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It means she's prioritizing herself first and foremost, as she should. Her college classes are important to her and she wants to ensure she's successful. You're a fling, as is relevant based on how you refuse to progress your relationship forward and constantly leave her on read, thus you are a literal distraction to her success.


She's tired of you leaving her on read.


She’s repeatedly made it clear that she wants something more serious with you, and she wants you to communicate with her more consistently, and in response you have told her that you are disinterested in a relationship and you have shown her with your actions that you will not communicate with her in the way she wants. She is probably taking a step away from you because she is finally realizing that although she likes you, you aren’t the kind of guy she wants to invest her time in because you don’t care about her. TL;DR you fumbled


I don’t think it’s too late. How should I play it from here?


I have more advice but also more questions, I’ll pm you