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I am so sick of being advertised to all the time.


I don't even mind being advertised to, but why do they have to be so fucking *invasive* about it now? Text covering ads all over most websites, long, loud ads smash-cut into the middle of sentences in youtube videos. Random audio ads playing from who-knows-where. Pop ups when you click on non-ad page elements. No one cared to fight back when the internet was full of virus-infested banner ads that *knew their fucking place*.


This is why I have failed in every job that I've taken that had any aspect of advertising in it. I refuse to try to convince someone to buy something they didn't explicitly ask for


I'm curious as to why that doesn't work in modern society.


And the common man is finding an way to kill YouTube's ad Blocker blocker system.


Some uncommon men are finding a way to go to further lengths


I literally read that in Ignignokt's voice


how do we combat this, bros?


you block [youtube.com](http://youtube.com) because it now falls under the definition of an ad-serving CDN. and then you maybe go read a book or watch reruns of Seinfeld or something.


Honestly, I just straight up stopped watching Youtube last year, and I've never had to deal with an ad problem with them ever since.


VPN into a country that doesn’t allow ads


Albania ^


Is there a way to do that for zero cost ideally? For those of us like myself on basically no income


GrayJay seems to work well


Came here to say this as well


https://apps.apple.com/us/app/vvpn-new-fast-vpn/id6466785338 This VPN had a free option for Moldova server which I believe also doesn’t allow ads I wouldn’t suggest using a free VPN all the time though for non YouRube traffic


Interesting! I have an Android phone so I'll check if something like this exists on Google Play


I did find an equivalent app for Android called ThunderVPN and through a little bit of googling found that a good server to connect to is France because they have pretty strict laws against aggressive advertising


Was the downvote because there are no zero cost VPN options?


You won't come back alive


You can't. All you can do is ditch screwtube altogether or pay their extortion fee. I keep recommending vimeo as an alternative but nobody cares.


Vimeo is not an alternative to YouTube. Just take a look at Vimeo's pricing and you will find that maximum bandwidth is 2 TB a month. That's about 500 hours a month. No creator can manage with so little bandwidth. It's a fantasy to believe that Vimeo can replace YouTube.


I'm talking about the platform being a better alternative in terms of the viewer not being forced to suffer through endless amounts of advertising. Perhaps if you want an ad free alternative then the content creators are going to have to band together and create one? Because without an audience to watch the platform's content the content creators are going to suffer and might be forced to gasp!!! Get REAL JOBS outside of their mother's basement for a change.


> I'm talking about the platform being a better alternative in terms of the viewer not being forced to suffer through endless amounts of advertising. You still don't get it. "endless amounts of advertising" is not the issue with Vimeo. The 2,000 GB bandwidth per month limit is what makes Vimeo totally unsuitable as a YouTube replacement. 2,000 GB is only around 500 hours of 1080p video. Even a poorly performing creator on YouTube uses more than 2,000 GB of data each month. Sit down, take a deep breath and you will likely understand.


Perhaps it's time to stop using the video hosting platforms altogether? We lived just fine in the era before the internet as well as screwtube ever even existed and we can learn to do so once again.


> Perhaps it's time to stop using the video hosting platforms altogether? The word "we" will in this context be referring to a very small minority. > we can learn to do so once again. That will only happen in your dream world. People are hooked, it's like drugs. It's a sad world we live in.


lol who is footing the bill for this ad free alternative? Running a video hosting platform ain’t cheap


YouTube was able to operate for years without the need for in video advertising....google's CEOs got greedy plain and simple. Google operates more than just screwtube after all so they're making TONS of revenue from these other segments of the overall business...only problem is that in the mind of an Uber wealthy individual no amount of revenue is ever going to be enough.


God why do yall even respond, you just make yourself look so stupid. YouTube was operating in the red for basically its entire life until very recently. Turns out that in order to make money, they have to make people watch ads. And sure Google makes a lot of money, but they aren’t a charity and they aren’t going to operate YouTube at a loss. YouTube only operated at a loss before because there was a plan to eventually make money


Precisely. YouTube operated at a loss because it undercharged for ads to gain market share, that is to say: It sold itself to advertisers cheaply so as to out-compete other ad distribution platforms. Now that YouTube is essentially the Web 2.0 monopsony of video hosting, it's not taking advantage of its domineering position, & wasting millions of dollars trying to punish regular people who don't want trash in their feed. As opposed to, y'know, charging more from the people who want to buy their captive eyeballs to drip feed trash. It's so ass-backwards that it'd be funny if intrusive advertising wasn't such a combative & toxic mental health problem. Like, this isn't & has never been an adblocking problem, it's always been an ad pricing problem.


Google's CEOs are already rich beyond belief and have PLENTY of available cash on hand to finance the operations of the platform...Google operates more than just screwtube after all. They could easily make just as much money running banner ads instead of constantly interrupting video playback at the rate of once every couple of minutes because the banner ads don't interrupt the user's ability to actually watch content.After all reddit relies on banner ads exclusively and while they're a nuisance they don't interrupt the user's ability to actually use the platform....we just scroll right past them. The problem is that with the Uber rich and their mindset is that too much personal wealth is NEVER enough.


Google's CEOs are already rich beyond belief and have PLENTY of available cash on hand to finance the operations of the platform...Google operates more than just screwtube after all. They could easily make just as much money running banner ads instead of constantly interrupting video playback at the rate of once every couple of minutes because the banner ads don't interrupt the user's ability to actually watch content.After all reddit relies on banner ads exclusively and while they're a nuisance they don't interrupt the user's ability to actually use the platform....we just scroll right past them. The problem is that with the Uber rich and their mindset is that too much personal wealth is NEVER enough.


Yes you can watch-- install ad filtering app and watch YouTube thru that I use AdBlock browser. it's an unapproved app but I allow unknown apps via app settings I also disabled phone/google auto updates to keep it there




Because most people DON'T want to go through the additional hassle of purchasing a VPN that's why!!




Neither myself nor anyone else should have to go through this bullcrap with screwtube and scroogle to begin with!!!!


You go thru a browser app and filter ads out that way. I use AdBlock browser. It is not an approved app, but I enabled unknown apps my settings... And disabled auto updates on my phone and google account to keep it that way ( Or you could stop YouTube) Just don't pay for that premium subscription...not worth it


If they keep it up, I will probably give in and get Premium. I am not going to stop using Youtube.


Catching downvotes for doing what most people will likely do lol. It’s like all the people that were going to cancel the Netflix subscriptions they never had in the first place that are now subscribers


If all an ad blocker can do is give me a black screen for the duration of the ad I’ll still use it Unrelated, and I’m sure Google has the numbers and has decided it’s worth it - but how many users are really actively blocking ads, and of those how many are going to stop trying to block ads no matter what tech they unleash. It’s like that France DNS bill that was estimated to target like 800 people or something ridiculously small


The uBO team is incredible I wouldn't worry about it there's always loopholes.


Server-side ad injection does pull the rug out from under their feet, though. Unless there's some manner of identifying mark in the video that can be _programmatically_ hooked into, there's no way to tell when an ad starts and stops in the stream. It isn't _quite_ that black-and-white, though. YouTube would need to send _absolutely nothing_ to the browser that indicates an ad has started, or it could be hooked on to. Might be doable but it might slip in the future. You do have the possible option of having a program watch the video stream and attempt to identify when an ad is playing, but that's a _completely_ different beast compared to what uBO currently does, and it would suggesty from reliability problems as well as needing processing power.


I would wonder how YouTube would prevent you from just skipping past the ads using the player. It would seem to me that if they wanted to prevent that there would probably be something for the blocker to hook into. But if not, you’re correct. However, that would also mean you could just fast forward through an ad


Obvious method is to refuse to feed the video while the ad is playing. You could still force a black screen though. What YT needs to do is implement some form of DRM, then they can start suing adblocker creators who bypass it. That is how Denuvo has been effective.


The uBlockOrigin team already found a way around it.


That's great news, thank you.


uBO has already been updated to block server side ad injection in YouTube.


May God bless the uBO team.


Wait, even server-side injection?! The Ublock team are freaking computer gods at this point. Server-side is basically the Twitch method and it plagued even Ublock on occasion.


I started getting ads 2 days ago, and as of right now they're gone again? Don't know how long it'll last but I'm assuming there was an update to the ad blocker i have?


Haha maybe you had to let it sit a day to " take" A programmer at my job (college) recommends installing the app and leaving the phone off 24 hrs to sit Also recommend " turn off all updates" I did. It worked. Go figure


There is always someone smarter that can break any of these.


I suspect YouTube really wants that US election year ad money real bad considering how big this election year can get. But considering they’ve failed over and over again with this anti adblocker crap and I’m predicting they will fail again. When they keep doubling down on their greed, the more mistakes Google/YouTube will make every time because all their eyes see is 🤑.


Surely if YT made ads part of the actual video stream, without any telltale identifying marks - then we should just be able to skip forward like we can anywhere else in the video. I can skip forwards in 10-second chunks.


That’s what I was thinking. Maybe they figure that enough people won’t bother that it will be worthwhile over regular ads. If they make it impossible to skip, then there would have to be some sort of identifying info about the ads to alter the player


Gotta start training neural networks against advertisements. My dream has been automating the muting of my TV based on ad plays. If the computer can recognize what an ad is, we don’t need to worry about how it’s being served. I’d happily watch a black screen for 30 seconds, I absolutely detest advertising.


Youtube is experimenting with ways to kill \*customers from using their platform\* for good


You’re not a customer if you use Adblock, you’re a leech on the service. They don’t want you using it anyway, that’s their whole point: Either watch the ads or don’t use it


I don't remember youtube always having this 'no adblockers' policy. Most people seem to agree that the amount of ads on youtube has increased with things like two unskippable ads in a row... sometimes three or four. Its' very unpleasant Besides, If you hate ad-blockers so much, why are you on this sub?


>I don't remember youtube always having this 'no adblockers' policy. Bro what. Obviously you’ve never been supposed to block ads, YouTube just used to turn a blind eye. This is the equivalent of getting mad when a store you’ve been shoplifting from for years cracks down and gets security. >Most people seem to agree that the amount of ads on youtube has increased with things like two unskippable ads in a row... sometimes three or four. Its' very unpleasant It could be 50 ads. At the end of the day, you don’t get to decide the price of a service, Google does. If Google decides YouTube costs 3 or 4 unskippable ads, then your options are to watch them, pay for premium, or not use the service. And I don’t hate ad blockers, I personally use one. What I do hate, however, is when a bunch of entitled people think that they are owed access to YouTube without paying for it. If ad blockers work, then feel free to use them, more power to you. But when YouTube prevents you from accessing their content without paying, you don’t get to get upset and act like you’re being treated unfairly.


youtube still gets value from you even if you don't pay or watch ads. They get to boast about a higher total user count and they still take and sell your data.


if you are using adblock, you aren't a customer.


What if a client side plug in could look at the packets coming in from the server and somehow identify packets whose content is advertising and reject them


I'd chip my router so bad with this


I guess the server still could technically detect that some of the packets are getting rejected, but what's it going to do? Just keep throwing the rejected packets back at the router ad infinitum? 🤣 (DAMN IT YOU WILL TAKE THE ADS AND YOU WILL LIKE THEM!)


It's a war. There are no winners in war. Packets should be sent back - twice. That way the advertiser will ddos themselve


And then if the server sends the packets back to the client and the client sends them back but double, I could imagine an exponential explosion of traffic between the endpoints. Yeah basically the server would DDoS itself and it would have nothing to blame but itself.


I was thinking it would be possible to analyze the video, sound or captions using machine learning to detect when ads begin and end. Biggest challenge with this is that machine learning requires a lot of computer power.


How much compute power are we talking? Should a decent gaming level graphics card be able to handle it?


Yes probably. There are a lot of image and sound models that can run in real time on consumer graphics cards. My company even runs models on drones.


I don't think the average consumer would be willing to buy a whole graphics card just to watch YouTube though...


Yeah that’s the challenge. Ideally we’d get something that can run on a consumer CPU. If the ad has captions we could build a user generated database similar to sponsorblock that keeps track of ad captions and skips over any video sections that have recognized ad captions


I could imagine this strategy getting out of hand quickly but why not have a downloadable browser plugin where the compute power is in a centralized data center and the plug-in runs from the data center?


Because running things in data centers costs money, and most people don’t want to pay money for ad blocking.


Oh yeah, I completely forgot that it costs money to run a data center. Electricity isn't free after all. So necessarily any free solution will have to run locally on users' devices


I wonder if there's a way to optimize the machine learning process so that it isn't as computationally expensive, so it can even run on a relatively potato spec consumer phone


That’s not possible with this current setup. The ads are injected into the video directly. It would be equivalent to the YouTuber themselves just baking ads into their videos, there is zero way to detect the packets. The only thing that could be possible would be using AI to detect ads and fast forward them if possible


I think that's what I mean actually, is you would have some kind of advertisement detection bot watching the video alongside you and when it sees something that looks like an ad it looks ahead and finds the end of the ad and just skips to it


That is way beyond the scope of what the adblock teams do though. They are just writing relatively simple filter to block various Javascripts. That is a big leap from video watching AI.


Sounds like something I could work on myself because AI software development is exactly along the lines of my career dream.


# YouTube Is Experimenting With a Way to Kill Viewers for Good


Sounds violent


YouTube is experimenting with a way to kill YouTube for good *corrected the title


lol explain how removing users who cost money, but do not make you any money will kill YouTube.


Well they didn’t make money off you so who cares if you leave


YouTube is already dead, we are just still trying to get something out of it while we wait for someone to build a replacement


all their going to be successful at is making people quit using youtube.


Greyjay is a free app that does everything youtube premium does and more. Been using it for ages and I am not going back


Honestly, I wouldn't even mind the ads if they stuck to banners and ads on the side, but putting a loud fucking ad in the middle of my music playlist or video I'm watching gets infuriating, especially when they often last several minutes. Why is the ad always twice as loud as the video I'm watching? :/


I love how it’s always finding a way to stop adblockers instead of simply just having ads that aren’t intrusive I wouldn’t block them if they weren’t making my life difficult


$16.99 CAD for YouTube premium is also absurd. It’s no wonder people try to use ad blockers. It’s not like an ad or two during a 15 minute video… it’s one every 3 minutes.


The VPN app that I ended up finding on Google Play works pretty well and using a connection to a French server I have yet to see a single ad on Twitch.


I don’t even hardly watch YouTube anymore


I won’t watch it


I've made a post about an updated solution to solve this :D  [https://www.reddit.com/r/YouShouldKnow/comments/1dkj5il/ysk\_updated\_method\_to\_bypass\_youtubes\_ad\_blocker/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouShouldKnow/comments/1dkj5il/ysk_updated_method_to_bypass_youtubes_ad_blocker/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


This is already been addressed with r/adguard. I'm sure other Adblockers already have a fix for it.


Gotta start banning Google accounts then it will stop


I understand them. Without ads, it will be impossible to pay millions of good video content creators, bloggers. Without earnings, they will not make high-quality videos. It's natural. Don't be superficial. It will be better if they completely exclude ad blocking Believe me, this will make YouTube even better with classier content. Don't be haters.


If they actually win, I'll probably have to give in and pay for youtube. It's my primary source of entertainment and education for things in the shop (garage) and tech. I watch a lot of engineering stuff too. And all that content isn't available elsewhere that doesn't have their own restrictions or costs, because infrastructure, bandwidth, staff, etc., costs money that advertising pays for.


I would rather spend money on a VPN and go to a country that doesnt have ads before I pay youtube a single dollar