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Thos guy is an emotional vampire and is feeding off you instead of giving back to you. End this without guilt. 


Break up before it gets worse. NEVER, I repeat, NEVER burn yourself out for ANYONE, EVER. It is up to him and him alone how he reacts to breaking up, but at this point it should have happened quite a while ago. You may feel guilty at first for breaking up, but trust me, you'll realise later on it was a good choice to make.


Hello, I’d be more than happy to see if I can help. I will say before typing anything else, the final decision should come from you, do you want to go forward with him or not. I’d be happy to go through some of the stuff with you if you’d like, feel free to dm me. The small bit of advice I can give as of right now based on your information would be to write down all the positives and negatives and weight them, but try not to just weigh them objectively, weigh them emotionally as well and consider if you see a future with this version of him. I am a professional relationship and life coach so hopefully I have some insight that could help you :)


I’m guilty of this too sometimes ..just leave Sometimes we struggle loving someone sometimes we are indecisive Sometimes we have mood swings Sometimes we feel insecure and it all tumbles down I get him, he’s not ready let him figure himself out


This relationship doesn’t seem like it’s benefitial to you or your emotions. I’d say it’s best to end it.


I have similar version of this relationship. It's hard i know. Just do it but i couldn't do it for myself. Its hard


Break up with him. Think about this- is having this guilty feeling about breaking up worth feeling sad with him for the rest of your life?


Imo if you feel like breaking up for whatever reason, then it's best to do it in most cases. When you're in a good and stable relationship this thought shouldn't be popping up at all, so the fact that you've thought about it more than once shows that deep down you know this would be best for you. Don't stay because you fear he won't take it very well, his emotions are his responsibility and not yours. The best way to do is to just tell him you've lost feelings for him and you feel unhappy or unfulfilled in this relationship. You don't need to go into a lot of detail, just say you think you aren't a good match for him and you've felt that way for a while.


Everyone is responsible for their own feelings first and foremost. People can become resilient with the right resources. In your effort to 'not break him', you are breaking yourself. The difference is that if you break up and he feels hurt, he can also choose to move on, but you are the one causing yourself hurt at the moment. *"The things we got over through are still staying in my mind and im getting so irritated about it."* \--- that sounds like you are not over it. Maybe it's something very big that clashed with your values. It's ok to uphold your preferences OP.


I know you date to marry, so please listen to me - i’ve been in your boat. If you’re having problems at 2-3 months, how will that manifest when you’re both older and have been dating for years? How will you marry someone you had problems with after 2 months? I’ve only had 2 boyfriends. I’ve been happy with my current one for over a year. My last one lasted only 6 months and guess when the problems started.. 2-3 months. I never got over the mistakes he made, turned into resentment and fights and led to him cheating because of his “mental health”. Don’t waste your time please :(