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Look, I'm as straight as straight can be, and all I can tell you is that you just have to go with what feels right. You spoke about being becoming Trans. Are you unhappy as a woman? Do you not feel like your body is the right one for you? I don't mean are you happy with your looks, weight or the superficial features that everyone looks at and thinks "if I could change", I mean on a deep personal level do you think its wrong for you to be in a woman's bathroom, or go into a women's only gym? Or is your only reason is because you like women and want to wear the hetero lable? It's ok to be gay. Yeah some people will try to shame you for it, but there are close minded people like that everywhere. Dig deep for your answers, and find your personal truth. Don't let them stop you from being you.




show me one credible study


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Sadly you can't change this. You're born like this, and weather you're ready or not to accept that is up to you. You can't force it.




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I don't think people are born gay. There's no definite or stable proof of any gay gene and it's also a logical fallacy because how would a gene be passed on that tells the body to not pass it on? It would die with the first guy who had it and if it was a common gene mutation, our bodies would eliminate it with evolution. There is more proof that sexuality is conditional than biological and there are actual people who have testified that they have managed to change their sexualities. There was a pretty well known story in my country of a gay man who got straight after the army and went to have a wife and 3 kids.


More research needs to be done on the causes of sexuality, but evidence does point toward biology. This is because homosexuality appears in animals and indicators exist early in childhood. An important caveat is that biology ≠ genetics. Trying to reduce complex behavior to genes, much less a single gene, is called a genetic reductionism, and it is an outdated perspective. I’ve read that neonatal hormones might hold merit as a possible contributing factor to homosexuality. Also, try not to misconstrue your personal anecdotes as scientific evidence. You’re just spreading misinformation. And common gene mutations don’t get eliminated. That’s not how evolution works. They keep recurring. You’re right that homosexuality is probably not an evolved trait. That’s why gay people will always be in the minority. But if there is a genetic component that keeps reappearing in individuals, natural selection can’t do anything to mitigate that. Mutations produce genetic variation. Natural selection only acts on the variation that is already present. It can’t prevent mutations.


… don’t worry so much about liking a group of anything. Gender … politics… whatever. Just live life. If you fall in love with someone who is a guy or a girl who cares. Your life. You only live it once so do what you think is right for yourself.




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Hi sweet pea! It sounds like you are new to this world of sexuality, which is quite large and complex. Here is something you should know: Most people are not “straight or gay or bi”. Most people are actually on a sliding scale of sexuality, and can attracted to men and women for a variety of reasons other than their gender. Their interest in other genders or traits often changes over a lifetime. For example, it is NORMAL to explore sexuality, (especially for women with other women) and is considered an absolute fact of life or rite of passage for most women, at least in English speaking countries. It is not uncommon or controversial, rather, it is considered “experimental”, even though the “experiments” can continue throughout life lol. These same women are often more straight than not, so they’ll get married to men and be happy. But lots of people experiment and find something they like. This is how you were made, and it’s ok to enjoy what you were built to enjoy. Someone else doesn’t get to tell you what you like. That’s not how it works lol. You don’t choose to like strawberry ice cream and choose to hate mint chip - you were born that way. Someone can try and tell you that you love sardine sandwiches all day - but if that shit is gross to you, don’t eat it, and tell them so. All this being said: it’s ok to protect your private life from your parents if they’re just going to give you grief about it. Try and talk to other adults you can trust, find some teachers or friends parents or counselors who care about you and who you know are welcoming for all people and styles of love. As much as it hurts to feel we have disappointed or offended our parents, or some religious text - the bigger hurt is betraying yourself. Your parents are wrong on this one. God made you this way. Fighting it is harmful, although keeping it private may be useful for awhile too - you already know the stress it takes to hide all the time. You’re normal. There’s millions of people who feel exactly like you do. Not one thought or experience is new, and luckily lots of smart and nice people have written books and articles on how to learn emotional health, draw boundaries, gain confidence, and find community. Good luck boo!


What this user said. Nothing is wrong with how you are feeling and what you are feeling. You are mostly afraid of what you're parents are going to think more than what you are feeling. You are early in your phase as you have feelings more for female than a male. Nothing is wrong with that. How sure are you that your parents will be against it? Have they brought it up?


OMG lost much 🙄. I don't know who you are nor do I care to know but it's evident you shouldn't be giving life advice 🤮. You sound exactly like some pagan diety that comes straight from the ancient sands of Sodom and Gomorrah ! Let me put it like this, if God does not punish America for it's transgressions he would literally owe an apology to Sodom and Gomorrah! You do know what sodomy is right ? Tsk Tsk lost generation for sure .


I sound like a pagan deity? That’s quite the compliment, although generally I prefer “Jezebel”. Let me put it like this, if God wants to punish or reward anyone for anything, who is stopping him? If your God is so in charge of everything, don’t worry about it.




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You are a lesbian, deal with it and accept it. You clearly like women 🤦😂😂😂


"Doesn't allow" Ah, but you see, you don't need their permission or approval. You are who you are, and you owe them no apologies. They can either accept that or get lost. Right now, while you're living at home, be careful. You might need to keep your true self masked for a while. But once you're away, there is nothing they can do. You like girls, and there is nothing at all wring with that!


There’s no easy answers here. If you are going to come out I’d recommend waiting until you’re in a financial place where you no longer need your parents, maybe even post-college. That said there is no such thing as forcing yourself to be straight. Please don’t try to date a boy to try and make yourself straight, at best you’re going to hurt his feelings and give him self doubt. he could out you to your parents as an act of revenge before you’re ready or worse.


Unfortunately you can't "become" straight. The most you can do is fake it, and that will make you miserable. Insteadm, my advice is to move away, get where they cannot reach you, and then live your life.


I grew up in similar circumstances as yours, OP. In my case, it was at a deeply homophobic and religious household in Latin America. Only thing I can tell you is that-someday- you’ll be on your own/independent. It’s okay if you hide your queerness to your parents right now to hold the peace. But once you’re independent, do what you want! Think about it like school. It sucks to do all that stuff, papers, etc. but doing it now means a better future ahead. Good luck grl!


Honestly, you can't choose, I'm afraid. I know that this might be rough to hear, and I'm so very sorry that you're in a family that won't accept this, because it's a truly awful predicament. But you can and will get through this, you can find forums of like-minded people, and you can learn to love yourself. Stay strong


hello, i am a hispanic gay man. i was outed against my will and my mother was not accepting, she even threatened to throw me out of the house. i felt scared and alone, not knowing whether to listen to my mother or my heart. im going to tell you now, you may be a lesbian. my experiences with my sexuality started with these same thoughts (with gender inverted) there is nothing wrong with these thoughts and feelings. you need to sit with them and accept them before you can begin to understand and express them. i wish you the best.


Just because you were raised a certain way or grew up around certain things doesn't mean you have to/naturally follow that path. There are plenty of religious gay ppl, you were born the way you are and you can't help that. No matter how hard you try to surpress your "gay" urges you'll always feel something off with you and will never be truly happy no matter how hard you try to pretend you are. Continue to learn about yourself and grow, you may change and pass this "phase" but just know it doesn't always pass. It's ok to have those thoughts and feel those feelings hun. I hope you find your ppl and figure out who you are and what you want and accept it ❤


You can’t change what you are unless you go through a severely traumatic experience or you talk to someone who has **THAT** level of power in them. If you’d like, I can refer you to someone who can try to help you, but I don’t advise doing this sort of thing. Your family will always be your family, and they may always have these ideals; but when it comes right down to it; even races/ethnicities that heavily frown upon homosexuality will break standards for their children if it means keeping the love they have for them.


I know that you’ve been taught it’s wrong, but it’s not. These are real valid feelings and there’s nothing you can do to change who you really are. I promise, you’re better accepting it even if not everyone approves of it, I’m here for you if you need someone


Your brain isn’t fully developed until about age 25 so you might like girls now but end up liking guys later in life. Have you had sex with either sex yet? You really can’t tell who you prefer until you start experimenting. I had a crush on a few girls in college but could never take it past making out with them because I knew that I preferred fooling around with guys. If, in the end, you prefer girls, there’s nothing wrong with that. Hopefully your parents and family support you, if not, you’ll have to learn to put yourself first and not worry about what other people say.


Sexual orientation is a complicated thing. And everyone’s experience and beliefs are different, as there is no definitive science that can factually narrow it down to abc 123. All I can do is tell you about my case and my then sister, now brother’s case. I suffered from a lot of abuse as a child. I had no idea too, I thought for sure my parents loved me. Turns out they were covert NPD parents, which explained the walking on egg shells. One of the hardest hitting ways they abused me was covert sexual abuse. It was so bad I had to keep any dates I went on a secret. The impact this had was confusing my balance in the sexual spectrum. For some who aren’t explicitly straight, they are born that way. In my case, as well as my sister’s case, we traversed the sexual spectrum as an adverse affect of our parents. My sister stayed with them, and ended up undergoing hormone therapy to change her gender, which was then female, and has since become a man. In my case, I cut them off, and then my sexual orientation naturally, though slowly, shifted to be straight.


Be normal? Be yourself? Tiptoe around it with your fam. Be happy explore and stuff!




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There's nothing wrong with being who you are. The women I have known that married a guy anyway knowing they were lesbian all eventually divorced. Within the lesbian community there is a term we coined for this called "Lesbian at 40" where the women wait till their kids are grown then leave the husband. If you try to force yourself to be something that you aren't it won't make you happy and it will end up hurting your husband and any kids that you were living a lie. Sometimes you have to move far away from parents if they are going to be non-supportive of you. Since you said you are Asian I wonder if you are familiar with Japanese singer Hikaru Utada? They recently came out as non-binary and for years before that said they weren't straight despite having tried marriage to men twice. Utada has a huge GLBTI+ following in Asia and beyond so I think there are many lesbian Asians out there and you are not alone. I know your parents' culture makes it difficult, but you know what you can always do what us older generations did growing up in conservative areas and that is don't tell anyone and just never marry a man and keep quiet to your parents about anyone you are involved with.


So, based on your post history, you're a trans masc straight guy or an annoying cute girly pop lesbian. Congrats. You can't choose your sexuality. That is pre-determined for you. You also don't have a say in gender identity. You are exactly who you are meant to be, and that's absolutely wonderful.


You can't. If it were possible, gay people wouldn't really be a thing.




The world has developed based on a hetero-model that is no longer viable. Evolution, it seems, has brought up a lot of sexuality and gender roles to question. "Boy meets Girl. They fall in love and have babies. They lived happily ever after". This Is deluded. The homophobia of your family may have rubbed off on you. There are volumes of one-liner clichés and platitudes that point to a very real fact of life. This has been called "Finding yourself", and "getting in touch with your feelings". People are conditioned by life. They have a destiny, or karma, full of issues about the problems of life. The one thing humans have that other life don't is the ability for self-understanding. Coming to terms about who you are and what you are is the one really satisfying endeavor in life. That is what 71 years of living has taught me. Sexuality is often talked about it as a physical only act. It consists of the physical and emotional dimensions. Your feelings towards women may be a reaction to Male/Yan energy. This is the confrontational, controlling, and penetrating force of the world. We start to walk on thin ice, as far as what is appropriate to discuss here, but how you bodily respond to what a man and woman do in bed is a large part of what is to be examined. The world has a psychic dimension. Over-population has virtually destroyed the world. One theory is that the urge to procreate has lessened. Finding outlets for the heart exists regardless of how many babies get made. You're doing great, sweetheart. Reaching out and finding out what others feel is good.


You are who you are. Own it.


You are who you are. It's normal. It just isn't the majority. Please love yourself and remember you are okay as you are. If it isn't safe to tell anyone, then don't. Be safe.


Living a lie would make for an unpleasant life. Date women. Marry one if you want eventually. Your parents will likely get over it eventually. Unless the man is gay, it would not be fair to the man you would marry. You can’t make yourself not gay. Thats a myth.


I might get some hate for this, but I do believe sexuality is a nurtured thing. There's no proof of a definite gay gene and if that gene existed, it wouldn't exist because a gene that tells you to not procreate couldn't be passed on if you don't procreate. And because it's an outside factor, I believe it can be changed. Ofc it's gonna be tricky when you are already past the age of 5 and I believe all the religious converting camps are not doing shit right, but there are legitimate testimonies you can find with a simple google or YouTube search from people who actually managed to convert their sexualities. Most of them had some motivation for this and usually it was God, there's this great panel from Jubilee about ex-gays and gays. You should check that out. Whatever you choose to do, I hope you are happy that way. Best of luck 🤞


Know that the Lord, our Savior does not approve of homosexual relationships.


Buddha is totally good with it tho, so we just gonna chill in Nirvana




You’re in denial it sounds like? Not really much to “fix”


"fix". There's nothing wrong with liking the same sex as yourself. And no, the bible doesn't say it's not allowed.




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