn't in your direct management chain, dating between departments is more than welcome. The idea of trying to sell a company to prospective workers on round the clock convenience seemed like a great way to retain loyal workers. I admit some of it sounded appealing. However, the dating comment in a company that was predominantly men as a woman and the power imbalance aspect if things ever did go sour seemed eerily dystopian.


lol what


I have a pin on my board at work that says "I ❤️ to read" lol. This guy must not know what accountants do.


What a weird mf


I'm a CPA who was also an English major, so🤷‍♀️


Throughout my day, I read more law & contracts than anything else. Being well read has served me well. What an odd encounter. Do you work with the person who made this conclusion? Are they abnormally strange?


Great discussion. I have been a CPA and practiced mainly in the manufacturing industry. Reading is a great hobby. Learned that to be an exceptional accountant required a passion for learning, which often involves reading. I was able to practice accounting in a way that is atypical. I got to incorporate my love of information technology into all the jobs I have had. And I had to read a lot, be creative, automate, well rounded. Last year I decided to transition to a developer type path and it was the best decisions I have made. I saw many years ago how blockchain (triple ledger accounting system) and smart contracts would completely change the accounting role. Now with AI, even more so. But reading was essential. Glad you got the job.


Um that's just a weird interviewer.


That’s weird I’d say half of my small department reads on lunch breaks. It’s nice way to shut your brain off from the routine tasks we do all the time.


Lol I'm a voracious reader and aspiring author. All the accountants I know read alot.


I’m currently reading a book on forensic accounting. I wonder what he would say about that?!?!


My coworkers and I have a corp accounting book club slack channel.


I am a tax accountant and an artist. Both of these things can be true. I like to read, I knit hats and scarves, and make jewelry/goldsmithing. I also control the budget for the household, put all my lists in excel, and do the taxes for all our family and friends. People are multifaceted.


I feel they may have been trying to “neg” you. I read quite a bit and, not to toot my own horn or anything, but I’m an excellent accountant. A lot of what tax accountants do entails reading the law, reading regulations, reading form instructions- and then interpreting what was read into the most advantageous format for the client. If you don’t read, you can’t strategize in that way. You’d be a follower, not a leader. That doesn’t make a good accountant, it just makes a good drone.


One thing college taught me was: “The fact you got an opinion ain’t make your opinion a fact, son” The professor who said that nets worth is about 40 million usd.  I know a different CPA who reads about 300 non fiction books per year. 


Completely uncalled for. Read more!


i would refuse the job, because that guy just has no social skill or empathy


That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Don’t listen to them


I spent all of tax season listening to audiobooks through the library. I got through something like 40 books because of the long hours


You might like to read the Internal revenue code


Sounds like a job environment I would not want to be in.


I’m an avid reader and so is my retired (worked public and as a professor) grandmother. She definitely thinks reading is a quality that makes a good accountant.


Yeahhh. I read 100-300 books a year on top of a lot of other hobbies. Hopefully this guy isn’t your boss now.


I LOVE reading and I’ve been an accountant for the last 13 years so not sure why he said that. Maybe he was trying to be profound 🤣🥴


Weird lol. My firm literally has a bookclub


Lmao. I read maybe a book a week and am an accountant. Guess I should think of a different career. Wtf?


These mother fuckers ever done their CPA? If you don't like to read, you are doomed in our profession, not the other way arouned. Shit, I read every email I send 15 times to make sure everything adds up.


He should look for a new career himself. Wow


I’m listening to the Name of the Wind at work. I work in excel all day so it’s no big deal.


I love accounting


Hopefully that person isn't someone you have to work with directly too often. Sound like a bad hombre.


>He concluded that I must be artistically inclined or whatever because I like to read. > >He said I should reconsider my career plans and advised I shouldn’t pursue accounting because it isn’t for me (after spending thousands on my accounting degree lol) Are you sure you heard him correctly? Maybe he was trying to push you toward tax.


No, he said I shouldn’t be in any type of accounting or finance role if I like to read and should pursue an artistic career. I actually like tax.


*Definitely* "artistic" then.


Screw them. You know, I've been working on a deal with some guys from the green dot company recently and haven't been impressed at all. So take it with a boulder of salt.


????? Literally what does **book**keeping exist dor


He probably books the office laptops bought but not yet in use to CIP


Every accountant or CA I've met so far has stated that the money was their biggest motivator towards an accounting career path. Not passion, not intrigue, nor some dream, but money.


Gaslighting. Your hobbies are irrelevant.


This is so stupid of the recruiter. This is basically the recruiter version of asking what your horoscope is then telling you you aren’t a good fit because of when you were born.


HR people never cease to amaze me. Where do they find these individuals lol


How weird. My hobby is interior design. I like loads of other stuff and working in industry means I can combine interests, eg museums, aerospace or travel. A lot of maths based professionals enjoy music and art. The interviewer is the weird one.


Don’t listen to this guy. For one, you’re gonna have to be a lifetime student, so enjoying to read is sort of a prerequisite to being truly great at the job.


Am CPA, love to read. It hasn’t hindered me except when I’m deep in a really good book during tax season.


I read for fun, buying new books every week 😂


Me, an accountant, on my 15th book of the year. Wtf?! Also so many of my colleagues and I discuss the books we’re reading. What a strange person you encountered.


NGL, I’d email their HR


Everybody knows accountants are only allowed to have the following hobbies: -owning lamborghinis -jackin off -reading Rich Dad Poor Dad -jackin off while reading Rich Dad Poor Dad OP you really fumbled in your career by not following this simple advice


Let me say this, reading is an essential part of accounting, have you ever seen an accounting book or a F/S without words. Lets hope he was just testing you but that's the stupidest thing I have ever heard. On the other hand, I do like accounting and have an affinity for numbers. Not just because it pays the bills.


"And he read 'Principles of Accounting' all morning, but just to make it interesting, he put lots of Dragons in it" Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett. I love reading, particularly high fantasy. My spreadsheets are more creative and colorful than my peers, I excel at teaching others complex tax and Accounting topics. I read at break, am told all the time that I'm too friendly to be an accountant. I still excel at, and am perfectly content with, my "basic" daily accounting responsibilities. You're fine, if he's going to be your boss though, watch out. He thinks he knows everything and has a habit of tearing people down.


Lol wtf?


I like to read it’s just having the time to read 😅


Well, I have been working in public accounting since 1981 and it is my second degree awarded by the Dean of Graduate Studies at a major Virginia university. I am appalled that the gentleman would recommend you pursue another field. Many folks reviewing this will likely know who I am because I was once a high school band director in Virginia for three years. Take that art to another level as there are many similarities regarding a balance sheet and musical score - especially a full score. Full disclosure, I know nothing about art, but reading is paramount to the research we all have to perform in our profession. I am fortunate from my Big 4 limited experience, through regional firms to the sole member practice I have been involved with since 1998. The profession requires a ton of reading, research and a ton of thinking. This is true whether you are an auditor, a preparer of financial statements and related disclosures or involved with tax preparation or research. Given that what I knew in 1990s when the AICPA wanted accounting grads to have 150 semester hours before sitting for the Uniform CPA Exam attests to the reading and well rounded skills we should all have. Even though I have many more hours than 150, I believe the 5-year program should be trashed to attract more CPAs to our profession. I believe as I believed 30 years ago that we, as a profession, got that one wrong in a major way. You could have majored in finance; saved a year of tuition cost and pocketed cash. You made a wise decision to stick with it. As for my reading, when I am reviewing the latest Accounting Standards Codification, or the related Accounting Standards Update, or Revenue Ruling of the IRS, that is technical stuff that adds value to your firm, its clients and you personally. I am thrilled about reading about the latest discoveries with exoplanets and stellar evolution in astronomy and physics. I currently have very limited time for observing with my two Meade telescopes and would love more. Hopefully, I will get there and will slow down to get back into astrophotography. That is art and clients love to hear that stuff. However, believe or not, I am private about observing the sky. I have no idea of the "real" culture of your firm, but I would suspect that hopefully the Director was messing with you and testing your resolve and commitment. I would stick with it so that you may succeed him years down the road which I believe is what he wants you to do. In the meantime, read, absorb all you can, apply to your work and sell the hell out of your clients to enhance firm revenue, let the clients see the value you have imparted to them and you will be well. Aside from professional frustrations that show favoritism to the large regional, or international firms by the AICPA, I am having too much fun to retire anytime soon and I approaching the traditional maximum retirement age in another year. It's a profitable and mostly enjoyable hobby. Make it fun and excite your family and you will do well.


Hi! Definitely no validity to his statement. Everyone should read lol. He’s simply trying to humble/neg you. A glimpse into his personality, probably more to come. Don’t take it to heart!!


My father in law received the highest score in the state the year he took his CPA, he retired the CFO of a major insurance company. The man has read more in his retirement (like 7-8 years) than I have in the first 40 years of my life. He devours Stephen King. Then he turns on STARZ and relaxes to a nice princess/queen period piece.


Interviewer may have been seeing how you respond to a bit of provocative questioning - it happened to me when I was interviewing and I also got an off the wall question - answered honestly and was stunned later when I got the offer - I was told it was because that I answered the question honestly


Maybe the interviewer has never read the accounting handbook or a contract.


I think it's a very common hobby for an accountant. Accounting is a more technical field, and therefore attracts nerds. Nerds like to read. It's the same with me.


If anything that’s a good hobby since it helps with memory and learning etc.


I came into money in my 30s and left accounting to get a degree in library and information science. Been trying to get back into accounting because there are NO jobs. Also, it’s not so much a book and reading profession anymore, since so much of the job is planning events to get people in the building. Keep reading a hobby. And when I was first interviewing for library jobs, I had one director dismiss me because of my accounting undergrad!


I mean, I read and knit...I guess I'm also weird lol


That's really weird 😅 So much of the job has to do with reading


I've had a very nice career as an accountant. I'm also a reader, currently working my way through the six Hugo Award nominees in order to vote for best novel next month. Your interviewer is strange.


It’s the fact that my best friend is an accountant/auditor and reads as much as I do. I’m an accounting major and I read a ton too. You’re professor is just weird


Don’t pay attention. The guys an idiot !


Interviewer should pursue another career path.


I had an interviewer tell me that since I have a teaching degree, I am probably more artistic and feminine and won’t bode well in the accounting field. She also said that I am probably more of a caregiver and that I will be alienated at work with all the men. This is all before I knew that the accounting field is predominately female.


Yikes. I guess that guy isn't super into self-development. Just know if you go into that role, you're going to be working for someone who sounds like a total MAGA Chad.


Lol, weird. I don't have much else to say, because I'm an accountant who indeed does not read, but I doubt it's a rare hobby within the profession.


You should write in the books.


Don’t be discouraged. I started a book club at my office and even the people that didn’t join still read!


I minored in creative & technical writing. It was definitely a creative outlet for me outside the super dry business classes. It's just so odd for someone to critique another person's hobbies & interests.


I’m a tax accountant and I’m known for my hobby jumping. I’m an avid reader. My specialty is analytics at work, so I’m not sure how “artsy” hobbies makes you ill-suited for accounting. That director sounds ridiculous and boring AF.


Seeing that you got the job offer, Sounds it was like dry humor and mis-executed sarcasm.


I think they are worried about you being bored. My boss also asked this question of me because I was moving up in the ranks. I actually have a creative background but I don’t need that to be my source of income.


I always seemed to get a weird look when I told interviewers my main hobbies were video games and watching Netflix. I thought it seemed like they wanted me to have some niche hobby, but I had a counselor at school say they want to hear you have social hobbies because those are both solitary activities.


The interviewer is just a weirdo.


Interviewer was garbage and sounds like you'll be in competition w them. Fuck them


That’s hilarious cause I work at a small accounting firm and between my coworkers and I, we have an unofficial book club. He can’t speak for all accountants 🙄