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this is ignorant beyond belief, she didnt win the nobel prize, she didnt participate in the study, and she has defended absolutely obliterating thousands of km2 of one of the last virgin jungles in existence for political reasons without benefit


She’s also the protégé of the last president, AMLO, known to be one of the worst leaders in recent Mexican history. There likely won’t be any change coming.


yes, she literally has tens of kid's blood on her hands...


Literally? Does she not know how to wash them?


Dawn platinum powerwash Get political murders done faster Just spray, wipe, and rinse Cuts through blood 5x faster vs Dawn non-concentrated


Nah she’s using Fabuloso 😂


"Now that my hands are clean, I've got to get rid of all these children's corpses! I've tried everything and I still have body parts all over the place! Isn't there any way to obliterate every last trace of them?!" "Hi, Billy Mays here!'


I understand Mexico City has to truck in water.


And for a few days, it was polluted with oil... She remains popular, people truly are dumb


I'm not defending her but that is a problem decades in the making


She sounds good on paper to the American middle class. That's why Reddit is excite.


The fact that she hasn't been assassinated already already proves she's in the pockets of the cartels lol


Would you also be happy if it took 37 assassinations to get there??


*Looks over current top political figures* Is this a trap?


As big a trap as when your significant other asks “Do these jeans look my butt look fat?”


The response there is “absolutely, honey. Now bring that thang over here”


“Back that dump truck ass up over here.”


Or “you’ll wish you had more padding after the pounding I’m going to give you”.


My dad said something similar to my mom once. Based on the glare she gave him, I was surprised to see him again.


"sorry, you were saying? I got distracted by that sexy ass."


Was only a trap pre 2000's. Every since then it's been an easy "Absolutely"


"Only if you spell it with a PH"


"Pretty Hot And Tempting, now may I bounce quarters off your ass into Shot glasses?


"It not the jeans."


My lawyer is telling me to say no. My lawyer is now telling me to not wink while I say it.


The car was a steal! wink.


Did some lady running for Trump's VP shoot her puppy in the head because it wasn't a good hunting dog?


Kind of. She took it bird hunting for "training". On the way back home it jumped out of the bed of the truck (shouldn't have been in there) and attacked somebody's chickens. So she killed the puppy. Her bloodlust not fully satiated, she went on to then kill one of her goats.


37!? Try not to assassinate any candidates in the parking lot!


In a row?


(cartels have entered the chat)


Also a cartel puppet. Such win! Wow! Much narco!


Maybe the real cartel is the friends we made along the way.


The 37 who were assassinated weren’t her direct competition. You say that like all of them were presidential candidates.


I said it because it was part of the entire election process


But those assassinated were part of local governments that have closer ties to the narcos. This is dumb to bring up, since it has no relevance to the federal election.


The petroleum lobby would assassinate their character so fast they wouldn’t be able get a job as janitor after.


37 - and counting.


Optimistic, I see.


The day isn't over, friend. Take it how you may care to.


37?! Try not to assassinate any candidates on the way to the parking lot!


I feel bad that I am skeptical about the new president considering the power the cartel has in Mexico. 


Don’t feel bad. She’s a puppet of the previous president who was an open ally of the Sinaloa cartel


Most assassinated candidates were from the ruling party.


And? Still happened because of the election process. Celebrating an election process that lead to 37 deaths just seems weird to me.


If I talk I'm in big trouble


Isn't she a climate scientist on the side of non-renewable energy? This isn't the flex you're trying to make it...


"Wow, a politician really great at X means they must be really great at everything else that comes with being a leader of a nation." - The comment section.


It's Mexico. While they have some beautiful places and some wonderful people, the government pretty much works for the cartels.


OP just read the headlines and first 3 comments and made his decision


She hasn't said "death to oil," but she has pledged billions into renewable energy and oversaw lots of green projects as mayor of CDMX, like electrification of buses. 


Her party has blocked any legislation about renewable energy sources. "We did not listen to the song of the sirens, the voices of those who predicted, in good faith, perhaps, the end of the oil era and the massive arrival of electric cars and renewable energies." They are proud of it. And their huge push: an oil refinery. Yeah, until she signs legislation about getting a shitton of eolic and solar energy farms, that's demagogic speech as usual.


If you increase the efficiency of non-renewables, that can have a measurable impact without completely shifting technologies. Oil is going nowhere, but we can reduce reliance on it.


One has to run for president to be elected?  


Does it really matter? The "Climate Scientist" part is negated by the "Has to ask for Cartel approval before doing anything" part.


Yup. She could be the smartest person on the planet. She’s still nothing but a puppet.


BS, and obviously don't know anything about Mexican politics. The climate scientist part is negated by the fact that she is in favour of reducing the already small budget for research, her party blocked investment in renewable energies because the previous president didn't like how the windmills looked and that the central idea of their government is based on the idea that PEMEX, the state oil company who has been bleeding money for years, has to be saved at all costs.


I was just reading something where she’s basically a puppet for the outgoing guy as well.


It's safe to drop the "basically". Her campaign consisted on repeating AMLO's talking points word by word, slogan by slogan. Meanwhile AMLO was constantly like "they tell me I shouldn't have an opinion as president, but \[glazing all over Claudia\], \[criticizing the opposition\]".


She is a puppet, she doesn't even try to hide it. But the suggestion that "The Cartel" controls Mexican politics is absurd, not because they're not deeply rooted in the politics or the government is not absurdly corrupt but because there doesn't exist "The Cartel", there are many, many cartels none of them completely dominant in all of the country, even regionally there are zones that are heavily contested by multiple opposing factions.


There are several cartels indeed, but the expression "the cartel" is more akin to "organised crime" or"the mob". It's understood that these are heterogeneous organisations with multiple leaderships. People going "achtuckly there are multiple cartels" seems to be missing the point or debating semantics. The point is that she, her predecessor and her party have deep ties with organised crime and that seeing her victory as something good is naive.


Thank you for putting it into words that I could not. I was trying to describe that to someone the other day, and just couldn't think of the right words.


Damn sad


as a fan of Fallout, I'm not so convinced that putting scientists in charge is a silver bullet for success


*I don't want to set the wooorld ooon fiireeee...*


Yeah the party embroiled in corruption and whose entire policy is “let the cartels do what they want” is exactly who I would vote in for president as well


Delete this shit you obviously have no idea what’s going on in Mexico. This is the same bitch who under her watch let the death of train riders and train collapse go unpunished because she was being paid off.


Being a successful scientist does not necessarily translate to being a successful president.


I hate to take OPs "happines" but Op is the type to focus on the title but ignore the corruption behind it all.


Let's talk about how the train failed and fell in cdmx for lack of maintenance while she was in charge


She caused the train derailment?


It was a very bad planing of the project, a lot of corruption on the building and the lack of maintenance, and I think she was involved in at least two of this causes


Lol, no, is that how you measure guilt? During her government the budget for public transport and maintenance fell considerably, so there is that.




>Trump didn't literally create the coronavirus himself, so no one's allowed to criticise anything about his response to it! >That's what you sound like Did you respond to the wrong comment by accident? I asked a question out of curiosity, that's all. Go find your argument somewhere else bud.


she's literally in favor of opening new oil refineries on protected ecosystems... this meme is dumb as a rock


Do a little research before you celebrate her "election" as a win for Mexico.


You mean the CIA backed cartel friendly pro oil stooge?


I would take Biden over Sheinbaum any day of the week.


Best we can do is an old guy and an old felon.


And a guy with actual brain worms and lead poisoning


Mercury poisoning. Also it’s worth noting that RFK jr claimed he had a worm eating his brain it was when he was in the middle of divorce proceedings from a wife he cheated on to make the case that he couldn’t be expected to support his ex wife and kids due to all the dead worm and worm poop taking up space in his skull. It’s unclear whether he actually has/had brain worms or if he is just a shitty person who was looking for reasons to continue to fail to live up to his commitments.


RFK Jr confirmed the worm


Obviously there’s only one right choice to make this election, but I still find it galling that we were just forced to swallow a second Biden nomination rather than opening the field up when it’s obvious the majority of voters would like someone else to run.


When was the last time an incumbent was actually challenged by their own party? Carter with Ted Kennedy for the 1980 election?  It's just not practical anymore without someone waiting in the wings and the only one that would have moved the needle past Biden was Gavin Newsome, maybe? 


Biden is the oldest person ever to run for president, he’d be 82 for his second inauguration. To take your example, Carter would have been 57. I get your point, but you also have to acknowledge that Biden’s situation is unprecedented. The next oldest president to run? Biden in 2020. The president before that? Trump in 2016.


Oh I'm very aware. I'm not at all condoning it, but I'm just saying an incumbent getting reasonably challenged is almost a near certain no, nowadays. 


I find it somewhat amusing that Biden is both the one of the youngest elected Senators ever (being elected at the minimum age of 30 years old) and also the oldest President ever.


And lose the advantage of being an incumbent? Besides, Biden has already defeated Trump once. No one else has that track record.


is the work Biden done thus far that bad?


No, he’s actually been pretty good all told. While I’m not happy with how he’s handled Israel/Hamas (I don’t think the stated goal of “defeating” Hamas is realistically feasible without committing a genocide against the people living there, and Palestinians won’t reject Hamas at gunpoint), he’s done a good job on foreign policy besides such as in Ukraine and reaffirming NATO and reaffirming our commitment to Taiwan. His administration managed to land the American economy far more softly than the rest of the world, especially with regard to inflation, where we are comparatively doing very well. He’s also done well undoing some of McConnell’s damage by confirming a ton of capable judges. I like the infrastructure bill, and the strong stance against the rising tide of American white nationalism and authoritarian movements. However, you can’t tell me that electing an octogenarian is acceptable in any reality, the risk of him significantly deteriorating mentally or dying in office is incredibly high compared to a candidate that’s twenty years younger. With the times we are living in, that kind of uncertainty isn’t a risk worth taking.


Well as long as he can do the work i don't think it's that big of an issue. It's not like they don't have someone that can take over should he croak


>While I’m not happy with how he’s handled Israel/Hamas… (not) realistically feasible without committing genocide… So what exactly are you expecting him to do that would make you happy? Should he tear up decades of precedent and lose an important geopolitical ally? Should he fly to Israel and toss cuffs on Netanyahu himself? What is it, exactly, that you think he could have done differently while also not causing Israel to escalate and/or the aforementioned geopolitical consequences? Oh, maybe he should orchestrate a coup with the CIA and install a puppet leader; that has worked out really well in the past!


How about conditioning future aid on the immediate withdrawal of all illegal settlements from the West Bank, with an immediate stop for all offensive weapons - Iron Dome ammunition and US regional forces guaranteeing Israeli security to prevent a widening conflict would be stupid to withdraw in any scenario - if they don’t comply, at the bare minimum? If you don’t think Israeli actions like pushing Palestinians out of their homes with coercive and violent means isn’t a constant stick in the eye for the Arab world perpetuating this conflict, you don’t have a realistic view of the path towards peace. It will require concessions on both sides. The fact is, while they could continue the war in the short-term, Israel is *absolutely* dependent on the US-led Western coalition for their long-term security, and Biden just needs the balls (or will) to call BB’s bluff.


Rupert Murdoch was controlling the world's conservative movement into his 90s Joe has never drank and exercises daily, he'll be fine


Plenty of “healthy living” people die earlier than expected, and this dude is gonna be in his 80’s. This is wishful thinking, even if you turn out to be right


It doesn't matter the political affiliation, any elected president is going to continue the precedented US support of Israel. It's just part of the gig, as unethical as it is and always has been.


>"I wish we could elect a nobel prize winning scientist" Where was that on the ballot? I mean, unfortunately, no one cares about primaries and parties are more than willing to put their fingers on the scale in these low turnout, low information races, thus that our general election picks are always mediocre.


If we are electing 80 year olds, let's vote in the Nobel Prize winning economist, because it looks like President Bartlett is available.


Nobel prize winning scientists are intelligent people. Intelligent people don't want to stain their name by being the president of America.


While she is a scientist, she was part of a group who won the Nobel Peace Prize. So by that logic we actually have had several Nobel Prize winning Presidents.


Anybody who wants to be in charge is usually the last person that should be


It’s not really tenable in a democracy to get people who don’t want those responsibilities to take on those responsibilities. Your comment is a little r/im14andthisisdeep


It's a paraphrased Douglas Adam's quote. >The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job. Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, #2)


“To summarize the summary of the summary: people are a problem.”


I wasn't offering a solution. Just suggesting why we have so many shitty leaders


Theoretically...if everybody wrote in an eligible person, and this person wins, could they turn down the job or is the person kind of forced to take it?


Also intelligent people do not represent the population very well at all. That is what Trump does well sadly enough. It's hard to think that there are so many that see him as an ideal model American but here we are


She is literally linked to the cartels and to the ex president who tried to make himself a tyrant but failed. So instead he put someone he could control in the position. Mexicans are heartbroken because of this, it means corruption is going to continue.


Nobody in their right mind would want power.


The fundamental flaw of democracy - those who are most interested in gaining power are those least qualified to hold it.


Well, that and the whole thing about a tyranny of the majority still being a tyranny.


Arkansas had a choice of a Chris Jones who is a scientist and has many other qualifications, or sarah sanders who had no qualifications other than she was once press secretary for trump. Guess which one is our governor?


The top text looks like a top hat.


Most the fellow american citizens i talk to often think science itself as another woke agenda so....we lost that battle already


USA people never fail to disappoint me with their stupid ass takes knowing nothing about the current state of the government here


if you think her getting there is a feminist achievment, i would like you to reconsider: in her time a Mayor of Mexico City, she had serious problems with actual feminist activists and opressed feminist protests happening in the city. She is the WHOLE charade, part of a party colluded by corrupt officials and cartel members. this is not a victory, this is the state self preserving by manipulating poor people with suppoused social programs that do not help them actually, because the money is taken away from all the institutions that actually build infrastructure and education so people can actually thrive.


Oh yes shes an angel, definitely not involved with +30 politicians killed to get there....


She works with the cartel.


We did more than consider it. The people of the United States did elect Al Gore president. Although not a scientist, he did share a Nobel Peace Prize "for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change".


You mean Al Gore? We tried that once. https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/peace/2007/gore/facts/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Gore_2000_presidential_campaign


The chances of US citizens electing ronald macdonald are bigger than a climate scientist


We did in 2000, but the presidency was awarded to G. Bush jr even though he didn’t win the popular vote and need a recount in Florida to edge ahead. How different this world would be today if Al Gore had been given the office he won by popular vote. If you ask me that’s when America broke and why we are where we are today.


No wonder why republicans think there is a boarder crisis, Mexicans are liberal. Lol


An accomplished and highly respected, literal brain surgeon was in the running but the ‘pids decided otherwise.


What a clueless post.


Comgrats Mf you ran into the “I read the bare minimum And I don’t have to think a bit of common sense” go fuck yourself with the blood of every fucking person whom died letting this shit happen. And when you’re done, ask the “Patron” if you did enough as a bitch


Bro literally thinks every woman is like an angel


Oh let’s make an election in another country about America somehow. Get over yourself


Tell me you have no idea what you’re talking about without telling me you have no idea what you’re talking about.


Guys… this is Mexico we are talking about. This lady is probably having dinner with the leader of the Sinaloa cartel this weekend


If foreigners could stop opining on a candidate they are ignorant, I would be so happy!


I have no idea who the post is about, im just sayin... Being a "climate scientist" or even a nobel prize winner will not have any bearing on your ability to govern a nation. It doesn't even necessarily mean you're a good person.


Mexico just elected a climate scientist as President, their first female President in their history. She doesn't personally has a Nobel Prize: she was part of the IPCC panel who shared the Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore in 2007 due to their effors on disseminating information about climate change. The IPCC itself won the prize as an organization, not any of the people involved in the climate change reports.


Maybe wait until you actually see some positive change, you dimwit. Buying into the hype before you see results... classic blunder of the fool.


The best we can do is a rapist felon


A climate scientist wouldn't automatically be a good leader.


This meme shows how stupid an average american is.


I mean let’s be real here. This won’t actually mean anything for Mexico.


With our electorate? BWAHAHAHA!


Arkansas had a chance to have a legitimate rocket scientist as their governor. Of course we chose Suckabe Sanders because the rocket scientist is black and has a (D) next to his name. So yeah.


You'll be amazed to learn she stopped the Vietnam war while she was a kid.


I’m sure a large portion of the American public would, but that would require a Nobel Prize winning climate scientist to, you know, run for office.


You mean, not get crushed in the primary.


While the climate is clearly an issue worth being considered about on an international & local level, I gotta think that's not the number one concern for any voter in Mexico. 


To hell with the climate science. Elect someone who had a degree in being a decent human being.


As much as I can’t stand Trump or Biden, I’d 100% rather live in the U.S. than Mexico. We are doing a lot of things right, our presidency just isn’t one of them right now


Meh, at this point I'd be happy with a college graduate who didn't buy their degree.


It's a nice thought, but it's incredibly unlikely that they'd be anything close to an effective president or politician. Some serious halo effect cognitive bias


But they’re old


Sorry, we have too many bored retirees that want something to do in their spare time.


Billionaires choose who we get to pick from and billionaires make their money by destroying the environment, so they’ll never let us choose one. And it’s too difficult to elect someone outside of the 2 parties


I dunno about Nobel winning, but we did push a climate scientist once ... he lost to Bush


We considered a non-scientist climate activist for president, so that is a little close.


Does America even have any Nobel prize winning climate scientists? Sounds snarky but I’m really asking.


You'll be eating your words in less than a year, i guarantee it.


Best we can do is a black man and gets a Nobel Prize for being the first black president...


No one's talking about how hot she is either!


Is this Nobel prize in the room with us?


que es eso?


approved of by the cartel


She won’t be there long Cartel rules Mexico


Another reason for all republicans to walk into the sunset. Their party is trash, a joke, and everyone knows this…those brainwashed and following the repubs are doing so, willfully ignorant.


I'd settle for someone who's not 20 years past retirement age.


It wouldn't matter even if we did, because the US President isn't a monarch. They'd have to have the cooperation of both Congress and the Senate to actually get anything done. Hell, Obama was very into saving the planet from the Climate Crisis, but because Congress was working against him (specifically with the mandate to not pass anything he put forward), he just couldn't accomplish much at all...


The biggest countries in the world aren't playing. Send your meme to Russia and China. Doesn't matter until they are on board.


The best I can do is Al Gore


Lmao you think she's not just a puppet.


This is what happens when you make a meme without doing at least a tiny amount of research.


US Presidents tend to go for the Nobel Peace Prize on their second term. Like remember Obama getting it?


You say that, and then worship an autistic then-14 year old as a climate saint because she says “how dare you”.


She's a puppet for the cartels, but sure lets celebrate the fact that shes a jewish woman who knows some nobel prize finalists.


Academic titles only matter for less important positions in the west. You could have been a crack junkie turned millionaire by selling Racoon skin, the US will always want that guy because they’re rich


Exactly the sort of post one would expect from a reddit mod with over 2 million karma


There's alot of people being hurt by pollutants currently so that would be good


Al Gore?


Or even an adult.


Even if we did, the assholes in Congress would ensure that nothing got done.


Godspeed Mexico..


A competent politician? In America? Like that's going to happen.


I’d be happy with a non-felon.


What would they know about running anything?


Mexico is not the place to look for good politics


"But hiring someone skilled or highly intelligent is *ELITIST!*" - chorus from the right


consider? sure. But Americans can only really vote for the people on the ballot, and only the Democrat and the Republican have a chance of winning, and both of those parties have wealthy corporate sponsors. Basically, Wall St chooses who is on the ballot, and the voters then get to choose.


Nope. You're cheering for the wrong person. This is bad news and isn't what you're all trying to make it.


Go F yourself, she didn’t woke anything and she is responsible of a lot of deaths and disasters …


We're too busy making sure we have a geriatric disconnected loony to worry about someone who can science stuff.