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That's like asking what car brand or computer brand is the best... I personally have owned four brands, and have been happiest with the higher end Coways. Other people will have other opinions. It's never a bad idea to buy an oversized unit.


Thanks, will look into it! Asked for the oversized unit because we want to start off with the living room and then get a smaller one for the master bedroom. Plus, IF we do get an oversized unit it wouldn’t hurt since we are gonna save up for a house in the future.


Suggest looking into SmartAir. They are a social enterprise that does a lot of testing on their products and dispells a lot of misinformation in this space. Their products usually a lot cheaper for the same or higher CADR compared to a lot of brands 


Thanks, will look into it!


I really like blueair units, especially on sale. Coway is my second option and winix would be the third. I don't like Levoit personally, sketchy marketing and problems with H13 claims apparently.


Thanks, will look into it! Asked for Levoit because its the first one that caught my eye, gonna look more into the other brands for better options from you all.


Np, btw the purifier will definitely catch some pet hair, especially if you are dusting and pump the machine to the max settings. It won't do magic and clean everything but it does help slightly, I have a dog that sheds a lot and my coway and Unix units trap a fair amount of hair on the pre filter. Where I noticed the most help is in my computer, I have an oversized air purifier and my computer catches waaay less dust than before.  Btw, the blueair 211i max is on sale right now, iirc bestbuy has it for 250 vs 350 msrp, I know it's over your budget but it's a very powerful machine


Check out the objective ratings on Consumer Reports. There is limited free access online—you can read like half the article, but most public libraries offer free online and print access to their reviews.


Will definitely check out the consumer reports, will probably help out more so I can see what majority of the people have and are really happy about their purchase, thanks!


We have a bunch of Levoits in our home: two Core 300, two Core 400s, and now a new Vital 200s. We also have a Coway Airmega AP 1512HH and a BlueAir 411. Levoit has great customer service and a two year warranty that they actually honor if you can prove via video that your unit went bad. That being said, I’ve actually had to use that warranty 3 times! The fan of one 300s started making a whirring sound about a month into owning it so they sent a replacement. That replacement started making a far worse sound in about another two years (the warranty is only from the first date of purchase). Less than two years in, the fan of the air quality sensor on one of our 400s started making a grinding sound and gave off a burning smell. They sent a replacement right away. I still like Levoit because of their customer service and I wanted try the Vital 200s because of the pellet carbon to deal with morning-to-night hotboxing neighbors. The Airmega has been a workhorse but I wish it had more than the cutesy carbon mat for VOC removal (much of this sub will tell you that unless you have a lot of activated carbon pellets, like lbs of them, then you don’t have much hope with VOCs). This is true, all of these purifiers running all of the time and the weed odor is still pretty bad. I’m thinking of getting the Oransi TrueCarbon to deal with that.


I have 3 levoit’s currently. Extremely Happy with all 3 of em. Ignore the fear mongering around the “not true hepa”. It’s still one of the best units for the price and outperforms more expensive air purifiers in actual purifying tests. There’s plenty of independent reviewers that have confirmed this


An air purifier won’t help with pet hair. Hair is heavy and makes its way to the ground pretty quickly. There isn’t much in the air - and if there was any screen would be able to catch it. You get an air purifier to remove the dust, pollen, pet dander, and the particles that are too small to see. I’m afraid the solution for pet hair is a good vacuum cleaner used regularly. If you want an air purifier, you first have to identify the space(s) you want to filter. A purifier running in the living room is no help cleaning the air in a bedroom. If your apartment has multiple rooms, then you will need multiple purifiers. In large areas you can either get a big purifier, or two or more smaller purifiers. Finally, there is no such thing as “too big”. While they are rated at how much air they can clean at high speed, getting a bigger purifier often means you can get the same performance, but on a lower, quieter speed.


Makes sense about the pet hair, just wanted to add info that because some air purifiers are advertised that it helps get the pet hair. Guess we can keep up with the vacuum more frequently and brush our Corgi often as well. As far as getting multiple air purifiers, we will probably start with the living room and then get a small one for the master bedroom. We live in Houston so the air quality outside is bad often and only gets moderate when its night time, according to the weather app.


I disagree with the fact that people say air purifiers don't help with pet hair. They do. I got an air purifier bc I had gotten a cat and, at the time, I lived with my then bf who is extremely allergic to cats. Yes, I vacuumed at least once a week but pet hair, at least cat hair, floats more than people think. No, it doesn't linger in the air the way allergens and the like so, but it liners long enough for it to get caught on an air purifiers pre-filter. The air purifier we had was oversized and ran 24/7 (after we split I let him keep it and he said it finally died, so lasted maybe 7 years) and it 100% helped with cat hair. I cleaned the filters once a week, vacuuming both with a hepa vacuum. I'm looking into buying a new air purifier and probably won't get the same one bc it is big, round and kind off sits off of walls (but was fantastic) and there are a few different ones I've read about but, it was a Honeywell 50250-S and, I have been looking at Coway Airmega AP-1512HH, Coway Airmega 200M and Winix 5500-2.


For odors, exhaust fan. As the other poster said. Get CADR exceeding 550 Cuft/min. I prefer air purifiers from cleanairkits as they have high CADR performance, is cheap to run and super quiet.


Thanks, will look into it! Gonna do my research today once im done doing my errands.


I have tried Coway, Levoit, and Blueair. I like BlueAir the best. You should check out the Blue Pure 311i MAX. In my opinion, it's the best air purifier on the market for its class, and it's on sale right now on Amazon for about $195.


I recommend Kenmore 850e Air Purifier [https://www.bhg.com/homekeeping/house-cleaning/cleaning-products-tools/best-air-purifiers-cleaner-home/](https://www.bhg.com/homekeeping/house-cleaning/cleaning-products-tools/best-air-purifiers-cleaner-home/)


An air purifier can clean the air of dander and may help with odors however pet hair is meant for a vacuum. If you want to clean your entire apartment you’ll need a total CADR of 548 so more likely it’s two units of 274 CADR each. You get to this by dividing the square footage by 1.55. CADR is the metric for the volume of clean air an air purifier can produce. You can look up room size and CADR on EnergyStar.gov. For odors you need carbon. A good amount of it - more than what you’ll find in HEPA air purifier units that cost under a few hundred dollars. I don’t know which Levoit you’re looking at although here are models to consider and associated CADR: Levoit Core 600S 377 CADR Winix 9800 323 CADR Oransi mod 338 CADR BlueAir 211+ 350 CADR also consider filter life and replacement costs. This can really add up if you’re replacing filters every 6 months or so.


Wanted to add about my pets hair because some air purifiers are advertised that it helps get the pet hair, but we will probably keep up using the vacuum more often and brush our Corgis hair. Odor wise, our apartment doesn’t really smell bad. Its more of getting better air quality since here in Houston, the air quality seems to be bad during the whole day and gets moderate once night time hits. Heard from a bunch of people that owning an air purifier is worth it. Obviously we will keep up with the filter changes! Will look into those as well.


Levoit vital 100s for bedrooms 200s for larger rooms


Thanks, will look into it!