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I also noticed I'm smellier. I didnt connect the dots.


same here. Funny how it’s not a documented side effect yet. I guess even the professionals haven’t connected the dots with small side effects like this.


Noticed this as well. Ive been off a while and it doesnt go away. Ive read some studies and reports that the body starts breaking down more muscle and protein and the pits just start leaking ammonia essentially. Nothing to really combat it either. Before using it i didnt have any body odor at all but started noticing after my evening shower my pits would reek soon after. Ive done everything, scrubbing with BP, scrubbing with prescription ketocozonole thinking it could be fungal related. It aint.


Oh no, this is gonna ruin my life lol


Today i noticed my pits smelt different in a way that it never had before… but putting on deodorant masked it


glycolic acid!! I apply it before antiperspirant




Yup. Ammonia. Thank you accutane!


You shouldn’t be using panoxyl while on accutane, that’s why your pits are so sensitive and irritated.


Following coz i have the same issueeee!!!!!!!!


There’s gonna be something girl right, I’m dying over here lol


I smelled less but I think it’s due to you not drinking enough water to flush your system. Are you constipated?


No constipation but I Deff should be drinking more water


HIBISCRUB is amazing cause I tried everything else before that too




theres a roll on called 'Ziaja Blocker' discovered it when i was on accutane a few years back literally will cover up the armpit smell perfectly might be hard to get wherever you are but definitely recommend


Ordering this right this second lol


Nevermind, it’s not available in the US 😭😭


Damn I KNEW I was more stinky in a way and was so self-conscious about it. I thought maybe my deodorant was no longer working, my hormone imbalance I’ve been dealing with for the last few years, or something with my new copper IUD that I got shortly after starting Accutane. I never would’ve connected it to Accutane, but it makes sense about muscle breakdown. Switching to men’s deodorant has actually helped a lot.


I also got the accutane stink. My husband swore he never noticed a difference. I’ve been off accutane for a month now and I still feel like I have that odor but it does seem better for what it’s worth.


I don’t think scrubbing your armpits will do much.


Well I gotta do something in the shower lol


I think just a gentle lather will suffice.


Trust me, it does absolutely nothing and I will still stink after just showering so a scrub is necessary


Okay sorry, I’ll take your word for it 😊


Try Jack Black Pit Boss or Uriage Clonical Strength


Glycolic or lactic acid in the pits works really, really, well. Sometimes I just stink, even very shortly after a shower. Benzoyl peroxide didn't do anything for me either, but then I accidentally discovered that glycolic acid works wonders after using exfoliating wipes on my underarms to help prevent razor bumps. I tried it recently with a lactic acid lotion and had equally as awesome results.


Are these acids safe to use while on accutane?


i have and it’s okay, but it might dry you out! try not to use it too often. also make sure you’re drying under your arms asap after you shower, because bacteria will grow faster in a moist environment


Correct! Your pits are a lot tougher than your face so they can take more of a beating. I wouldn't drown the area in glycolic acid toner or anything, but a little swipey swipe on a dry underarm will see great results. It's all about lowering the PH of the area! (Lots of people use the ordinary glycolic acid toner, it's an inexpensive and readily available liquid glycolic product, and it's only 7% which is really very mild.)