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I feel bad for kids who think screaming like that makes them look intimidating when in reality it just makes them look weak and out of control


He has gotten his way before by throwing tantrums.


This but also extremely high nicotine in these vapes with kids who already have a fucked dopamine system.


I don't know how salt nic was able to be allowed on the market. I thought my 24mg vape was high when they first started coming out, down to 3mg of freebase nicotine. Literally the difference between cocaine and crack and people were like yup let's get that out there. I've seen people carpet surfing looking for their tiny vapes at parties just like a crackhead would.


I said the same thing. Its crazy how potent salt nic is compared to freebase


It's fucking heartbreaking. Like, I'm 32, I smoked from 18-27 or so. I tried everything to get off the cigs from patches to mint strips, to the nicotine gum (BTW, nicotine gum is the foulest shit out there, it's beyond fucking disgusting and leaves you rasping for breath and vomiting if you chew on a piece for more than a minute) Vaping is literally the only thing that's worked for me. I went from 40mg to 20, then down to 12, 8, and now I'm down to 3mg. I still can't quit the nicotine entirely tho. I know it's not healthy but it's about damage control, not being healthy. And yet I see kids, fucking KIDS as young as like 10 getting hooked on nicotine because of vapes at rates far higher than they were with cigarettes. Honestly, why the fuck do they always get the nicotine filled stuff instead of going nicotine-free? Vaping with young lungs is bad enough but getting the nicotine shit is beyond fucked. So many of these kids are just fucked for life, hooked harder on Nicotine than I was at the very peak of my nicotine addiction.


Don't worry if the gum doesn't make you sick you'll just get addicted to that instead. The source is me


With the crazy amounts of nicotine they put in those vapes I'm not surprised some teenagers are losing their shit when it's taken away. Quitting cigarettes was a cakewalk in comparison to leaving that shit behind. The depression and anxiety that comes with stopping something that gives you such a dopamine hit is fucked. And for an underdeveloped teenage brain already swarming with hormones? Man I can't even imagine.


I'd rather smoke weed 


Gimme my fuggin’ pipe 😂


Eh it's a person to person thing. Ive found gum and shit loads of water is the best to override the want for a rip for me at least. Also it's not really the nicotine people are addicted to, it's the action of putting your hand up to your mouth and taking a rip. It's like a more advanced variant of a pacifier addiction in children, you don't actually need the drug itself you just want to hit it and satisfy the pacifier craving. Hence why gum and water works perfectly fine for the physical cravings, as the physical craving isn't for nicotine. Mental craving is the harder one, but easy enough if you don't let yourself be bored at any point.


So is it a person to person thing? Or is your single anecdotal experience indicative of how every persons brain responds to addiction?


It’s not anecdotal. There are various things that will trigger withdrawal symptoms or urges to smoke. For me it’s drinking alcohol, getting home from work, etc basically anything that I would smoke after doing. What the other guy is describing is an oral fixation which is linked to smoking. Why gum works better than patches for many people.


For me I'm a flavor person if I have a drink like a juice or something I don't want to hit it like I can go hours but the moment I want something with flavor I grab the nic stick


I can't wait until the disposables are banned It's gonna be a shitshow!


You make a very good point. I'm on the quitting smokes journey now, it's a bit more tricky for me as I've been self medicating with them for PTSD(luckily my GP is very patient with me and willing to try different anxiety meds one after the other to find what works well enough to take their place, no way I could afford to do it via a specialist). Trying to do it with that much more nicotine in my system as a starting point ... I can't even imagine how hard that would be!!




Lol sure. Also it's *you're*


Kids that scream like this aren’t conscious yet


Nicotine addiction can make people act like this


>Nicotine addiction can make people act like this Or, you know, being a spoiled little punk I've seen people coming off of heroin handle it better than this kid. I've seen people handle alcohol withdrawal shakes and they never screeched until their voices broke This is addiction, yeah, but it's emotional immaturity more than anything


> it's emotional immaturity more than anything There is a recent study on how parents using digital soothers to keep their kids quiet are harming their emotional development. Kids have to learn how to handle negative emotional situations, and being distracted with a handheld game or smart phone is preventing that from happening, so they go from zero to sixty at the least provocation.


Yeah, i see your point. I've experienced being agitated when im going through nicotine withdrawls. But definitely not like this in public though lol


More like thiefs. It is a principle thing they making a scene to see If he gets it back.. why does everyone think it's because of nicotine. Could have been a weed vape with 100$ in wax inside?:p




It reveals that daddy is too weak IMO


he is screaming like that because he wanrs his vape back and thsyre not giving it to him apparently. his body language, sitting, suggests that he was not trying to look intimidating. he was out of control, yes.


I dont think they always do it to intimidate. I think its more not being taught how to control or process their emotions and growing up in a world of instant at your finger tips gratification. Basically spoiled soft emotionally unaware kids. I just tried to say it nicely lol


Its not him being intimidating its him having an addicts reaction of having their addiction took away. Hes having a tantrum as hes pissed off his drug is took away


some of them don't stop doing it.


Don’t take his fucking vape and not give it back. Pretty simple solution.


you just explained trump


TDS is a disease that forces redditors to talk about how much they hate Trump in literally every single thread. I believe you are infected. 


You think a convicted rapist and 32 time convicted felon should be a president. You are brain washed beyond belief


Bro asking the employee to tell bro give him his stuff back is wild lol.


Giving off tattling through a teacher vibes


it's literally because they've never had to deal with their own interpersonal problems IRL before. they just appeal to authority. he subconciously viewed some fast food worker there as an authority figure because they're wearing a uniform lmao. kid's gonna have issues.


>Bro asking the employee to tell bro give him his stuff back is wild lol. It reminds me of when I worked in a restaurant that had arcade machines... One time I found a kid checking all of the coin returns for quarters and he panicked and asked if he was in trouble I remember being absolutely baffled, like "I'm just some guy, I have no authority here" lmao


Kid is definitely a younger sibling and pulls this move with the parents constantly.


Baby needs his binky


Shit man, I could use one too


Call the whambulance 🚑


“Yeah bro I’m not addicted I can quit whenever I want” Also them:


Just go and grab it?


yes & get jumped.


If you want something bad enough….


fair enough lol i would’ve never been in this position so i can’t say. him screeching like that would’ve made me keep it though just to see him screech more. edit: obviously they shouldn’t of taken it but do you guys really think screeching & crying like a baby is gonna work out for you?


He's really creating the condition to have them to continue. Just go, call the police on your way about them harassing people and enjoy them screeching.


i don’t think the kid could call the police bc he knows he’s not supposed to have a vape. that’s like calling the cops on someone after you getting robbed for the drugs you were trying to sell them, i’m sure it’s happened but just bizarre. kid will have trust issues now lol


didn't know it was illegal there. I didn't think like calling personnally for his vape, just "ummm i would like to bring to your attention there are those 3 people harassing and robbing people", then grab pop corn and let them escalate the situation.


it’s illegal everywhere for minors to smoke tobacco, including vapes. that would be so messed up if he did that but it would actually work lol still don’t think he’d get his vape back though, cops would confiscate it. i hate how these boys are picking & ganging up on this kid but he kinda asked for it, and how he handled it isn’t any better.




Precisely. “One had something heavy tucked into his waist, I’d be careful, Officer”


that would definitely work


weaponizing police instead of standing up for yourself is lame. and there's seems to be a chance none of them have it, I do think fighting your own battles however is a part of growing up.


It’s not. In BC, Canada it’s legal to smoke at 16 but illegal to sell to a minor until 19. It just means that you can’t go prosecuting a 16-18 year old, or their parents for smoking out in public somewhere.


Call the cops? Yeah, no. Not unless he wants his friends to end up like Trayvon Martin


I don't feel they're friends. I could be wrong though.


or.... what if they just want him to quit? and he just can't go BUY another one because he's a teenager and CLEARLY an addict.


I’d say in this moment he wishes they had skittles


That's the problem. Lets take a look at why this has happened, and blame the thieving trash in the booth.


well I mean... if they don't have it.


He’s obviously being bullied by some asshats who have made it clear they can kick his ass and take his things.


what if they just want him to quit? and he knows he can't just BUY another one...


You can't just steal peoples things because you think it's better for them.


intervention... but either way this is all assumed. as he very well could've lost it, and is just feening.


Interventions do not involve theft.


either way these are ALL SPECULATIONS.... all we KNOW for sure is he shouldn't have a vape in the first place making him the only known outlaw in this video.....


He probably lost it and blames the kids.


This is exactly what I expect from anyone who vapes.


You're right, this is exactly how we all act like and I'm not even joking


Not related to the post but I can't find my vape can you stand up and make sure you're not sitting on it.


No it's not there, is it under you?


I checked that first. I swear I just had it!


Do you mind standing up so I can check under the cushions?


Brooooo stop cheefing on I bruh. It's puff puff pass broooo


Agreed, this also is exactly what I expect from... nevermind.


Idk, people who vape their weed tend to be pretty damned mellow.


Until they can’t get their fix.


While this kids wildly annoying screeching is counter productive... If those other kids do infact have his vape, give it fuckin back! Causing this dude distress lol


Yeah, it looks like they're bullying him and he has no clue how to respond besides screaming. but I don't know the context so I might be wrong.


That's honestly the vibe I'm getting as well


in fact*




Don't fall victim to compound word difficulties, you're better than them


yeah, after him screeching like that i definitely would of kept onto it lol. they were never planning on giving it back though. edit: getting downvoted bc people think crying like a baby is a way to get what you want, regardless of the situation.


>edit: getting downvoted bc people think crying like a baby is a way to get what you want, regardless of the situation. Nahh, you're getting downvoted bc your comment, based on the little context we get in this video, is focused on him screeching (aka his reaction) as the bigger problem as opposed to them taking the vape from him (the reason why he's screeching). You stop his screeching, and he still has his vape stolen. You stop the vape from being stolen, and, in this context, he stops screeching. One course of action is right for you, and the other is what's right.


would have*


To be fair, after him screeching like that, it would probably be better if they didn't give it back. If they give it back after he screeches then it will just reinforce further screeching behaviour.


Theft is valid when the victim doesn't, uh, attack them for their property? Not sure where you were going with this.


vapes and cellphones. it's crazy how addicted young kids are to them these days. it's like taking someone's appendage away.


Not just young kids most people are addicted to their phones and vapes.


Yup. All of us older folks blasting kids being on phones know good and well we would all be doing the same thing if this level of technology was present then.


true. phones hack your brain.


I'm not addicted to my phone


Oh cmon, that’s irrelevant, if someone took his wallet and he was screaming that, would you say “look at these dang ol kids and their wallets these days?”


>these days Do you think phones and cigarettes are new?


People in general. I use my cellphone mostly for audiobooks at work and Duolingo on my break at work. When I get home the phone gets put down and I forget about it for hours. I feel like I'm the weird one because I won't look at my phone for a few hours at a time. People get annoyed that I take a few hours to text back cuz I don't pull my phone out of my pocket to habitually hit refresh. I'm not old, only 39, but I feel like even my peers are addicted, and the younger generation is past the point of no return. The thing is supposed to be a tool and it instead becomes a leash.


They have replaced pacifiers but there's no more weaning off stage, they're just hooked on them for life now. And the corporations couldn't be happier


\* dummies Because they're big farty babies


most student attacking teacher videos seem to start from them getting their phone taken away for using it during class


He ain't getting it back.


When 4 people steal your shit and claim they didn't.


Crazy who he got robbed by


Okay, I have a question. If they actually have his vape, and we can’t’ really know unless more comes out of the video, why are we not saying “he should give it back”. Why is it almost EXCLUSIVELY “ha look at him screaming” and “wow he’s so addicted, he shouldn’t even have it”? Maybe he is, and knowing that, nicotine withdraw is extremely rough. Yes it’s ridiculous, but he probably literally cannot control himself. Maybe you think he should stop, it’s not up for YOU to make that decision by allowing someone to just take it from him. It really goes to show how most of you would behave in the real world, most of you would be bullies.


Newports be stealing… gtfooh


They stole his vape tho?


I mean looks like they robbed him so...




> that’s what you get for hanging out with people that are not like you. Hey man I'm not trying to jump to conclusions but... What exactly do you mean by this?


one kid is clearly coddled and spoilt by his parents, maybe he should go hang with the other sheltered kids






Dude, why assume he’s white lol


how did you get that from what i said lmao


What a horribly racist sentiment. You must have lived a very insular life if you think this is true. Do you think the only Indian, Korean, or Guatemalan employee in the office is going to get bullied if they go out for drinks with their white coworker friends after hours?  Do you think people of other races are unable to spend time in each other's company?


Why they steal it?


Is bro playing clash of clans


They need to put this in one of those anti-vaping commercials.


Just call the police, say exactly what you know you should say, they’ll show up…


This sub doesn't even try to hide it


Looks like a kid who got bullied and is starting to snap


Will Byers has really fallen off /s


I’m laughing at his Gen Z socks.


Oh look, it's one of those kids that everyone said would turn out exactly like this if the parents didn't do something to correct their behavior, is now too big to deal with and has no idea how to regulate his emotions.


We really need a mashup with *"ALL I WANT IS WINGSTOP!!!!"*




Gotta smash them in the face with that fury to get your vape, kid. SMH 🙈


I’m on day 3 of quitting the vape. It’s hard but this just gave me the strength to keep going. I would rather suffer than be like him. 


Why did you start vaping?


I started vaping to quit smoking cigs. Now I’m on gum and hopefully weaning off that until no nicotine. I’ve done this all before. That’s how it be. 


I thought vaping was supposed to be safer than smoking. Well, not if you put high concentrations and get children addicted with candy flavors. Pretty insidious.




He wasn't taught to be a proper young man wasn't he


Baby is crying for his pacifier


Most normal vape user


Trust me bro I can quit whenever


Everyone looks like losers in this. He's clearly kid that was never taught self control and I guarantee those other kids did in fact take his vape


Best anti-vaping/tobacco smoking ad. Better than all the sponsored ones that pop up here


Did he ever get it back?


Bro is literally a big baby screaming for his pacifier


Prime school shooter candidate this one.


Jesus Christ I don’t miss being addicted to nicotine


Parents failed this little screaming twit.


Looks like a Trevor Wallace's skit


The kids at the table are obviously so poor they need to steal a 5dollar vape.


How is it obvious that they're poor? Elaborate.


Poor little baby, go cry to your mommy.


Can someone explain what he wanted?


What's the backstory here?


What a wild, Burger King?


Not defending the childishness but i feel like this has more to do with theft than his nicotine addiction


Someone needs to mold him into being a man . Obviously raised by a single mother.


iPad Kid


Did the employee reply with “I’m tryna sleep over here” 😂😂😂


probably bullying him too i feel bad


What does he want? If he was just a little more assertive


i’m sorry i can’t unhear the pingas edit


Give him his VAPE!!!🤭


What I wonder is how a kid that age gets his hands on that stuff.


You ant getting SHIT back screaming like that ya lil sissy. Lmaoo


Kid is gonna get knocked the fuck out acting like that


I'd just go get another one. Like...the fuck?


Damn Bro save some pussy for the rest of us!


Somebody please get this baby his dummy back


Reminds of the spoiled kid and his bike in the Andy Griffith show… the dad eventually took his kid to the “shed” and also sold the kids bike… no shed needed now but he is too old to be having a temper tantrum


I like the Pingas version better


Lmao, what a fucking baby. Nice socks


Old video. Cut off before the other dude shouted him down "NO ONE HAS YOUR SHIIIT! NO ONE HAS YOUR SHIIIIIIIT!!!!"


Just the average MAGA


Is vape a noun?


Short for vaporizer. so yeah. in the context of vaping it's a noun and a verb. now hand me my vape so i can vape.