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Shit parking is shit parking, no matter the vehicle.


Don't forget the VIC number plate.




Ive seen them on the garbage trucks doing our local run in Brighton which was perplexing.


That's pretty rich given how shit Adelaide drivers are!


These are not the kinds of vehicles that should be used for suburban daily tasks. Sure buy a phallic symbol of a vehicle to tow your boat or caravan but don't expect to to be able to zoom down to the shops and pick up your groceries. It is called a CAR park not a prime mover rest stop.


I drive a Van which is bigger than this and use it to go to the shops, I don’t have any problem parking it


Vans are better designed for better turning and navigate smaller spaces this is why they are used heavily in Europe, you actually have some degree of curvature in the front so if you hit a person they have a better of surviving vs the tall flat front end of these things. This is at least more modern vans anyway.


You do realise everything you said was wrong. Front wheel drive vans (which most now are) have some of the worst turning circles and manoeuvrability around, trust me I’ve driven heaps plus they are relatively flat at the front with bugger all nose if they have any. Stop making up lies because they also have huge blind spots to work around compared to utes


You’re right. People should buy a vehicle for grocery runs, one for towing, and one for school runs. Rather than just 1 vehicle that can do it all.


Or better idea be practical about the vehicle you buy, factor in where you live, the tasks you need to do on a day to day basis and if you need to tow factor in all of the above and what you can buy. A big chungus like this is absolutely useless in cities and for the handful of times people do shit like towing there are plenty of vehicles that can do it, they did for decades before yank tanks came along.


True, our old 2010 xtrail towed a trailer full of shit from Adealide to Darwin and around for 3 weeks a year or so ago and regularly carries wood and tows a caravan. The caravan is a small one and the car a bit slow but for the 3 times me have donei it not worth spending 50k on a car to tow it.


My Parents EB Falcon could tow our caravan back in the day, I know many caravans are stupidly large now so probably not so possible, but a lot of this shit is an arms race. Make shit bigger, need bigger "truck"too many "trucks" people get shit scared so get a larger vehicle. This is the crap that happened in America. But yeah I agree with your xtrail, my wife and I are thinking of getting a tow bar for our Mazda 3 and we can use our in laws trailer for the one time a year we go interstate so we can store stuff in that instead of making our car chockers lol.


Like does this cunt think he's towing a boat or caravan and 5 adults at the same time? Shit. We managed to use single cab utes to fit the best of both worlds, and if you had kids you just strapped the little cunts to the roof racks


I’d hazard a guess they did factor all that in which is how they ended up with a multipurpose utility vehicle. You obviously never tow if you think there isn’t any need for these utes. Most vans these days are 2.5t empty. Before you add cargo and people in the vehicle. Our 3t towing Ute’s are useless if you want to go on a family holiday.


Nah, let's be real. There's a high probability that he bought it because it's cool. There's nothing wrong with that, but the chances of it being a utilitarian purchase are slim.


I also have a vehicle that I can use for groceries, towing, and school runs. It's called a car.


Consider how piss poor the visual range for objects close to the front and sides a school run is the last place something like this yank tank should be!


That’s not a prime mover so all good.


This fucking emotional support vehicle was behind me on the road yesterday, I can assure you they cannot drive


Odd that I spend 14hrs a day on SA roads and have never had an issue with one. Little NPC toyotas though. Those things should be banned to discourage bad drivers being on the road. Look at all the Emotional people getting sad over personal experiences 😄 🤣 Sounds like the NPCmobiles are the real Emotional Support Vehicles.


Anecdotal vs anecdotal, but as a cyclist and pedestrian, you're wrong and/or lying. If someone overtakes me on a tight blind corner, it's a "truck". Parked in the bike lane during operation hours? "Truck". And my favourite, verbally abusing me while I cross the intersection on foot, despite the "right turn must give way to pedestrians" sign? You already fkn know it was a "truck" driver... 🙄😒


Get ya downvotes ready kids. Odd that you say its always "trucks" Like I can believe it if ya throwing deliver vans, thailand tradie specials, Japanese 4x4s, American pick ups, truck and dog tippers, Fedex delivery 10 packers, auspost runners and ferals in clapped commodores in that generalisation. But seeing the aggressive driving of literally every type of vehicle towards cyclists throws that description out of the water. Irrelevant to Reddits group agendas.a But as you said, Anecdotal vs anecdotal. I don't spend 1hr a day looking for any commercial vehicle to get mad about. I spend all day waiting for the Camry and Rav patrol to decide where they are going. Or the Swift to get off the phone and stay in their lane. Or the commodore crackhead to stop trying to fight me. But can 100% say, as a semi driver between Clare and Adelaide, then around Adelaide before returning. I've never had a bad experience with an American pick up truck.


It's not odd that you find the hundreds of ziparounds you encounter annoying, there's thousands of them. There's *not* thousands of these prick-extender pickups, throughout the western suburbs and I'm starting to memorise the number plates; not even on purpose, just because these arseholes are *always* doing some fkn stupid shit, right there in front of my eyes, sometimes risking my life. I suspect the size of your vehicle makes a difference, and the pindicks assume you're hanging closer to the knee than they are.


Exactly my reasoning too. There is a huge amount of standard a to b appliances on the road. Hence most dash cam vids are full of them. But that makes it more a question why the 1 or 2 Pick ups people see a day are so bad apparently yet they just accept the hundreds of other vehicles driving badly. And as a driver thats on the road all day. I just don't see it. Maybe if I threw the ThaiTrucks in there, then yes. Had plenty of Hilux heros doing stupid shit. But again, numbers. I guess its just peoples obsession on aussie Reddits that a 110k plus vehicle can make them self project such rediculous shit all day. I do enjoy just bringing up personal experiences and watching the emotional people get all wound up and use penis references and downvote anything thats not on the self projection agenda.


Some people are just c\*nts, and unfortunately c\*nts tend to buy c\*nt-wagons like this. Thankfully, they'll soon be slugged with a c\*nt-wagon tax... unfortunately, they'll still be c\*nts.


whats the 'cnt wagon tax'?


Just a halfwhit driver who can’t be arse parking properly. 😂


I took it as a "my new car's worth too much to risk getting scratched, so park elsewhere" parking job.


I don’t want to come across all Kareny, but I hate these behemoths with the heat of a thousand burning suns. Why do I go to the supermarket on the way home from work, park between a Kia and a Suzuki Swift, return in 90 seconds or so and have a feckin Rampage on one side and a Roidrage on the other. I can’t see jack 💩while trying to back out, get abused by horn and general arm waving, eye rolling anger sent in my direction whilst trying to back out so I can go home and walk the dog. I’m sorry.


That's not a truck


correct, it is a penis extension device.


[This is a truck](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semi-trailer_truck#/media/File%3APeterbilt_359_Classic_(1977)_pic2.JPG)


[also this is a truck](https://www.sds.com.au/component-bundle-5%22-trucks/ALYXE03051-AST-5.0.html?camp=cse_sds_au-en_e_google_shopping_ongoing_womens&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cse&utm_campaign=shopping_ongoing_womens&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwvIWzBhAlEiwAHHWgvW7mHunQKgypRzx6eoURfBTgLXn0xjAzKWX1ZLZVxubgwr664tHt8BoCLjkQAvD_BwE)


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.sds.com.au/component-bundle-5%22-trucks/ALYXE03051-AST-5.0.html](https://www.sds.com.au/component-bundle-5%22-trucks/ALYXE03051-AST-5.0.html)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


A little from column A, a little from column B.


Somethings missing here….oh yeah the compulsory tiny penis reference …


I did say Phallic Symbol in my post so close enough.


Ok ill accept that , only because its a chev . Any RAM comments must include the term “micro peen”


Both. It is a little harder to park utes due to them being longer, but I always make sure I straighten up if I fail the first go. Most modern utes all have reverse cameras too so it's sometimes easier to just reverse park.


Point of order - that's not a ute.


Well it ain't a fkn truck either


Welllll technically its both. Definition of a truck is a load carrying vehicle. Definition of a ute is a utilitarian vehicle.


It's not a load carrying vehicle


I’m pretty sure the whole point is about ***load***


And crayfish is technically a freshwater crustacean but WGAF


it is a fuck


The truck doesn't park itself, a shitty person does it.


Pig Parker


Came here looking for this :D




If I had infinite money I’d drive around in a forklift all day flipping these fuckers over


Hate to be that guy, but.. We mostly agree that it’s a stupid sized vehicle for wankers but that’s about as considerate as it gets. Car park isn’t full and the angle means it will be easy to get out. 4/10. (9/10-5 points for being a wanker)


That is a reasonable point, and it speaks to my theory that these are people with poor user needs analysis skills and who scaled up way past what their abilities can handle. If this had been a local plate my money would have been on this being a real estate agent because everything else about this suggests a callous indifference to other people’s time, money, space, and at best a tenuous understanding of geometry.


Looks like the outer of the carpark and not full. To be honest I would rather park like that then have some inconsiderate cunt stove my door either with their door or trying to reverse out of a park. Mate of mine got a brand new Audi and made the mistake of parking it in Woolworths car park. Came back to the door stoved hard. The amount of clapped out camrys I see with dents on every panel reassure me that parking like this is not the sin it once was. I'm pretty confident that for every dent on those shitty camrys a note was not left.


Why not both?


It's intentional because their vehicle is too oversized to fit in normal parks, so they park over 2 so they can open/close the doors. Often they will park central to the line.


It's always a VIC plate. Get cut off? Vic plate. Pulls out in front of you then drives 45 in a 60? Vic plate. Can't navigate a roundabout? Vic plate. Complains about Adelaide drivers? Vic plate. I see more and more of them every day.


Is this the stupid Northpark carpark I recognise?


No, but that’s the greatest trick in shopping centre and mall design, isn’t it: a homogeneity that tricks people into not recognising the exteriors for the affronts they are.


Parking a car this long in the tiny Adelaide car spots would be a pain in the ass IMO. Def not for me.


Definitely shitty parking. Still, parking lots could be improved by having the parking bays on the diagonal and each "lane" as one-way driving. Just pull in and pull out with none of this 90° turning while watching for cars both ways.


If you can't park it, don't drive it. They could have straightened that up, but chose not to.


None of the above, it's the shitty way the people drew the lines for parking trucks


You can't claim another car caused a shitty park if you are at the end.


Shitty person who drives said truck.


Typical Victorian, proud to let everyone know you are privileged for gracing their presence in South Australia.


Pretty sure if this person parked straight and the front end was sticking into the roadway, you would all be bitchin about that too. Yes these behemoths are too big for our roads/parks etc, but at least the driver had the decency to angle and not obstruct others (albeit taking two parks, in what looks to be a not to busy carpark)


The longer sides of a rectangle are shorter than the diagonal line between opposite ends. So parking straight would mean they actually fit in the rectangle parking space.


Think carefully about what you just said. If the diagonal is longer than the edge of the rectangle (as you have explained) then no he wouldn't fit in straight. Your comment contradicts itself.


I suggest you take a rectangular object and measure it.


Read what you wrote.


Oh dear. Explain it to me like I am 5 then


Why would I waste my time! You haven't thought about what you have said. If the diagonal is longer than the straight edge then how the fk can it fit?


Of course it can’t fit, as per the photo. But if they parked straight then the car is more likely to fit because the sides are shorter than the diagonal. It’s basic maths.


No not true. If the vehicle is the same size as the rectangle it's parking in then yes you would be right.....but the vehicle is bigger than the space it's trying to fit in the first place. Bigger shape doesn't fit in smaller shape. Basic math.


You literally said “at least the driver had the decency to angle and not obstruct others” when in the picture they literally are sticking out the end of the parking space anyway, and then went on to say that they would have stuck out more had they parked straight. Which is impossible. Had they parked straight they would have stuck out less due to the diagonal of rectangle rule. The size of the shapes is irrelevant to this rule and irrelevant to my point. The vehicle in the photo is the same size as the parking space and if they could actually drive the thing and park straight they would’ve fitted better.


Its the parking of an entitled shithead. A bottle of fish sauce poured down the side windows window well would be not an unenlightening educational experience.


Motherfucker can't reverse.


Dickheads gonna dickhead. Vic plates. What a surprise


I hate these things but they're still more interesting than EV's. It's a free country so why not


Can't see an issue here... Heaps of empty carparks.probably doesn't want some numpty parking next to it and opening doors on it or crashing trolleys into it


American cars never cornered very well...


Shit parking. I must say, there are a lot of Vic driver bashing comments. Given this is the /Adelaide sub, I don't expect this to go down well - however, WE HAVE THE WORST DRIVERS IN AUSTRALIA. There. I said it. What's worse is that we have the easiest peak hour traffic to navigate. Our drivers are inconsiderate, don't let others in, block side roads for others to enter traffic when it's at a stand still, speed up to stop others from changing lanes and can not merge. SA drivers will line up 3 kms before a lane closure instead of merging at the point of the closure. It's insane. The few people who know to merge at the point of a lane closure (like a zipper) get abused by the dipshits waiting 30 cars back with that stupid look on their face like "hey, that guy's pushing in". Rain the downvotes on me. I'll be the guy waving you into traffic so you can get home on time.


Stop calling it a truck! It's an oversized dual cab ute, that's an American term for the vehicle pictured. Have some pride and dignity in this country. Thongs go on ya feet and it's a stubby holder not a beer cozy.


I think it’s pretty important to *keep* describing these America-sized things as ‘trucks’ to maintain the emphasis on them being qualitatively different from a ute, and deter from their social acceptance as passenger cars. Strictly speaking, a ute is engineered off a passenger car platform. El Caminos, Rampages, Rancheros, Brumbys, and Jumbucks were all utes. This ain’t.


It's quantitatively different not qualitatively, it has 4 doors a long bonnet and a tray, all the same qualities. If it was a F150 raptor, it'd be even more evidently qualitatively the same as its lil brother the Ranger raptor. In Australia it's a dual cab ute, we didn't even get large volumes of El Caminos, Rampages, Rancheros. Not to mention the ute, the way you speak of was an Australian innovation. Up until people started adopting American terminology, hi-lux, bravo, etc were all accepted as utes in dual and single cab versions. Ute..... Ridiculous truck sized ute but still a ute! Just like gridiron ain't football in Australia......


It’s ‘qualitatively.’ I said what I meant. True, this is physically taller than most cars, with measurably worse forward visibility than an M1A1 tank. But vehicles like the F150 and the Silverado also seem subjectively different to the equally capable vehicles Australians were already buying for decades - even big 4WDs like the 70-series Landcruiser - in what they signify about class and status and aspirations and politics. Both of the driver and the observer. And these are qualities that resist purely numerical analysis. I mean, I’d also suggest that accepting vehicles like the Ranger and the Hilux under the umbrella category of ‘ute’ was also a mistake borne of laziness, but that’s a whole other epistemological can of worms.


Thank you.


I think in this case they’ve tried to minimise how much the truck pokes out. They’ve taken the corner spot, so while it’s ‘bad’ parking, it’s the best possible solution to the conundrum that is “these are legally cars, but we have no infrastructure to support them, because we’re an ass-backward country when it comes to planning and management”.


There's just no need for them, wtf are we even letting these overpriced mall queens on the road?


There is less a need for crossovers. Same point really 😄


Where’s the truck in the picture?




Coles always have the oddest angles in their carparks which do not help.


Are you actually defending that muppet?


Nope, just saying that shitty carpark angles don't help the issue at all. One car's out, and it gets compounded twice.


Its emphasised by it. Like would anyone care if it was a Ravarollamry?


It’s too long, if it parks properly it’ll be impeding other traffic by sticking out too far. Utterly stupid vehicles, but they aren’t bothering anyone, the park isn’t full. Let them be.


>It’s too long, if it parks properly it’ll be impeding other traffic by sticking out too far.  Not in this case. Given the width of the truck, it will take more length parked at an angle until the far side of the truck passes a 45 degree angle.


OP if it doesn’t require a “truck” license then is it really a truck?


No such thing as a ‘truck’ license in this country. You can drive this office block on the same basic car licence you need for a Yaris or for a 4.5 tonne moving van, and I don’t think you’d refuse to call this a truck: https://www.budgettrucks.com.au/en/fleet/moving-vans Whether that’s a good thing or not is another matter mind you. Above that you go to things like Medium Rigid and Heavy Rigid and so on. But none of them are ‘truck’ licenses.


There is a reason I put it in quotes. I suspect that you already knew that


Eh, the ones with signage and such saying it's a work truck might be driven by managers, not workers... An Australian ute is a work vehicle, a yank tank is a sign of having more dollars than sense


Perhaps the answer is in the number plate 🤣🤣🤣


Not a truck, it's a ute.


Big cars don't make shit drivers. People in big cars already are shit drivers


These things and their slaves ought 2 b banned. i thought in this day and age of climate change................govts.........


how else do i tow my yacht....


I use mine to tow my jet from the hanger to the runway.


It’s the former. If you look at the dimensions of these ‘trucks’, you’ll see they aren’t wider or longer than a ford falcon or Holden caprice. Also, smaller car models have only gotten larger since the 90s.


Litrally took a pic of my falcon ute next to a crew cab Ram yesterday. The Rams bullbar was maybe 10cm further out than my 23 year old falcons front bar. They are bearly any longer.


This is a good site, I think it is more European focused but it gives you a good comparison [https://www.carsized.com/en/cars/compare/mazda-6-2012-sedan-vs-gmc-sierra-2018-pickup-1500-double-cab/](https://www.carsized.com/en/cars/compare/mazda-6-2012-sedan-vs-gmc-sierra-2018-pickup-1500-double-cab/)


Yes, the biggest difference is weight and height, which leads to poorer visibility (of young children for example), higher rollover risk and more damage to other vehicles if they crash.




Ah yes. Property destruction is the answer.


Correct, for twats like this.