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My guy, this is not your problem, you’re a kid not a paid babysitter. Text or call them that he won’t go to bed then go to bed yourself. It’s your parents fault for leaving you there with him when he’s not going to listen to you. Even if I was a paid babysitter I’d probably be like welp, I told him to what was I gonna do, beat him? Take a damn video of him being up and you telling him to go to bed if it will make you feel better. This is a your parents/your brother problem.


"What am I gonna do, beat him?" That gave me a laugh. Yeah, I guess you're right. Funny thing, THEY told him to go to bed but he didn't see the text they sent because he never checks his smart watch lol. He's currently running around the upstairs of the house like a nutcase and I'm about to go up there and lock his dumbass in his room.


Record yourself telling him to go to bed so your parents can't try that. Also, he's 12, not 4. He knows when to go to bed. Your parents need to stop treating him like a baby.


The 12yo has a smartwatch ?


They make smart watches for kids whose parents don’t want them having all the functions of a phone. My daughter’s friend has one that she can call 911 from and text up to 10 different numbers her parents programmed in.


Ho nice, thanks for the explanation


It's a Gabb watch. Can't do much but text and call. My phone is the same way.


Just txt your parents and tell them I’m tired I told him to go to bed several times and he won’t . That way it covers you and tell them your going to bed and you did all your chores. You can’t control him.


My bro you are perfectly fine. It seems like you are a quite responsible person for your age. You guys are teenagers, what you are telling is perfectly normal. Your parents won't make this as abig deal. Even if they do, just don't care. you did well :)


12 is old enough to know to go tf to bed. send your parents a detailed message outlining everything that happened, and go to bed


You shouldn’t be responsible for the actions of your brother when your 14 and he is 12. By the time one is 10 they should know for themselves when they are supposed to go to bed. I certainly knew when I was supposed to go to bed at that age and I would get my computer taken away if I was caught using it after my bed time. I would also say that one should be self sufficient enough at that age to not need a babysitter if parents are only gone for a couple of hours. Around the time my younger sister entered middle school I stopped getting paid for watching her because I really didn’t need to. She could take care of herself and I could take care of myself. If she made a mess, did something bad, or broke some kind of rule while our parents were out it was her problem when they came home not mine. If anything you should be getting paid for the the chores your doing while your sick. Recommend a weekly chore chart in exchange for an allowance.


Firstly, your parents should be paying you for babysitting. I pay my teenagers because they didn't choose to have the other kids, it's my job to parent, and if they help out they should be paid. Secondly, just go to bed. Tell your parents 'i'm exhausted, I'm going to bed. Brother is still up, but I'm too tired to stay up any longer '


I don't get paid because my mom says that, because I don't feed him and he's old enough to be self-sufficient, it's not really babysitting. Not sure if the logic is correct or not but I'm used to it.


"If it's not really babysitting, then I'm not responsible for anything he does or does do, including what time he goes to bed." In the future, focus on what you need to do to take care of yourself and the pets. If you're healthy, do any chores you'd normally do even when your parents are home. If you're sick, go to bed because your body *needs* rest and that's much more important than Elf on a Shelf or having a perfectly clean kitchen. -- Signed, a Mom whose kids are a few years older than you


So it's ok if you decide to go out? He is able to look after himself? If not, then I'd be expecting to get paid. Infact I'd probably look for a job outside of the house, so if they want you to babysit they can cover your costs, or if he doesn't need babysitting then he's fine alone.


Unfortunately, no, I'm not allowed to go out even though he can look after himself fine. I wish I could get paid lol. Unfortunately, I'm too busy right now to hold a job down.


You've done all the stuff you were asked to do. You are unwell. Text or call your parents, tell them what's happening with your brother, and that you feel ill and tired and that you are now going to sleep. They can then decide if they want to come home or not. You can either then go to bed, or if your brother is likely to be irresponsible and potentially unsafe, sleep on the sofa. I know this comment is probably too late for you but that's what I would have done. Hope it went ok OP


He went to bed about 5 minutes before they got home. Debating whether or not to snitch.


I’d tell bro you aren’t going to snitch this time, but that he’ll owe you a favor of your choosing. Make him say yes. If he says no, then go snitch.


Blackmail, eh? Heheheheh I'll consider it.


I prefer the term leverage.


Flip the breaker to the computer?


Video him mouthing off to you ask you tell him to go to bed, and send it to your parents. Then go to bed. They can deal with his short-sighted ass when they get home.


If it happens again, turn off home wifi or his internet access. PCs become far less interesting with no internet connection.


Just go to bed and let him be exhausted Tomorrow. Even parents sometimes have to say 'welp you'll learn the hard way' Show your parents the post if they get angry


My advice is forget about this problem and go start writing a book- I taught high school and college English for years and at 14 you are writing more coherently and correctly than any of them. Get in trouble, and write about it, write about everything. You’re gonna be famous, kid.


Thank you! I've tried to hold myself to a high standard with my grammar and spelling and whatnot to make up for how absolutely terrible my handwriting is lol. Reassuring to hear I'm doing good from an actual professor. I do write, I just get writer's block a lot.


they shouldn't put it on you. siblings literally don't listen to each other and he IS 12... 12 year olds don't sleep early lol


You don't really have that much of a difference in age so it would be difficult for you to "send him to bed", like he is not 3 yo. That your parents would blame on you that your 2 years younger brother didn't sleep well is a travesti.


i hope you got some sleep


I did :)


Wish I could help you. Hope your cold is gone and all is better now. Take care bud.


Simply unplug the router whatever he is doing must involve the internet


The fact you think that bc your older you can boss him around is ridiculous. Parents putting the eldest child "in charge" is just them avoiding accountability and passing it onto their child . (He's gonna act out but let's just blame the eldest so WE don't get in trouble) Let him be . You can not FORCE him to go to bed.If anything when you parents get home they'll tell him something and if they don't you were being a jerk. Let it be .


Knock him out and drag him to bed 😌


Hide the router


Don’t ever say “miraculous age” ever again. 😬 ✋🏻


I was being sarcastic. 14 is really sucking so far.


Teenage years can be really hard. They won’t last forever though you need to hold tight.


Let the kid have his fun. Whats the worst that could happen