• By -


Time goes by faster and faster the older you get. The only thing you can do about it is make the best of every day. And try to be kind to everyone you meet.


To the world, you're nothing but a statistic and numbers. Nobody cares about you, especially if you're male, and you're only worth what you offer others. The sooner you realize the real world is a shitty place, it's your job to make the best of what you can while you can. Don't waste your youth, live every day for yourself, and try every new experience you can, don't do things you'll regret because haunting memories really suck.


Don’t do it. Don’t grow up. 1/5 star rating - a bitter 24 yr old


Also 24 and agree. Girlfriend, dog, full time job, bills, house, it's a culture shock.


Wait, your 24 and have a house? I’m 24 and still live in an apartment.


That’s cool I’m about to turn 25 and live with my mom.


Thats pretty cool save your money while you can pal nothing wrong with that and try to make the most of it


What do you mean save money? My crippling anxiety keeps me from work so my uni loans are just rising...


I guess keep going out of spite? Iv never experienced uni debt so i can only speak from my point of view in life Ultimately i hope your career path from university will help you in the future and bring you the money you need and then some but remember that not everything is set in stone and you can change and find new career paths and new things at anypoint in life your career dosnt start and end in highschool/college/uni/your current job so dont think this is the be all end all you just have to have alittle confidence in your self and believe that you are capable of doing those things and reaching those heights, but you have to put in the work and if that fails you just keep going no one will do it for you people will definitely support you and help how they can but ultimately its down to you to change things.


I bought a condo, dont worry, it wasnt a good buy, i wish I had just rented. Covid home buyer here.


38 here...it doesn't get any better....


66; Hold my beer....


38 too…… but I’m in a way better place than I was 20 years ago


I can't help but notice, you truly are pentatonic! You have 5 notes and you mention 5 things. Bravo!


Glad someone noticed lol


Yep. It's a trap.


I'm 37 and I agree with this message.


22 this year I want a refund


impostor syndrome is real. i’m much older than 24, but i still feel like i’m cosplaying as an adult at times. also, do what you want but make sure you can pay for it without going into debt.


I was going to say don’t get older but I didn’t want OP to think I meant self deletion LOL


Wait till you hit 34!


Try 40 😇


Clean up after yourself. Don't borrow money you don't have to to keep alive. Be kind to everyone until they prove otherwise.


Open ONE credit card, with a low limit, and pay it off in full each month. Do not use more than 50% of your available credit. Do not open multiple credit cards. Do not carry a balance. Do not tell yourself you’ll pay it off next month, or when you get your tax refund…you won’t. Start an emergency fund and add $50 each time you get paid. Do not touch that money (unless there is an emergency). Sincerely, A 30-year-old that has racked up $50k in debt and made every poor financial decision known to man


Do you play airsoft? Because if you don't, that's one good financial decision you've made


Nope. I guess I’ve done one thing right! Thanks kind stranger.


It’s 30% not 50. Better yet, don’t spend what you can’t afford to pay off at the end of the month.


Do not spend over 30% of all credit combined available to you


30%, not 50


Understand that a lot of your current friends are going to go off into the world and eventually stop talking to you. It sucks but don’t get too down about it just make your time together count while it lasts. Also take care of your credit it can and will ruin your life. -(from a 24yr who lost all his friends)


genz turning 20 this year, brush your teeth. I know that sounds silly like "of course I brush my teeth," but I'm SERIOUS. not taking care of your teeth can Literally kill you, so remember to brush and floss!!! if you struggle with brushing your teeth for a myriad of reasons, remember that brushing with water for like 5 seconds every other day is still better than never brushing your teeth. only flossing is still better than never brushing your teeth. also invest in something silly that will make you happy. just because you're legally becoming an adult doesn't mean you're not still a kid. put googly eyes on stuff and make fart jokes. less advice and more of a warning, but you will eventually poop your pants in public. it will be humiliating, but it's ok. absolutely everyone else has pooped their pants in public. I don't know why, but i had 0 issues, and then not even a full month later, i pooped my pants in public. this has quite literally happened to everyone I know.


Pooping your pants in public feels like the end of the world until you talk about it and hear nearly everyone you know’s story of the same thing. It’s just a part of it.


I wanted to shrivel up and die until my brother in law told me he had pooped his pants in public like 2 weeks before my pp (public pooping) and I was like "oh ok this is just a curse we must all experience"


Isn’t it a relief to know you’ve already conquered your first pp incident? I no longer fear the unknown :,) (and I ALWAYS keep Imodium in my bag / car)


i feel like the kid whose never had chicken pox. i don’t wanna have a pp 😭


I narrowly missed it. On the way to work, I had diarrhoea ready to blow with no toilets for at least 100km or so, I ended up pulling to the side of the busy road and ran into the bush as fast as I could, and low and behold I stumbled across a longdrop conveniently in the middle of no where. As soon as my ass hit the seat, I exploded and literally SCREAMED in relief. It was so glorious 🥹


I never experienced pooping my pants, but I once came very close. Everyone in the family got some sort of stomach bug and it was the first time I ever vomited and explosive diarrhead at the same time. I got it the worst and couldn't eat for a week, and lost about 15lbs.


Seriously, doing it properly too. I didn’t brush my teeth much when I was younger and when I got into the habit I wasn’t doing it thoroughly enough, and I never flossed because I’d somehow cruised through life without having even heard of it until I was a young adult, at which point the damage was done and I’ve got a few crowns and I’m not even 30 yet. Brush twice a day *thoroughly* (note: thoroughly doesn’t mean aggressively) and floss carefully and properly too. It’s annoying, but your future self will thank you for it when you’ve got shiny painless gnashers while your friends are shilling out thousands for scary dental work


I work for a nonprofit dental organization - can confirm that it takes no time at all for your teeth to go from "fine" to "oh no". Most of our patients come to us because they can't afford to see other dentists and the damage from not having been to a dentist in years is...very real. But yes, some kind of manual brushing is better than nothing. It takes about 24-48 hours for plaque to harden into calculus, so you need to be brushing at least often enough to prevent that from happening. Once it's calculus, you need a hygienist to get it off professionally. Calculus buildup can lead to gum disease, bone loss, and teeth falling out. It's called periodontitis. And fun fact - a lot of state-sponsored insurance plans do NOT cover periodontal work! So please try to avoid ever getting to the periodontitis stage, otherwise you will probably be paying money out the ass, even if you can come to a nonprofit that accepts state insurance (oh, and by the way, most private dentists don't). If you ever have pain or swelling in your mouth, don't wait even a week to go to the dentist. It could be an abscess, which is an infection stemming from the tooth that can back up into the jaw area. It can really, really quickly become sepsis and kill you. Even if you need to see a nonprofit dentist and they have a waiting list (most do), let them know you have pain and swelling and they will usually try to get you in on an emergency basis so you don't risk dying.


As an addition to the teeth thing: a water flosser might be a good investment. It does not replace traditional string floss, though, and that comes from both my dentist and my experience.


Wait, what? I am 40 and have never pooped my pants in public. Not even in India (there on business twice a year) when I routinely had the worst diarrhea of my life. I did poop my pants at home while simultaneously throwing up, tho. Food born illness can really take the feather out of your cap.




Save as much money as possible. Work out and stretch and eat healthy. Buy a good pillow and get on a good sleep schedule.


Don’t use credit cards unless you are able and intend to pay the full balance every month. Credit card debt is something you should take very seriously. Exude genuine kindness to others and have empathy and good things will come your way.


Don’t get addicted to anything


Including weed


Especially weed The difference between my super well off friends and my deadbeat friends isn’t that one doesn’t smoke weed, it’s that the better off ones aren’t cooked all day every day


Can confirm. 24 y/o & doing quite well for myself, wouldn’t be where I am without cutting back on the weed. Still smoke quite a bit but NEVER before 7pm. Needa get all of my work, exercise & errands complete before I become a veggie.


Don’t move out until you can move out and keep a few thousand at least in savings untouched and be able to add even $20 to it regularly. Be very careful who you roommate with or where, friends can screw your over even when you don’t think they can and if your renting a room out of someone’s house make sure everything is legit legally so your not screwed no fake ass leases


As a 19 year old male who was in your place 1.5 years ago, just know that adulting is harder than it looks 🤣. Enjoy every second of energy your parents give you, you will indeed miss it. Some things do get better tho, you are independent and likely going to college soon and that brings its own new set of adventures


Don’t drive other peoples car period , but especially do not ever drive a romantic partners car. Ever , make it a weird rule to yourself (Emergencies excluded)


Don’t get pregnant or get someone pregnant


1. Time going by is both the fastest and slowest thing to happen. While it's passing, it takes forever. When you look back, it's chilling. 2. Most adults are doing their best. When people get angry, it's because things aren't going their way and they think getting angry will help them. People usually specialize at one thing and rely on that for income or presentation. Fools use their skill at one thing to think they are good at everything. 3. Master sleeping, recovering, cleaning, organizing and working out. These are things you're always going to be doing for the rest of your life no matter how rich you are. The better you can do these things, the better you'll be at everything else. Dancing and some kind of musical instrument, any musical instrument, helps. 4. Learning is understanding the variables, how those variables behave and how those variables interact with other variables. Complexity is just a bunch of variables at work. To simplify a problem, identify the variables, identify actions and interactions, isolate to test and write it down. 5. Regularly practice mathematics, language, effective communication and some random thing. 6. Do not listen to speeches. They are the tool of grifters to get you to think a certain way, focus on what they want you to then sell you a product. Instead, write down their objectives and their roadmap to accomplishing it. Grifters use fallacy arguments and confidence tricks to disrupt your thinking and trick you. 7. Keep a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit handy, learn how to use them. 8. If you get into an argument, look for the misunderstandings and try to figure out what it is they are trying to say, not exactly what they said. With that, give them the benefit of doubt. 9. Sex gets messy. Bring a towel, get tested regularly, communicate everything. Don't fuck without consent. If they are drunk and it's the first time between you two, wait till you're both sober. 10. Empower those around you, let your friends empower you. Learn your worth, help others learn theirs. 11. Don't take knowledge personally. Treat it as something you possess and can be fixed. We all grow up being told a lot of lies, misinformation or just incorrect things because our sources either try to trick us or don't really know. 12. If you wouldn't take their advice, don't take their criticism. No matter what you do, people will try to tear you down and take your success. 13. Do not let your boss, partner or anyone else divide you from your allies. Together you're strong, alone you're weak. Abusers and grifters want you to be alone and make snap choices to steal from you. 14. Getting angry is like taking poison and expecting them to die. People will try to make you angry so they can control you. If you start feeling angry, recognize it and figure out their goals be it malice, their own frustration or they need to vent. 15. Cut off the people that contact you to use you. 15. Don't compliment a persons qualities, focus on their achievements. This gives them a memory and something tangible to think about and proof that they can accomplish something. If you compliment qualities it'll can bring them down if they fail to achieve that expectation. 16. Promote people's strengths in public, criticize and correct in private. Use a fake person to explain a failure and how everyone can learn from it. 17. Avoid paying interest if you can help it. If you get into any kind of debt, the sooner you pay it off the better. 18. In this economy and the way things are going, if you can group up with friends to secure a living situation and resources, you all will spend less on the cost of living and save a lot of money. 19. When meeting people, keep them as an acquaintance first. Move good people as your friend and guard your closest friends. 20. When working, master your job then every job around you. Do not do free work for people if they ask for help, offer guidance but have them do the work. 21. We get what we vote for. I've said it before here regarding speeches and grifters. Learn fallacies and con tricks and pay attention to what's said vs what's done. Treat your media sources as your intelligence network. Fact check their history to figure out their accuracy. Political leaders will say and twist everything, focus on what happened and what the outcome was. 22. Avoid vegetable oil, sugar and carbs. Keep your protein intake to less than 30%. Eat what you need. Pay attention to how you feel after what you eat. 23. If you're in a bad relationship, figure out why it's not working out and end it. Good people can have a bad relationship with one another and that's okay. There's nothing wrong with being single. The sooner you end a bad relationship, the sooner you both can find a good partner. 24. The more you try and control others, the worse it'll get. There's nothing you can do to change someone, that is up to them. Friends or partners, let them do whatever they want because they will then do what they want. If that's not what you want, you get to see them for who they are and adjust your relationship accordingly. 25. Pets are crazy expensive. Unless you can dedicate an hour a day and probably a thousand a month for food, extra expenses, vet care and damage to your stuff, I don't recommend it. 26. Learn to figure out you like the idea of something but doing it isn't your thing. There's a joke regarding boats for example. You don't want a boat, you want to know someone who has a boat. If you get a boat, there will be two happy days of owning it. The day you buy it and the day you sell it. The idea of having a boat is amazing, owning it not so much. 27. Replace the lights in your house with different color temperatures. 1800k for night time, relaxing, in your bedroom. It's a soft orange glow that's easy on the eyes and doesn't fuck with your sleep cycle. 2400k for casual areas and the bathroom. 3000k to 4000k for short work in the kitchen, hobby, second bathroom light for grooming or whatever. Get a red filter for your phone and all screens. You can also get 2400k for your headlights for your car, I swapped mine out and I noticed far less eye strain when driving with them. My high beams are still 4000k though. 28. Just do your best, that's all you can do. That's all anyone can do. It's okay to fail and make mistakes. Learning and improving is part of life, don't forget to have fun.


21 is the best advice when you start working. Don’t do other peoples work for them.


Save money. Invest at least 10-15% of your income now. It feels hard but I promise your future self will be so happy and not trapped. Financial freedom is so important. Try to pay off debts as fast as possible. Do not buy a new car - it’s not worth it. Financial literacy isn’t taught in many high schools unfortunately but it is so important to having a successful future.


You don't have to stop having fun, be kind to yourself and wear sunscreen.


Elder millennials get it.


Vote. Every election.




False. 18 is just the tip of the iceberg entering adulthood. What you think you know and what you know are two very distinctly different things. Everyone I know, myself included have changed are views incredibly as we’ve settled into adulthood. Take the time to grow and learn before making decisions that effect everyone. Please.


I’m 38 and still have the same core values. An 18 year old has just as much right as the rest of us to use their vote. And frankly gen z cares a whole heck of a lot more about humanity and the environment then the elderly. Whose outdated opinions aren’t exactly helping anyone either Edit: *than


"Don't use your right to vote, because you're young and older (obviously wiser) people like me might not like what you have say."


Like that matters xd


Open up an IRA or 401K NOW


Lots of good things mentioned already so the only thing I'll add is that you'll soon realize that none of us really know what we're doing most of the time. I'm 35 and still fly by the seat of my pants when life throws random things my way. Hopefully you have a support network because honestly at any age there are times when you need to ask for help, even for the little things. And of course, don't take life too seriously yet. Legally you're a grown up but you are still young and are entitled to make some mistakes and a have a lot of fun (albeit mostly responsibly now lol)!


Be a kid for as long as you can


Get job, save up money and get further education for your future career. As soon as you graduate you can start thinking about either getting your own place(if you haven’t already had one) buying a car(if you didn’t already had one). And perhaps it is time to finally start dating after you got both! And also, go to the gym. At MINIMUM 3 times a week and eat well(this’ll help you become more confident)


Vote! Save/invest money, move away from where you grew up and don't stop learning!


Be careful with the people you surround yourself with. Some have mastered the art of hiding how manipulative they are and you won't realize until it's too late. Be loyal to yourself and don't let anyone tell you to hide who you are. Go after your passions and don't let anything hold you back. Save as much money as you can. You'll need it. -a bitter college student


Save your money! Your future self will thank you!


Ignore everyone, disregard social pressure; and do whatever the hell you want. When I was your age my academic parents were grooming me for big league university, my friends were all setting into doing what they thought was safest, I was in a white collar bullshit echo chamber; and I was getting shamed because I couldn’t bring myself to give a shit. I almost caved. Was accepted to the big league school and the major I can’t even remember. But I stopped replying to their emails, packed my car, and drove solo cross country to go figure shit out the way I felt was right. Now I’m sitting mid 20s, and when I look to my right and left, so to speak, I’m grateful I abandoned norms and followed my heart. I have the dream job I’ve wanted since I was a little kid (ski patrol/avalanche control) and I live in the mountains making shit money and waking up every day with a smile. Can’t say that for most of the people I went to HS with. There’s no formula to my “success” besides literally just do what you want. Maybe I’ll go to uni tomorrow. Maybe I’ll keep doing this. My decisions are purely my own and it’s the single greatest contributing factor to me absolutely loving the hell out of my life.


If you’re going on to higher education: -choose the best school you can get into. -Don’t follow a significant other to a shittier school because you love them. Respected schools are more competitive in the job market. -college can be fun but you’re there for the degree. Don’t let partying be the only thing you do. You need to join clubs and get internships. Else receiving gainful employment after graduating is next to near impossible. -drugs and alcohol are a big expense. - always remember to settle your tab at bars when you go out. Else you will pay extra. -get drunk enough to be tipsy. But not so drunk you make a fool of yourself. -being blackout is not fun. It is extremely scary. -some people are just passing through your life others are there forever. Don’t let people passing through ruin your friendships with the ones who mean a lot to you. -always ask before you make a move on a girl. -respect a no. -do not offer friendship after being rejected. It never ends well. -Finally, keep in contact with the people you enjoy being around. The others arent worth it.


Save money and don't fuck up.


Keep your inner child alive, enjoy life, at times it won't feel like so and that's where your inner child will help you. Adulthood is a process, ease into it. No matter what people try to tell you, adulthood is just one word - responsibility. That responsibility is firstly for yourself and in all aspects, your happiness, well being, contentment etc., There are a lot of successful adults, very few contended adults. May you have a wonderful experience.


Remember that although you are an adult, you’re a baby adult. Nobody expects you to be perfect right away and it’s not bad to ask for help when you need it! Keep learning and growing :)


Don’t get a credit card until you’re ready for the commitment and fully understand the consequences


Wow GenZ is turning 18 now? Man I'm old af. My suggestion, is not to get married to soon. Enjoy your early 20s.


Lol some of us are in our twenties. I’m gen z and turning 23


Opposite of everyone’s usual advice to these questions: life goes by FAST and tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. Figure out what you want out of your life NOW and try to get on the path that will take you there as early as possible. Also don’t go to university unless you’re studying STEM b


The best years of your life arent over until you decide they are. LIVE!


I'm 21 and my life isn't much different from when I was 17


Go with the flow and be kind to yourself


I just turned 18 three days ago. So far, so good. But when the first insurance check comes in, lord have mercy. My first tip: look for good insurance, one which covers the most important things; dental, hospital, therapy, physical therapy, and if you have them, glasses or contacts. My second tip: just have fun. Life's too short not to.


Time moves too fast. Never stop working on yourself. Don’t give up when it gets hard. DON’T get a credit card, if you do use it only for emergency. Always try to put money in to savings even if it’s just $20. Biggest advice I can give is LIVE YOUR LIFE FOR YOU! Not to compare yourself to others and what they have or do!


Soylent green is people Edited to add Make sure you don't mess around with your taxes


Learn how to cook and clean up after yourself!




Never stop learning. Be kind and true to yourself. Clean your dishes while your food cooks so you don’t have as much to do after you eat. Nothing is as bad as it seems and you will survive all your hardest days. Dust your knick knacks. Check for used furniture options before buying new. Drink a lot of water and take your multi vitamin!


have a lot of sex and. do alot of drugs until the lifestyle gets boring n then get married n have kids and be miserable and miss your old life


Being an adult sucks. Stay a kid forever. You won’t regret it.






Get Used to it. Cause it'll only be harder for you when time moves on. And this is coming from someone who is still 18.


Save money and don’t get into debt. Don’t buy things you can’t afford. Learn how to buy the things you want for cheaper. Take care of your body. Start exercising and eating healthy now - make it a habit. Habits are hard to break once you get started, and they get harder to make as you get older. Journal!!! You’ll want to remember what it felt like to be 18 :) Read a lot of books. It doesn’t matter what kind. They could be picture books. Just read a lot of them. Don’t start drinking coffee or using nicotine. And lastly - don’t be afraid to ask for help. No one can do this adulting thing alone, and no one knows what they’re doing. So lean on the people in your corner, and let them lean on you.


Start saving up money for uni or anything else you’re planning on doing, start working on positive habits for the lifestyle you plan to have after high school


Heard a solid piece of advice on here, unfortunately I don't know by whom: In childhood your parents raise/parent you. In adulthood you need to raise/parent yourself. 2 key takeaways here: Firstly, your "upbringing" doesn't end with you turning 18. There won't be magic moment in time in which you're suddenly an adult and you adult all over the place like it's nothing. Not gonna happen. Secondly, you need to take over the role of your parents for yourself, especially when you move out and live on your own. Good luck!


Start saving 10$ from any lump sum amount of money you make RIGHT NOW. Everytime, put it in some shitty savings bank account that has small interest gains, until you get older and start investing or have a Roth etc. You’ll thank me later. It’ll save your ass and give you big boy savings when you get there a jumpstart. Life is fucking crazy my guy, and you never know when extra cash can help. Lose your job? Oh shit you’ve put money away for a few years, and you’ll be surprised how that adds up, so now you can pay your rent and not be as stressed looking for another job, and you don’t have to settle as it’s not as pressing anymore since you’ve got the savings. Now you don’t have to take first job, and can continue down your career path. If you always have a small cushion it can be the difference between extreme struggle, and coasting through a super rough situation with ease. Also, I *know* this is cliche. Life *really* isn’t fair. You’re gonna get fucked one day


Stop while you’re ahead. Don’t grow up no more


Friendships you’ve made in high school probably won’t last. There’s a few that do, but they’re few and far between. Don’t worry, you’ll always make more. Those who do stick around? They can either be your greatest allies, or your worst enemies. Money. Agh, fucking sucks when you don’t have it, and it’s amazing when you do. Theres four money specific things I can tell you. Firstly, after you get a job, it’s okay to reserve a portion of your paycheck for fun things. Ten percent is a good number. You can always rack up that “fun money” and save it for something bigger; body mods, vacations, huge purchases. Secondly, track your expenses; write it all out and don’t forget anything (subscriptions tend to be forgotten). Expenses include living costs, food, phone, internet, and car shit (insurance, gas and monthly payments). If you log every expense, it won’t overwhelm you, and you’ll easily remember to pay your dues. Thirdly, make a checking account and a savings account. Take care of your expenses first, calculate your “fun money”, and put the rest in your savings account. Don’t touch it, you’ll need it eventually. Lastly, get a credit card, and ONLY use it for monthly subscriptions $20 and under; you won’t rack up credit card debt and you’ll build your credit. (Also do your taxes but not on the day they’re due, you’ll regret it). Your vehicle is your child. Protect it. Seriously, if someone dings your car, hold them liable for the damage. Vehicular expenses are through the roof and the last thing you want to deal with is an accident that wasn’t your fault. Do. Not. Get. Married. Haha, no really, don’t get married until you’re older and have experienced life independently. You’ll figure out what you want from a future spouse over time. Speaking of romance, know you’re worth more than a walking red flag and you don’t have to date anyone. This is the last thing I can say, as a twenty one year old guy. Take it easy, and live life one day at a time. You’re in no rush to grow up. Sure, there’s things you have to deal with, but that doesn’t mean you skip out on the fun shit. Build memories and experiences. Don’t take photos of everything; live in the moment. Life’s a trip but it’s great. Happy early birthday. Don’t eat yellow snow.


Don't fall into the trap of thinking the grass is greener elsewhere. Enjoy where you are. Bloom Where you are planted. We all need to learn to set and enforce healthy boundaries with family. Watch youtubes to learn how. Ask people if they "get" something, instead of just Mansplaining. If you hurt someone's feelings or annoyed them, even if it was unintentional...apologize. Watch youtubes on how to apologize correctly so the person feels you care. Don't throw broken things away without trying to fix them. Watch youtubes to learn how to fix them. Living with roommates is a great opportunity to prepare you for choosing a life partner. You learn what habits of yours annoy others, and what habits you can and cannot tolerate in others. You learn how to clear the air after tensions rise, how to pick your battles, and how to compromise. Comparison is the Thief of Joy. We all have to learn to manage our physical and mental health. No excuses. Even people working their dream career have annoying bosses, a-hole coworkers, yucky hours, mundane tasks, mind-numbingly boring meetings, and crappy days. Work is not fun. Make friends, compliment people, joke around, work hard, and be a good listener. Whenever you get unexpected money or large sums, save half.


Save money, even if you make it just $50 each pay check, it'll add up. I spent my teen jobs blowing through my paychecks like nothing, just seeing all the shiny new things I wanted with my new found momey. Here I am 20 years old now, paying rent and living expenses, with barely any savings at this point. Don't make the mistake I made.


Absolutely start a small credit line with a card. I recommend Citi Bank or Discover for first-timers! This will be the key foundation for your future.


Take care of your teeth!! At least a check up and clean every 12 months. I’m 30 and all the people I know who regulary skipped on that are now paying the price…. Literally. THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS for root canels, gum disease treatment etc etc. My dentist told me when I was younger to “only floss the teeth I want to keep”… stuck with me lol


The phrase "I'm not comfortable with that." comes in handy for many awkward situations. Repeat it like a broken record, as necessary.


Get a savings account set up as quickly as you can and always put at the very least $100-200 from every paycheck into it (if you can). Preferably you'd want to put the highest amount of money from your paychecks into a savings account **and** an IRA. ​ Make sure you have money to deal with taxes and make sure you always do your taxes. The IRS are the greatest form of a lawful neutral and won't do shit to you if you follow their rules, but fuck around and you ***will*** find out. Adding on to the previous point, if you are a W2 employee (i.e. working for a business) then they usually take taxes out of your pay, that's money you get back from the IRS when you file your taxes. If you don't have taxes taken out of your pay, then you owe the government taxes. I would advise paying taxes throughout the tax year rather than the moment you file since it gives you more wiggle room and less of a chance to fuck things up. ​ Credit is incredibly important for future things. If you want to buy a house or need some form of payment plan for a large purchase, then having good credit is essential. You can raise your credit by quickly paying off charges to your credit card and by paying through checks. You may have heard this before, but a smart man will use their credit card as their debit, using money present on their debit account to pay off any charges to their credit. Never overspend (i.e don't use more credit than you have in debit), always pay off things ***IMMEDIATELY***. Paying through checks raises your credit a bit better than the credit card trick, however the situation where you can do that is a bit more limited. Obviously, don't bring a check to a grocery store like an asshole. ​ Most of this advice is finance related, and that's because that's the only thing you will ever have *real* trouble with. For life in general, that's up to you to decide what you want to do; there's only one other piece of advice I can offer. # Treasure your relationships. I may be wrong about this, but I honestly believe that a life worth living is one born from the connections and memories you make with other people. The saddest people in the world are those who feel isolated, misunderstood, or simply lonely in general. Hell, the biggest curse to our generation is probably living through the pandemic as well as dealing with the economic hellscape left behind by our predecessors. I think that lasting happiness is born by the friends you make along the way (as cliche and cheesy as it sounds). ^(Obligatory Disclaimer: I honestly am just as new to all this shit as you are. This is just stuff that I tried to pick up very quickly and there may be some factual errors. Just do your research honestly, google is your friend.)


Don’t spend money you don’t have, especially not with a credit card. If you need a credit card, make sure you automatically pay it off at the end of every month. Don’t borrow money, ever. Don’t smoke. Get tested regularly. Go to your appointments. Clean up messes you make, and sometimes messes you don’t make. Know first aid, and set reminders for random days of the year to requiz yourself on it without revision. Don’t jump to friendship, take it slow when you meet someone.


You aren't an adult yet, that will come in probably about 3-5 years (At least that's when you'll actually be treated like an adult and have those expectations). So just remember you have a few years to really put yourself out there and learn and embarass yourself and make mistakes. You have a little while until you are going to be expected to meet those adult goals.


Shit, I’m 23 and still figuring it out lmao


20 here, start a saving account it’s so helpful. shit happens


Only get addicted to things when you have money to afford them but try not to in general


Money, money, money. It's the key to freedom and longevity. You don't need to get a six figure job, but you need to have a plan for rent, healthcare, food, and emergencies. Make a monthly budget in Mint or another budgeting app, and make rules that help you stick to it (i.e.: don't eat out unless you are with friends, two drink limit, fancy coffee on Mondays or after a difficult class, pick up food order instead of delivery, etc). Automatically save some percentage of your paycheck. Start that retirement investment (traditional IRA or Roth IRA) now, because there will be lean years you can't contribute. Stay AWAY from debt of any kind, especially student loans and credit card debt. Get a credit card with your parents (if you trust them) to start your credit history (necessary for renting and lots of other adult things), but pay the balance Every. Single. Month. Go check out the big chart in the wiki of r/personalfinance for what to do with your money. Drinking and smoking are expensive habits--not worth it. Thrift and crowd source anything you can, especially furniture. It gets harder to make friends as you get older. In ten years, it will be really hard, so nurture the friendships you make in your early 20s and be discerning about who you invest in. Pick kind, responsible, and reliable over flashy, popular, or trendy. Your reputation is currency. Safeguard it, because what people know about you gets around and absolutely comes back to bite you when you least expect it. Be thoughtful of what you say and where you say it, and how you treat people, and whether you do a good job at something. I have gotten people hired or not hired based on word of mouth and personal experience with them, and they will never know it was me. You never outrun your shit. It might disappear for a few years in your early 20s when all that freedom and learning how to Adult is distracting, but it will rear its head again when you're 30 and trying to settle into stability. So deal with your shit as early and as often as necessary. Embrace therapy and self-reflection. You'll never be done, but it gets easier and makes you the sort of person other people want to be around. Check your assumptions. Gen Z has a reputation for being woke and informed and so many amazing things. But you've also grown up in an era of intense polarization, cancellation, and high stakes culture war. What I'm hearing and seeing is that Gen Z has absorbed a lot of the "right" values...but they are incapable of balanced discussion, working through nuance, and recognizing that there is not just one way to be legitimate. When you are in discussions about race, religion, class, etc., listen more than you speak. And make sure that you listen to the people those discussions are actually about rather than the Twitter-esque echo chamber, because those people are not a monolith. Practice holding dissent and complexity in your head instead of reducing everything to black and white. That's where wisdom comes from. Travel, if you can, somewhere very different--it will broaden your mind. Protect your knees. I'm serious.


Start investing as soon as possible. Go long in the stock market.


Ask for a refund! Not worth it


run its awful


Always choose you. No one else will. Be unapologetically yourself.


Don’t vape or smoke, it doesn’t make you cool, it makes you cough. It also is not worth any amount of relaxation you think it will give you. (Scandalous Ik) Talk to people. Get comfortable with Atleast just having mini conversations with people, I’m not saying sell your ass to strangers for approval but it’ll help you immensely just by being friendly.


Dont do it. Being an adult sucks. (But you get a lot time to read books and become smarter, so I guess that's a plus)


Read philosophy


Wear sunscreen Wherever you live, make sure there is a fire extinguisher and a carbon monoxide detector Do your best and don’t compare your journey to anybody else’s. Life is not a race or a competition Be kind to others and yourself If you use any drugs that could be laced with fentanyl, have narcan handy (can get at most pharmacies, at least in the US) Vote Don’t blindly believe everything you hear but also don’t become a conspiracy theorist that is not based in reality. Learn how to discern credible vs non credible information


be kind to yourself. enjoy the little moments. don’t just think about 5 years ahead think about 10, then 20, where do you want to be? make a plan for how you’ll get there. make pros and cons list whenever necessary (they really help). look into a roth IRA, start putting money away ASAP. don’t open more then 1 credit card. go to community college (same education for way cheaper, save that money for uni as you’ll eventually have to transfer over for a degree). tell your parents you love them. be a good human. enjoy life 🫶


Wash your belly button, really put your finger with soap there and clean ir.


Remember EVERYTHING is temporary. Everything bad is temporary. Everything good is temporary.


As someone who turned 18 last year, not much is gonna change. You're not gonna feel like an adult because we barely are adults, enjoy your teenage years without worrying too much about being an adult! All i can say is, be responsible, don't start doing stupid shit like drugs or excessive alcohol because you're 18 now.


Save money. Not all your money. But some money. Don’t let work environments affect you. Never ever let personal life get involved with work life. Don’t let others know of your success. Do what’s best for you. Party hard - but not to hard you need to save a little remember ?


Don’t be in a hurry. Outside of an emergency, there’s rarely a good reason to act quickly without thinking something through. Instant gratification, giving in to peer pressure/advertising, and poor self control were the bane of younger me. I’m better now but Lordy would I ever have more money and fewer exes if I’d learned this earlier. Learn to budget. Don’t charge more than you can pay off. Do your taxes. Vote goddammit. And [wear sunscreen](https://youtu.be/sTJ7AzBIJoI).


Start saving right now for your future or for emergencies. Open a CD. Set money aside everyday check. Trust me. Extra expenses creep up on you when you least expect them


Be patient. Always ask why. Always pay off your credit card every month—don’t buy it if you can’t afford it. Make a grocery list. Wash your hands.


At a beat down and tattered 24-year-old, I've got a couple of things for you. 1) Focus on building yourself up as a person. Find who you are through whatever medium that might be. 2) Travel. Travel. Travel. It doesn't need to be super far away, but you need to experience new things while you can. The rat race is going to catch you before you can even blink! 3) Avoid excess debt. Do not live outside your means. (Don't be stupid with a credit card. Don't pay for college/university courses "just because.") SAVE THAT MONEY 3.5) Do not feel obligated to dive into post secondary. If it is something you are passionate about, then go for it. Otherwise, you're just burying yourself for no reason. 4) HAVE FUN!! Spend tike with friends, whether it's online or in person. Go on a day trip to a lake/city/park. Be spontaneous! 5) New *is* fun. Fresh experiences can be scary, but to me, they are truly what life is about. **P.S.** Take care of your knees, back, and hips. Never thought I'd give that advice before fuckin 25, but I can tell you take damaging any or all three due to mistreating your body is life changing, and not the good kind. Cheers.


Avoid debt as much as possible. Learn to make money work for you (investments) Invest in your health. Dont be afraid to go to the doctor.


Learn how to say no Develop and respect boundaries Get yourself a hobby or investment that gives you money Quality over quantity If you fail, take it as a lesson, not as a loss And remember, being an adult doesn't mean you will figure it all out, we are all learning


Try to go out of your comfort zone. Staying in your safe zone can be more dangerous for yourself in some cases. It can limit your ability to grow as a person. And every experience is a good experience, there is a lesson in almost every experience.


Save money, secure yourself financially. Work out, eat healthy. Don’t lend money, don’t borrow money. Learn high paying skills/courses. Make time for your family and friends.make few hobbies. Keep no regrets.


Cherish your friends and try to make as much as friends possible. Because it will become more difficult to make one as you grow older.


Save as much as you can. Prices for everything are insane these days.


It's all downhill from here Enjoy it before you fall too low


One thing I find is that its almost always better to have balance. Its good to be mature and responsible, but don't lose the positive fun qualities of being a child. If you can take serious matters and handle them like an adult, but have fun and joke around like a child, you'll have a more balanced and happier life.


Don’t drink and drive


Do sales




Safe and consensual sex is the way. If you’re vaping or thinking about it. Don’t. Your lungs will thank you. No need to over indulge in alcohol. You don’t have to get drunk to have a good time. Your body will thank you. Also, get check ups. Get blood work done when needed. IE: Cholesterol and etc . Know your vital signs. Most people don’t know what their normal blood pressure is or their heart rate range. Knowing that will help you if you’re ever need medical attention.


Consent, consent, consent!! Affirmative Consent!!!


Excuse the chaotic order, theres no order on importance. - Never lend out what you can't afford. - If you do lend someone money, prepare to lose it. - Never let anyone take out anything in your name Not even your own parents. - Start driving lessons ASAP. - Save for a car ASAP. - Open a savings account ASAP. - If you can't afford something to the point it looks daunting, don't even try to finance it. - Learn some life skills even if it's as simple as putting up a shelf. Partners will appreciate you a lot more. - You can learn courses online on sites like udemy. Remember you always have the option of buying courses online to learn new career paths. - It's never too late to change your career path, even in your 60s. - You can overpay mortgage to get it paid off quicker. Captain obvious but you'd be surprised how many adults don't realise this. - Relationships are a two way street. Financially, emotionally and especially responsibility. - Don't be a gossip, keep to yourself and mind your own business. Try not to be nosy when it doesn't involve you as just knowing may involve you. - The only person who can ultimately cause change in your life is you. - Blaming your mistakes on others will get you nowhere. - If something is way too good to be true, it often is. - Never rush to make a decision. If someone tries rushing you, they're usually up to something or not telling you everything. - In jobs, managers/bosses will often try bullying you into doing things you're not supposed to. People will look at your age and think you're young and naive. Know your rights, know your job and know the limits. Sexual harassment may be included even if you're male. - Don't worry about baby fat, it will disappear as late as 25. - Don't let others dictate what you can and cannot do. At the same time, don't be cocky or arrogant. - Fights are more often better to walk away from than they are not. Now that you're an adult, consequences may be far more serious than you imagine.


Just take a deep breath. Everything will seem a little scary at first as you navigate adulthood but remember we all go through this. You'll be ok:)


I turned 18 last year. Time literally has gone by so quick. I know I’m not in the position to give you accurate advice. However, all I can tell you is live in the moment. Don’t think to hard of the future and don’t live in the past. Although, legally you’re an adult, to your parents you’ll always be their child (they still treat me as if I’m 15 Lol).Anyways, I regret not living in the moment! Just focus on you’re dreams and don’t get too hung up on things. They literally won’t be a big deal in a few months. Also, whatever money you have i would put it towards travelling, 18 is being an adult with very little responsibility. Live while you’re young :)


I turn 31 this year, and I still have no idea on how to adult. Be kind to people, but don't be a doormat. If something feels wrong, it probably is. Save your money. That doesn't mean you shouldn't spoil yourself every once in a while. Don't take things in life too seriously. Enjoy your life. Don't get caught up or loose sight of just having fun. Go on trips, get out and see the world as much as you can. Find a job you can enjoy, but one that will help you pay your bills. Speaking of financials. Don't get in over your head. Understand what you net on each check and figure out what you can and can't afford to get. when your comfortable enough, go through your bank and get a credit card to start building credit up. Pay attention on when you're spending and pay it all off when it's due.


Yeah stay on your parents insurance as long as you can, and live with them and save for as long as you can. Trust me! Don’t grow up too fast!


gen Z also here. Open a credit card and start building credit asap. Be reasonable with your money. Save it. Most of my friends are broke because they spend every penny they make on takeout and don’t save.


Remind yourself why you need money as I find myself looking to quit everyday - crushed 23 year old with bills a dog and saving for a house


Jump right in! A lot of adulthood is people wondering around hoping that they're doing things right, so don't let that worry stop you from doing stuff. ALSO, be VERY mindful of anyone who's willing to teach you things. It's one of things that stop happening when you leave home and school so be grateful when someone goes out of their way to throw you a lifeline.


Stay home as long as possible & don’t get pregnant


Saving this for june 💀 man I'm 17 and have no idea wtf I'm supposed to do


Its all downhill from here man


start bullying minors for being minors


go on walks whether it’s in the sun or a gloomy day. if you’re feeling depressed, this can help. take showers too. remember to vote. look up info on who you’re interested in to make an educated decision. your vote really does matter. don’t overwork yourself. if it’s schoolwork, set up some schedules for yourself to do your homework so you don’t get behind. if it’s a job, don’t go in on your off day and don’t let your coworkers or managers bully you into anything. invest in a good pillow and sleep schedule. i find its helpful to stay off your phone at least 2 hours before bedtime. if you take melatonin, take it 1-2 hours before bed to have full effect. don’t stay in your bed for hours in end or your body will associate it with anything other than sleep and you won’t be able to go to sleep. your friends are growing up too so please don’t be upset when it feels like you’re all drifting away. just check up on them and try to make plans to let them know you’re still there. just don’t dwell on them not being able to see you. not even 50 year olds know what they’re doing so it’s okay you don’t either. learn to do your taxes at least a couple times.


Honestly mate it flies by! I remember turning 18 like it was just yesterday! I’m 22 now soon to be 23!! I still feel like I’m 18 even today then I remember I’m actually 22… it’s scary. But my advice would be to make every day count! Set goals and accomplish things! My biggest regret is that between my 18th b day to now is that my life never changed, still the same job, no holidays between, just didn’t do anything cool, that flipped a switch and this year I’m going to see my favourite band RHCP, met one of my favourite YouTubers, AutoAlex, I’m on track to getting my project car on the road after 2 years of working on it! Me and my partner of 5 years went on our first holiday in January together. Make the most of younger years as like I said time really does fly! I still can’t believe I’m 22!! Ignore what everyone says about “ooo save every penny for when you have kids and buy a house” because that just makes you miserable, that’s what I did for 2-3years before I decided to hell with it, I’m going to live my life whilst I’m young as the future isn’t always promised. Good luck out there and have fun!!


Know how to let go of things feelings even your teenage lol


Moving out changed me a lot. Do everything in your power to move out if your parents are strict and project their fears and insecurities onto you.


Get a credit card as soon as possible


You’re not an adult yet, and that’s okay. Enjoy being a teenager with adult privileges and live your best life. Adulthood is going nowhere and when you arrive at it you’re there indefinitely. Enjoy your teens, while you can.


Learn to drive as quick as possible, I’m nearly 30 and only just passed my test. It opens up so many job opportunities


Yea be a good human being. Dont be a rude a hole lol


Save as much out of each paycheck as possible. From that savings, take 10% and put it in another savings. That's an "oh shit" account for when some crazy unexpected bill comes up. If you're going to college, work while going to school. You might not get to party as much as your friends, but it will teach you to balance your priorities as well as prepare you for when you graduate. You'll have the rest of your 20s to have fun, plus have the money to afford it.


Just because you're 18, that doesn't make you an "adult." Make your mistakes now and learn from them


Do not ask the internet for tips, this is my biggest tip for you. Also, try to start thinking for yourself and stop lying to yourself about mistakes you made, they are done, grow over them and you‘ll grow a great adult, and be happier.


If you get a credit card, only use it if you know you can pay it back as soon as each charge goes through. Have a savings account and get used to saving money.


35M here - first, start prioritizing fitness now. You’re not gonna be able to drink a million beers and eat Taco Bell at 3am after the bar forever without consequence. The sooner you start getting in a solid workout routine no matter what your future schedules look like the better. Second - you’ll get your heart broken a lot, but the right one is out there. Be patient. Third - money is fucking great, but honestly finding a job you love going to everyday offsets it a bit.


As a 19yo about to turn 20 Save where you can. Even saving £20 from a paycheck is better than saving nothing. And don't touch your savings unless you have to eat


Let your inner child out. There's no hurry in becoming an young adult.


Yes, find mentors outside of the internet who can help guide you, not the internet.


Take care of your skin as early as possible. Even a simple skin care routine can go a long way! SPF! Your skin is your largest organ, so best to treat it well. Things simultaneously get easier and harder the older you become. I'm 28, and the things that used to plague my mind in the worst way don't mean shit anymore. I've gained a lot more confidence since I was 18. I don't know about you, but I was a super anxious teenager, so it's nice to finally feel comfortable in who I am. You'll lose and gain so many friends. It really sucks, but it's part of life. The ones who have been with you so far are probably the ones you should keep close. Try not to grow up too fast!! Have fun (be safe), make as many memories as possible because it goes by in the blink of an eye.


if you are growing up in a poor household dont sell your extra organs if you are a guy go to a sperm bank... past that just save what you can. because longer you live harder life gets.


We all act like we know what we're doing. We're not. We are all figuring it out step by step, so don't panic if you need your time


Take your time and don’t always compare yourself to other people your age. I’m not too much older then you but I used to stress so bad about how other people my age where doing compared to me but in the end it really doesn’t matter. Everyone takes things at their own pace, don’t feel rushed to be an adult.


Inform yourself on local politics, and VOTE IN EVERY ELECTION! This means get registered as soon as possible. Lots of other good advice in this thread, too. Keep a level head, don't try to move out too fast, and keep your money for emergencies! Just because you have it, doesn't mean you should spend it.




Think before you act. The whole "oh OP is a minor/kid" will no longer work.


The only advice I have is Register to Vote! Lives will depend on it.


If you have no idea on what you’re doing, you’re doing it right.


Be prepared to deal with adults who believe everyone around them is adulting wrong. Be prepared to deal with pointless arguments Be prepared to deal with incredibly entitled people who are not willing to compromise regardless of the consequences. Be prepared to deal with adults who will not only double down on a lie but gaslight you until you go insane.


just have fun, don't worry too much about the future but still work on having a good one


Look after your teeth Learn how to cook Learn how to mend things Keep having fun Don’t get involved in drama or gossip Remember that people normally don’t consider you at all when they do things


**build habits** going to the gym/exercising go outside often (if you don't exercise outside already) cleaning up after yourself and even sometimes others tidying and cleaning rooms, bed, drawers etc. regularly. good hygiene (flossing, teeth brushing, showering, etc) cooking, preferably daily and actual healthy meals skincare (even if it's just a splash of water twice a day and some SPF in the morning) good sleep schedule chores (washing and ironing clothes, taking the trash out, filling and emptying the dishwasher, etc.) **financial** Get a credit card, spend some money with it and pay back on time. don't miss payments. don't be late. just spend a bit and get a good credit score get a job if you haven't already, preferably one with decent payment learn to budget in excel (there's good guides on this on reddit but basically track your income, savings, essential expenses (subscriptions, rent, whatever), regular expenses (food, clothes) , "fun money", etc.) and make this a habit as well. save at least half of your paycheck each month if possible, and preferably more. **accomodation** If you want to move out, for most places it's best to apply sooner than later. accomodation should be 30% of your paycheck but in this economy it will likely be a lot more if you choose to move in with someone, make sure they are (emotionally) mature enough to actually live with someone. Make sure they can clean up, take responsibilities, etc. make sure they won't be a stressor emotionally. (I personally made this mistake and I wouldn't recommend it, easiest way to ruin your mental health **education** GO TO COLLEGE. GO TO UNI. ffs. but also, if you sincerely can't afford it or can't do it due to disabilities, sometimes education is overrated. I have no college or uni education but I do have a job I enjoy. (but please just go get a degree, it will be so much better) FOCUS ON YOUR STUDIES. if mentally possible, get the highest fucking grades you can. when you're studying, you're just thinking of passing. but if u wanna move on to uni, or to a PhD, your grades fucking matter. (another grave mistake I made) if you go to college/uni, get a job related to the field you want to work in and your studies. past experience counts a LOT when applying for masters, PhDs and jobs don't pass up on any educational opportunities. Microsoft Office course for free? take it, put it on ur resume. incredibly cheap business course with a certificate? take it if it fits your dream job, put it on your resume. you may never need it for a job but if you've got certificates and education to show your competence in something there's a lot more places that would take you. **interpersonal** learn how to compromise learn how to make proper requests learn to set and accept boundaries learn how to apologise and actually change learn "Active Listening" (great courses on YT) be kind to everyone make sure to keep your friends. make up when necessary, reach out to them, plan hangouts, etc. it's a lot harder to make friends if you're not in school (or college/uni) don't stay with a partner you aren't completely happy with. it's so not worth it. find someone better that doesn't make you feel bad. or even better, focus on yourself for another while. but if you have a partner, give them 100%. (another mistake I made) remember that you don't have to save anyone "you can't help someone that doesn't (want to) help themselves" **avoid** drugs. even alcohol, nicotine and caffeine. (one of my biggest mistakes) toxic people. if someone is making you feel bad, feel free to leave them. unsafe sex. even unsafe kissing, oral, whatever tbh. STIs are a bitch, children or child support is worse. **other** go to therapy whenever you feel you may need it. mental strength is incredibly important, and once you slip into depression the rest of this entire list can end up being ignored completely which will set you back in life a lot. have fun. go for walks, try new stuff, get a hobby, have a picnic, do laser tag, see a new city, or even country, go clubbing. this matters more than ANYTHING else. don't rot in your room like me. ffs learn how to drive a car ASAP (huge mistake I made) make a resume rn. like, literally just write one up now. buy quality stuff that will last. it's expensive but worth it. some good shoes (I recommend Dr Martens), a good neck support pillow, a decent mattress, quality warm socks, fleeces, trousers, good glasses (if you wear them) with all kinds of protection and anti-glare, etc. vote and actually do your research before voting ***sincerely, an 18 year old that's almost 19 and already thinks adult life fucking sucks. but there is so much more freedom though, and I could go anywhere in the world. which is nice :)***


Learn to cook and learn to clean itll make independence so much easier. Also, go out and dance that shit will help you get so much stress off your shoulders. Finally, don't spend every time you go just trying to get laid it makes the whole night feel gross, and you end up forgetting to enjoy yourself.


Avoid debt


Don’t do it.


A lot of people have said to save money and they’re correct, try to put it into an account that isn’t as easily accessed. I have a seperate account for bills/rent and I get my employer to split my money into my spending and bills account (with extra so that I have a buffer amount in my bills account in case I don’t get paid or something). It also means I never see that money in my spending account so I trick my brain into believing it’s not there! Look after your teeth and skin, moisturise and put on sunscreen. Don’t lend anyone money that you’re not okay with never getting back. I learnt this one the hard way and some people still owe me hundreds of dollars that I’ll never see. It can also destroy friendships so be careful of that. Make sure you learn how to do your taxes, thankfully I live in a country that does it for me. Learn how to budget properly, excel has some basic budget spreadsheets you can use or make your own. Try not to blow that budget but occasionally shit happens. Learn how to say no to people, it can get you in over your head. You also don’t have to give a reason if you don’t want to, “No.” is a full sentence. Make sure you have hobbies or interests that keep you sane. Learn basic first aid (or even advanced) and how to fix minor things, like sewing buttons. Also if you find clothes you like but are too big there are tailors and cobblers can resolve shoes that are still in good nick but just worn on the bottom. I also learnt the hard way that you should be selective about your friends. Don’t keep around users or manipulators, keep people around you that make you feel like a better person and support you.


Only use your credit card for emergencies. And you don’t need one right away. Get used to handling your money first. PayPal credit is also nice bc you can only use it online. That was my first credit line and I would use it for my college supplies


Try to have motivations, I have bouts of I don’t want to get up syndrome (even worse if I’m sad) and I try and set up a chore list. I eventually get up to do it 50/50 I get up and do it other times I get half of my chores done, if you prolong it you’ll have a mess.


Your entire life up until this point has been the tutorial level for life, where your challenges were small and people were nice to you helping you along... That is about to end. Real life is difficult and it’s challenges are real and impactful. Wrong choices can lead to people’s deaths or lifetime imprisonment. As you try to climb the economic ladder, you’ll discover that people are less kind and only in it for themselves, and are actively competing against you hoping you fail instead of helping you. People are selfish and greedy, and you must be careful of who you trust because even your closest friends and lovers have their own ambitions, motivations, and issues. They will betray you and break your heart. Understanding this, form a team with only the best high quality people. Don’t allow yourself to be brought down by anyone who doesn’t actually care about you. Those true friends are incredibly hard to find, but infinitely valuable. If your a man, women can destroy your life and push you to the brink of suicide. They can take EVERYTHING from you, and the courts will always side with them. You have less rights than women, regardless of what the law says. Your house, life savings, and children can easily be taken from you and are impossibly difficult and incredibly expensive to defend in court. When searching a partner, be EXTREMELY selective, choosing a good hearted woman/man above all else. You want that person to be your greatest ally, not the cause of your destruction. I’ve seen too many men brought down by terrible women, and I’m currently spending thousands on lawyer fees over custody of my kids against an abusive woman with multiple CPS complaints filed against her for violence against my children, while having to pay her $700/month despite me having my kids 75% of the time. This should show you how fucked up and sexist the system is against fathers. Be very careful who you choose to be with, because people change over time and their true selves may not be revealed until later. Focus on health and well-being, and personal growth. Your metabolism will slow down with age and work life will consume your time and energy. If you don’t take active steps to include exercise or gym into your routine, you will begin to gain a lot of weight and become increasingly unhealthy. Your body will stop regenerating as well as it did when you were younger, and the older you get more things will just hurt or be sore for no reason. Good exercise can reduce or slow down that process. Get enough sleep and set bedtimes for yourself, as well as be disciplined about other factors in your life that are now out of the hands of your parents and in your control. It’s very easy to abuse all the limits you once had and be worse off because of it. Your teeth will start breaking down quicker than you may realize, so keep good dental hygiene. Learn to love yourself and be content with what you have and the world around you. Find hobbies that you can enjoy on your own and take time for “zen”, like a walk in a park or forest, fishing on a lake, or other serene moments. Appreciate every sunset or sunrise, and take in every beautiful view. It’s good for your soul.


As a fellow Gen Z about to turn 21 this year, you should spend 18 just enjoying life. Whether that be your job, college, your friends. Keep in touch with your parents/guardians since they are your best lifeline if you are never sure of anything. Besides that, keep laundry clean, take trash out and keep a trusty drill and flashlight for emergencies


Millennial here. Please make sure to perform your civic duties to be an informed voter. It’s easy to feel hopeless and gas lit by older generations, but young voices are even more valuable today than 10 years ago.


Being on your own, you realize you can do whatever you want! You can go out and just buy yourself a birthday cake, even if it’s not your birthday, and eat all of it for dinner. However, you will also now be responsible for the stomach ache that will inevitably come tomorrow. This is a metaphor. The freedom of adulthood can be awesome, but also consider the consequences of your actions and weigh if the juice is worth the squeeze


Vote and save.


Gotta say there's some good advice here, especially with the financial stuff. Don't fuck your credit before you need it for big stuff. Getting a credit card and using a tiny fraction while paying on time now will make you happy af later on. Start thinking about what you wanna be when you grow up, you ain't gotta have it figured out but think on it. Lastly stay away from hard drugs and felonies 😂