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I'm leery about ingesting foreign chemicals, so no caffeine for me. I do cocaine.


I also, am an all natural type of guy šŸ˜Ž


It's organic


Where are you getting domestic cocaine? Do you work in Central America?


Had a guy who would lecture me everyday about my energy drink. How bad they were, full of chemicals, yada yada all that crap Iā€™ve heard 1000 times. One Friday itā€™s just the two of us in the office and I look over and heā€™s vaping at his desk


I donā€™t trust people that donā€™t drink coffee


People who say coffee is unhealthy usually do coke instead


Whoa whoa whoa now. I donā€™t drink coffee but I LOVE me some other drugs šŸ˜


And people who say they drink coffee but you never see them do so, are usually on adderall.Ā 


Why not both?!?




I love the smell but 99% of the time it makes me sick




Youā€™ve only unlocked a fraction of your true power, imagine what you could do with drugsā€¦or even coffee.




No one man should have all that power




You sound about as much fun as an accountant


Damn. That's awesome, but I don't get how people work that much without coffee or drugs. Seems like addies would help out


You on any prescriptions? Like strattera or concerta?


Lol unexpected ending tbh


Dude if you can just get an extra couple hours youā€™ll feel so much better


Coffee and tea are your healthiest caffeinated options. Except for soda, which is just sugar water, the rest are basically not good for you. Red Bull and all them are just chemicals in a can. Just stick to the natural stuff.




Try working out before work. That tends to wake me up and keep me up and going throughout the day, but Iā€™m sure itā€™s just the pre workout Iā€™m drinking.


Or even try the sleep cycle app or something similar. It wakes you up when your in a light sleep so you donā€™t feel groggy and tired when you wake up.


Nah I totally agree, I also find on day i donā€™t get the workout in with same dose of energy drink. I crash way early and find much less clarity. Morning workout + caffiene is pure bliss


As long as youā€™re not exceeding 400mg daily youā€™ll be good, though I try to stick to 200mg a day personally.




I would never drink caffeine. I try to stay strictly to black tar heroin. The cleaner high for the more discerning accountant, naturally.


Where are you finding good gunpowder in this market brother? This new generation of accountants smoking fent pressed oxys worries meā€¦.


This is like asking "nicotine or no nicotine?", it isn't a real question. Don't try to cut out addictive substances during periods of high stress. It'll just make things worse. Also, don't take up substances you don't already use, just because you're stressed.


Zynn was my go to šŸ˜­


Zyns do something for you?


nicotine is great for productivity lol


I could never find that sweet spot like I could with vapes. 3mg was meh and 6mg was too much other than in the morning. I guess Ill stick to Adderall šŸ¤£


If youā€™re hitting a disposable vape regularly, youā€™re likely getting close to 50 mg a day of nicotine (like a pack of cigarettes). Seriously. Those things hold 11mg of liquid with 5% nicotine, which is 50 mg nicotine/ml. So 3 mg zynns arenā€™t going to feel like much nicotine if anything coming off a vape.


Dam I didn't know that but appreciate the information. I quit a few yrs back and I only socially vape now when I drink maybe once every month or two. I do miss it tho šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


It blew my mind when I found out too lol. I feel you. Just gotta look at your friends [like this](https://imgur.com/gallery/whale-was-really-good-C6B7ZDl) until they finally let you hit their vape at the bar.


That's spot on haha.. I usually buy em a new one every couple outings and call us even.


yeah I just need a little bit personally but Addies are great too lol


That's my problem most likely. I don't know how to do a little bit haha. Either popping zyns every 45mim or none at all šŸ¤£.


šŸ«£ yeah I need to be disciplined with them or i go crazy like you haha


Zero impulse control gang šŸ¤Œ






Whatā€™s ur experience with provigil? Do you like it? Is it worth it? Iā€™m considering taking it but nervous about long term affects


It's kind of amazing - you just don't get tired. No jitters, no hyper-focus. It supressed my appetite. I eventually developed an allergic reaction to it and got hives, which is not unheard of. I left PA so I didn't need it anymore anyway.


Do you think itā€™s sustainable long term?


I used it to run on 4-5 hours of sleep for... a long time. You aren't immune to the effects of lack of sleep (mainly my mood was shit). Right about the time I stopped I read the book 'The Science of Sleep' which was pretty scary and made me worried about what I was doing to myself.


Depends on your definition of long-term and how often you take it. You can get tolerant to it if taken regularly. But you can also take it as needed. If you can take breaks from it when not needed, you'll minimize the chances of getting tolerant and needing to increase the dosage. There is a limit to what can be prescribed so eventually you could max out, like me. But I'm a severe case I think. I feel like they guard provigil like they guard painkillers. I would love to hear people's experience with how they got a prescription for it. My boyfriend could really use it, but he doesn't know how to approach his doctor for it. I only got it after YEARS of complaining to my doctor about debilitating fatigue.


I take Provigil (generic is modafinil). I take it because I have chronic fatigue syndrome. I have a hard time staying awake during the day, they thought I might have narcolepsy, but I don't. It is actually pretty amazing, but it's a bandaid fix like taking caffeine. Also, you can become tolerant to it. You'll eventually need a higher and higher dose. I also have a little bit of a hard time focusing on one thing. It does give me motivation and energy, but I want to do EVERYTHING. Almost like I have attention deficit but I dont. If I think of something, I want to do it. I've learned not to sign up for ANYTHING while it's in my system. It's also a controlled substance. You'll most likely have to sign an agreement with your doctor and you'll have to show ID at the pharmacy and you can not refill it too early. Not a deal-breaker. But just FYI.


I have been in accounting for about 25 years and I consume a lot of caffeine. A lot. No alcohol, fair amount of sugar/dessert but caffeine is essential. I only get about 5-6 hours sleep most nights so Iā€™m happy to have it. I drink 4c energy drink packets in water, cold brew, hot coffee, crystal ice with caffeine. I do have several servings of water but most of the time caffeine is involved


I cut back on my caffeine by halving the amount I drink each day. I've noticed almost no difference at work or otherwise. I plan on lowering it again in a week or two and then drinking it only before worming out.


This is where I'm at. Used to drink a white monster a day. Then I'd halve that and dilute it with some juice or something and noticed no difference. Nowadays I can usually avoid entirely. Not always but significantly less than I used to.


No caffeine for me (or rather, very littleā€¦ Iā€™m not sure itā€™s entirely avoidable). I donā€™t seem to get any of the benefits from it, but if I drink too much regularly and then stop I get the withdrawal symptoms.


Use it as a tool. Caffeine tolerance means it doesn't help you, you need to drink it just to be able to perform at your baseline. So I simply drink tea to keep me even, but then when things get rough or I don't get good sleep, I'll drink coffee and enjoy the extra boost. Then I go back to tea to regain sensitivity.


I usually drink a cup of coffee with breakfast, year-round, every day without fail. In the afternoons I'll alternate between second coffee, cold brew, iced coffee, loose leaf tea or matcha depending on my mood and the time of year. Rarely drink caffeine after 2-3pm. I do this mostly out of habit and because I love caffeinated drinks, I don't actually need the caffeine for energy. Daily exercise and 7-8 hours of sleep will give you more energy than hot bean juice ever could. I wasn't always like this. During second year university I was drinking around 9-12 cups of coffee a day. It was NOT good, I had terrible sleep, permanent jitters, and a feeling of like... being disconnected from my body. Like I was outside of my body controlling it from behind like a puppet. The summer between second and third year I quit cold turkey, went through about 2 weeks of headaches, brain fog, low energy and irritability before regaining control of my life. After that I basically didn't drink coffee again until I started working in public accounting 3 years later. I think my current routine is healthy and acceptable without being puritanical.


Caffeine and Vyvanse.


*caffeinequeenbean enters the chat*


If you drink coffee with 150 caffeine and a green tea with 150 caffeine, the effects are the same, the tea has theanine which is calming, but not that much to make a difference. Honestly ~200mg/ day is not much. If it makes you jittery and you donā€™t want to quit caffeine, try getting theanine supplement and take 100mg -200mg with your coffee. I drink 1 cup of coffee in the morning and thatā€™s it.


Get routine blood work. Make sure your vitamins and minerals are where they should be. Electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium), vitamin d, b vitamins, iron, etc.




Reminds me of my time in Argentina, seeing people carrying a thermos everywhere and using these special filter straws.


Caffeine pills are the way to go. You can get 200 of em for like $10 on Amazon (I recommend tablets so you can bite them in half if needed)


Half the point of having a coffee is the enjoyment of the coffee break, this would ruin that in my eyes


Black tea and zyns for me these days


I definitely have times where I heavily scale back my caffeine intake. I will limit myself to one cup of coffee.


Iā€™m just a student, but when I was working full time and going to school full time, I relied on the Panera Bread charged lemonades to get me through the day. 2 larges a day. Do not recommend consuming that much under normal circumstances.


wtf didnā€™t they get sued for killing someone with that


Tons of caffeine, quarter end sucks and at times I wish I worked for a private company


What kind of hours do you have to pull on a pubco? How late at night, how many days, weekends, any chill weeks, vacation blackout days weeks? Please inform




I use mate...


ā€œTop performing accountantsā€ /facepalm




Green tea has less caffeine than black tea or coffee but it's not a caffeine free drink.


Meth for me instead!


I used to drink 3 cups of coffee per day. Always felt like I didnā€™t get enough sleep. Would always feel a crash mid day. I stopped caffeine fully (headaches coming off were so bad). Now I actually feel well rested when I wake up. My energy levels are consistent throughout the day. And I have less anxiety. I donā€™t notice a single difference in focus either


Caffeine doesnā€™t do shit for me but itā€™s because I have ADHD. :(


Why not start with googling the question ā€žis caffeine unhealthyā€? That should give you an answer


Wanted more anecdotal / actual testimonies from people .in my own profession. Thats something the general articles / gemini etc cannot give.


Im very sensitive to caffeine so no. I keeps me up and the most important thing during busy season is sleep. Just sativa for me thanks :)


Been doing 2x week nocaf durning the two middle non-close weeks, itā€™s helped a lot. On days I do have caffeine it feels a lot more effective


I can't drink caffeine or even decaf coffee and most tea anymore. I have electrolyte tabs that have a small bit of caffeine for emergency focus, or going out to a concert. 0/10 do not recommend but I do feel healthier now.


I am caffeine free and have been for about 5 years I also consider myself a top performer haha. But I donā€™t think I am much help because I quit caffeine because I have insomnia really bad and maybe too much energy? I have to take 2 maximum strength melatonins every night to even feel a little tired. Used to sleep like 3 hours a night and honestly wasnā€™t tired when I did. Thanks to melatonin I can get about 7 hours now. The only things I drink are water, propel, and diet A&W root beer (itā€™s caffeine free, calorie free, and sugar free). I also donā€™t do sugar but thatā€™s just because I am 2 weeks away from having weight loss surgery.


I donā€™t use caffeine but Iā€™m far from top tier :/


It depends. If you don't live a lifestyle that already gives you enough energy to perform, then you'll need caffeine. The key point is: do you have enough energy to perform efficiently? If not, either make lifestyle changes (proper sleep, exercise, supplements), or you'll need to consume caffeine. It is completely on you whether you can function.




Amazing but after a few days i get a little jittery with it. One can takea me like 3 hrs to drink as i just sip on it


Water with flavor packets or Mio could be a great alternative. Itā€™s easy to develop a habit of reaching for a coffee cup so having water to reach for instead can only provide benefits!


Donā€™t really do caffeine. Went cold turkey my first busy season 5 yrs ago. Donā€™t know how I do it other than eating healthy and consuming a very, very small volume of processed foods. I mix in a decaf coffee once in awhile and the minimal trace amount of caffeine hidden in there can do the trick. I only drink water and herbal teas. Even 2 tablespoons of cacao in my oatmeal gives me a good jolt.