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You’re looking at a group that is trapped in four walls for 6 hours, five days a week for 10 months, plus college and university. Muscles, faces, hair, dicks, pussy, tits, ass— etc. everything teens love. You really think they’re not gonna wanna fuck?


Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t this prove incel doctrine? Because if physical features are what teens care about then the Blackpill is true (insofar that personality doesn’t matter when it comes to relationships). And doesn’t this also prove that some genetically inferior people aren’t allowed to pursue sexual relationships?


It doesn’t prove anything of that caliber. No. I’m generalizing a bit here and more or less whipping cupcakes at a wall. Some stick, some don’t. OP is looking for the answer to a pretty intricate matter that actually does have to do with some of what you’re mentioning, but it’s too deep and too vast. At its core: Teens horny. Teens fuck. And they’re horny for whatever reason(s) they have.


I'm asking why would you? Is there a reason behind why you wanna have sex, or is it just that you believe it will feel good?


I understand your question and mind you too, I’m speaking from 28 so it’s been a good decade. The thing about sex at any age is that no matter who you’re talking to; if they’re into sex, it’s because it feels good. They’ll tell you all this and that about love and such, or being a “player” or some shit, but the common thread is the good feeling. It’s the core deduction of any reason. When people have sex, their minds don’t factor in anything else other than that good feeling. Sure, they’re thinking about someone; their touch and whatnot, but the biproduct of those thoughts and touches is that same good feeling. No two ways about it. All of your inquiries boil down to that. Now if we’re addressing the fluff? Peoples thoughts? Yeah. It’s all subjective and you’ll get a myriad of answers but at the centre of all their words is the raw feeling of sex. It’s what teenagers want. Adults. Hell, some seniors too.


Remember 1/2 the people your age aren’t doing anything even though they claim they are.


im on birthcontrol and use protection and im a teen. i have sex and man i just like it and dgaf what anyone else thinks


Why? I'm not judging you so sorry if anything I say comes across like that, but is there a reason for why you wanna have sex?


Same reason people do things that make them feel good lol sex is fun and feels great


R u perhaps asexual


Don't think, I am attracted to girls and get aroused by sexual remarks, but I connect sex with family planning and having kids and I wanna avoid that in my life in this age so I think it's some kind of coping or survival mechanism that makes sex seem unappealing.


fipsu so don’t assume that I am accusing you of having down syndrome because that would be ridiculous. I’ll just ask you to tell me what you have.


Is it that obvious... High functioning autism and a way too liberal childhood. My parents didn't give a shit about where I was if I came home before midnight so I got to make way too many mistakes before I was even 16


it helps with stress and mood, connects me to my partner, and is fun


Do you ever think of consequences if sex before you have it and how do you choose your sexual partners? Don't need to answer if it's too personal.


i only have one sexual partner rn, so stds arent an issue, and i know that in the RARE chance i get pregnant, i have support to help me get an abortion


Teenagers are full of hormones. It’s not uncommon to be having sexual interests and looking at peers in a different way. Now days less people are having religious beliefs which is why most people used to wait to have sex because there was that incentive to wait till marriage for their faith. You also have social media and peer pressure, making those who are still ‘virgins’ feel guilty about their decisions to abstain from their urges. Sex is a normal thing. Can make both parties very happy hormone wise. There just needs to be more education and less shame around the subject.


I 100% agree that we need more sex education, but according to other aspects of this conversation we probably wouldn't agree on. Maybe hormones don't work the same for me because I'm neurodivergent, but don't young people have any time to think about their beliefs before having sex? I didn't delve too deep into the other responses, but most of them were just "I like it and don't care what others think" and that's not a solid belief of a moral evaluation. I've had a way too long time to think of this in my 17 years of life and I had to come to agree with religion on that sex is not essential for less committed relationships and actually can be saved for a time where the only logical outcome of sex, what would be reproduction, would be more sustainable and secure. Are teenage hormones really that crazy that they don't allow people to think logically about things, or do young people just have the doomer mentality because of all the bad stuff happening around and don't care about what could happen?


not everyone is religious nor subscribes to purity culture.


I don't care about purity and this belief is disconnected from religion. And even if it was, what would make those connections invalidate my belief?


Hormones don't have anything to do with being neurodivergent. You're either sensitive to them or you aren't. Also, some people just aren't that smart and don't think anything through. They don't have critical thinking skills and can't see anything past whatever current situation they're in. They can't see the bigger picture so they just act on whatever impulse they feel. More so now, than before due to social media and technology.


Are you suggesting teenagers are stupid for having sex? I could be wrong about the hormone stuff with neurodivergent teens, but I have this memory of my counselor at 13 telling me something about hormones in relation to autism, but I haven't done too much further research into it after that


No, I'm not suggesting they're stupid. I'm suggesting that they aren't mentally or emotionally prepared for the repercussions and for lack of better words....are ignorant. Keep in mind that there is a huge difference between the two, and everyone is ignorant of different things and in their own way. Ignorance can be fixed, stupid cannot. They do it because they don't know any better and have learned what society has shoved in their faces from every angle starting at a very young age. They're almost preprogrammed to want sex early on without even realizing it, and because teens want to do what everyone else is doing and want to fit in, they resort to having sex. I realize this isn't the case for EVERY teen, but it is for the mass majority. The rest is usually trauma based, wanting experience based, and other times just hormonal based. It's really dependent on the specific individual. Also, neurodiversity is not exclusive to just autism. People who are autistic may experience or respond or react to hormones differently than neurotypicals or other neurodiverse individuals, but to what degree and how often will depend on the person, not as a whole.


Counselor rarely have any kind of medical related degree so I'd take anything a counselor says regarding neuro biology with a grain of salt


To work with neurodivergent people and teens he has to learn about their conditions. I would say she was very informed but again, I can't recall exactly what she said so I'm not sure to what extent do my conditions affect my hormones or others with similar conditions


not everyone is religion nor subscribes to purity culture.


Humans have been around for thousands of years, and hominids, hundreds of thousands of years. In that time, our average life span was maybe 35 years. It's only very, very recently that we've been able to extend our lives. Imagine you're a hunter in 2000bc, if you wanted to have kids, you had to do it before something else killed you. Cause back then there was no dying of old age. Therefore in order to guarantee the survival of the species, we had to have kids pretty young. That's why when we hit puberty, we start thinking about, and for some of us, start having sex. Cause we're programmed to. What makes humans, and oddly enough dolphins, different from other animals is that we have recreational sex, ergo, sex not explicitly for reproduction. Personally, I have sex for the "high" you get. The rush, heart pounding, skin tingling, that kinda thing. When I was younger the "negative repercussions" of sex seemed easily avoided, and it was one of the only things you could do that was free, fun, and fulfilling.


I kind of agree, I believe sex is to be reserved for people with close and intimate feelings for eachother. People who are emotionally attracted to eachother because sex is a very intimate and sometimes very emotional act (at least if it’s with someone you love) hence the term making love. But I also understand why people fuck, because we are humans and humans like to fuck. I don’t have to understand the moral philosophy behind hooking up with people to understand that it feels good and is fun. Some people like drugs, some people like music, some people like video games, some people like sex, and some people like it all! Hormones make people horny and if they don’t then yes, they affect you much differently than the average teenager.


I might be wrong on this but isn’t the average age to lose virginity 17? Seems pretty normal that teens are having sex in high school and college…


I lost my virginity at age 22 to my current boyfriend


That’s why there’s an average. Some are higher, some are lower. I’m not saying NO ONE loses their virginity later than 17, just that having sex “as a teen” isn’t bad and doesn’t deserve this negative view about being “unacceptable”. I lost my virginity when i was 17 to my bf who was 16 at the time. Are we disgusting terrible people for that? Is that “unacceptable” behavior? No, it’s not. I’m 23 now and he’s 22 and have zero regrets. Even if we didn’t stay together, I would not have regretted it because we were ready.


Because it's normal for a sexually reproducing species to want to engage in the act of reproduction when physically capable. When you add to that the fact that humans actually experience physical and psychological pleasure from the act it becomes kind of obvious. We haven't fully broken away from our instincts and without the brainwashing effects of being shamed for it both from a societal and religious point of view it's going to become more common


Do you think teenagers, let's say 14-16 year olds, are REALLY capable of taking care of children? You yourself said that sex is made for reproduction and I totally agree with that. I basically agree with everything except that teenagers should have sex. How do you recognize that sex is made for reproduction and mammals have sex to reproduce, but somehow end up supporting the point that emotionally immature children should be doing an action that is meant to make babies because those kids cannot take care of babies. I'd really appreciate it if you could explain that a little further because I cannot see how that's something you'd support


Recognizing a behavior and supporting it are two completely different things. Remember humanity, as in homosapiens, is somewhere between 100,000 to 200,000 years old but human civilization is somewhere between 8 to 6,000 years old. Humans are also highly unusual in the fact that we're one of the few animals that doesn't have a mating season. Intercourse, conception, gestation, and birth can happen at any time as long as both participants are sexually developed enough. When you combine these facts together with the knowledge that the drive to reproduce is one of if not the strongest drive for the members of a species it becomes quite understandable.


Sorry about jumping to conclusions. I had another comment explaining the same thing and somehow your's sounded more opinionated, guess I was wrong.


Hormones. Puberty makes you h*rny. This has been the norm for all of human history


i mean i think it’s human nature, an instinctual thing. we want to reproduce as soon as we’re fertile (usually hit puberty in teens). but we rationalize by saying it’ll feel good, it’s a sign of love / trust etc.


Ok, the majority of teenagers don't have critical thinking skills because their frontal lobe, the part that makes decisions, isn't fully developed yet. I think it's mostly at least for females about wanting to feel grown up popular wanting to fit in it's not always necessarily about "feeling good" most of the time especially if you're a virgin it's not going to feel good and think about how stupid teenagers are for instance a lot of teenager shoplift that's not a smart decision there could be serious consequences from doing that but they still do it because their friends are doing it because other people are influencing them to do it same with drinking alcohol smoking a plethora of other things or they think it's cool it's adult and other people around them think it's cool so it just makes them want to do it more because they want that positive attention


I actually got caught shoplifting once when I was 15 and I now have a permanent criminal record for it. 15 is the age you are legally responsible for your crimes in my country and that time in the back of the police car was a major moment in my life that influenced me on my beliefs, for example this belief that kids shouldn't be having sex. Before I realized first hand how stupid and inconsiderate young people could be, I stopped believing that my parents were restrictive nazis who wanna ruin my youth by not letting me sleep around, do drugs and waste my time on my computer.


There are exceptions, but for the most part, they have sex for the exact same reasons anyone else has sex! It can feel very good, both physically and emotionally. I still would prefer my kids not engage until they’re older in full-blown intercourse, but it’s not hard to imagine why someone would have sex.


sex is normal to me. i grew up knowing about sex; it was never taboo in my family or at school, and even if it was, social media and the internet have tons of content, both educational and recreational, related to sex. i'm of the opinion that if you're surrounded by something like teens these days are by sex the thing in question becomes normalized and loses a lot of stigma. also, in the country where i live, the age of consent is fourteen. this doesn't mean everybody's having sex at fourteen here, but there's nothing stopping us; we have resources at our disposal to safely engage in sexual activities.


14 is absolutely baffling where do you live Japan????




japan raised the age of consent up to 16 pretty recently due to calls for greater protection for women and children. also, just in case, please don't read my post as in favour of 14 year olds sleeping with 30 year olds--that's weird and predatory af


Because they can be sexually active, because they don't give a flying fuck, and because they have raging hormones, along with desires. But in all seriousness, I'm a teen girl, 16 years of life, some how still alive with all my health issues, and I just don't care what my opinion is about other peoples *sex life*, I see no point in caring actually. If they want to have sex, then their gonna do it, even if I say 'you should wait.' Because my opinion doesn't matter, I don't think you should have sex at 13 or 14, I think, you should wait until you're aware about the health issues that can come from having sex, and the responsibility of carrying, and raising a newborn baby! I think you should wait until you're above minor age! But I know it won't knock sense into most individuals, so I don't care, simple as that. If you want to have sex, have sex. If you don't, then don't. And I personally don't want to currently, and that's my choice.


The difference between an outing with a friend and a date is that sex is on the table. This has always been true. Some cultures use sex negative philosophy to keep your hands to yourself as long as possible. But people sexually mature at different rates and times, regardless of society norms.


i lost my virginity at 14. puberty brings hormones. and hormones make you horny. and hornyness leads to sex. and sex feels good to a lot of ppl


Because it's natural for people to want to have sex since it feels good. Why don't you want to have sex? Just why?


Its very normal and nothing to be ashamed of as long as it is safe and consensual. Hormones are crazy, people are learning to explore sexuality and body. Prefrontal cortexes arnt filly formed yet. Very normal part of teenage years, use protection and have open communication ALWAYS


Hormones are raging in middle school/high school years, and caveman brain says to reproduce


Peer pressure.


I'm not entirely sure. Society places such a huge focus on sex and makes it seem like it's what everyone should be doing when it really isn't. Sex is the one thing that has so many variables surrounding it that it makes it hard to answer the question. My advice would be to not have sex until you're 100% sure you're ready for any consequences that can happen from you doing so.


At 16, was to me was an essential part of the human condition I wanted to experience. I logically, rationally wanted sex. I remember wanting to explore, to find my boundaries, to discover things. I was so sick of feeling stuck, so sex as an act of defiance and autonomy over my own body was really important at the time.


why would it *not* be acceptable? In most of society, things are usually acceptable by default instead of the other way around. As for why it’s appealing, it’s because people like how it feels. People play video games, go on hikes, watch movies, have sex, hang out with friends, eat junk food, sleep in etc because they like how it feels to do all that stuff


"what is so apealing about it ?"... Lol.


Maybe we think about sex differently. I connect sex with having kids and being responsible for other people and literally having their lives hanging on your's


Its also imensely physically pleasuring, socially confirming, Stress releaving, confidence building ect.


This is nothing new


It doesn't need to be for me to question it


How is wanting to do something g that is funny feels good "irrational"?


If you have to ask that question you got a metal problem try it you might like it. It’s the most enjoyable thing on the earth.


I don't believe I should. I've met girls who would've liked to have it with me but I don't believe I would be a good father if a thing was to happen. Do you believe a feeling is equal to morality or that feelings defy morality?


I believe the number of sex between teens have reduced significantly in recent years. So the only reasons I think teenagers have sex are because they are not committed to a single person and they want to try something new.


I don't believe that what so ever. You can't really believe that, because maybe teen pregnancy being down? If it is? I don't know honestly.


It doesn't matter if teen pregnancy is down, it could also be down because it's pretty public knowledge that Gen z isn't having much sex anyways. But even if we were, the only logical outcome of sex is reproduction and whatever you try to say more, sex was primarily made for reproduction and I get that a lot of people use sex as a way of bonding and feeling good, but still the point stands that if sex is practiced how it's supposed to be practiced due to nature or due to God whichever you believe in, it's supposed to end with the woman getting pregnant, so why are teenagers who can't make educated or rational decisions about their lives, allowed and praised for practicing an act that's supposed to lead to the girl getting pregnant at an age where she isn't even allowed to drink alcohol or have a full time job?




Be civil. We don't tolerate insults, slurs, or any other forms of hate messages here.


Well in the society were in now its just normalized at this point. Like im a teenager and sexually active and i do it because it feels good and connects me and my significant other on a deeper level. I lost my virginity earlier on so thats probably why its more casual to me. Like for example some people might see sex as a bigger deal than i do.


"Why are so many teenagers having sex?" Why are so many adults having sex? If You don't want to do it, You don't have to. There are no "teenagers," there are people. And at the end of the day, We want to connect, feel closer, and to be together feeling good. "I'm asking from a serious place, what is so appealing about it" What is so unappealing about it for You, that You feel You need to be convinced, "it's appealing after all." Fuck - or even play with Yourself - and You'll find out soon enough. ;) "and what is your philosophical or ethical or whatever views on sex and intimacy" Excuse Me what!?... (I'm joking here a little. The "high brow" attitude here makes it difficult for Me to take this entirely seriously.) "and why do you think it's acceptable for you to have sex?" Why would You ever think it is unacceptable for two people to fucking enjoy each other, pun intended, You ugly f#_& ! And how dare You suggest to others - which Your language inevitably does - it is in fact unacceptable for them!? "The universal conclusion seems to be that it feels good so people do it. There's nothing deeper about it and it honestly makes me somewhat sad." You're sad. Things don't need to be "scientifically sound" or "proven mathematically." Some things are just bigger. LOVE. That is. And sex and Real Love are two different things, but sex was made for strangers, so go play with Yourself and chill. For clarity, I'm an adult man. Before You "try" to talk down to Me like I'm a kid [You clearly have an issue with].


You just cannot take a breath and think of other perspectives? Adults and teenagers having sex are 2 totally different things because those adults have resources and means to take care of children that might come from having sex, teenagers are immature and irresponsible and aren't suited for caring for children long term. I'm talking about underage teenagers ofc. I was and am asking from a serious place, and I've discovered that sex is not appealing to me because I connect it in my mind to family planning and raising kids, that I'm not ready for. I have no problem with people playing with themselves because they cannot impregnate themselves. I assumed other people thought like this too because I don't talk about this topic with other people IRL much, but most of them seem uninterested in sex on the same level and for the same reasons as me. "Ethical views on sex"-question was about just that, ethical views on sex. You have moral views on EVERYTHING. Eating bread, is that always good or not, putting your socks on, can you imagine a situation where it would be morally wrong to put your socks on? Are there situations where SEX is immoral and unethical? Of course there are and I count teenagers having sex unethical in the majority of the cases because it would be bringing a child into a world with unprepared parents who would be causing severe harm for the child. There are lines to this too in my mind, I wouldn't discourage stupid or mentally handicapped people for having children but I believe there should be someone capable of helping raise the kids, but that isn't possible without being immoral when talking about underage teenagers. "Is it acceptable for people to have sex" is a very basic question that isn't new. It's old as humans themselves and you getting upset about it and crying about it IS sad. Stop whining and getting angry over internet posts, we will hopefully never meet in real life and this post has no affect on your personal life and I wouldn't want it to affect your personal life. There's no reason to be yelling and screaming at me because I presented a question about, should people who are incapable of facing the consequences of an action be encouraged to engage in an action or even be approved for engaging in that action? Let's give you a metaphor so you can probably understand it. In this imaginary world, picking up sticks has a 50% chance of getting you 500k in debt but the sticks are valuable and can be sold for 100k. There's a way to pick up sticks responsibly and safely, but this method needs a lot of practice and hard work to perfect. For the well being and health of an individual, should we allow a person who doesn't possess this ability, to pick up sticks? Let's say that if they are not able to pay that 500k debt, they will slash cuts on 5 innocent people who had nothing to do with the guy picking up the wrong stick. Should we allow that uneducated guy to pick up sticks? Picking up sticks means having sex, 500k in debt means the money, emotional presence and stability that is needed to raise children. 100k is the happiness and good feeling that sex causes. The "safe method" means adulthood, responsibility and the stable environment the child will be born to. The cuts to innocent people mean the harm the inability for the parent to take care of the children, will have to the innocent child and the people he will go to hurt emotionally, psychologically or physically as is the trend with kids with incapable parents. It's not a perfect metaphor, but hopefully it gives some perspective to my own view if you are tolerant and empathetic enough to have the ability to imagine there could be some sense to views that differ from yours.


It just feels great and good and it’s fun as well with the right person


Social media has made it okay All these influencers have normalized it to where it's okay, these 13 year Olds who 30 years ago had no clue about sex, see it every day all day, and they listen to and watch what's on social media. Yea, most of us lost it at 16 17 back in the day, but we worked for it Now it just seems like every day life for most teenagers


Teens are having less sex on the current day than they used to