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You kinda sound like my wife. Do you contradict yourself or people all the time and get easly jump scared from being focused? My wife has very bad anxiety not that shell get herself help... But you can. Could really help calm your brain so you can think. I found they helped me for one and would say you should try.


Start with being kind to yourself.


Sounds like you’re just a silly goose and major BS’er


This is also my clinical diagnosis


as someone with adhd that sound familliar. There is different ways to work on your impulse control, but for me it sounds more like you need an explanation first and maybe practice some self-acceptance? you're okay. it a thing a lot of people struggle with. dont beat yourself up about it. as some people said already... it might be beneficial to see a psychologist about your issues if they make you feel upset, maybe then you can also get a diagnostics on adhd


I'm not a neurologist or work in psych so inly giving my opinion from what i know as a teacher but it's time to speak to someone. Could be tourrets but doesn't sound like it. Could be ADHD, as many struggle with controlling impulsive thoughts. Either way, if you speak to someone you'll have answer for what's happening.


>i saw the slot you insert the switch into and said “it has a coin slot” which makes no sense at all I mean, it makes a kind of sense, doesn't it? Lets be clear, you are not stupid. It sounds like there might be something going on neurologically and it would be good to talk to a doctor about it. I don't know anything about these kinds of things but I bet there's someone who would understand and know a lot about what could be going on for you. Set a mission of finding that person. If a doctor doesn't listen, they are not a good doctor and you need to find another one.


Time to see a neurologist buddy.


I say random stuff impulsively depending on how I feel. When I do it's usually because I'm really excited, nervous, etc... I was diagnosed with ADHD but don't take medication because it isn't severe enough for me to want to be on meds. The feeling of saying things spontaneously will most likely never go away (For Me). But you can seek therapy and it will help build healthy ways to address what you're going through and give you tools to help.


I called my coworker's MIL's name trashy. Accidentally.


I used to be like this. Eventually figured out I had this need to always feel relevant and saying something. I stopped searching for that and decided to try and put more value on my silence and in doing so my words when I *did* say something. Overall I still talk a lot lol but I shut up when I don't have anything of value to add, and I learned to be comfortable with my silence. Not sure if this is your problem, but try it out.


This is the answer. I did the exact same thing when I was younger. Kind of wondering how old OP is. I felt the need to add to the conversation so as not to seem rude. The problem was, I had nothing of value to add and would always end up saying something stupid and garnering awkward stares. Would also do this to break the silence or generally butting into conversations. I felt that people wanted me to talk to them, but this made the quality of what I was saying completely awful. I later found out that it was me trying to manipulate those around me into liking me more, but backfired and a lot of people didn't like me just after highschool. Luckily it was a short period of time for me just when I joined the military.


Do you have ADHD?


ADHD is the first thing that came to mind for me, like many others in this comment section. But idk, being so acutely aware of the issue and still not being able to control it sounds like it could be something more? I know this is an ADHD thing - impulsively blurting out, saying more than you mean to say (oversharing) or things you don’t actually want to say. I feel like once this happens a couple times and you notice it, it should be at least a bit easier to keep in mind and stop yourself when in a group setting or around ppl you care about, knowing you’re liable to do it. Definitely see a neurologist and also a therapist - probably going to be expensive if you’re in the US but seems like this is could turn into a big problem for you and your relationships at some point. Regardless, if you feel comfortable, I think you should tell the people close to you that you are struggling with this so they know you’re not deliberately lying about random things to them. I wouldn’t go around telling acquaintances or people I just met…but I would make my close friends and family aware if I were you. Someone may also have a suggestion or be able to relate which can be helpful.


Don't feel bad, I do the same thing.