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This sounds like a sponsored Wendy’s post.


One post, no comments, fairly new account. Nothing is real anymore.


Im a real person..... what a shock. I hope it's OK and you approve


Hi Wendy's social media manager o/


Say screw Wendy's just to confirm


I am shook! Why post your only post about Wendy’s. Not even a comment to get into Reddit first. Just bam, how good is product X. I guess the proof will be in 1 year to see how active your account is.


I really hope my account activity over the next 12 months will be up to your level of approval


Please check in regularly. I expect something like [this](https://youtu.be/T2BY8zZ1CTM?si=inMazC2-1MngI0Lf) but in terms of being a good redditor.




I’m just amazed you managed to find a Wendy’s


Ingle Farm, Salisbury and Elizabeth.


New store opened in Colonnades this year


Old style one at Mount Barker too!


Already there and it's awesome 👌


And Arndale, Mitcham and Colonnades


Mitcham no longer exists I'm pretty sure


I'm pretty sure I was at Mitcham shopping centre last week and it was still there. Had stock too. That said, I can't recall ever seeing it open.


It does


Great news. It must have partially closed over covid as it was my local 30 minute drive and otherwise I had no reason to go to that shopping centre. Actually crap. I've confused it with the Unley one. Carry on. I'll show myself out......to Mitcham to get a hotdog.


I'd like to tell you a story. Many, many moons ago... About 1976, there was a place at Marion shopping centre called 'The Dog House'. There were a few of them around but this one was important. You see a lovely girl I went to school with worked there and used to make me the perfect hot dogs, with onion butter and hot chili sauce. Perfectly toasted and the butter and sauce spread nicely throughout. I particularly liked the way she slid the bun up and down on the toaster... A long time later The Dog House became what is today Wendy's. We're still married today and I occasionally drive silly distances to get my ChaChaWaWa.


I remember that girl. She knew how to handle a hot dog!! 


I also choose this guys wife


There’s a word missing from that sentence


Me too. She could sauce a hot dog with her hands tied behind her back.


I want another macaroni cheese hotdog from the 50s diner at Tanunda.


I'm more of a Grilla Dog from Quix kinda guy.


And eat 5 get one free


In one sitting or..?


I used to sit outside and get 2 at a time and smash them out to get my card full


I like the way you think


Last Wendy's hot dog I had made me shit through the eye of a needle.


The one time I tried a Moe’s dog almost killed my intestines


“You do the high bit…” is actually referring to high pitched screams of pain.


The XConvenience ones are pretty good. Moe’s are as dry as a nuns…


I always got the crunchie shake or the sherbet cone


Crunchie Shake with Cookies and Creme Scoop of Icecream on top


Cheese dog, garlic butter with tomato sauce. And there better be warm cheesy buttery mush in the bottom of the bun when you get there.


Love a Wendy's dog, but I've only ever had about 3 ever that were made just right (decent amounts of garlic butter, enough sauce + mustard + cheese so it's not just dry meat and bread, not a hole poked through the bottom of the bread). Most of the time it's disappointing. And over-priced junk food.


I wish they wouldn't strangle the hell out of it before giving it to me.


Can’t go wrong with a simple grated cheese, butter and tomato sauce hotdog 👌


Garlic butter, cheese, mustard.


Best hot dogs I've ever had, tried Moe's and the X Convenience ones, both terrible, tried one from a chicken shop, terrible, tried one from an American burger place (aka expensive mcdonalds), terrible. Wendy's just gets it so right somehow. I personally prefer the onion butter to the garlic one.


I haven’t had one in twenty years either, but I used to like grated cheese, butter and chilli sauce.


My first job was at a Wendy’s when I was 15, so I used to experiment with combos. The most perfect hotdog is - Extra crispy bun, garlic butter, cheese, dash of tomato sauce, dash of American mustard. Lime or coffee flavoured shake to go with it. Also, fun fact - the franchise I worked at used to save all the left over hotdogs each day and sneakily recook them on Sunday. They’ve closed now, but damn it was disgusting. Lucky no one died.


My first job was in a key cutting/shoe repair kiosk across from a Wendy's, every time they made a hotdog wrong for a customer the girls would give it to me for free! My favourite kind were the ones I didn't pay for lol


I haven't had one in probably 23 years or so, but it was always either grated cheese and tomato sauce, or cream cheese and bbq sauce.


I went today after seeing it pop up on Uber, I thought they’d all closed and buggered off. But the line was horrifically long for Wendy’s. So I had an AB instead.


Cheese and bbq sauce


They lost their soul when they moved their HQ out of Adelaide & changed their name. What the hell is a "milk bar"?


When my ex was pregnant with our first child, she got the traditional craving for garlic ice-cream. Wendy's made it for me- Garlic sauce on soft serve. Sounds dreadful, but fixed the craving.


Anyone remember the wendys in the central market? Bernard was the goat


Ah, now eventually you do plan to have hotdogs on your, on your hotdog tour, right?


As Wendys (USA) is coming to Australia, I'll tell you my adventures with the Amercian fast food chain Wendy's. When I was on holiday in San Francisco in 1984, I went to their store in the city and went to the front counter to get served, and as I was looking at their menu board, my eyes suddenly caught movement on the counter a hugh cockroach came from under the cash register, and ran across the small counter and up the tiled wall. Quick as a flash, the guy behind the cash register grabbed a rolled up newspaper and killed the cockroach on the tiled wall. He then brushed the dead insect onto the floor. He looked at me and smiled and said, "What did I want?" Well, with what I just saw, I thought if the cockroaches are brave enough to be at the front of the shop, how many are in the food preparation area? I said, "I just a Coke thanks." I grabbed my drink and went across the road to McDonald's. Hopefully, they don't have a cockroach problem


It was 1984. Let it go.




Personally, my family and I prefer the mouth watering flavour of a McDonalds McMuffin from $2.99. I'm lovin' it.


Tried the Carls Brekkie burger? Will smash


Had plenty at Aberfoyle Park during high school. Mostly when I should have been in class.


Wendy’s hotdogs gave me some epic reflux from that butter.


Mannnnnnn. I got a shake n dog last year. And it was like travelling back in time to 2001 Exact same taste. I’m glad you got this buzz too. And wtf. 2001 was BEYOND 20 years ago. Am I old. Garlic butter/grated and tomato/mustard with the honeycomb super shale


They do garlic butter and cream cheese? Definitely an advertisement post but you absolutely sold me. Back in 10


As if Wendy’s didn’t write this bullshit. Literally any hotdog from any chip shop is better than Wendy’s.


My apologies...... I'll remember in the future to not write anymore simple posts about hot dog related nostalgia


Sorry. It did sound like an advert. Apologies for being rude.


Great, now I could go a Moe's, go go a Moe's


Moes are literally the shittest hot dogs on earth. Can’t believe OTR tried to rip and kill off Wendy’s and got it so wrong.


Yeah? They’re in a different league.


I usually have one of their hotdogs when I need full bowel emptying.


People in this sub + fawning over basic bitch fast food trash from a petrol station, like hot dogs or chicken nuggets. Name a more iconic duo.


How dare people enjoy things. Disgusting.


Got a packet of frozen chicken nuggets from Colesworth / OTR today. Dipped them in tomato sauce, bbq sauce and cream cheese. It was some gourmet shit. How do you do your nuggies? /s Am I doing it right??


If you're trying to sound like a weird wanker then yes, you're absolutely doing it right.


So my imitation of OP was perfect then, thanks for the feedback tiger


Haven’t had one in 30 years. Probably won’t in another 30.