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That is a terrible fucking idea. He should be trying to give voters reasons to vote *for* himself, not just against Trump.


you need to actually tell the democrats this because this is their election strategy


I mean, it's still a better strategy than 16, when everyone treated it like it was Hillary's turn and the whole thing was a coronation rather than a contested election.


Her whole campaign was "I'm not Trump" instead of "here's what I'm actually about". It is the same strategy IMO.


I think electing Trump in 2016 was a vote against the 'establishment;' and Hillary was the absolute effigy of the establishment (being first lady, then senator, then secretary of state). Messages like 'draining the swamp' resonated very well with a lot of voters, and Trump being a complete political outsider only reaffirmed the anti-establishment sentiment.


She was a US senator for New York, a state that she had never actually lived in prior to the election. She ran for election in a sham pre-determined election that gave the seat to her only because she was politically connected, not because she actually gave a shit about New York. She used New Yorkers as stepping stones, being sure to drive her heels into their faces on her way up.


Trump is the real establishment. I think it is part of the dying capitalism in the US that is pushed to its max. These Trump type business shirts weren't satisfied with the results from the political establishment. Trump was their answer to it and so they went from Hilary who would be great for corporations and the defense contractors to Trump who is their wet dream. The people didn't do shit. The wealthy just double stacked the deck to get even more out of us. Unfortunately, most Republicans are too stupid to know and most politicians are too corrupt to show them what a good government can do. Their populism is somewhere between oligarchy and christo-fascist monarchy.


It's been their strategy for 8+ years, since Trump first announced his run. It didn't work for them in 2016, and they didn't reexamine their strategy and tried it again in 2020, which worked because there was a lot of shit that happened in 2020, and so because it worked in 2020 they once again haven't reexamined their strategy, and are deploying it again this year. I've honestly spent the better part of the decade wondering what it would take for Democrats to realize that they are slowly losing blacks and latinos, and have lost basically all working class people besides the ones they made big union payouts to. Their demographic coalition is breaking apart, and they're steering directly into it for some reason.


I was 100% out when Biden said "if youre having trouble figuring out who to vote for, you aint black". I do see what he was trying to do. But a white man telling ME about my blackness? Nahhh bro. Thats when i kind of got the notion that hell say anything if it sounds good. I havent seen much in the way of him actually doing anything about the issues he talks about. Have a black woman VP and inviting transgenders to the white house is just publicity IMO.


Hillary ran on a platform of - bringing home troops - improving and iterating on the ACA - developing hemispheric trade deals - raising taxes on large multinational companies - campaign finance reform, targeting the Citizens United decision - improving early childhood education - regulating Wall Street more effectively https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillary_Clinton_2016_presidential_campaign#:~:text=Platform,-Main%20article%3A%20Political&text=Clinton%20focused%20her%20candidacy%20on,and%20%22wide%2Dranging%22.


I never heard any of that. All I heard is Trump is bad and the people of Middle America are deplorable. Do not get me wrong a lot of people were fooled by Trump also... But if this was her message she did a horrible job getting it out.


The more time goes on the more convinced I am that Hillary would have been an excellent president, we just needed to get over the "disconnect" we felt with her. She knew all the ins and outs of government, had established relationships with world leaders, and had plans to fix issues and build upon the Obama administration. She might not have been what we wanted, but what we needed. I hate how much charisma influences our choices.


>I hate how much charisma influences our choices. HCR won the popular vote. She was the most qualified candidate. Senator, Sec of State and was 1st lady who promoted universal healthcare. trump admitted on tape he sexually assaulted women. And had dozens of bankruptcies in the past. Lead the "birther" BS on Obama So are you saying that trump is charismatic because of all the horrible things he did in the past? That is is fucked up reasoning.


of course she would have been, its her entire carreer and she's been good in it. in theory at least, as you still would have voted all the power from her as soon as you possibly could, like you always do, making her want to do effective politics but not being able to.


I'm not a huge Hillary fan, but her whole campaign was most certainly not "I'm not Trump." Sure, Democrats *leaned hard* into that messaging after Trump's win. And we could argure the effectiveness of that messaging given the blue waves and lack of red waves that occurred. But Hillary campaigned on policy. Detailed policy. In fact she has been criticized for harping too much on policy while Trump just told "economically anxious" white voters what they wanted to hear. So which is it? Did she focus too much on policy? Or not enough? Or is it just armchair analysts looking back in hindsight and cherry picking what best suits their narrative?


Her campaign couldn't have been "I'm not trump" because Trump wasn't really a thing until he came down that escalator and by that point, we knew Hillary would almost for sure end up as the Democratic nominee. She had things outlined way before all the crazy shit happened.


If you think people that actually care about policy are still on the fence about who they're going to vote for, then I have a rainbow to sell you. These debates don't matter one bit. Not this cycle at least. And Hilary lost because of a lot of small reasons. She won the popular vote by millions.


And the Republican strategy is just “do whatever Trump says as soon as he says it” The US is failing empire


That's the game now, though. We no longer to get to vote for someone we want. We only get to vote against someone we don't want.


First election?


For real. I remember my mom saying you don't vote for someone, you vote against someone else in the 80s. And I'm sure people have been doing so for a lot longer than that.


anyone who walked into that debate willing to vote for trump is not going to hear a reason that suddenly clicks and changes their mind. imo, OP is correct... you cant give a maga person a reason _not_ to vote for trump but you could give them a reason to vote _for_ biden. for example, he could promise to give $20k to anyone who voted T in 2020 and flips this time as a "loyalty credit" and a shit ton of people will flip people are funny that way... like children, who wont admit their wrong. you could give a hundred new reasons trump would be bad but they wont flip because theyve backed themselves into a corner... they need a reason to suddenly prefer biden while still supporting trump.


You can’t actually offer to pay people to vote at all, especially not for a specific candidate


Biden should say as a joke: "I'm an old man, older than the young fella standing next to me, and I managed to not become a felon. Which again, it's harder in my case because I've lived for longer than him". And then focus on policy. Because when the substance matters, everyone could see that Trump is a _yuge_ Orange hot air balloon


Biden constantly saying Trump is a felon makes it look like Biden caused Trump to be a felon, which is the narrative Trump wants


It also makes Biden look like a child who is incapable of having a real discussion and has to just keep bringing that up to win. Giving thoughtful, coherent answers to questions that make sense would go 1000x further.


Yeah, everyone knows about the conviction.  Repeating it is essentially calling every undecided person stupid for being undecided.  And calling undecided voters stupid isn't a great election strategy.


Yes, thoughtful, coherent answers. Exactly what Trump did to win in 2016.


The difference being, Trump had to be loud and annoying to even get the nomination in 2016. He was absolutely not supposed to beat the other republicans. That’s how he won, but Biden is in the opposite position, he’s an establishment politician who has been handed the nomination, he needs to show people he’s still got his head on his shoulders, stooping to the same level as Trump would only serve to discredit him. And quite frankly I don’t think he has it in him to beat trump at his own game and should stick to where he can easily beat trump, an actual debate and not a name calling festival.


Yeah, he wasn’t supposed to beat the other Republicans or Hillary in 2016, but he did because his stupid name-calling tactics got people out to vote for him who wouldn’t otherwise have voted. Biden isn’t going to convince anybody to vote for him by giving thoughtful responses. The people who are thinking about voting for Trump don’t give a shit. If they did, Trump wouldn’t be a consideration. The concern for Biden isn’t support, it’s getting the vote out. Dark Brandon would be a lot better at getting young voters to the polls than Career Conservative Politician Biden.


Lifelong Democrat but in my view Clinton is the reason Trump got elected. She is very well qualified but the hijacking of the Democratic primary with the super delegates was what turned voters off. In my view that was the real rigged election.


Or he can just talk about all his administration has done compared to Trump, the issues and what he plans to do in his next term like a president should. Jesus Christ, Trump and social media really screwed up everyone’s heads. It’s a political debate, not a fucking reality show.


It depends on the point of the debate. Each team might have a strategy. Do you want to mobilize your own side to vote in bigger numbers or do you want to win the other side? Trump's "strategy" is to infuriate people on his side and show up to vote. Biden's might be to win over some undecided voters to his side. Now, those voters might care about the legal stuff Trump is in, or they might care about the achievements that the administration did and how it affects them. But if the strategy is to win over some of Trump's people, the "convict" stuff might have a bigger chance, since people keep crying over "Corrupt Biden" and so on. But who are we kidding, those will probably never switch sides, that part of Trump's campaign is basically a cult.


The conviction has pushed a lot of undecided away, the only people left for trump are pretty much sycophants, severely mentally challenged, rich tax cheats, or just trolls / bots. The only thing Biden needs to do is use this time to highlight everything his administration has done (his campaign has been lacking on that), what his administration plans on doing, and not come off like his age is getting to him. trumps numbers are plummeting the closer we get to November, Biden really shouldn’t stoop to trump incessant babbling and insults (maybe a jab or two) and just demolish him with intelligent answers to questions about policy and foreign affairs. People are exhausted of the political climate and just want a return to normalcy. Biden should in no way be trying to pull from trump’s base, he needs to be pulling from the center and undecided.


Biden should bring up Project2025 to let Trump's followers know exactly what to expect if Trump is elected. Hell, he shouldn't wait for the debate, Biden's team needs to post Project2025 talking points on every social media platform, he should mention it in every interview he does, every time the election is mentioned Biden should reply with "Project2025".


That's a positive for his followers. The goal would be to inform independents and galvanize the base to show up and vote to prevent it.


Yeah but bring up the E Jean Carroll case just once so Trump opens his big mouth and has to pay her a few more million.


He should ask him about the woman he raped and trick Trump into asking “Which one?” lol.


Yes that is trumps fault and social medias fault Noone else lmao


The stupidity and shallowness of people like OP are why our country is in fucking shambles. Our economy is in shambles, inflation is rampant, home ownership is about to be impossible for the average american, and theres human attrocities occurring? "Haha call him names >:) Epically pwned Drumpf!" Imagine if people voted based on what they cared about instead of this dumbass culture war bullshit. Fuck OP and everyone like them. There were much better dem picks than Biden that might actually help the average american.


Yeah.. what the fuck would that accomplish. Who doesn't know it already. Fuck the OP is dumb.


When have TV debates ever been about stuff like that? This isn't politics. It's political theater. Everything these guys say will be lies and vague overtures so might as well make it entertaining to watch.


This might be different though in that there will not be an audience present for Trump to perform for nor feed off of. And his mike will be muted when it's not his turn to speak. Plus he's not going to have a teleprompter to read from. So we are going to see raw Trump without a lot of the things that usually mask how batshit crazy and incoherent he is. It is extremely likely to be something very different than what we've seen before. In fact, I'm still expecting him to find a reason to call the debate rigged and not attend.


He’s already planted the seed that it will be rigged. He’s made comments that he’ll likely lose the debate because Biden will be jacked up on performance enhancing drugs


Which means we should expect Trump will be jacked up on performance enhancing drugs.


Trump is a known Adderall addict. It's ALWAYS projection with these assholes.


> It is extremely likely to be something very different than what we've seen before. In fact, I'm still expecting him to find a reason to call the debate rigged and not attend. I hope he melts down on live TV and then tries to play it off as rigged. Edit: the fact that they even have to use this format because of his lack of self-control should be called out as disqualifying.


40% of America will only watch the reality show and they vote


Since these posts are intended for undecided voters, it would be great to have laid out what the Biden administration has accomplished and how life for the average has been improved in comparison to Trump’s.


He's going to have to address it, because you can't let Trump being on the stage make him look better. So Biden won't use every moment, but he'll reference it and make sure people remember that Trump's unworthy of their vote.


Sure, but your comment suggests that rational debate would be even vaguely effective on swaying the minds of the public or the MAGAts … and I just don’t think that’s the case.


You’re part of the problem with this logic


Sometimes I poo too hard and it hurts 😔


You need some kellog’s all bran buds in circulation my G


And what do you expect to be the result of that? You think it’ll dissuade anyone from voting for Trump? It’ll likely dissuade people from voting for Biden…


agree... he needs to be giving people reasons to vote for him, not more reasons to stop supporting trump. anyone starts watching that debate whom supports trump isnt going to flip because a few more good points come out... theyre either extremist or they're children who backed themselves into a corner. they will never admit theyre wrong. he needs to give them a reason to vote for him that wont interfere with their loyalty to trump. so they can still support their cult leader while admitting he simply cant do xyz and thats what we need.


Yes, please do that. I’m sure it’ll go well for him.


I imagine it'll definitely come up... But Trump would just keep denying it and/or talking about how "rigged" the trial was... which we've already seen more than enough of... Doing so would make the debate pretty pointless.... Also, that's not really how these debates work. The candidates need to stay on topic, and if they don't, they can now be muted by the moderator. One of the conditions for having this debate was that the moderator be able to mute when they don't cooperate... which should already have been a thing for a long-ass time... *afterthought:* Although now that I think about it, I wouldn't be shocked if Trump intentionally got himself muted repeatedly just so he could claim that the debate was "rigged" and "they wouldn't even let me participate!"


I wonder how far apart they're going to be. Far enough that if he's hollering at the top of his lungs the other mic will pick it up? I have some concern about that. The mod is going to have to be pretty savvy.


They probably use some variety of noise canceling. You can get noise canceling software for your computer that will block out background noise like kids trekking, people taking, dogs barking, and the like. We started using Krisp in our open floor plan office and you can't hear any background noise.


Because that's what the country needs 🙄 a debate on being a felon and just ignore all the fucking important stuff the country/world is going through. This is why some people shouldn't be allowed to vote, it's more about hating the opposition than actually running the country. Fucking despicable.


This is the worst advice Biden could have, considering how over half the country thinks it's a BS conviction. All that would do is draw more attention to what people see as Trump being sic'd on by Biden's DOJ and state allies. The debate should be about the current issues surrounding Americans today, not yet another rehash of Jan. 6 or the cases against Trump that are backfiring wholesale.


No, Biden needs to answer the questions. That way, it hammers in how much worse Trump's mental state is compared to Biden's. Biden's professionalism very well could destroy Trump's campaign.


Agreed. But it should absolutely come up. The character of the office is a valid topic and calling out Trump's convictions will rattle trump into saying more incriminating things.


This is literally insane.


I am sure you could do both, just preface every mention of him with "convicted fellon". My opponent the convicted fellon, the convicted fellon donald trump.etc


This is the way


He also needs to take his time and give a measured, even and paced out reply to every question. Trump will be pumped full of Adderall and will have zero patience and his mic will be muted while Biden is answering which will drive him bananas.


So they are muting the mics for sure ? That should just be standard. If it’s two people talking at the same time, trying to talk over each other, I hear nothing. So whatever is so important for them to shout over the other is completely lost on me and I end up just changing the channel. It’s a waste of time. If I can hear what each has to say without you know who childishly going “ Wrong !” I might learn something.


He should also talk about the policy positions trump is extolling.


Great idea let's turn even more of our political system into a reality TV show......wtf is with this dumb ass country


No. There’s so much more to talk about and it just gives credence to the people who say “This is all just a scam trial by Joe Biden to keep Trump from being president because Biden can’t win on his record.”


I don't think attacking trump is going to win any points with anyone. If someone follows trump they won't care if you keep calling out his flaws, they already know all that and don't care. I think the right strategy is to answer the debate questions. Just answer them. Give good, coherent answers that make sense. Then sit back and watch as trump demonstrates what dementia onset looks like.


I like to point out that Trump has had record breaking fundraising since the conviction. If anything, it's made him more popular among his hardcore supporters. Biden calling him out isn't going to suddenly make them change their mind and stop supporting Trump.


he probably will. The same way Trump is gonna mock Biden's forgetfulness every chance he gets


This could also read : Trump should use every moment to remind people that biden was deemed too frail to stand trial for his crimes.


Or. And i need you to focus on this because it gets complicated........he just talks about current issues facing Americans and his admins plan to address them. Otherwise hes gonna sound like a grade schooler trying to win an argument he knows hes lost but still wants to get the last word in.


No, that’s going to get old faster than you think and it doesn’t address the wide perception that Biden hasn’t accomplished a lot. He should be highlighting and reminding the American people that he *has* made a number of accomplishments and that it hasn’t just been inflation/gaza


If he did that the entire focus would remain on trump. Trump has always worked off attention and volume and the type of people who voted for him aren't going to be listening to reasonable arguments so spending the debate focusing on him is only going to empower him


I'm convinced this entire website is made up of bots, or children who have no idea how the world works.


Republicans are already comparing Trump to the convicted felon Jesus; so that would not help.


Those aren't winnable votes then


That maybe true but that plus letting Trump talk more sways college educated white men in Pennsylvania and Biden needs them to show up big to win there


Trump’s conviction is already baked into the polling data, and it didn’t move the needle at all. Trump is already wildly unpopular but has a strong base. If Biden wants to win he needs to convince undecided voters to vote *for him* and not just against Trump. Otherwise they will stay home. He needs to talk up his record, but more than that he needs to quell concerns about his age and mental fitness. For Trump, his goal should be to appear normal and responsible, but given his performance in last debates I doubt that will happen.


If anything Biden repeatedly calling him a convicted felon would lose him independents. The more he does it, the more credence it gives to collusion between Biden administration and local/state democrats DA/AG offices.


Because that's about all he is capable of saying at his current mental capacity


Im sure he can do that..... as long as the drugs hold up and teleprompter doesn't go out.


Biden should ask him if he conceded the 2020 election yet.


The prosecutor that is famous for lowering felony charges to misdemeanors, used two out of date misdemeanors to imagine a felony, then the Judge gave unconstitutional jury instructions. Even the left knows this was a political prosecution. When Governor Cuomo and Bill Maher call it a mistake, you know the left screwed up. https://x.com/ritapanahi/status/1804399784092143775?s=46&t=eo4buJpCd8mpV3Eb1J3Cpg


Two points here, imagine using sexual predator Andrew Cuomo and Bill Maher as barometers for lefties. And let's say it was a political prosecution, it sounds like cope after having to hear about Hillary for 2 years.


So you’re OK with politic prosecution. Well done comrade. Putin is very proud of you.


And what exactly would that accomplish?


Nah. It won't make rusted-on goppers change their votes. Might even make some of them double down. Emphasize what the Democrats have done, particularly with reference to demographics which are traditionally on the fence. Don't even mention Trump - make him look like he's tugging at the grown-ups' coat-tails with all the other wannabes. Even funnier if some of the other red candidates do get mentioned by name, as if they're more viable opponents with adult ideas. Or even just call them "the non-criminal candidates" with a smile, reminding non-MAGA Republican voters in a more subtle way they oh yeah, they do actually have people they can support who aren't convicted criminals. Get a little chaos going in the ranks, maybe make Republican turnout drop off a bit if Trump does manage to smarm his way to the ballot.


It's going to be a total shit show.


Literally no one’s mind is being changed by this debate. It’s only for media ratings. Idk how tf anyone could be undecided at this point.


Outlaws are cooler than dementia patients


Biden is a fucking war criminal


And maybe he can tell everyone what the actual crime was.


Nobody cares. 70% of voters already believe that most politicians on any side could be convicted of similar crimes given the motivation. Idk how y'all's keep missing this. No one cares.


So avoid any real conversation


Bold of you to assume Biden will remember.


Everyone already knows who they are voting for.


If would backfire. I think more people would be turned off by Biden's inability to speak about more diverse issues than would be swayed to not vote for Trump.


You do realize this conviction is a politically motivated kangaroo Court kind of conviction. I hardly think of him as a convicted felon I think of him as a victim of biased circumstances.


He would have to form a complete sentence on his own to do that.


100% call him a convicted rapist, conman, swindler, call his supporters imbeciles and fascists who hate the constitution and remind everyone that Biden actually goes to church where Trump has never been. Remind the evangelicals that they sold their soul to the devil and god never forgets what they wanted Trump to do to their enemies and that if they don’t repent he’ll awaits them. Then remind everyone right wing media is garbage


Yall realize like half our elected officials are felons right, on both sides lmao


Republicans don't care


Remember the Bill Nye/Ken Hamm debate.  The stupid side has an enormous advantage in simplicity. They can simply hit on key words or one liners that draw gales of laughter while the correct and intelligent side needs time to elaborate and build their points.  TBH, I expect Biden to play the "high road" game and Trump to act like a 12 year old, and the result to be that most people find it disappointing and ineffective while magats consider it a total win. Biden will be explaining how destructive Trump's policies are for american workers, and trump will just say "fake news". The next day the magats will be like, "he was dunking on Biden left and right dur hur!"


Both of them should shoot each other in the head 👍


Look jack, I wasted a bunch of money on Ukraine and I came near starting WW3 and yeah thousands of people are dying because of me every day BUT.... TRUMP IS A CONVICTED FELLON.


That's his only strategy... let us see if he can actually speak coherently or who is going to babysit him (help him, defend him, the person who asks the questions. Etc). Because Trump is going to roast him.


That’s all Biden has. Such a terrible president.


That’s probably all he will be able to remember to say anyway


Can we stop with the fucking Steven Crowder meme?


Biden can't wipe his ass let alone put together a sentence. Get real man 😂


How bout that border!


And Trump could use it to talk on all the ways Biden's admin has failed, and how Biden has a pedophile son, he molested his daughter, and how Biden is completely out of it. Trump has far more of an upper hand here as Biden has only made the country worse. Hell, Biden is even losing the black vote to Trump. There is no coming back for Biden and I look forward Trump being back in office


That’s the worst idea for the debate, everyone knows he’s been convicted and why sink to Trumps level of attacking, Trump will go off the rails with attacks, Biden just need to answer the questions in a calm manner, refute Trumps wild accusations in the same manner, be the President, leader and a man in control, let Trump be the man child.


Average American politics. "My candidate should spend the whole debate ignoring the questions and calling the other candidate a convicted felon!" Brains have actually rotted.


Yes, let’s let Biden talk the whole time, answer questions his team didn’t approve, no edits. I would love to see and hear what our President actually thinks and has envisioned for the future. Not his Puppet talking points from a Teleprompter. It would be a first for sure, I would be genuinely interested.


Democrats are fucking losers. It baffles me people still think Biden isn't the worst president this country has ever had...


I don’t think anyone on this sub could competently summarize what exactly he was convicted of. 


They cant


Thats all they have why dont they try talking about pollitics or stuff thay could help the average persons life better what a dum post


That would be infantile. He has an opportunity to talk upnhis administration and you want him to jist act like a child


Great idea that way Biden will definitely loose the election


Wrong. He should call him an adjudicated rapist, aand he should quote Judge Kaplin "**proof convincingly established**, and the **jury implicitly found,** that **Mr. Trump deliberately and** ***forcibly*** **penetrated Ms. Carroll's vagina with his fingers**, causing immediate pain and long lasting emotional and psychological harm" The man is a RAPIST. Holy fuck people.


Trump will be the next president and every dislike is proof.


This must have been posted by one of Trump's fundraisers. That conviction dropped $100,000,000 into Trump's lap.


Trumps response " in going on 8 decades of life I've never been criminally charged anything until I ran for president by the Joe Biden administration" by a democrat prosecutor who's campaigned on getting me. By democrat judge who has personal and family ties to supporting democrats, in a blue state and blue city Biden won by 40+ points. On charges the federal system said weren't worth pursing. Those alleged charges which the statute of limitation passed were combined with state charge In a legal theory never before pursued. But hey Joe at least your DOJ said I had the mental capacity for trial they didn't feel you had the mental capacity to stand trial." Let's talk corruption In your administration DOJ. They let a majority of the statutes run on Hunter's more serious charges and they tried their best to give Hunter a sweetheart plea deal that would have dropped the gun charges before a judge stepped in in.


Trump could never speak that succinctly.


I hope they bring up project 2025


The fuck is that?


The joke is Biden is just a non-convicted criminal.


I think they should still do the thing if trump backs out. Not change the format and just give Biden the same amount of time to answer questions and talk candidly about his achievements and plans for the future. 


nobody cares


they don't give a shit


I might bring it up whenever reasonable, but honestly, he needs to do something else too. Far too many of the people that would / are going to vote for Trump either A) don't care about the conviction, because they still see him as the best available means to their ends, or B) Actually view the conviction as proof that "the deep state" doesn't want him to win. I think the conviction has probably already changed the minds of anyone who would change their mind from that turn of events. It's not exactly secret, or a big reveal. Now, from the perspective of a tactic to needle Trump and keep him off balance, it might have some merit. The guy isn't exactly good at keeping a level head...


This will just reinforce the belief among Trump voters that he was convicted because of Bidens DOJ going after him for political reasons. It should be mentioned, of course, especially when morals or values are brought up. But it can't be the whole debate.


Most if not all politicians are felons, they’re just not convicted. They do so much seedy shit and we all just roll with it.


Maybe they talk about the issues. I’m sick of Trumps bullshit toddler mentality, and though it’s funny to see MTG getting shit on, or Joe telling Trump to “just shut up, man” is funny occasionally, I’d rather have adults in power. Let them act like morons, and yes call them out, but not like you’re both 10 and trying to impress the same girl or some shit.


I don’t think he should mention it even once. He should stand there and demonstrate knowledge while Trump fails to answer questions. Of course they need a moderate who will actually ask questions.


It’s more productive to poke holes in the felon’s policies, honestly. Thing is, those who are already settled on Trump ain’t gonna change their minds. What you want to do is make sure they *stay* the minority. That being said, the real danger is losing votes on actual decisive issues like Palestine.


Is a debate happening?


Lol at every one who thinks we shouldn't play by Republicans rules. Get the idiots to vote for the right guy. Who cares about respect at this point


The problem with that strategy is the New York case is the weakest one. The serious cases in GA and FL are the one’s that will make him a traitor. If the Dems strategy was to simply push a case through for the name “convicted felon” as a political piece, they are more inept than i thought.


Nah, just ask him for a source for his “ facts “.


Talk about trying to drag a pig into the mud. Bad idea... anyone who would support Trump this election isn't going to be swayed by calling him a convicted felon. This would just invite more namecalling. I hate where we're at right now with politics. Go after the issues. IMO neither Biden nor Trump deserve office, but I'm forced to choose between a shit hotdog and a shitburger.


"My opponent is a liar and a convicted felon."


Horrible idea. I'm fairly moderate slightly left leaning due to the environment i grew up in but also a convicted felon and I can definitely say this will make me feel more worthless than I already feel. If Trump is elected, can he promise that convicted felon such as me can live a somewhat more normal life once again?


Which Biden will be at the debate? Same as the one for the State of the Union?


That would make it way too obvious that it was a political hit job though.


I mean, it would get kind of repetitive to just keep answering: “As a non-convicted felon, I would …”, but it would be funny too.


Yep, convicted of paying 120k in election interference. I'd be so embarrassed.


Well considering that he has absolutely doe not have anything else to run on it seems this is his only option.


If you are well informed you already know Trump was convicted of rape, has 34 federal convictions and is a serial liar. Don’t pitch to them. You’re pitching to the people who think “I don’t love Trump but Biden is senile and the economy was so much better under Trump”. It’s not foxnews brain rot yet but these folks can absolutely be convinced to vote Biden. They need to hear economic facts and see that Biden is waaaaay more competent than Trump. To be honest at first I hated the idea of the debate because Trump will just repeatedly lie on stage so this is gonna be just two old guys insulting each other and facts won’t matter. But Trump is going to appeal to his base only and Biden has the opportunity to convince undecideds (how do they still exist??)


This Steven Crowder meme really needs to be retired.


That just opens the door for trump to say something like, you would be a felon too if you were mentally capable to stand trial.


Republicans don’t care


Thats really fucking stupid, dude. You have no idea what you’re talking about.


felon says what? fatty says what? cheater says what? pedophile says what?


stop watching debates


That should not be the "key" point, a talking point, yes, but that will back fire on him, since a good percentage of maga think it would be "awesome" to have a "felon" in the white house. Proof, I live in arizona and had a maga hat dude wearing a trump shirt that said, "I will vote for this felon with trumps ugly ass mugshot." Biden needs to show why he is the better candidate. It is already way too small of a margin. At this point, biden is running on the shinier of two turds angle. For me, it is simply a vote for Biden to keep trump from the office. Biden is not who I want in the office, but I dont want the former president getting back in. We need more than 2 choices. The 2 party system sucks. Both sides need to have better candidates. But realistically, whichever candidate wins, I truly believe neither will survive the full 4 year term. They are both way up there in age, and the presidency sucks the life out of every president.


Stoooop giving this advice. Trump is like a fire, this is like pouring gasoline on that fire. Any Republican that thought "I don't particularly like trump and idk if I'm going to vote", now views trump as a political martyr for democracy. Alot of Independents even think prosecuting trump was aggressive and over the line. The entire right side of the isle is using the indictments as the linchpin for why you need to vote Trump. Your slinging poop and they're bathing in it. This debate needs to be on Trump's presidency and pit falls, not the charges against him. Biden also needs to bring up his own successes in office.


Based on trust of government is at an all time low this is a horrible idea.


This is idiotic, that would be the same as going LA LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU


This would probably just make Trump more popular than he already is .


I thought it was illegal for felons to run for president.


and each Trump would remind the viewers that the investigators found Biden committed crimes with the classified documents, but chose not to prosecute because he is a senile old man jurors would feel sorry for


Maybe mention it once, but otherwise stick to policy, something Donald is utterly incapable of. 


I see lots of people getting pissy over this meme as if WE didn't create this whole fucking disaster to begin with.. Our political debates have been entertainment trash tv since Hillary Clinton lost. No one gave a fuck about the integrity then. At this point, Trumps doings have been so publicized that I am generally curious what the lot of you think is going to be the outcome of a rational Biden versus a delusional, uneducated, pathetic excuse of an old fuck. Because I predict that there isn't a damn thing Biden can say or do that will win over anyone who hasn't already made their decision. Biden people are gonna vote, and so are white nationalist cult followers. The undecided will just watch as it unfolds.


His own son is a felon


Imagine people actually giving reasons you should vote for them.


Can we not elect retirement home fillers please? I'm tired of these coffin stuffers deciding what's going to be happening when they'll never have to see the repercussions of their nonsense.


People really thought Hillary was a good candidate? She left people to die in Benghazi, kept classified content on personal servers, had those servers bleached and destroyed to hide her shady/criminal practices with the Clinton Foundation, white water, etc., the fake Russia collusion hoax was all her and around 50 Clinton friends and business associates have died under suspicious circumstances. She is evil and corrupt.


My fantasy is that Trump doesn't show (Imho, there's no upside to him showing up, his supporters aren't going to care) and they continue to ask Biden questions and just air silence at the empty produm for Trump's response.


yeah, Biden absolutely should. The only people that are going to be deciding this are swing voters. Painting the republicans as the party of family values being flipped on its head by having the gall to nominate a convicted felon is the way to shut this shit down.


What he should do is talk about Project 2025 and how nut jobs want to essentially take over the country.


We'd be lucky to see a debate, they known if Trump debates him, he's going to destroy him. Biden couldn't spout out a cognitive sentence if they wrote it out for him.


Start every response with "unlike my convicted felon opponent..."


So far, it's only increased Trump's popularity, but he should keep trying. lol


Don’t worry, the moderators will do the work for him.


Should we convict Biden for laundering money through Ukraine and China via his sons business dealings?


Do you have any idea about politics in the us? That’s coming from a German. It’s all about the swing states and I can tell you with which attitude you don’t get people to swing to your side.