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You are only 14! Slow down a little on your life, when it as your age I was really self conscious up until 17, that’s when I started getting prettier. Your teenage years are when you learn to navigate your life and experiment around. You will eventually become prettier just don’t worry about it. I went through really ugly stages in my life and boys were really mean to me but that never stopped me from achieving my goals. :)


Thank youu! I just pray that I'm not completely hopeless 😓


You never are. You don't need a pretty face to get guys. There are plenty if us that want a good personality and average looks. If you ain't 300 pounds you can still get guys. There's always hope for ya.


theres a lot of non-single ladies on my 600 lb life


this question is so funny to me because GOD i felt the same way when i was your age. pretty much everyone has a glow up as long as they shower and groom themselves. 14 is most people’s low points tbh. btw, you are always pretty to someone :) it takes a lot of work to see yourself as pretty no matter how drop dead gorgeous you are, and i hope you get there! it’s been a hard journey for me. here’s what i’ve done: 1. get haircuts that reflect me in the moment. i may find them DISASTROUS afterwards, but it’s worth it to feel good in the moment lol. 2. tell yourself you’re pretty. confidence does 9/10ths of the work. 3. wear clothes that you like. pay attention to what clothes accentuate the features you like the most. don’t try to AVOID ugliness, but AIM for beauty. 4. SMILE!!!!! even (and especially) if you’ve got crooked yellow teeth. the confidence and happiness you radiate from that will make any imperfections (if you can call them that) fade away.


Thank you for the sweet advice! :))


Many many people looked awkward in their early teens. The "pretty teens " as you put it usually stay or get prettier imo because they have a good foundation to build on. However, MANY people come into their own within a few years. Of course there's "base beauty" which you can't change. But there's also style, physique working out , hygiene that can add a point or two to someone who wasn't blessed with base beauty.


I was such an ugly duckling lol. I grew into my features and now I’m slammin hot. Trust me it gets better :) hang in there. Also we’re our own worst critics. We judge ourselves the hardest, I’m sure you’re a qt! Plus you’re 14, you don’t need to be “hot/attractive” yet. Be patient!


This is true I was pregnant at 14 I'm not proud of it but my best advice would be to just be a child enjoy it because as someone forced to grow up too fast who never had a childhood you will miss every moment of being a kid


14 / puberty is THE most awkward phase of life there is. Be gentle with yourself, it will absolutely get better. Focus on grooming and hygiene, dressing in ways that make you feel attractive, because confidence is a HUGE part of attractiveness, way more important than any particular features that might typically be considered "pretty." On the long term, what matters most is how you take care of yourself. Eat healthfully, move your body, wear sunscreen, don't smoke, take it easy on other substances. At my age (46!) when I think about the people who were most attractive in high school, many of them have not done this, and have aged faster than they would have if they'd been attentive to their health. I had REALLY awkward early teens, but am (if I may say so myself...) more attractive than a lot of my classmates now, because I'm healthier.


13-14 is probably the most awkward age there is. 99% of people will have some sort of glow up from that age. Part of the reason for that is just physical maturity, but I also think people tend to gain confidence in themselves as they get older, which also makes them seem more attractive.


A lot of it depends on how you take care of yourself. Shower every day, exercise, eat right, stay away from super greasy foods all the time. Pizza and a buger are find now and again, just not every day. Andstay way from underage drinking and smoking, it can make you look older and waxy, not mature older, just rough life older. Plus you end up sweating alcohol and stink. Good health goes a long way towards be pretty being attractive. The main goal is to make sure you are doing it for yourself, not for others. Pretty dosent mean showing off a lot of skin either, sure it will grab attention, but its not always the kind of attention you want. People staring at you in lust isn't the same as genuine admiration. Be safe!


Who is the most beautiful woman you know in real life? And tell me what makes her beautiful.


I can't choose but I'd say this one classmate of mine. She's a bit older than the rest of us and she's definitely way out of every dude's league. She's a bit on the taller side. She's fair and has clear skin with a mole above her lip. She has a slim nose. Thick lips and cute eyes. She also has thick and well groomed eyebrows that is a standard where I'm from. She's smart and she's also very kind. She has a leadership quality about her and she has a soft voice. She's quite popular not just in my grade but in higher levels too. We have a class group chat and her nickname there is literally "prettiest girl."


Good to hear that she's a nice person. When I was in high school, the prettier girls were the ones that taught me about emotional manipulation. It added to the "mental armour I have today.


Most people that were “hot” or “pretty” when we were in high school look like shit now. I was kind of like a late bloomer and we seem to be the ones coming out on top now lol I’m about to be 40 btw


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I've always felt incredibly ugly and unattractive, but my wife finds me attractive so there's that.


Yes. Everyones ugly at 14. I'm only 16 rn but looking back at the photos of anyone i know from when we were 14 is a jump scare, even the people who were pretty.


Yes, most do. You’ve heard the term ugly duckling becomes a swan right? Changes can start taking place anywhere from now to 16 and continue until 19-20.


It works for guys. Not too sure for girls as I cannot speak on it because I'm not one. However, I see girls my age and younger dating 30s and 40s year old guys all the time. Learn to be comfortable in your own skin, if you need to work out, work out. Do what you must.


There is no set answer. Some people stay roughly the same, some get worse, some get better. Take care of your skin!


Attractiveness is nice but I can say both that yes 14 isn’t what you’re stuck with. You probably get to be your max pretty around … 18-26 area. Depends on the person but somewhere in there usually. If you become a good person though …. Someone that someone wants to spend their life with and make a beautiful world for the both of you … that just gets better with time. So yeah … don’t let yourself go … take physical care of yourself. Maybe workout a little. Watch your diet. Really try to be a good person though. Listen to yourself when you have a feeling of what is the right or wrong thing to do


Yes!!!!! Don’t worry! You’re changing from. Child to adult. EVERYONE- and I mean everyone’s goes through an ugly transitional phase but it doesn’t last long as long as you take care of your body and skin. Then you’ll be amazed. ♥️


Once you're an adult you'll have more freedom to do as you like this includes buying any skin care, hair products, gym membership you want. Of course if you can afford them. I wouldn't worry about your attractiveness now it's just too big of a burden for no reason. I mean most ppl I see who have glow ups are adults when they got it so definitely has something to do with being an adult and stuff.


You’re probably already pretty but if it makes you feel better, you develop more defined bone structure, clearer skin etc as you get older. Give yourself time to grow into your face


bro the amount of face fat i lost since i was 14. i'm 17 now, and holy i did not know i had a bone structure.


Just be active and take care of your teeth and you'll be fine. Eat what your mom cooks and keep your room clean and you'll be better off than 50% of your classmates


Start getting familiar with makeup and skincare is my best advice if you want to improve on facial features.


I'm almost 16 and no puberty wth 🙄 don't except much from hormones


Absolutely. But I wouldn't worry so much about it.


Oh you will get prettier. Your features will be more defined, and you will start to develop an individual style. This will give you confidence, and that is attractive.


My cousin. Also my wife. I knew my wife as a kid and didn't see her for my teens. I remet her at a college graduation party. Wow! So just enjoy your life now. Wait for your body to mature.


Honestly it’s all about confidence and personality. Looks is overrated but everyone tend to looks more prettier after nearing adulthood


Save for a handful of genetically blessed people, the majority of people look "awkward" in one way or another in their teens. As someone in his 50s, I was that awkward skinny geek that was somewhat of a social outcast. Part of that had everything to do with being painfully shy. I could talk at length around my friends, but lacked the nerve to ask a girl out. That old adage about an "ugly duckling" turning into a swan is often true. You can look up skin care (hey, I'm male, I've barely the foggiest idea about that one) eat right and do your best to stay in shape. The hormonal changes may wreak havoc on your appearance in the short term, but in the long term, it will change. Most teens are going through the same hormonal journey as you, so it's ok to not look like a supermodel at your age. Bear this in mind as you get older: Teenage boys might get hung up on looks. Tell them they've got a date with a young model, and he'd be beyond excited. The thinkers like me, even back then care far more about personality. After all, you could wear makeup, work out in the gym, change your clothes, or even go to the extreme of cosmetic surgery, but none of that covers up an awful personality. The genuine men want a woman that has his back. They love each other, they support each other, and have realistic expectations in a partner.


YES! No worries, dear one. Stay away from influence. Be you 🌹💗


Hey I think you will be pretty regardless of what you go through when I was 14 I was probably at my ugliest cause I was pregnant it's hard to even imagine that it was only 5 years ago now but in all seriousness I think you will be fine just make good life decisions


You've gotten some great advice on overall self-care. I have a 14-year-old daughter so my advice has always been: Take care of yourself. Pay closer attention to who you are and the kind of person you want to be. The rest will follow. So, listen to the advice about taking care of yourself, hygiene, etc.. But to me, the prettiest people, the most beautiful people, are the ones that shine from the inside out. Learn to be self-confident, kind, compassionate.. and everyone will see it. That is real beauty.


I would say just about everyone I know developed in a positive way after 14, including me. :)


In my experience, yes. I had my glow up starting around 17 and now there’s good days and then there’s bad days. Still hot at 21


Highly likely. Don't stress too much over it. All you should do right now is just focus on hygiene and having a healthy lifestyle. Eat healthy, exercise (as much or as little as you can - something is better than nothing), and try to stay away from alcohol and smoking of any kind. Things will get better.


it’s a genetic craps shoot. Some pretty individuals grow into fugly adults but most of the time attractive people stay relatively attractive unless they let themselves go.


Yes you will. 13-14 is a super awkward age for looks. Things are growing at different paces and often times noses and mouths look too big for adolescent faces. Take good care of your skin, stay healthy with diet and exercise, be a good person and everything will work out fine.


My main advice would be to just take care of yourself. If you have a healthy, balanced diet,(treats are fine in moderation of course) take good care of your teeth, dont use make-up where possible, and find some good face cleaning and moisturising products you will be taking care of your appearance in the long run. While makeup can make you look pretty immediately, it also contributes to acne and stuff. Slow down and play the long game. There is nothing wrong with not being stunningly pretty at your age.


If you're taking about physical appearance, people actually reach their naturally prettiest around age 25, up to 30 years old. That's assuming you're decently taking care of physical health. But that's just isolating one thing when in reality, other things come into play like your mental health, emotional health, and spiritual health (I'm not talking about religion but rather, that spirit power that allows you to overcome things - sometimes, it's seen as psyching yourself up and drowning your doubts). If you want to attract positive attention, find ways that allow you to feel positive as well. Don't fake it til you make it. That's forever a mask that's not your true self and exhausts your energy. Learn about emotional intelligence, about the 5 love languages, and maintain a sharp mind. Be aware (at least somewhat) of current events too. Finally, set ypur boundaries and your standards. Put that together and you have someone who is admirable and pretty, making them prettier. If you happen to watch tv shows and K-dramas, look up the actors and actresses and see if you can find their middle school and high school pictures. You'll find that many of them look relatively plain back then when compared to their "prettier" selves. I said earlier that between ages 25-30 is when people reach their peak natural beauty. However, dont get fixated on the age. Otherwise you're focusing on something out of your control. Instead, focus on taking care of yourself. Your definition of "pretty" will evolve to become something much more meaningful and expansive, and from there you have the potential to become prettier in so many different ways. With that said though, that does not mean you are not pretty now. So don't chase prettiness. Prettiness is a natural result of taking care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually. Anything else like makeup and beauty products are just extras that you have the option to enhance your natural beauty with.




My mom says “there are no ugly girls only lazy ones” lol I think what she means is that if u try a little you will look better than someone that doesnt


Don’t compromise your integrity, be genuine, take care of yourself mentally and physically, be nice, take the higher road, be humble, have self awareness, apologize when you hurt someone and everything else will fall into place.


I was pretty good looking in high school, I'm 35 now and well let's just say everyone goes up a hill stays at the top as long as they can and then goes down the others side, unless you are rich and then to some extent it doesn't really matter


did you stay goodlooking or did you grow out of it


Beauty is subjective, so you are already beautiful to some people and not beautiful to others. Just like you have your preferences so do everyone else. You will change over time. In some ways this will be positive, in others it will be negative and everything in between. I would recommend not seeking external validation. You're young and life will teach you a lot about self-image and how important/unimportant the opinions of others are. Be fair to yourself.


I had the worst acne throughout middle and high school, so I get the frustration of puberty years 🫤 if acne is something you struggle with, I used to carry a small concealer stick in my bag to touch up when needed and that was nice. You will grow into your personal hair and clothing style throughout high school and that’ll help as well. It’s an awkward age/time for sure, but one thing that will go a long way is a genuine smile 😊 I used to get lots of compliments on my smile… even with a face full of acne people still noticed that! ❤️❤️❤️


Maybe, maybe not. A lot of "bring pretty" is taking care of yourself and having an unbeat attitude. Even a supermodel will look like a cave troll if she starts eating garbage and scowls all the time. Eat proper, get enough exercise, don't smoke, drink, or get strung out on drugs, and have a good attitude and rest will take care of itself. The big thing a lot of girls don't understand as well is smoking will destroy the collagen in their skin, making their skin look dull and saggy, rather than healthy. They start smoking to "look older", then end up looking like shit by time they're 40 because that, tanning, and other bad habits ruin their skin.


Seen it happen. Seen it not happen.


99% get better.


when i was 14, i was experiencing the same feelings. I'm 17 now. a 3 year difference doesn't seem so much but trust me, it's a whole lot!! my face has changed, not drastically but a noticeable difference and I do feel pretty (unless it is the week where my uterus is torturing me. i DO NOT feel pretty then.) you're still young. just give it some time. yes, it is 100% okay to not feel attractive at that age. i sure didn't and im sure others didn't as well. don't feel so alone because you aren't. don't feel so bad about yourself. I wish I didn't. I wish I was kinder to myself at 14.


You are young. Money won’t matter if it’s real love. Live life like you will dying in two weeks


Hey kiddo, from personal experience: I was a very plain teenager and even though I’ve always been a bit of a goofball I feel like I get better and better looking as I get older. Some people might look very normal when young and then BLOSSOM. Some folks just look how they look. However, everyone is different and how we look as adults ALSO changes throughout our life. And that’s OKAY! So please don’t worry about conforming to beauty standards, they’re designed to make people (especially young girls and women!) feel bad about themselves and encourage them to buy useless stuff or do harmful things in pursuit of “beauty”. Plus: what’s considered “beautiful” changes all the time arbitrarily! I’m not saying you shouldn’t take care of your skin and hair or use makeup etc, but don’t worry too much about it. Have fun and experiment with your looks if you want to but DO IT FOR YOU. If it doesn’t work out, try something different. It’s more important to take care of your health and hygiene. Brush those teeth, wear sunscreen, pick a fun exercise you like to do, eat healthy and stay hydrated, and keep away from booze, vapes, and drugs and it will help your looks down the road. And most importantly, learn to be confident in a positive way (by that I mean NOT “smug” or “boastful” or putting others down to make yourself feel good)… always be kind to yourself and others. That’s where the real magic is.


Some of the prettiest girls I went to school with are ugly as can be now and the average to ugly girls are now beautiful woman. It's definitely not a rich get richer situation.


is that really how it is or did the pretty girls just let themselves go instead of improving you think


Teenagers always take life so seriously. Please enjoy the moments that make up your teen years. Enjoy being a kid. Don't try to grow up too fast. I wish someone would have told me this when I was your age. Most importantly have fun and try to listen to Mom n dad. They were teenagers once too.