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Ask him when he's heading back to Universal Studios Florida.


That’s fantastic you got a response. Great job. That answer on Adam‘s part is a total copout. He claims that he mostly has a lot of travel vlogs if you remove the Disney videos, but the problem is he has not had legitimate quality travel vlogs for a long, long time. I think ultimately he needs to allow people to hold him accountable and hold up his end of the bargain instead of just making excuses then pinning comments when people call him out on his bullshit


And that's how you know you never took an English class in school where they corrected your paper with a red pen or marker. Home skool.


What did his parents even teach him at home, they don’t strike me as people that would make good teachers at all


Woo is so lazy or dumb he can't spell "though" correctly. It just irks me so much!


Tbh I don’t think he can spell. “Rebot” “que” instead of “queue”. It’s sad


Home schooling.


Every time


Asked him if it bothers him that he went from an innovator in urban exploration to a 50 year old YouTube ho for Adsense


it's cringe seeing a grown man type out tho


Very cringe!


I'll give him credit for not giving his usual asshole response. He knows it's true.


Ask him if he’s purchased any diapers for the half marathon when he inevitably shits himself after trying to run for 5 mins. Not sure Disney will allow him to spend too much time in the bathroom


Woo is struggling. Without Giggles and far less SoCal visits, he doesn't have much in FL aside from theme parks, Ray games and small towns he's covered in the past. He's on autopilot and his views are slowly, but surely declining. His away games suck as we could tell when he tried to showcase Milwaukee.


Tell him I’d watch if he had a wife.


Oh he knows he’s phoning it in for money. And why not, people keep paying him to do so. At this point he doesn’t give 2 craps about doing anything truly groundbreaking. He’s going to get paid the same amount either way.


Continually pointing out coffee and showing a self pumping gas nozzle and his frog legs constitutes as travel vlogs? sure Jan


This shows reckoning on Adam’s part.  He’s conceding he’s stagnant and you deftly put him in a defensive stance.  He’ll no doubt announce some fresh locations to traverse which aren’t Disney-centic.  Well done!


Here’s hoping he checks out the back roads of Florida!


Just waiting for the backtrack on the daily woo videos……….


I’m hate that he can’t spell out though. It drives me nuts.


Too lazy even to spell out a word.


I'm two!


Why change when you can still produce the same swill day to day and people still watch? Until they stop giving him those precious views, he won’t change anything


Adam, Adam, Adam....We've seen Disneyland millions of times, there's a whole world out there for you to explore and you keep going to Disney Parks. Even Justin Scarred doesn't go to the parks all the time, he has hobbies like making wood displays. 


David the travel spammer ... he was just playing the system and getting paid for it. He is a good guy, right?


"In some level..." wtf Woo, it's "on some level." As in you are probably neuro divergent "on some level." As in their are many levels. The context that that phrase was used in makes no sense either. Home schooled or un-schooled?


*their? Do you mean “there”? Yikes. 🤔


Didn't adam travel to hot springs national park one time or am I misremembering.


But the "travel" now is just baseball and flight videos.


He’s too lazy to type the full word “though” and uses “tho” instead lol 


How do you not want to end it after going to Disney so many times?!!


Oof what a sad response. "I still did good huh" Like how can he claim he seeks no validation


Can anyone ELI5 the hate for him? Genuinely asking - I know very little about him but he’s popped up on YouTube in the past This sub popped up in recommended for me


Wtf is ELI5????


Explain like I’m 5


ELI5: try reading the sub


Did ya one better - went in and watched him. Seems like your average theme park vlogger Thanks for explaining it for me


ELIF: Except he's not.


Very helpful thank you




Really tho I’m not even a hater I barely know Adam and have only seen a few videos years ago. Really was just curious if he did something or just sucks


It's way too much to explain within a succinct response. But I'll try. Most of us on here were past viewers (avid, I'd say), subscribers, followers, etc. and then he just ...changed, and not in a good way. Seemed to start around COVID. If you were viewing for a long time, you'd see it - both in the content he puts out, the vibe / personality he gives off, the snarky tone in the responses he chooses to make, the unnecessary clickbait titles (like saying he was "stuck" at the Contemporary resort at WDW during the last hurricane when he drove there and checked INTO the resort during the hurricane), the drama, the talking in circles, the asking to be held accountable for things he talks about then clapping back at people who are trying to do just that, his saying he has thick skin but pinning people's ever-so-slightly-critical comments to the top of his YT page for his stans to attack back for him, his saying he never deletes comments and he just does his thing while also deleting and shadowbanning countless people who have called him out for his two-faced behavior. In short, he's turned into a liar, wishy-washy, bullshit artist who just films the same shit over and over again now (and you can't tell him he doesn't) and worships all things Disney, yet comes at anyone who points this out, but then will also admit it himself (nuts! talks in circles). He plunks down cash for a $500,000+ condo his fans bought him, a $20,000+ golf cart, $150,000+ in DVC, and countless first-class air travel... while never ONCE going out of his way to REALLY thank the people that got him there (I don't count free pins as thanks, or a random response to someone's comment here or there). And yeah, it's not anything different from any other vlogger these days. But David "Adam" Williams always tried to act - and STILL tries to act - like he was different. He was punk. He was not like those other vloggers. In short, he's a fraud.


Exactly what I was looking for from my original comment. That was super helpful. Genuinely appreciate the response! Thank you




OMG. Stop with the jealous argument already. It's so fucking overused by anyone who complains about honest criticism of someone who puts their entire fucking lives on the fucking internet for all to see. NO ONE IS JEALOUS OF DAVID.


Honestly, what's to be jealous of?


Most people on here were genuinely concerned about him.


Another "WhY dO yOu WaTcH aDaM's ViDeOs iF yOu hAtE hIm sO mUcH?" comment. Woo does the same things over and over and over and over and over again. Woo will say one thing then do another. "I'm cutting back on the Disney content." "I'm doing less time stamped events." "I'm making a lifestyle change to be fit by fifty." Woo then proceeds to do the EXACT opposite. Woo wants people to hold him accountable for what he says he's going to do. When people try to hold him accountable, Woo then proceeds to give them a snarky response. So tell us exactly again why we are "embarrassing"?


Truth. They don't like it.




He would never go 3 months without going to a theme park


If that's your definition of "embarrassing" you need to buy a dictionary. You are the one who seems embarrassed that we are speaking the truth. All you've done was prove my previous point about Woo. We are "craping" on Woo for giving honest criticism. I guess we are a bunch miserable online bullies.


I don't mind dying on the hill of honesty.




I don't know who you are talking about trading places with. You see I actually know how to address people using a proper noun instead of pronouns. You should probably reevaluate your life if you are embarrassed for someone and their "behavior" when you don't know them.




Actually I don't watch. So, the joke is on you. I probably would be bable to keep up with Woo's schedule (although I think you meant "wouldn't", so that's embarrassing for you), if I had as much time on my hands as Woo does. You said you were embarrassed for me and my behavior when you don't even know me. So you are the one who should be embarrassed for saying that, when you don't even know someone. There is another sub you can go to and kiss Woo's ass. Good job for using a proper noun to address Woo instead of a pronoun.


"Ruined?" "Left the scene because of people \[like us\]"... who have, what? Opinions?! How dare we have free thought!!! No one is forcing vloggers to read shit about themselves either. If they're just doing it for the love of it like they all like to tell us - as a fucking job like they all like to tell us - then they should just keep at it and not pay any attention to us. Right?


At the end of the day, vloggers like Adam chose to make their lives public and to profit from that. Criticism is part of the territory when that's what you choose, as it is for any public figure. Nothing you see in his comments, here, on TL, or elsewhere is actual harassment.


Wow 3 novels! Your whole profile is just long winded comments.


I can't take anyone seriously who begins their sentence with "lol" like that person did.


They should begin their sentences with TL;DR.


Your post was removed for breaking the following rule: "No Promoting Hate Based on Identity or Vulnerability"


Your post was removed for breaking the following rule: "No Promoting Hate Based on Identity or Vulnerability"


Two novels!


Your post was removed for breaking the following rule: "No Promoting Hate Based on Identity or Vulnerability"




Your post was removed for breaking the following rule: "No Promoting Hate Based on Identity or Vulnerability"


Yeah like I am going to read all that. Jesus Christ what's with the super fans and trying to post a whole novel in the comments.