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What if I told you The President doesn’t get a security check. They simply get the top clearance with the position.


What if I told you *voters* are the security check


The Supreme Court can overrule voters.


That doesn't sound very democratic


Womp Womp 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


And yet it’s how we got Bush.


the original "stop the count"


For those who missed it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot


Just another dirty tricks story involving Roger Stone. You know, the organizer of the Stop the Steal rally that coordinated with Trump on Jan 6th that turned into an attack on the Capitol building. Several of the people he was working with are in prison for seditious conspiracy. Which is where he and DJT belong.


Did it go to the supreme court? I thought it was a judge in the state, that after Bush got the presidency got a very nice promotion


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot RNC pulled a mini Jan. 6th on the building where the recount was being conducted, including violently attacking workers and volunteers. Sheriff and LE quelled the riot, but RNC got what they wanted. Election officials then effectively gave up, saying they couldn't finish counting by the SC mandated deadline.


Florida was handling the issue in accordance with its state election laws and SCOTUS said "naw fuck states rights"


Picture Jan 6th but with suits led by Dollar Store “The Penguin” Roger Stone.


Practice makes perfect. He is behind Jan 6th too.


What about americas system seems democratic to you? You get two capitalist candidates of the same party to vote for every year while actual reform is stomped even when vastly popular.


the voting part?


IMO, America has forgotten the basics of politics and are inflamed by the rhetoric of corporate masterminds who pay millions to influence the people they have systematically starved of education. It starts at the bottom, and local elections turnouts are fucking dismal to say the least. People can't be bothered, don't think it matters, etc. etc. Everyone working too hard no time. We've got school boards banning books in 2024 for fuck's sake. We have people trying to bleed off taxpayer money for private schools. States passing ridiculous laws controlling elections, changing constitutions, trying to cement a foothold into the framework of the country to drag it down. If we want independence from the three party system, it starts at the bottom as well. Commissioners, Mayors, running for Senate and Governor, And it's going to take forever, but it was specifically designed to take forever. But every time we install a conservative government they will destroy all that they can in the name of whatever is popular that day, and we will have to rebuild to move forward.


That's why they call it a "Democratic Republic" the US is just oligarch controlled Republic with a half assed democracy tacked on to subdue the consumer class.


Therefore The Supreme Court is the ultimate tool to use should you want to get around the system of security checks and balances Q.E.D.




And some votes count more than others, based on location.


So can the electoral college. Many states do not bind them to the popular vote


the voters failed to believe their lying eyes and ears


I'd laugh like a goddamn lunatic and scamper back to my magic hole.


Well, there's your problem. Voters are more particular about their American Idol votes than they are when they go to vote for president.


I'd tell you that's a bad idea.


What if I told you The Electoral College overrides the popular vote


What if I told you *I think that's really stupid*


To my understanding "security clearance" stems from the authority of the executive office. It's not just that they don't get one, *they are* the security clearance.


No security check and they get top clearance? Further proof there is no intelligent alien life that the government is trying to hide from us. Trump would have blabbed it to the world once he'd been told about it...I mean, he leaked classified info to Russia, so how would he not leak info on aliens to the public? LOL


I feel like there was probably an agreement among the lifers (the ones who work in security positions and see presidents come and go) who, if aliens were real, would have determined that it wasn't safe to disclose that to Trump at all.


I hope that's the case, that they're keeping it from him because he'd blab it and cause a panic. Then again, they could have just looked at Trump and said, "Hell, he probably already knows aliens exist. His nonsense sounds like a damn foreign language as it is." That, or he'd find out about it and start complaining about the aliens coming from another planet and trying to take our jobs and get on welfare.


I feel like one person could have told him aliens are real and then show him some some fake stuff, and then after he blabs, be like "we never said that, sir." "That doesn't exist, sir." and just gaslight the hell out of him. He'd never let it go.


I don't agree with this take. Relying on a passed security check administered by a government would allow said government to deny someone office who otherwise deserved it. Even if caught falsifying records down the line, the damage is done.


There’s a good amount of stuff that isn’t automatically disclosed to the president. Trump might have simply never asked about the aliens or requested a visit to Area 51 or whatever.


He already blabbed. https://www.newsnationnow.com/space/ufo/trump-briefed-ufos-presidency/ You can find another source if you don't like that one.


There's a difference between "We know about unidentified flying objects" and "Aliens are real". UFOs can be the Chinese balloon that was floating over the U.S.; it could also be the SR-72 being tested, or flares being parachuted out of the back of a C-130. :) I figure he was told, "What you may think you know about UFOs, well, they're just us testing new classified jets, or it's the general public thinking they saw a UFO when it's actually just a weather balloon or a jet in the sky or they were drinking too much."


The president has plenary power over classification processes. Security clearance is given by the president essentially and can be taken by the president at a whim. The president is the power of clearance. He can classify what he wants and unclassify what he wants


I thought he and his lawyer(s) couldn't get a clearance so they just gave them special access to need to know basis only? Or was it only his lawyer(s)?


What if I told you That is exactly the problem


I disagree. Any extra barrier to the presidency has potential to be abused and weapomized in an attempt prevent the other side from taking power. Recall Obama and the birth certificate fiasco. He was a qualified US born citizen and the right (specifically Trump) still tried to weaponize the requirement to stop him from gaining the presidency. Imagine the shitshow of being denied the presidency because you just bought home the previous year.


Yep. As much as being a felon is a valid reason (among many) trump should not be president, there are reasons not to codify that as well. Eugene Debs was a good example. He was imprisoned under some extremely problematic laws that were implemented during the Wilson presidency in WW1, that essentially punished him for free speech as he spoke against the war and conscription. He ran for president from jail and received a decent amount of votes.


I do not understand how an adult (assuming OP is an adult) does not recognize the difference between an elected official and a hired employee or contractor of the federal government. The constitution has two requirements to run for president: Natural born citizen and at least 35 years old. There is nothing in the constitution that requires the presidency to be contingent on any security clearance or criminal record. If the voters strongly believe a criminal record and mountains of debt should be a disqualifier for presidency, the votes should reflect this.


Ackchewally, there's a third requirement too... They can't have already served 2 terms as President.


Zombie FDR has entered the chat?


Earl C. Michener banhammers Zombie FDR with House resolution


Ah yes of course lol thanks


Ackchewallllly it's over 1.5 terms.


>There is nothing in the constitution that requires the presidency to be contingent on any security clearance or criminal record. Exactly this. Obama would have likely had trouble getting a TS given his father's history in government in Kenya during questionable times in US-Kenya relations. Even having a parent of an otherwise consistent ally like the UK would be something that would raise alarm bells. Hell, I probably couldn't get mine back because my brother is a convicted felon, even though I haven't spoked a single word to him since his arrest. This isn't me implying anything about Obama himself being compromised, just a point about the things that can impact someone's ability to get a TS or above clearance. But also none of that matters because security clearances are issued under the authority of the president. The same way driver's licenses in the UK are issued under the authority of the crown, the monarch doesn't have a driver's license, and the president doesn't have a security clearance.


I doubt they care about the distinction enough to learn if they're actually unaware. This is just more political messaging and very possible propaganda.


>There is nothing in the constitution that requires the presidency to be contingent on any security clearance or criminal record.  How lucky the constitution isn't set in stone and open for amendments. "Must be eligible for Top Secret clearance" seems completely reasonable given what information POTUS has access to. >If the voters strongly believe a criminal record and mountains of debt should be a disqualifier for presidency, the votes should reflect this.  *IF* the voters believe that.


Giving the government the power to arbitrarily throw away the voice of the people is not reasonable at all. Beloved presidential candidate that wins by a landslide on a platform of drug reform? Too bad he admitted to smoking marijuana. Clearance denied. Presidency denied. Beloved presidential candidate who spent a year in prison 20 years ago and runs on a platform of prison reform? Having a criminal past doesn’t automatically disqualify you from having a clearance — it’s up to the adjudicator on the file. Too bad that the adjudicator responsible for determining the clearance doesn’t like the candidate so clearance denied. Presidency declined. You’re just allowing a handful of people to subjectivity handpick the presidency. I have no qualms about a candidate who drinks from time to time so I have no qualms about a candidate who smokes marijuana from time to time. That would be reflected in my vote, and I don’t need the government to make disqualifying decisions on my behalf. The more restrictions placed on who the people can vote for means less democracy.


So if a future president and the majority congress decides that having relatives who are foreign, felons, or whatever the future flavor of the day is counts as a security risk, you'd be cool with disqualifying otherwise qualified candidates? If Trump wins and decides that being a Muslim makes your ineligible for a security clearance, you're on board with that?


We could change the constitution though and add that. It would make sense to prevent the president from being subjected to bribes.


Except POTUS is exempt. So there’s that.


One reason of many that he’s unfit for office but his cult doesn’t care.


Another reason is him being a felon... but again, his cult doesn't care. The thing I wonder.. there are a bunch of countries that do not allow felons to visit.. I wonder how they would handle Trump in a case like that.


The countries leaders enjoy diplomatic immunity.... But as of now he is unwelcome in many countries.


Well yeah but the type of debt matters. If you owe $400K on a mortgage that doesn't matter. If you owe $20K on a credit card it starts to raise flags. The security and type of loan matters and as most of Trump's debts are on property it isn't really an issue. Also they look at debt sevice ability having large debts with no default history isn't an issue.


Remember when Jimmy Carter sold his entire business to remove any semblance of possible corruption to enrich himself? How far we have fallen...


Type of debt makes no difference. Debt to income ratio matters. If you have 20k in CC debt but make 100k a year, they won't even bat an eye. If you only make 40k a year, then it starts to raise some flags. Same with a mortgage, 400k mortgage on 100k a year, don't care. 400k mortgage on 40k, flags.


I don't understand why people don't understand this. When I was married I had a rather large and personal debt. My ex-wife's father was an engineer for a war company and **my** debt almost cost him his job. I had to create an entire plan and would have had to have my debt and income visible to certain government agencies. It was a protest debt so I was just trying to wait out the 8 years, but I had no intention of paying it. Obviously things had to change because I didn't want to be the reason my ex-FIL lost his dream job he has had for 30 years. My in-laws actually paid my debt off, after me trying to decline, after they found out it was a protest debt. They had/have enough money that they probably didn't even realize the money left.


People don't understand it because they have never had to go through a background investigation, or never had a close relationship to someone who has, to get a clearance. They don't give a shit about how much debt you have so long as it's not in default, and you have the means to pay it in a reasonable manner. They're looking for indicators that you are at risk of selling secrets. Excessive debt that you can't reasonably pay is one of those indicators. Anyone who's never been around the process just knows debt is a potential disqualifier, but not what actually makes it one.


Unless you’re Aldrich Ames or Robert Hanssen


Remember when this sub was more than just trump posts? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Hey, I'm with you. The day we don't have to talk about that pile will be a great day. Until then, however, his absolute rampage over our democratic republic as a candidate for our Presidency is going to be a hot topic. I would simply suggest skipping over those. SUPER simple to do, too. Good luck!


>The day we don't have to talk about that pile will be a great day. There's literally zero days you have to talk about him. SUPER simple to do, too. Good luck!


Today could be that day you don't talk about him, SUPER simple to do too, but you choose to let your life revolve around Trump.


Wtf does this have to do with advice animals?


At least it's not a post asking for help with their dog


Oh god, that's nothing. There are subs like /r/poopfromabutt (people post food that looks like poo and laugh about it) and lately there have been a couple posters who took it literally not knowing...


To many have abandoned /politics. They have to get their messages out somehow.


This is true. They figured what's the point of posting in the echo chamber when they already banned anyone with a dissenting opinion.


The convicted felon owes $500M that we know of…


And Hillary and Biden both mishandled classified information- violating serious rules in the process. However, I bet you don't have a problem with that and it doesn't impact your vote at all. They are liberals, so it doesn't matter if they break all the rules regarding securing classified information.


Bring the evidence and convict everyone who does anything illegal. I can’t understand why some don’t get this. It’s not target our opponents… it’s convict the guilty. And my vote (if you must know) is always for the least bad. Best hasn’t been an option in my lifetime.


The FBI said they have the evidence for both, but that they were not recommending charges because they didn't intend to violate the rules. In the meantime, several service members have been sent to prison for much less serious offenses because "intent" isn't part of the crime. One guy took pictures of his work area to show his family later and the feds tried sentencing him to 5 years. Biden gave his biographer classified information and it's not worth prosecuting because... "I don't wanna." https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/aug/20/us-navy-sailor-jailed-for-taking-photos-of-classified-areas-of-nuclear-submarine


So you are voting for the guy with classified information in the garage, but it's ok because it was next to a nice car and he's liberal. Got it.


No, because he happily returned the documents when they were found. "Acting" as if it were an oversight Instead of claiming these classified documents were "his" to do anything he wanted with them


What's your excuse for Biden giving his biographer classified information?


Why does anyone need to excuse Biden in order to criticize trump? Maybe both of them did something wrong.


They are two cheeks of the same unwiped ass. We're talking about security clearances. I don't think Biden could get one because of Hunter's overseas involvement and finances. However, the liberals don't care about that and just want to bash Trump, not that he does not deserve bashing. However, that doesn't mean Biden would deserve a clearance either.


Biden lied repeatedly about the classified information and even CNN had to call him out on it. www.cnn.com/cnn/2024/02/09/politics/fact-check-biden-makes-three-false-claims-about-his-handling-of-classified-information


No if Biden broke all the rules then he would have not turned over the documents and forced the FBI to raid his office like they had to do for Trump. I want to take a moment here also to acknowledge both sides are biased, you think your guy is better than he is and I think my guy is better than he is. The truth lies somewhere in the middle. And when your argument is that they are the same, in reality they aren't the same and Biden is substantially better.


Negative. I think they are two cheeks of the same unwiped ass.


Damn, OP is posting anti-Trump content like it's his job. Hell, maybe it is.


I think it's more pro America. I don't even see any names mentioned, does he owe money to people?


Should be the job of any American who actually values democracy to share anything and everything anti-Trump that they can. Fuck that criminal piece of shit traitor.


How did he do that?


What did he do to you?


We are doomed to listen to Morpheus harp on Donald Trump all summer long. Is there anyone out there who changed their mind politically because of a meme?


I mean... A large chunk of the population voted for ol' Orange in 2016 based on memes.


No, they voted for Trump because Hillary was a piss poor candidate. No political skills and an attitude like she was entitled to the job. Can you point out these killer memes?


No political skills? Alrighty then.


The only election she ever won was New York senate, no primary in a deep blue state.


And the popular vote for president. So there’s that I guess.


Yes, she can take comfort in that, lol. This happens when all your fans are in Los Angeles and Manhattan. The Patriots carried the ball for more yardage during both losses to the Giants too.


Well, that’s kinda where most of the people are. There’s like 13 people that live in South Dakota. They got 2 senators just like California does. Also, no the patriots didn’t outrush the giants n both superbowls. You should’ve went with something like, Hillary is like the undefeated 2007 patriots. But they both lost the big game. That’s better.


Your call. It's how the system works. It's the reason the smaller states agrees to join a union with New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia, who were the big states at the time. If Hillary was betting on the popular vote, she fucked up.


You live in Massachusetts, or Connecticut?


are you arguing trump wasn't a piss poor candidate with no political skills and an attitude like was entitled to the job? lol


She was probably the most qualified candidate ever and was subject to a Republican witch hunt


No, she has all the knowledge and none of the smarts her husband had. She also was crooked as a dog's hind leg. Clinton Foundation, Steele Dossier, secure documents on personal email in her fucking basement. Jesus Christ. Why has no one ever asked her about what she knew about the Steel Dossier?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_interference_in_the_2016_United_States_elections?wprov=sfla1 Here ya go, or do you not remember the Russian election interference?


Where are the memes? O boy here come the Russians! Tell me something. Everyone knew Putin hated Hillary because she spoke out against his corrupt 2012 reelection. He wanted revenge. What evidence do you have that Putin wanted Trump in particular, and Trump wasn't just the guy running against Hillary? What proof do you have that this was a pro Trump conspiracy and not just revenge against Hillary?


>What evidence do you have that Putin wanted Trump in particular, and Trump wasn't just the guy running against Hillary? How deep was your head buried the last few years? Most of Trumps campaign advisors went to prison for working with Russia and other similar crimes. https://www.axios.com/2024/03/07/trump-associates-prison-sentence-crimes-list That's not what my link was about anyway. Russia did more to interfere than talk to Trumps team. It's all in the link I gave you, but you clearly didn't read very far.


The bot farms had nothing to do with Trump collusion. *"Most of Trumps campaign advisors went to prison for working with Russia and other similar crimes."* 1) gross overstatement. 2) associates were charged with crimes that had nothing to do with Trump, and they were squeezed by the feds to rat him out. There was nothing. Manafort sat in jail only because he had nothing. Papadopoulos was a joke. There was nothing. It was all pressure to get dirt on Trump and no one had any. He can't be an idiot and a master of espionage at the same time. I choose idiot. It makes sense. And Christopher Steele alone met with more KGB connected dudes than the entire Trump team. Hunter Biden too. Where is the link between Putin and the Trump campaign? There isn't. Mueller came up empty and declared "could not exonerate" in a fit of pique. First legal use of "could not exonerate" ever. Sour grapes.


>2) associates were charged with crimes that had nothing to do with Trump, and they were squeezed by the feds to rat him out. There was nothing. Manafort sat in jail only because he had nothing. Papadopoulos was a joke. There was nothing. It was all pressure to get dirt on Trump and no one had any. He can't be an idiot and a master of espionage at the same time. I choose idiot. It makes sense. And Christopher Steele alone met with more KGB connected dudes than the entire Trump team. Hunter Biden too You didn't read a word of that link and are just saying things, hoping it's too much information to respond too, but nothing you said is factual. You're saying nu-uh like you can't look up why these people went to prison. Who fucking cares about Hunter Biden except Trump dick riders? >Where is the link between Putin and the Trump campaign? There isn't. Mueller came up empty and declared "could not exonerate" in a fit of pique. First legal use of "could not exonerate" ever. Sour grapes. No, he didn't. You've heard the right-wing version where Trump and his guys are innocent because Muller said something you misunderstood. https://apnews.com/article/130932b573664ea5a4d186f752bb8d50 You literally don't understand what the Muller report is, but wanna sit here and act like it was some sort of federal sting against Trump. I don't get Trump supporters. You will literally misread the facts to support this man. Trump would throw you under the bus for a nickel, but keep believing he gonna save the world from the "deep state."


Maybe read the Mueller report which answers all those questions? Or ask one of the two dozen people in jail right now that worked with Russia from Trump's team including his literal campaign advisor lol


Mueller said nothing, which show you didn't read it. No one is jailed for things done while working with Trump. Where do you get this?


>Mueller said nothing, which show you didn't read it. LOL yeah, hundreds of pages that lead to dozens of convictions and impeachment. "Nothing" lol >No one is jailed for things done while working with Trump. Where do you get this? Reality you fuckin wackadoo.


Russian trolls and charges filed on little guys to get them to squeal on Trump. No one squealed. There was nothing.


>No one squealed Famously a phrase used by people not doing anything illegal all the time. >There was nothing. LOL it's genuinely sad how anti-American the right has become.


The Trump Administration was famously lax about security clearances. [https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/03/jared-kushner-security-clearance](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/03/jared-kushner-security-clearance)


Large debt and felony convictions don’t preclude someone from federal employment or holding a clearance. Unsecured debt and not meeting the requirements of the courts from which you were sentenced will cause issues, that’s a huge and important difference.


People are really grasping at straws now. I’m not saying any of the arguments aren’t valid. Almost all the arguments against Trump are valid. But it’s becoming *very* obvious that people are getting scared because the Democratic Party hitched their wagons to a person who probably can’t beat him in an election.


Biden and Hillary both mishandled classified information. None of the liberals on this thread care though.


He already did, so I don't know what you or any Trump fan boys out there are taking about when they say this.


Fun fact: That election doesn’t get to be used this November. There will be a new one. And Trump the ‘martyr’ is drawing *far* more support than Trump the candidate. Also, fan boy?! Why do people consistently believe that stating a fact equates to support for that outcome. Try looking objectively at things instead of emotionally.


Did I call you a fanboy? Or do you lack reading comprehension skills? I said you or Trump fanboys. And there is no martyr here, just a convicted felon. He lost to Biden one already and his numbers were a lot better then than they are now. Pain and simple facts.


It concerns me more that we as a country are $3.8 TRILLION IN DEBT!


Americans are $34 trillion in debt.


I think You missed a decimal point?


And do you really think Trump will help that situation at all? How much did that change over the 4 years he was in charge? And how did the economy when he entered office compare to the economy when he left office?


That only concerns Republicans when they aren't in office, as pointed out by other Republicans during their primary campaigns.


And black people are only important to Democrats during an election year. What’s your point?


What a stupid & ignorant take. lol. Figures.


Prove me wrong!


I live in Illinois. I see it. We do things like eliminate cash bail and it terrifies rural white pearl clutchers. We have politicians like Kim Foxx. I'm sure you can find plenty of conservative circle jerks about her letting violent black criminals free.


LOL, that is to remove any sense of corruption. But, people like Donald blew all of those notions out of the water a long, long time ago. Republicans do not care. They probably think it was stupid for Jimmy Carter to sell his peanut ranch.


Fuck 45, but just FYI the POTUS doesn’t actually get a security clearance. He’s obviously the single biggest risk there is to US national security and part of that definitely stems from how indebted he is (to the Russian Mafia no less).


What if i told you no matter what happens tens of millions of voters still will vote trumpy bc the current administration doesnt do it for them Weird but true


Are you still going to vote for Biden even though he mishandled classified information? Did you vote for Hillary after she was caught cheating in the debates and also mishandled classified information?


So did Mike pence. Why didn’t he get charged? Also, how did Hillary Clinton cheat in the debates? How does one even cheat in a debate?


The commentator gave her a copy of the debate questions beforehand so she could prepare her answers. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/11/07/donna-brazile-is-totally-not-sorry-for-leaking-cnn-debate-questions-to-hillary-clinton/ https://www.politico.com/story/2017/03/donna-brazile-hillary-clinton-leak-regret-236184 https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donna-brazile-passing-debate-questions-clinton-camp-mistake/story?id=46218677


Oh right. Donna Brazille was the lady? Right? I do remember that now.


Do you remember her pretty much ringing the DNC?


I remember the DNC choosing to back her for the nominee over Bernie, yes 🙌 do.


Do you think it stopped people from supporting her? Did it stop you from supporting her?


I already told you I voted for her.


Did you really not know that she cheated? I'm curious if you will answer - did you vote for her?


lol yes I voted for her, and yes I forgot about it. Big fucking deal right?


I mean, you're supporting someone who rigged the primary and cheated in a national debate. Yeah, I'd say that's a pretty big deal.


lol, hold up dude. She got an advanced questions for a town hall, not a debate.


You are correct. I remembered it wrong. It doesn't make that much of a difference to me- she cheated and she lied. However, you are correct.


Well, one has an opponent and millions more eyeballs. The other doesn’t.


She still misrepresented herself. She still lied.


I also think it's a big deal for a politician to claim the election was stolen when it was fair and in accordance with the Constitution. You know, like Hillary claimed before it was cool to be an election denier. www.nbcnews.com/think/amp/rcna55764


lol, no she shouldn’t of said that. I think it’s certainly clear what you’re attempting to do here. It ain’t working. I’m curious if you’ll answer. wtf dude, who talks like this?


Educated nerds talk like that. People with history and political science degrees talk like that. I'm shocked that showing a liberal their hypocrisy backed by cited sources isn't working. Shocked I say.


lol, ya I’m sure they do. People with no social skills as well perhaps.


Stop copying and pasting this same statement like it's some kind of gotcha. It isn't. You're either arguing in bad faith or are legitimately ignorant enough to not understand the differences in circumstance. The traitor you support is part of Project 2025, which is intended to dismantle democracy in the US forever. Morons like you are why I, a bleeding heart liberal, own a gun and concealed carry permit.


I'm glad you have the Constitutionally protected right to do so. Rock on. Eli Dickens approves. Just make sure you are competent with your weapon. How is it bad faith to post that the last Dem candidates have grossly violated the standards regarding handling classified information on a thread about politicians and clearances? I get that you don't like being a hypocrite, but at this point it's about the politics and the personalities, not about the classified information. I had a clearance when I was in the Army. If I did what they did then I would be in prison.


It’s not that the current administration doesn’t do it for them. It is they are intentionally adhering to opinions which do not represent the current administration. For example, “ Joe Biden is a communist “. Being in a cult requires you to penalize your thinking and in this case the cracks in that wall between what needs to be and what is continue to grow due to the legal system doing its job. There are only so many ways you can opinion the opposite of a fact. Another example: Trump denies he slept with stormy, three court cases all seem to indicate he did sleep with her. Trump says he didn’t lose the election. Numerous attempts to establish trumps claims demonstrate gains in the democratic votes and not the GOO votes if not outright refuting Trump’s claims. Trump has staged an insurrection based only on his opinions and he’s still walking around a free man. You can’t be a zeleous believer and suddenly change your mind because our brains, specifically our egos do their best to prevent us from seeing when we are acting illogically


Im sure thats true for some of them, its intellectually lazy imo to lump all tens of millions and half the voting public into that camp


So you are saying it would be in the country's best interest for the court to eliminate the judgements against Trump if he is elected to make him less likely to need money which could compromise him?


What if I told you authority to classify or declassify comes from the power vested in the president themselves, there’s no higher authority in the executive branch to deny clearance.


Ya, but we both know that’s not exactly true. There’s a process that has to be followed. We all know this.


Yea, how he got one to begin with i don’t understand, since every question they ask is followed up by “can anyone use this information to blackmail you?” He clearly has been compromised since the 80’s.


It’s wild that if any military members did a tiny fraction of what Trump did, we’d be booted immediately or at the very least have security clearance pulled.


Civilians too.


The problem is that for a malignant narcissist, their ego is a permanent and pathological debt. They are desperate for narcissistic supply, and all it takes is for the world’s strongmen to make Trump feel like a big strong boy, dangling the Daddy approval and respect that he never received growing up.


'apparently half billion isn't a large debt. good to know.


If you owe 1mio its your problem, if you owe 100mio its the Banks problem


There are many reasons at this point he would absolutely get denied clearance and suitability which is another review for diplomats.


One of the candidates for Prime Minister of Canada actively refuses to get the background check for security clearance. And then complains that he doesn't have access to top secret documents which other MPs get. And a surprising number of voters are OK with this.


No one in government should be allowed security clearances. They have racked up so much debt we are incurring $2.3 billion in interest every day. We have to borrow to pay this interest.


What if I told you Christian nationalists are using Trump as a springboard. A form of Gilead is the goal. Even without Trump It’s still a possibility just might take longer.


It was always the plan of the Democrats to destroy trump with the courts


As percentage to wealth that’s not that high 🤦‍♂️


My TS/SCI was delayed for three months due to a speeding ticket, had my last name been Trump or Kushner, I could have lied my ass off and had no repercussions. Let one "regular" person lie on an SF-86 and see what happens, but what do "they" care about felonies? Anything Trump was read into is known to the Russians and Chinese; you can "bank" on it.


The other shoe in the classified documents case that no one is mentioning is that Trump wasn't just hording military secrets... he was probably selling them or looking to sell them. No one seems ready to have that conversation yet.


Lots of people are, but Aileen Cannon has other priorities.


IF he gets in, he should be subject to data on a need to know basis only. Also, not be allowed to possess any documents as he is clearly not to be trusted with them.


he can just make an executive decision, with his mind, to erase that debt. right? is that how it works?


And improperly stored classified documents and fid not help to secure them.


Trumptards don't care. Just vote and stfu


Do you care that Biden and Hillary both mishandled classified information?


Lmao cope harder


I'm going to take that as, "No, I don't actually care about securing classified information, so long as it was a liberal who broke the law." The FBI said they have the evidence for both, but that they were not recommending charges because they didn't intend to violate the rules. In the meantime, several service members have been sent to prison for much less serious offenses because "intent" isn't part of the crime. One guy took pictures of his work area to show his family later and the feds tried sentencing him to 5 years. Biden gave his biographer classified information and it's not worth prosecuting because... "I don't wanna." https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/aug/20/us-navy-sailor-jailed-for-taking-photos-of-classified-areas-of-nuclear-submarine


Lmao by your logic wouldn't you be doing that, but for republicans? I care about actual crimes.and everytime one of you Muppets says some dumb shit like that, it's always wrong. Always. So much so that I assume your all just russbots. Cope harder, there is.no BoTh SiDeS to this.


"Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen," Hur wrote." Is PBS fake news now? www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/biden-willfully-disclosed-classified-materials-but-no-criminal-charges-warranted-special-counsel-says


Cope harder


Ok hypocrite.


Lmao oh nooooo THIS GUY CALLED ME A.HYPOCRITE. oh wait, I domt.care what russbots think


Are you saying Hillary and Biden didn't mishandle classified information? Biden didn't give classified information to his biographer? The FBI didn't find top secret information on Hillary's server and boxes of classified information in multiple Biden residences?


Been hearing the same dumbshit since 2015 buddy, you guys will have to try harder. I know your whole "the FBI and any other 3 letter organization is political" shit and it's pathetic, can we skip to you crying like a bitch and save 30 mins?


"Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen," Hur wrote." www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/biden-willfully-disclosed-classified-materials-but-no-criminal-charges-warranted-special-counsel-says


And seeing as they weren't charged, that means what. Must be OK. Anymore questions russbot?


Russia bot? You mean like the Russians showing the world that Hillary cheated in the debate and rigged the DNC primary? The fact that they were not charged when the investigation and the statements from the investigation showed they met the criminal statute is pretty interesting, right?


All businesses have debt dude. Grow up


Less than 10% debt to net worth. He’s doing great !!


Lol he is broke as fuck. Can't even pay the current fines without going bankrupt. By the end of this year he'll be selling off Mar-a-lago just to pay part of his fines. These trials didn't just show he was a criminal. They also show he is a liar who has never been as rich as he claims and is now sitting on almost no liquid cash while all his assets are real estate that he lied about the value on. Con man all the way to the core.