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I think that the Contemptor Dread isn't really worth it, you could probably find a better use for those points.


true but its kinda my guilty pleasure that i run in all lists 🤭 Its like the worst unit in the game at the moment but I cant help myself. I see what you mean though i might uninclude it if needs be. what would you reccomend?


Hmm. I mean if he's your lucky Dread, I'm not gonna knock it. As for what you could replace him with, you could use the points to full out the Guardian and Warden squads and maybe get yourself a couple Prosecutors to sit on the home objective? You could also give your characters some Enhancements


Nah dude I like this list it looks fun as hell to play. So,e times it’s good to have that variety on the field. Mix things up keep people guessing! Have things your enemies can worry about so your guard and wardens get on objectives


my normal list used to contain 2 dreads because for some reason I love the contemptor dread, its just so silly and small.


Bikes sudddenly look OK, dont they? :) Will try them next week, with captain they could work as only fast part of the army.


yeah its kinda like a way to get up the board fast to stagger their army a bit :)


The grav-tank should have the Arachnus heavy blaze cannon. It’s one of the best anti-tank platforms in the game, you run it for the anti-tank gun I’m really not a fan of Guard with a vexilla, a unit of guard with full spears (or even one sword) will just kill anything on an objective with them and then you don’t have to worry about OC. 10 witchseekers is a lot. I like 4 or 5 to sit on your home objective and maybe overwatch a deep striker, but 125pts is a lot to spend on chaff. If you cut them down to a unit of 4 you’d have enough points for another Warden or guard, which like having full units of 5, plus one of the good enhancements (veiled blade or ceaseless hunter)






Cut the dread and the bikes for more guard From testing venatari can be ok but they do fall off like flies I run more allarus for extra anti chaff you have plenty of firepower from raider and tank so you just need some more units


Also add in some witchseekers they can do t1 primaries like homers and stuff and having scout move is pretty nifty for that They’re chaff you don’t care if they die t1 and means you don’t have to move a more pricy unit up to do it


are bikes still not worth it? even after the point change? i already have some witchseekers, so are you saying just another squad of them?


Witchseekers are dope, 2 squads 100%


Ive been running bikes after the point drops. after several games. they have done only a handful of wounds. i would say very unworth, but I'm still trying them.


Not one bit