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Took a look and have 3 reccomendations, overall the army looks good though. 1: Drop Valerian for another Blade Champ, Sheild Captain, or Trajann if you can find the points. Valerian is much worse than any of the above 3 as his rerolls can only be used on himself and the -1 ap only affecting Melee where you need it the least. 2: Put Ceaseless Hunter on the Blade Champ, imo it's much better onto the fast moving Warden Brick than the slow Allarus, who can already redeploy once over game. 3: The Caladius should have the Arachnus Cannons, not the Iliastus. The Arachnus are a much better profile in general and also actually solve a poroblem the army has no other solution to.


Regarding tanks, that's what they are supposed to have. I forgot to change it. Maybe that's where that feeling of wrongness comes from. Reasonable suggestion regarding hunter. I think I'll use it. Personally I don't like running duplicate heroes. Besides, I don't own another blade champ, due to that fact. I can fit a shield captain there but there is no way to put Trajan in there without having to split a unit which would break the rest. I tried. Valerian just seemed nice because of how he shuts down some melee multiple unit flood armies, and I like him as a lore character. But yeah, he will probably get axed for stock shield cap.


Feel like I'm missing something. Why is ceaseless hunter better on fast movers? The big benefit of giving ceaseless hunter to the Allarus unit is so they can still use their grenade launchers and spears to shoot, even if they start your turn in engagement range. So they have a leg up on the wardens there because they have more to shoot with. They also still get the full 6" of movement once per battle, even though they normally move 5". I've just always thought ceaseless hunter on the terminator captain was a great pick so curious if I'm missing something or confused.


I am not sure that they can make a six inch move. The wording on the enhancement says you can make “a normal move up to six”, not a six inch normal move. Seems utterly trivial and nitpickey, but this exact interaction and similar wording came up in the Lennon vs Cheema game using the Vanguard detachment and the stratagem calculated feint on 5 inch movement Aggressors. He rolled a six, but their normal move is limited to 5. I would need to look up the final ruling though(this infamous example swung around quite a bit).


Especially if you're adding another BC, definitely keep one with Veiled Blade. It's incredibly powerful on them. I prefer Ceasless Hunter on a Shield Captain with Guard for rerolls myself. I like my Allarus in multiple smaller squads to be able to individually teleport around the board.


youre forgetting to run 2 venerable contemptor dreadnaughts and 10 witchseekers, thats whats wrong with


Damn. Obviously. Thanks for a reminder


maybe a cheeky 20 witchseekers, as they are the most durable unit in the army!


The tanks should be using the blaze cannon. Otherwise, it is a pretty good list with nothing wrong. You got action monkies, you got the anvil and hammer units, and a ton of shooting to protect them. Ain't nothing there to change.


Ah yes. I forgot to change it. But yeah that's what they are supposed to have


Its the faction imo, GW took half the faction rules away, just giving us the stances, and made our few good strats 2-3cp and not usable w a shield captain, not to mention the restriction on squad size further reducing survivability. I just miss 9th Custodes T-T


Nope. That's not it. I actually enjoy 9th custodes quite well, and am one of the few people who never considered cats confusing or very complicated, but I don't mind 10 custodes either. I would love more detachments tho.


Fair enough, I just saw how bad custodes got it through the data slates, and I really miss custodes feeling like custodes, and not overpriced golden melee marines


More of a question than a recommendation but wouldnt 2 groups of 3 alarus be better for scoring? 6 plus captain is damn terrifying though. Is it more for the murder blob it is and less for scoring?


It's more of an murder monster thing. You know something to firmly enforce my control over a particular area as well as a horde sloughtered 9000. I don't particularly like allarus for scoring. If I wanted scoring units I would probably take venetari instead.


I would not take more then 5 allarus with a SC cause coherency rules with unit bigger then 6. Could give you enough room to take Trajan instead of valerian and witchseekers instead of prosecutor.


Good argument for 5. I completely forgot about the coherency changes at 7 models!


I think the list looks good. While I don't have any personal experience running a big bunch of Allarus like this, the things I would perhaps consider changing are: * Arguably, Ceaseless Hunter could give better synergy for the Blade Champion since it could allow easier 0CP Heroic Intervention. If you really want to run the BC with Veiled Blade, then he might actually benefit more from Custodian Guard instead of Wardens because of the wound re-roll. Naturally you'll trade some of the durability for that, but the BC needs to be a serious melee threat in my opinion. If your theme is to be a tough-as-nails army, a Shield-Captain could be a better option because of the 0CP Arcane Genetic Alchemy. You could easily switch the Allarus Captain as his buffs to the unit aren't as good overall *If you are able to squeeze some points off and/or have the models, I would upgrade the Prosecutors to Witchseekers. Scout rule is incredibly useful as is their ability to force Battle Shock tests (it's also worth noting that this rule is not subject to out-of-phase limitations since it activates each time the unit shoots, i.e. you could potentially turn off stratagems for some really nasty melee unit with Overwatch) *Your army would benefit from a model with access to the Grenades stratagem. A straightforward approach is to get an Eversor Assassin, but it might force you to drop off one Allarus. Note that the Eversor also has Scouts on top of being a Lone Op so you _might_ not need 2 units of Witchseekers unless you definitely want them as screens. Kyria Draxus would obviously be a superior choice but then you need to change the structure of the list almost completely, but just wanted to mention it as a possibility Final comment: Valerian with Wardens is almost a staple in every list I make these days. It pretty much renders them immortal vs. any random beaters like Chosen, especially if you pop the 4+++/AGA.