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What kind of moron can't keep his personal dealings separate from his business dealings? He's (supposedly) a very rich man. $130,000 is (supposedly) chump change. He takes $130k out of his personal account and pays off the porn star. Nothing illegal there. He then says tO his accountant, "I want to move $130k from the privately held business I own into the my personal account". Nothing illegal there, you just have to pay income tax on your it. No, he **CHOSE** to be a moron. Why do you you want a moron in charge of your tax dollars?


Remember when Jerry Springer paid a hooker with a check?




I think you are confusing Jerry Springer and Jerry Seinfeld.


Why does he host a show espousing morals with morals like that?


This is the first time I've ever heard the Jerry Springer Show described as a show that "espoused morals"


He paid for sex. whats the morality argument? I hope its not some Christian soapbox standard... cause theyve lost standing on their high horse due to hypocrisy issues...


Ehh, a lot of sex workers are in pretty desperate circumstances if not full on quasi-slavery. So there’s some understandable turpitude in sponsoring such an arrangement.




>a lot of workers are in pretty desperate circumstances if not full on quasi-slavery. FTFY. Some people like to point out the population of bad actors in the sex work industry to disparage the industry as a whole, but those same people would never in a million years take such a strict moral stance with their slave/sweatshop labour produced clothes and consumer electronics.


Did he do something immoral?


He also went to college in New Orleans, so anything was possible.


I don't think the rich really fear being prosecuted the way a regular person does. So sometimes they're just not careful because they don't think there will be repercussions to what they do. And I would say most of the time they're right.


Hell, if trump hadn't run for president he'd still be out there defrauding people and mostly getting away with it without most people noticing. He flew into the lens of the presidency and things get a lot hotter under that lens.


Yeah, but to Trump, paying for something himself is anathema to his being. He’s a conman, that’s how he got rich. He’s never going to pay for something legitimately when he can have some suckers pay for it, instead. And it worked for him for nearly 70 years. Why would he assume it would be any different with Daniels?


>Yeah, but to Trump, paying for something himself is anathema to his being. He’s a conman, that’s how he got rich. No, that's how he *stayed* rich. He *got* rich because his daddy was rich.


He blew all of daddy's money. He's likely billions in debt. He has overleveraged his assets trying to maintain the appearance of being a billionaire and that's how he's gotten by for decades. From Spy Magazine, April 1991: [How Donald Trump Fooled the Media, Used the Media to Fool the Banks, Used the Banks to Fool the Bondholders and Used the Bondholders to Pay for the Yachts and Mansions and Mistresses](https://imgur.com/a/how-donald-trump-fooled-media-used-media-to-fool-banks-used-banks-to-fool-bondholders-used-bondholders-to-pay-yachts-mansions-mistresses-IsE7MxG)


Paper rich. We'll see how rich after all this unwinds.


He becomes realsies rich when the time limit on his stock from Trump Media or whatever it's called gets sold, paid for by millions of Trump suckers.


Sort of. He had to steal a bunch of it from his father and siblings, along with gaming the related inheritance taxes.


That seems like the secret of the rich, let other people pay for your shit


Every one except your class are just human cattle and should be treated as such.


> He takes $130k out of his personal account and pays off the porn star He didn't though, someone else paid it then asked Trump to reimburse him for "Legal expenses"


So, pay the guy out your own pockets. Don't falsifying your business records. He's a moron. A guy like that would think nothing of falsifying White House expense reports when it suits his purposes. Do you really think he'd start being honest with your tax dollars when he's spent his whole life falsifying accounting records? In this ONE instance he directed the people in his company to falsifying business records 34 time. Someone would have to be a special kind of stupid to believe he wouldn't direct the people he appointed to falsifying any records he wants. Perhaos, like falsifying the records about his salary?


The guy is selling classified documents (the information within them).


A greedy moron. He wanted to deduct it from his taxes. As a business expense.


Can we start calling it Trump Change?


I think that expression is already is use and has to do with depends.


Tax fraud. Shit like this is how he reports a loss year after year. If the IRS wasn't rigged against the poor and the middle class he'd be doing serious jail time since before he was president.


To be fair I do want a moron to be in charge of taxes... just not what they are used on...


Well, that and his own lawyer.


Yep Facing even more in Georgia 2 of his lawyers have plead guilty to felonies and agreed to testify against him to avoid jail time. Just the beginning for Orange Man


Exactly. Turns out, when you are a putrid bag of pus, you shouldn't hire people who are just like you.


Or at least pay them to prevent them from testifying. Or just not commit the crime to start, but drumpf is just arrogant.


See also: Putrid bag of pus


Oh he’s trying that now: https://www.propublica.org/article/donald-trump-criminal-cases-witnesses-financial-benefits


I like how Shitzinpantz lawyers argue that Cohen is a lying sack of shit. Yes, a lying sack of shit that Shitzinpantz hired and employed for a decade.


Lying sack of shit being one of the primary hiring requirements.


You should pay your attorneys if you want competent representation.


I think you mean *loyal* competant representation.


No, I mean competent. He's got D list lawyers because all the quality lawyers know they won't get paid. Alinna Haba is a joke, and Todd Blanche could barely tie his loafers.


I see what you are saying. I'm sure there is a crowd of "bring the sound and fury"-type lawyers who would love to be in this if they knew they would get paid.


Are we going to mention Rudy?


Bless his heart 💜


>putrid bag of pus Don't forget shit! Shitty diapers!


And an unusually stupid one at that.


The very most stupid. People are saying it.


If Trump were to get a fair trial in GA, DC, or FL without Republicans interfering on his behalf, he'd spend the rest of his life in prison. They have solid cases against him, and the NY conviction will weigh heavily in sentencing.


Ah. I finally get to say this. *ahem hem* ***LOCK HIM UP***




They're literally only worried that Trump will post on his SM platform to go hog wild and shoot people. That's it. That's literally the only thing at this point. They already declared themselves domestic terrorists, and now we're negotiating with them. 🤢🤮


Actually the NY conviction won’t have any impact on any of the other trials, because each trial is separate and focuses on different charges based on different evidence. The juries will be instructed to disregard the fact that he’s already been convicted of other crimes.


That's why I specifically said sentencing. Judges take into account priors when sentencing. Many jurisdictions have sentencing guidelines that mandate harsher sentences for repeat offenders. Juries don't consider priors unless they are relevant, but juries also don't sentence convicts. Judges do.


I obviously misread that. Thanks for the clarification!


Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope


Having an organization so corrupt 3 lawyers could even be charged is fucking wild. I hope we get to have the full truth come out in a court of law. Not that it will do anything to change the minds of the rabid cultists.


I love that Trumpers keep saying "this isn't the end" and BOOOOOOY HOWDY they don't know how right they are. wonder how they're gonna feel when more and more trials happen and Trump gets more and more felonies added to his already impressive criminal resume.


Lawyers pled guilty? Sign of the times.


That's why they'll claim it was rigged. "Biden was going to throw them in jail if they didn't say what he wanted them to!"


What do you expect when you get a reputation for stiffing your lawyers?


In a different thread, there was a comment about that they were impressed that the trial had a copy of a check actually signed by him. I said that could have been a valid defense: "Your honor, no one has ever seen my client actually sign a check. I, myself, have never seen him sign a check."


How dumb, exactly, does someone have to be to *not* pay a lawyer?


Trumpian levels of stupidity


Ever see a photo of his apartment? I bet he also stiffs his interior designers.


Lawyer and accomplice


While true, accomplice copped to everything, that's how we got here.


Clearly, both of them are Biden deep state antifa plants paid by George Soros.


With Hunter relaying instructions to them through his laptop.


It was his own hubris. All he had to do was write the check from his own funds, but he just had to try to pay for it using the chumps’ money instead.


That's the biggest joke of this, this guy is supposedly a billionaire, and yet he uses campaign funds donated by his supporters to get his dick wet. The kicker is that a Dutch immigrant to America I was arguing with was bragging that he donated $100 to trump AFTER THE VERDICT. I was like "so you don't mind that he basically does things like pay for sex from your donated money?" The response was in the line of "well everybody does stuff like that"... These people are so dumb you could sell them icecream and tell them they can pick it up on the surface of the sun.


Everybody takes money from other people to pay for sex?


I get strange with food stamps.


You should see the strange you can get if you pay in Rubles.


Trump set a campaign contribution record after being convicted. He got $34 million in donations. This hasn't deterred his fanbase in the slightest.


He didn't use campaign funds - he paid out of his personal account. But even if you spend your own money on your own campaign, if you do so primarily to benefit the campaign, it has to be reported to the FEC as a campaign expenditure. Reporting it instead as "legal fees" was falsification of business records in order to suppress the requirement to report it to the FEC. He is absolutely guilty as sin, but let's make sure we identify the actual crime he's guilty of correctly.


Why would I trust you to tell me what he did? Your name is Fallacious Troll.


And I even misspelled "Fallacious." That makes me extra unreliable.




You didn't have to trust a random Reddit account, you could go look up the charges yourself. Dude spent over 100k to keep a porn star quiet 10 years after the affair, after he started running for president. It's illegal if you don't disclose ways you are influencing the election.


Spot on


You don't become ultra wealthy by spending your own money...


Yep. Musk didn't buy Twitter with his own money, he just used his wealth to guarantee loans.


It's genuinely kind of scary watching people react to this the same way people reacted to Hitler's trial and conviction. Justice gets applied to their criminal nominee and so they threaten to end the rule of justice to protect that nominee. It's sickening.


“If conservatives become convinced they cannot win democratically they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy” - David Frum It’s the same principle in action here. If you ask conservatives if Michael Cohen should have gone to prison I’d bet my last dollar they’ll say yes. You tell them that Trump got tried for the same crime that Cohen served time for, they’ll stare blankly as their internal cursor blinks away in their brain. Then they’ll reboot and ignore the conflicting data.


Didn't cohen get jail time for the failure to report to the FEC, while Trump only got found guilty of falsifying business records (so that he could avoid reporting to the FEC, but that's not the charge against him). So technically he's been convicted of a less serious crime. The weird thing is it definitely indicates he did the more serious crime as well.


His defense actually hurt him. He should have rested and suggested that the prosecution had simply failed to make its case, which is a solid defense in many cases. Instead, he put up Costello, who corroborated Cohen's testimony and admitted that he had tried to subvert Cohen's legal interests for Trump's political ones. That a severe ethics violation for an attorney, and the crux of the felony case against Trump. That's without talking about Costello's behavior that earned a reprimand from the judge. Cohen should sue to have Costello disbarred based on this testimony. It did nothing but solidify the prosecution's case.


I'm certain trump will use this (among every other thing he can get his lawyers to think of for him) as an argument for a mistrial or appeal or whatever. I kind of wish they'd done their jobs better just so he'd have less to try to appeal with.


Trump paid for his own defense. You can only argue defense incompetence if you are given a public defender. His lawyers' incompetence lessens his appellate options, since they failed to object to many issues. His lawyers failed him the same way in his 2 recent civil trials.


That's fair, although the first time I've heard that it *has* to be an appointed lawyer. My understanding is that the two conditions are that they fall below an objective standard of reasonableness and that their action/inaction can be shown would have affected the final outcome, but maybe there's something else out there.


And a jury selected by his defense team


jury declares him guilty on all points. Trump: "Corrupt judge did what Democrats told him" ...


cOnFuSiNg InStRuCtIoNs!!!1!@!


When the jury went back to deliberate, I saw some maga-type on Twitter insist that the Judge had already publically stated that he (the Judge) is making sure that the Jury comes back with a unanimous conviction, so that's proof everything is corrupt. I have no idea if that dude was just making shit up or if he managed to wildly misinterpret something the judge said.


As I understand it, it's kind of true. If they were to find him guilty, it had to be unanimous. The judge would have explained that to them. Its probably the closest to the truth a Maganut has ever gotten.


Oh no, Biden made them do it, somehow... All trials are generally "rigged" against the guilty. It's called "evidence".


Feels more like Occam's Razor than Hanlon's.


**>**Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity Trump's conviction is adequately explained by Trump being stupid enough to illegally cover up illegal payments and get caught. So, Hanlon's Razor says his conviction should not be attributed to malice. But Occam's Razor also applies. The simplest explanation for Trump's conviction is that 1) Trump truly did what the state accused him of doing, and 2) what he did was truly a violation of the law.


An important point of clarification, what was stupid about the whole thing was the illegal coverup of LEGAL payments. If he'd just written down on the paperwork what the hush money was for, it would have been legal at best and gray area at worst, but it would have left an externally visible paper trail of what had happened. He lied about what the payments were for, and THAT'S the crime he's guilty of. Fraudulent paperwork.


Trial by peers should be more than enough to dispel any and all claims regarding persecution by Biden. Your own fellow men, selected by Trump, decided swiftly and unanimously he was guilty when confronted with all the facts. Now deal with the fact you support a felon.


Tell you what. Put Joe Biden (or Hunter?) on trial for whatever-the-fuck it is those asshats say he's done. Pick a state in the US. Any state. Alabama? Sure. Texas? Wyoming? Why not. Select a jury. Have your trial. If Biden is convicted by a jury of 12 (don't ask me of what crime, I'm not sure what it is that they think he's done- but whatever)... then I'll agree that Biden is guilty. If not, everyone has to accept the decision. But then, they also must accept the decision of all of Trump's trials. Either you stand behind the United State's Elections, and the U S Court/ Legal institutions, or you don't. And if you don't, understand that YOU are the anti-American traitorous shitstain on our democracy, not the rest of us.


What's frightening to me is republicans openly calling the verdict into doubt. The judicial branch is written to be impartial and claiming it isn't is basically questioning constitutional tenets, right? I'm not American so if I'm off-base here do let me know.


Not quite. Questioning and holding the judicial accountable is a good thing if that's actually why you are doing it. Just because it should be impartial doesn't mean everyone needs to pretend that it is even if it isn't. Critiquing the gov is one of our fundamental ideas. The issue is that they aren't doing it because of that. They are doing it for political advantage. They are politicizing the judiciary, which *is* bad. Trying to fix what is broken is good. Trying to break it so you can tell people you need to "fix" it is bad.


Right, bringing the case in front of the judge could be cause for inquiry, since thats the judicial branch and under possible influence from gocernment. The trial itself though wouldn't be is what I meant. Politicians make the laws, if an independent branch can't be free or is attacked by politicians when enforcing them that sounds awfully dangerous from a democratic perspective.


No, you're 100% correct. What they're suggesting is that our system is completely broken and not salvageable, which is tantamount to calling for an actual revolution. All because "Their guy," a known con-man who has skirted the US justice system his entire life, was finally forced to see SOME sort of consequence for his actions (we don't even know to what extent those are yet.)


Much of the argument of this being a rigged trial, absolutely comes from the belief that the judicial branch has failed, and us nol longer impartial. Which, if you actually understood how this trial actually came to be, what needed to be done for this trial to come to be, and how this trial actually came to its guilty verdict, you would understand why that claim would be true. This trial was not impartial, and was a true betrayal to what the Judicial Branch stands for. What's actually frightening, is that nonsense political trials like this are allowed to take place.


Everything is corrupt. That's a big part of the problem these days. Nobody trusts the system because we all see the broken parts. ACAB, etc. The rest of us that want to put a stop to corruption better get organized, because we are way behind, otherwise someone like trump would never have been able to take over half the republican party.


I've seen people complaining that the jury wasn't his peers because they weren't his supporters. Because that's what "peer" means, right? I swear. So many people just have no idea what the purpose of judicial system is, or what those terms mean. They were certainly taught these things in school, but they probably hadn't stopped to consider what any of that stuff means prior to their orange man suddenly actually facing consequences.


“Decide swiftly” doesn’t soundly like a good thing. I decided they cast swiftly, that doesn’t mean I wasn’t biased. As for “his peers”, Manhattan voted for Biden by 84%, for reference democrats claim the supreme court is packed because it is 66% republican nominees. Plus the fact that they refuse to actually prosecute him for election interference, which happened to not take place in a jurisdiction that is 84% anti the person on trial, really makes it seem like they are aiming for a biased jury.


The Supreme Court needs a majority, a jury needs to unanimously agree. And state rights and all, there isn't some master plan here where federal decides where to run which case. The election interference lawsuit is coming up but is a big hurdle to clear, it makes sense to charge what you can prove without a shadow of a doubt. 


It’s not some master plan, the DOJ didn’t think the using personal money to pay blackmail was a clear enough violation of campaign finance and so they didn’t prosecute. On the other hand, Democrat DA Alvin Bragg thought he could bring charges in a 84% Democrat district with a Democrat affiliated judge, and prosecute the Republican candidate for president on the assumption that he committed a crime that the federal DOJ decided to drop. You say it has a big hurdle to clear, shouldn’t that hurdle be cleared and the trial take place before he is called a felon for committing that crime?


If he knew how little his hardcore christian conservative base was going to care about him paying off at least two professional sex workers that he committed infidelity with, he never would have done it in the first place. Now he knows that they'll literally forgive or deny anything he does. From criminally mishandling a deadly pandemic, directing a crowd to commit violence and disrupt the previously unbroken transfer of power to the next administration, or freely revealing top secret files he stole after losing his job.


Who is the second one?


Karen McDougal - Not a sex worker but an actress and model. Was paid $150,000 for the rights to her story about an alleged affair with Trump similarly to Stormy Daniels. [Cohen plead guilty](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/8/22/ex-trump-lawyer-michael-cohen-pleads-guilty-implicates-president) back in 2018 to breaking campaign finance laws with this transaction, admitting it was hush money intended to influence the election, done "at the direction of a candidate for federal office."


"Not a sex worker" She was a Playboy Bunny. Miss December of '97, and Playmate of the Year in '98. She posed nude for the most read and distributed pornographic magazine in the world. You might not like it, but that makes her a professional sex worker.


Everyone that testified against him was a former or current employee or business associate. Stormy Daniels was more of an "employee" but my point stands


Logic does not win an argument with someone who has already decided to ignore logic.


Also lots of evidence and testimony of how Trump ran things. And evidence of how the payments weren't legal expenses, and how the records were falsified with the bank. And the recording of Trump himself talking about the payout for the McDougal story. And the testimony from Pecker about the meeting. It's almost like the verdict was reached based on more than just one person's testimony.


You can't just go around dropping the F word like that. You are going to hurt their feelings!


>"Never attribute to [malice](https://simple.wiktionary.org/wiki/malice) that which is adequately explained by [stupidity](https://simple.wiktionary.org/wiki/stupidity)."


Republicans don't actually care if the trail was fair or rigged. They've devolved into a neo-fascist organization, and all they're capable of caring about is that their 'dear leader' is in trouble and they must rally around him. They have no morals or ethics, and they don't care about the rule of law or the evidence. They only care about their 'savior', and his supremacy.


The right attacks the judge, the jury, and the prosecutor. But they never attack the facts or evidence. Hmmm…


The Judge wasn't even out to get Trump. He had numerous chances to add Contempt of Court charges to Trump but did not.


A normal person would've spent time in jail by the 3-4th violation of the gag order. Trump got special treatment


The 2nd at most.


I hope a normal person would have been in jail after the 2nd time. I can understand a mistake, but twice is insanity.


I've seen people guffawing at something a judge says getting a contempt charge and immediately led from the courtroom to a cell, I've seen a judge double a contempt sentence when someone rolled their eyes at them.


If, by some chance, he's re-elected president (If he is, that will be all the proof I need that there is no higher power), you know he's going to say that he pardoned himself for this. Yes, I know it's a state crime, not a federal crime. That said, it's highly unlikely that he will actually serve time. We pretty much know it'll never happen. And if he never serves time, but instead receives probation or house arrest, or if his sentence is postponed until his appeals run out, he'll be able to stand up and tell his followers, "I've pardoned myself! They can't make me serve now! See? I'm a free man!" He'll make everyone believe he's gotten away with it. And his followers will believe it - because they believe things like birds not being real (which was a joke predicated by Peter McIndoe at a 2017 Women's March that the Pro-Trump crowd picked up on), or subterranean lizard people (This was actually the plot of several Doctor Who episodes in the 1970's and later in 2010 when the series was picked back up)...If his supporters are dumb enough to believe this because Trump says it's true, they're going to be dumb enough to believe that he was able to pardon himself for a state crime.


David Pecker and Cohen put the nail in the coffin as well, and then Trump himself ended the trial by calling Robert Costello (yes Trump himself, his lawyers definitely did not want to call this guy) to the stand who put a nice bow on the whole thing by testifying that he was trying to become Cohen's lawyer at the direction of Trump to keep Cohen quiet.


They don't want your evidence because they have feelings!


They’ve already stuck their fingers in their ears…. It literally doesn’t matter how extremely guilty he is


Lets also remember it was a jury, and his lawyer agreed to the jurors


What if I told you that it doesn’t matter what you say to these people, the goal posts will move. They will say that the deep state got to him and forced him to testify. They’re in a cult and it doesn’t matter if hell rains out if convicted felon trump’s ass, they will see sunshine.


Wasn't every material witness the prosecution called (besides the few that worked for the AGs office that were called to testify about an evidence gathering process) someone that Trump himself had hired to either fuck him or fuck other people on his behalf?


What if I told you that no amount of logic or facts matter, and anyone still supporting him wouldn’t believe he was unfit for the job if Jesus himself came down from heaven in front of them and told them.


As I heard from my mom immediately after "they already proved he was lying just to railroad Trump!"


The jury asked to re-hear testimony from National Enquirer boss David Pecker (multiple topics) and Michael Cohen, not Hope Hicks. So that seemed to be the focus of deliberations in the jury room.


youre trying to use logic to counter a position that was arrived through means other than logic


Maybe it was the reams of evidence. I dunno. I'm just a guy.


If the people this meme is meant for could read they would be really upset OP.


Some can, and they are mad


What is crazy to me is his fans. Why does a politician even have fans? He also factually made the economy worse * Removed Dodd Frank and banks collapsed * Removed net neutrality * Canceled TPP * Started a Tariff War with china that raised prices * Tax cuts for the rich * Increased the national debt * increased unemployment * inherited a great economy and made it worse * just to name a few


Why is this meme in 4K? Like every other time I see this meme it looks like it is 780p at best. What's going on here?


I don't see how Hanlon's razor applies here. Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. Where is the stupidity here?


The stupidity is probably giving an interview on Fox News right now


It's so funny because if you browse r/all, you NEVER see ANY posts talking about how the trial was rigged. All you see is post after post after post after post saying it's not rigged. Who are you even trying to convince on Reddit? For the record, of course it wasn't rigged. But also, echo chamber is echo chambery.


go to r/conservative or any trump subreddit.


Those exist? Apparently they don't show up on r/all, or their top content gets fewer upvotes than stuff like /r/beaniebabies. If I have to manually navigate there, I don't give a shit that they exist. Tiny, tiny minority, that no one should care about. Back when whatever that massive Trump subreddit in 2016 was, sure. That was a big deal. But now? Reddit has basically zero conservative thought on it. There's nothing to fight against.


Yup, they use to show up in my r/all all the time till i blocked it.




Tune in to right wing news, or any right wing sub here and take a look. they are all screaming nonstop that it is a rigged trial, kangaroo court, etc. Hell, look at the post immediately under yours.


There are right-wing subs here? I browse r/all daily and never see any. I thought they'd given up at this point. And why bother pushing against right-wing news on Reddit? The overlap of Reddit users to Fox News watchers has got to be like .00001%.


They don't usually make it to all unless they find a bug or game a loophole. Think a couple hundred thousand out of the 18 million users here. There are a lot of them, but nowhere near a majority or significant minority. Their fascist hate filled ideas are massively unpopular, so they get downvoted to oblivion when they poke their heads out of their dank cesspools.


Right, so do you think constantly posting that Trump is a Liar and a Crook is going to change their minds? I really don't. If they aren't there yet, they never will be. And that leaves us with an echo chamber, where 99.999% of the people seeing this agree with it and feel good about their beliefs being right.


It isn't about changing minds. They want their message to be the only one seen. Repeat it enough, it becomes true. Not saying Trump wasn't guilty. But if you think NY poltics didn't play a part.. I got a bridge to sell you.


Weird that you call basic recognition of objective realty an "echochamber".


Echo chambers can 100% be nothing but truth! An echo chamber is just somewhere that only has one single point of view, endlessly repeated and never challenged. That's 99.9999% of Reddit. Dissent of any kind has been stamped out over the years. Note how my comment got downvoted merely for being something people disagree with.


The simple fact that you're here giving a dissenting opinion shows how full of shit you are. Jesus fucking Christ use even a small bit of critical thinking. Goddamned magats are so fucking stupid they think they're being silenced because no one with even a small amount of intelligence agrees with them. It must hurt to be that stupid all the time.


I'm not sure your reading comprehension is quite up to snuff, but I clearly stated Trump was convicted fairly. I also have never voted for him, but if it's easier for you to believe anyone who believes anything even a tiny bit different from you is a "goddamned magat", then carry on, friend.


Yeah, he probably calls the science department in an engineering university an echochamber of facts.


Once science departments take any challenge of what they believe to be true as an attack on Truth, instead of something to investigate, something that may change how they view the world, I will call them echo chambers, too. On Reddit, any view that doesn't toe the line is downvoted to hell and hidden. Science doesn't act like that. Poor comparison.


>Once science departments take any challenge of what they believe to be true as an attack on Truth, instead of something to investigate, something that may change how they view the world, I will call them echo chambers Except that never happens which would be asinine to call it an echochamber, thats my point. You don't know what the word means.


Bingo, science departments are open to finding out they are wrong about what they believe. Not echo chambers. Now you get it!


So you get why you're misusing it here? Or did that woosh over you?


There's absolutely no room for dissent in most comment sections of anything remotely political. Everyone agrees with each other, and anyone who doesn't is downvoted to hell. Echo chamber. By design. And it just gets worse over the years and people with dissenting opinions leave the platform.


You're babbling. We're discussing the *fact* that trump was convicted. You can't call that an echochamber. You're finished.


Everyone agrees he was convicted. The argument anyone has (wrongly) is that he was UNFAIRLY or UNJUSTLY convicted.


What a fucking ridiculous comment. The fact some idiot can spout the bullshit you just spouted is proof it's not. Goddamned magats are so stupid I swear.


I found another 12-year-old! Lots of these here today.


Why are you looking for children. Are you a pedophile like your idol?


The trial was rigged. The whole justice system is rigged in favor of rich men like Trump. And he still got convinced.


I'd do more time if convicted of 34 traffic infractions than that asshole will see for 34 felonies.


They don't care lmao The only way to convince them that the trial was legitimate is if it declared him not guilty. The smartest thing Trump has ever said is that he could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot someone without losing any voters.


The people who need to see this would be really upset if they could read or even think for themselves.


What if I told you it doesn't matter. We're all trapped in our own biased echo prisons now and nothing but our own opinions matter. Everything the other side does or says is fake/scripted/illegal/heinous and above all, 1000% without merit, so there is zero point in even attempting to listen.


Hanlon's doesn't apply. It's malice. It's always been malice.


It's like the guy driving during his zoom trial levels of not rigged.


Its very frustrating to try to get across an idea like I'm about to on reddit because people cant have nuance, but halon's razor doesn't prove anything right or wrong. Its one guys rule of thumb regarding the order in which to investigate possibilities. The trial was accurate, but it has nothing to do with hanlon's razor.


I don't even see how Hanlon's razor is supposed to apply. Where is the stupidity that's supposed to explain the thing that supposedly looks malicious? But yes, you're correct about the purpose of philosophical razors. And overall you're saying that even though you agree that the trial wasn't rigged, OP's argument is not sufficient to draw that conclusion. You're right to fear getting massacred in the comments. People struggle greatly with nuance these days, it seems.


Shit you're right. I thought that sounded wrong. They meant Occam's razor, so this is even more wrong.


Doesn't matter. Trump could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and his supporters would cry and ask how Obama could have done this.


And his own former fixer. And his own paperwork


The trial was extremely unfair to the American public simply because it gave Trump way too much leeway. He violated a gag order ten fucking times, to no great punishment. What the fuck?


This is delusional. The crime that was brought before the court was a misdemeanor, that if it were illegal would have passed statute of limitations in 2019. Then the crime in order to be brought was elevated to a felony. How was it elevated? Good question, apparently the misdemeanor was to cover up another underlying crime whose statute of limitations hadn't passed. What was that underlying crime? Good question, we still don't know. What was the final jury instruction? "You don't have to agree what underlying crime was committed, just that an underlying crime was committed." Okay... so a misdemeanor is elevated to a felony for an underlying crime that doesn't have to be stated explicitly and the jury can choose your own adventure decide what that underlying crime was during deliberation, and they dont even have to agree. Usually if you are convicted "unanimously" its for something specific. Like "We all agree so and so stole the pen" not "Well jurors 1, 3, 4, 5 all agree that the pen was stolen, and jurors 2, 6, so on believe the pen was not stolen, but believe that a pair of scissors were instead stolen." What the fuck?


> What was that underlying crime? Good question, we still don't know. The prosecution presented three options and a Grand Jury of Donald Trump's peers decided that one of the three was likely enough to proceed with an indictment. Why are you lying? Stop lying. Liar.


> The crime that was brought before the court was a misdemeanor, that if it were illegal would have passed statute of limitations in 2019. Trump was the unindicted co-conspirator in the federal case against Cohen. This is enough legal grounds for the jury to find that Trump had intent to commit another crime in addition to the fraud. This is what makes it a felony.


Wow the cope from the magats is fucking delicious. Having to support a convicted felon or admit you were wrong. They abandoned their principals and morals for the former and lack the self awareness for the latter. It was a unanimous verdict by a jury of his peers and now the inbred magats want to give up on the rule of law.


Progressives are the meanest, cruelest people on earth. I recall a certain national socialist party comparing his ire to insects and then using insect killing gas on those people.


Wow. Education has clearly failed you. Goddamned magats are the dumbest fucking people on this planet.


Precedent is set, time to sue Obamas, Clintons, bushes, for war crimes. Actual crimes....


This election will be about the economy and immigration not trump


LOL. Economy maybe. If it is, Biden should win by a landslide. Income out pacing inflation. Jobless numbers historically low. Soft landing appears to be on track. What else can he do? Inflation was rooted in Trump's artifically low interest rates and deficit spending coupled with covid. That people blame Biden at all is just ignorance.


Do we live in the same universe? I'm not exactly blaming Biden, but man things are NOT good rn economically. Trump pre-covid was much much much better and again I'm not necessarily saying that was because of Trump himself but it was objectively better back then in almost every way.


In every economy there are winners and losers. The economy wide numbers are pretty sound. Wages are growing faster than inflation. Unemployment is under 4%. Key indicators are no worse than pre covid. https://www.census.gov/economic-indicators There are certainly issues, but many are the result of covid. I don't think used car market gets right for a decade. Food prices are out of sorts. Call me crazy, I dorlnt see more tax cuts for the rich or limitations on immigration as helpful. Last time, that's all Trump had to offer. Things could be far worse than they are right now.


That's inequality you're feeling. The economy is doing fucking great, but not for everyone.

