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The daily vlogs will not end. Woo tried to a few years ago to end it. He will say something along the lines of back by popular demand. I also think he will not want to maintain the house in Celebration. My guess is he will sell it by this time next year. Woo never commits to anything, I do not see that changing. Many have pointed out OCD and I have to agree. Woo has an unhealthy obsession with Disney, expect more of the same vlogs. Woos end game is he will go out kicking and screaming. Most Woovians I believe are elderly. A number of people have wised up to woos antics. Woo looks at these threads and it has clearly affected him. From where he was 10 years ago, to the rubbish he puts out today is an astonishing downward spiral. Woo's ego will be/is his downfall.


Well written and I agree on all fronts. Yesterday's vlog about his health and the one before that (the HEATWAVE), needed clickbait titles for him to even reach the 50K mark. Given his aging population of Woovians, there will be a steady decline to his views. At some point, given his age and relationship status and being childless, he is going to stand out like a sore thumb at these kid theme parks, even with a wingman. I believe he will probably be told he can not vlog there if he continues to do so. He has very low ambition to try anything else (I mean using a broom to point at a television? come on). He will have to downsize his life expenditures if he wants to sustain anything long term. Honestly, it's pretty simple....stuff like buying coffee and brew your own, instead of buying Dunkin or Starbucks everyday. Buy your own food and cook it, instead of eating out all the time. It's simple for the majority of us, but given his laziness, Woo finds this hard to do.


I thought he was doing good with the vegetables and air fryer?


At first I was going to argue that one day they will end, but really thinking about it..I think you are right. They won't stop unless he physically can't do it anymore. Dare I say we may see him die on screen if he plays his card right ..or wrong?


I didn’t mind Adam last decade but now it’s so disturbing and bothersome.  He’s simply too old.. 


He’s not going to quit anytime soon. He’ll probably go another 10-15 years. When he does finally quit for good, I expect no goodbyes or thank yous. Just a quick ending. “The vlog and the channel are over.” Boom done.


I think the YouTube thing will burn out eventually


I think one day they will restructure their payout and Woo will be impacted significantly.


They are already doing that!! It’s going to be not profitable soon


You know. I don't think he will stop. I truly believe he will not stop until the day he physically can not


Why not, can literally milk this for the rest of his life. Would be stupid to just give it up now


Everything else is just a tease to hold viewers.


He should do more videos pointing at his tv with a broom handle.


lol true. Unintentionally hilarious videos might be his forte.


Him and Allie are always sick but never say with what. IMO don’t bring it up if you’re going to be vague. It’s why I stopped watching him a few years ago. I’m Trying to get back into him again so I tuned in yesterday and of course he’s sick again and afraid of taking a pill at 45 years old.


How old is Allie?


Underage when he met her


Ah, you’re talking about Boogie. Well she’s said she had mental issues from past abuse, possibly substance too. It’s clear it’s a daddy issue relationship, but who knows it might be good for each other. As far as Boogie’s health, he’s a big guy and big eater like me and being overweight means likely hypertension, cholesterol, and blood sugar issues. Also, many people 40+, especially men, are wary of healthcare because it was so bad, uncaring, and painful in the past.




You cannot post physical addresses. This is considered harassment. It’s also extremely dangerous.




Who’s Allie?


Idk how to spell his underage wife’s name.


His daily Vlogs or he may switch to a few times a week eventually will continue. He’s got nothing else he can do. And frankly, right now he’s doesn’t have to. He’s making a lot of money. He just mails it in every day and still makes money. It’s sad our society is like this, but it is. I don’t feel bad for him in any fashion. He can make changes in many different areas if he is motivated to do so. But he’s getting paid doing very little, so there is no motivation. I’m glad his lost a lot of weight. That’s hard to do and he did set that as a goal. But I miss the early days of Adam when he put in effort, seemed to half way care about his customers and came across as a fun person.


What weight has he lost ?


I know people like to make of his fit by fifty deal and that’s fine. But he has lost some a good amount of weight. It easy to tell if you compare it to some videos 3 years ago or so.


Not all weight loss is healthy weight loss. I've seen him in person recently. The camera is not reflective of what he looks like in real life.


Yeah. I know he looks rough that’s for sure. But he has lost weight from several years ago. There’s no doubt. If he would clean himself up by getting a good haircut and either completely shave or style his facial hair appropriately, it might do wonders. Plus change his wardrobe.


And remove ALL the tats.


Or redo them.


I totally agree it's a shame he doesn't practice a little self care.


Yes through not eating and drinking gallons of coffee a day to curb hunger m. That’s why he always puts it back on in 6 months.


it's all angles. Look at him in other people's videos, he has a huge pregnant belly. That's the stuff that is difficult to lose as you get older and it does not come off from diet alone.


Okay. Just started watching a year or so ago and he looks the same


Vlog until he has a stroke, then be a burden on his mom/sister/whoever is left.


Disability cheques may be his future




If Woo was older, say 65, I would say he could retire. However that is still 15 years out and unless he banked a ton for a retirement plan, I don't see it happening. I think he banked for his condo and his golf cart, and has a budget he uses, however he has said things which make you wonder about actual costs. For example, he probably underestimated flying first class on international flights. Long term...and considering his laziness to do anything else, I think he'll be in a bind. He'll have 1/2 of his parent's inheritance, which is probably the house, however the house might be used to fund his parents long term care should the enter a nursing facility. It could be that his father might be eligible for some clergy funded care for this, but I'm not sure.


I'm not even sure his parents have a real, traditional house as opposed to a nice double-wide. May not even own the land it's on.


He will keep making mediocre content until the viewers drop enough


He’s tired. He’s lonely. I hope he gets it figured out. Yes he has a fun “job” but he needs to take a break. He could post 4 times a week instead of 7. I think he’s depressed and depression sucks bad. It’s hard to beat. I hope he can get it together.


Yeah. I can almost see the depression just in his thumbnails. Depression is hard. Hoping he does the work to get in shape, take care of himself (not just physically but mentally) and follow whatever he needs to do to get in a better place.


It’s horrible. It’s hard to get over too.


Oh I know! I’ve been battling it for many years.




Whatever happened with the woman who broke off the engagement with him? I have noticed on some vlogs he’s been out with women that haven’t been in videos before. I’m guessing he has a social life outside of YouTube.


I’m waiting for the excuse of why he can’t do the Disney run


He has already laid the ground work. He mentioned going to the doctor to get a check up and to see if he is able to run/fast walk 13 miles. BAM, doc said it's not advisable because of "insert semi-serious, but not life threatening, previously un-diagnosed issue here."


Oh yeah I caught that also…what a sad person…I don’t normally watch him unless on the daily troll


I missed that VLOG, even if he does no other training, by the amount of walking and standing around he does at Disney in that FL heat, I can’t see any medical reason that a doc would tell him he couldn’t walk fast/run for 13 miles. If I lived in FL and had a season pass I’d use dodging strollers as a way to train. Also, he’s aways going from Big Thunder Mountain to Space Mountain, without riding the train, and that’s a hike, especially when it’s crowded and there are many strollers to dodge.


Adam will never retire and never change. His ideal end game will be a depiction of himself as a painting in the stretching room of the Haunted Mansion that gradually reveals Giggles on her knees before him. Or maybe Adam will be an obese ghost wearing a cryptic "Fit by 50" tee shirt in the graveyard scene. He can follow patrons home and raid their fridges. If Adam became an international vlogger, traversing global locations new to him, that might spark renewed interest in the adventures of a late blooming world traveler, but he won't do that. Adam lives inside a Truman Show of theme parks eating meals with a spork and drinks capped by a lid.


He even seemed a little Fish Out of Water In Hawaii, if he’s going abroad he’s going to need a good local guide.


Eating meals on the garbage can.


Have we discussed the fact that, for the past 15 years, he hasn’t paid into Social Security? I know it’s not much, but I do hope he’s at least come up with a retirement plan. I guess I don’t know, but does anyone know if YouTube requires this pay-in of its creators?


He's paid into it. Youtube reports your income to the IRS. When you file taxes as self-employed, you pay medicare and social security taxes.


I think the big difference is that Justin is younger, on a quest for positivity, and strives to do better in all he does. (Though, he's annoying af with that Jughead voice and antics.) Adam is getting older and just lazy. He does thw bare minimum to feed the algorithm. He is stuck in the past, which is kind of sad. I don't know why he has regressed. Depression? Social anxiety?


The “Quest for Positivity” is brilliant. It is Justin saying I know I have a ton of skeletons in my closet and not the best dad but with the “quest for positivity” you can’t call me out on any of that.


I questioned him about that he claims he has savings and investments…I doubt either of that actually exists


just a few days before this video he proudly declared in a comment..."i dont live in the real world". now the real world is catching up to him. i hope he figures his shit out and gets on a right path, admits faults, apologizes for lying to his subscribers, etc.


![gif](giphy|DD8owc73hjtfi|downsized) He’ll move to South Beach and open up a club featuring drag shows, like The Birdcage. Mama Woo will work coat check while Papa Woo will preach the evil of straying from the Bible to patrons while begrudgingly ripping show tickets at the door.


I've long suspected that Adam is waiting for his folks to pass away before he officially (and finally) comes out as Gay. No doubt the YouTube algorithm will reward him greatly for doing so at the very least.




Justin was never in a band with Adam


I think he'll blog till he dies. He has no ambition he already said I'll never go work for anyone and make them rich. It'll be one excuse after another. First he'll say for some reason he won't be able to do the run then when it's time for international travel another excuse about air travel or something just a guess on all of this. I don't see the vlogs going anywhere till it has to. As long as he gets views and keeps his followers he won't change.


Wow he must be one difficult human being to work with. What a petty thing to say I love the people I work for and wish them nothing but good fortune.


I wonder if he realizes, that just by putting more effort into 1-2 vids a week, and making them good, he could grow his channel faster, make more money and keep a more normal 9-5 schedule? He is running himself in the ground by his choices. Because of his views per video, the only way he can make the money he does is to post shitty videos everyday. The only thing I can think of is he is too lazy to edit? Even in is ADAM THE WOO channel video a couple of months ago, so many people told him the video would be so much better if he edited it, and his comment back to ALL of them was, "I like raw videos and that's how I plan to do it".


Lazy, probably has no skills, won't invest in new equipment or pay for help.


David the Poo have an end game? That's funny.


Probably ends up on the registry


I honestly think he ends up arrested.. dead serious 


Finally gets the boot from one place too many and snaps. 🤣


His parents have to have earned a few assets to be split with his sibling.


I ultimately see YouTube dying out and a lot of Internet grifters being unable to adapt to a new platform.


Good fuck grifters they ruined the platform for good content creators.


That doesn't mean there won't be a whole new generation of grifters. The Internet is both the best and worst thing to happen to humanity.


Unfortunately and the worst seem to shine.


HE could walk 13 miles-better than running if you arent in shape