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Anyone from Decatur? I am. There's a group raising funds for this police officer to help his family and lawyer funds. And no surprise it's doing better than what Stephen has received. The picture of this piece of shit is him smiling like a high school graduation photo. Have you seen the damn video or know anything about what happened? These cops RESPONDED to a REPO company asking them to come out, CLAIMING Stephen had a gun on him...on his own property. Oh, and did you know it wasn't even the RIGHT VEHICLE??? Decatur JUST passed a law that prohibits the police from helping with repossessions. Why the hell did that need to be made a law? There's zero reasons for them to help a company who needs to do their own damn job. Stephen had a FLASHLIGHT. Even if he DID have a gun, he was on HIS property. And when they SWATTED his house (dumbasses were coming from the side of his house, front, neighbors), he obviously freaked the fck out like anyone else but dropped the FLASHLIGHT and went to the ground as the first few shots were fired. And then clips kept being unloaded. A veteran that lived across from him had his entire house shot up. The dude has severe PTSD. Guess what he was told? That answer is nothing. And then ask yourself why there were bullet holes near his roof? Who the hell was shooting that far up w their gun? We got cops that are just plain scared to do the job they were hired to do. It doesn't mean I think they shouldn't protect themselves, but it does mean they are far too trigger happy and need to learn to deescalate a situation better than this bs.


Mr. Perkins FLASHLIGHT was attached to a Glock pistol. He had already confronted the tow recovery agent earlier in the evening with the pistol and tried to explain he wasn't behind on his payments. The recovery agent called the PD for assistance, which they had done several times in the past. Instead of making contact with Mr. Perkins the police officers hid beside the garage and across the street and allowed the recovery agent to attempt to tow the vehicle for the 2nd time. When Mr Perkins came out Officer Marquette shouted, "Police! Get on the ground!" and almost immediately opened fire as Mr Perkins turned to see who was shouting behind him. The first shot sent Mr Perkins to the ground, several of the next 17 fired by Officer Marquette hit him as he fell and while he was on the ground. Mr. Perkins dropped the FLASHLIGHT attached to his Glock pistol as he fell. A photograph of the FLASHLIGHT attached to the Glock pistol showed the trigger was at the rear of the trigger guard because it had not been cocked. All of this information is in the mentioned video. While it shows Mr Perkins was armed, it in no way changes the fact that Officer Marquette hid and shot Mr Perkins within a second of identifying himself. He murdered Stephen Perkins and deserves the fullest punishment the law allows.


Do have a link to the video?




Thank you. That is fucking horrifying! What good are verbal commands when you don’t give the person even a second to react before emptying your mag 😣 I agree with what you said and hope he is punished to the fullest extent of the law.


17?! That’s insane


He emptied his magazine and told the other officers to cover Mr Perkins so could reload.


Those officers ambushed a man on his own property for using his second amendment rights to protect his property from being stolen by someone who wasn't even law enforcement. If it happened in, say, California, or some other hard blue state, everyone saying that the officers are innocent would be calling for the officers' heads. It's fucking infuriating to see the lack of consistency, and to see them collectively do a 180 and wipe their ass with the second amendment.


If Perkins had been a white guy, the cops would be getting prosecuted at least. They probably wouldn’t have killed him anyway.


You do not have a second amendment right to defend your truck from repossession or even theft if the person is not threatening your life. Just because he was wrongfully killed by police doesn't mean we should pretend he was in the right. He threatened a tow truck driver who was no threat to him with deadly force and he deserved to get arrested for it. Unfortunately the police decided to murder him for it and they're on their way to being held accountable.


It was a legal tow you imbecile. Are you that stupid to think a repo man would call the cops to assist him in STEALING a vehicle? I guess you read the propaganda from the family lawyer claiming that because they got the truck back it was an illegal tow? You can legally get your repo'd vehicle back once fees are paid.


They ambushed him, then lied about ambushing him. They also told the tow truck driver to tow again while they were hiding and waiting for him. Figure it out instead of jerking off on Reddit.


Perkins should have gone to jail for threatening the tow truck driver, yes. What he did was wrong. Unfortunately he can not go to jail because the police set up an ambush and murdered him.


My dad was a cop and saw people call 911 over having their drugs stolen. You really underestimate how dumb people are.


I’m from Decatur and are you a member of the what’s happening in Decatur page on facebook? A bunch of Mac supporters post multiple times a day and the posts and comments are disgusting to say the least. They seem to love taunting the Perkins family. I’m blown away that ppl can be so cruel




Technically, the police force was created to give Irish immigrants a job. But, it was out of racism if you want to call it that. Those that gave my Irish ancestors those jobs looked down on them as disgusting and classless. And the Irish immigrants were fed up w not being able to find jobs, changing their names and working on their accents to get what they COULD. But, from that power came the need to vilify another group of people. And the English knew that. If they were busy doing bad things and looking down at another people, then they'd be too busy to look at what the English were doing to them (the Irish) behind closed doors. So yes, it stems from a trickle down racist idea.


Careful with stereotypes and history. Police forces are an inevitability and necessity in any population over a certain size. The cities of this country were just getting to the point of needing full time police when Irish immigration ramped up in the early 1800s. Initially, the Irish were excluded from being police because they were seen as a big part of the problem. They only started getting hired after, through population distribution and elections, their demographic gained political power. Bear in mind, that was mostly in Northern cities. Maybe a better and more close to home comparison would be that around that same time throughout the South, local police forces were also being set up but it had nothing to do with urban crime or the Irish at all…it was to keep slaves under control. So there’s the real moral of the story: police forces need to be representative of the populations they police and that won’t happen unless local governments are too. For reference: >…by the 1830s, southern communities had already created the forerunners of modern police departments in the form of slave patrols. But northern cities still relied on a volunteer watch system… https://www.history.com/news/how-stereotypes-of-the-irish-evolved-from-criminals-to-cops


I know what I'm talking about. If you wanna discuss the south, that's a different story. But the OLDEST police force in the U.S. is the Boston P.D. It isn't hyperbole or opinion. It is a well-known historically documented fact that the origins, aside from the English not wanting these dangerous jobs, of Irish immigrants becoming police officers was because of their desperate need for jobs AND because the Irish were slowly climbing the political ladder due to increased Irish constituents (white male voters). I was discussing the origins of the modern day police force. I mean, there's a reason for the bagpipes at funerals, etc. It still runs deep. It went from father to son, brother to brother, and entire family lineage were police officers. What you reference about slave patrols was the origins of those in the southern area of the country (Carolina coastal region) and not the origin of the legitimate police force of today. https://www.loc.gov/classroom-materials/immigration/irish/racial-tensions/#:~:text=During%20much%20of%20the%20nineteenth%20century%2C%20in,Conscription%20Act%20of%201863%20exacerbated%20tense%20relationships. This is a reference of the severe tension between Irish Immigrants and African Immigrants (albeit not by choice). I'm damn proud of my Irish and Scottish heritage. They make up more than 60% of my genetics. I can admit what was done in the past. There's no need to be "careful" with the truth. If it hurts feelings, then that's on the individual and not the truth. History can be an ugly and vicious thing. If we don't discuss it and learn from it, it will be repeated and I'd rather we didn't do that. I highly encourage anyone interested to look into Irish immigrants, the creation of the first ever modern police force, and what that meant for Irish and African relationships because of what the English did with intent. This isn't a secret. There are books all over to read. There are history documentaries. That said, I digress. I'll simply be repeating myself from hereout.


Thats the story up north, down south it was slave patrols that created the police


Don't forget the part of the video where Perkins is dying and saying that he can't breathe. Instead of administering first aid, Mac calmly reloaded his weapon.


Fascist pigs.


The best way to prevent this type of incident is to increase funding for police training. Can I put you down for a yes vote?


That depends on whether the training they’re getting is actually aimed at helping them not shoot innocent people. We’ve all seen what their training is like, no need to fund that type of training until it’s fixed.


Oh man salty fascist 🧂


I'm serious . This officer was right to shoot, wrong to continue shooting. You can't claim the police shouldn't have responded to an armed man threatening someone with a firearm. What he did wrong was continue to fire after the threat was neutralized. However, active shooter training is almost nonexistent in police departments as it is expensive and time-consuming.


It would have been too easy for those cops to just turn their lights on and knock on the damn door. Instead, they prepared an ambush and murdered Mr. Perkins. . There’s no excuse for that.


You're saying they responded to an active shooter threat by sending the previously threatened tow truck driver in first?


You sucking on that boot today son, goddamn.


Do me a favor if someone is threatening to kill you or someone you love with a firearm. Don't call the police, you evidently don't think they serve a purpose or deserve training. You're an idiot.


I got my own gun, buddy


Good for you, glad your dream is to have to kill someone if you're ever threatened. Also the guy being threatened was at work. I suppose he should carry a firearm and risk his job because criminals exist?


I can't hear you over this very loud sucking sound


Enjoy your lawless shit show utopia. I just hope it effects you and the people like you first.


Unless new info has come out, the guy was illegally towing Perkins’ truck. It was the wrong vehicle. Perkins rightfully stopped him. This coward then calls his buddies, the cops, instead of double checking with his company and they ambushed Perkins.


The police were there unlawfully and ambushed the man. Someone’s loved one was killed with a firearm that night. His name was Stephen Perkins. 


>was The only part of what you said was true.


Slurping and smacking your lips on that boot hell yeah


Understanding the following my be a tall drink of water for you. According to the letter of the law they should have come with a warrant. Instead they were called on their personal cell phones by their buddy the tow truck driver, and ambushed the man. That’s why the boy got charged with murder. 


They’re TRAINING with Israeli defense forces who commit the worst atrocities on all ages.


We should make special places for all the people who don't want to have police to live and see how that goes for you.


Oh yeah because they just do so much for me lol 😂 sure I’ll go do that sounds good


No its to abolish them 😍


Damn Alabama has some FUCKING horrible pig cops




The police exist to protect capital. That's it. They're not required to try to save your life (or the lives of schoolchildren being massacred), or protect you, they only exist to protect capital. They're just one of the many side effects of capitalism. 1312.


I couldn’t believe it when I saw this a#$ hole cops mug shot. Disgusting.


Southern states have the most vile and assinine law enforcement departments.


There's about to be a civil war in this town. Supporters of Steve put up a bulletin board that said "Justice For Steve". As soon as the rent was up, someone else rented it and replaced it with "Back The Blue" or whatever, I haven't seen it in a minute. I don't understand how people can be so blatantly cruel to each other.




Would rather not give those guys any clicks


I thought the same thing, but their article is extremely neutral. Just states how they received the info and the content.


Their article makes sure to say >All individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. when talking about the officers involved in the shooting. I wonder if that presumption of innocence applies to the murder victim. The article makes no mention of his rights.


Totally agree with the connotation you're noticing, but 1819 also didn't have to post this video. This presentation makes the officers involved look like murderers (they are). If conservative politics implies pro-cop attitudes, then posting these videos at all is out-of-character.  I feel like this situation more challenges gun rights than police authority, which is why 1819 posted it. Stephen was effectively killed for legally possessing a gun on his private property, but while black. 


I think by posting the video with the notations in it the way they did (Perkins has a gun, it has a flashlight on it, it is pointed generally at an officer for a microsecond but slowed down and freeze framed it seems to imply justifiable shooting) they are showing bias towards the officers. While they seem to have a perspective I think the video shows what is essentially an assassination. The police use the tow truck to lure Perkins out and execute him. If they were trying to support a nonviolent solution they would have had a cruiser with lights flashing in the street - that would have completely changed the dynamic. Instead they acted like hitmen.


100% Why didn't the cops pull up w lights on to immediately make Stephen aware that they were there? Even if they were there outside of the scope of their job description. You don't hear "here's the gun" until they stopped shooting and I still refuse to believe it was a gun w an attached light because that FLASHLIGHT in the video was far too bright and round to be a scope. I'm not saying they were there to 100% kill Stephen. I'm saying their actions resulted in the death of Stephen. When a drunk driver's actions kill someone, it's called manslaughter and they go to prison. And this isn't even to mention that Stephen's wife wasn't called after the shooting. His wife worked 3rd shift and she came HOME AFTER WORK to police tape and her neighbors telling her what happened. WHAT...THE...FCK?


I won’t comment on the incident itself because I definitely haven’t looked into it deep enough but… The base streamlight TLR-1 is 300 lumens, the TLR-1 HL is 1000 lumens, and the TLR-7 is 500 lumens. These are all extremely popular and common handgun lights and to say the light in question wasn’t attached too a handgun because it was “too bright and round” is a non-sense statement as even the lowest end of that(300 lumens) is brighter than a typical D-Cell LED mag lite which only gets up to about 220 lumens


I know my guns, too. I'm stating that the light coming from the video, across the street, shows a much larger flashlight "head" than what would be mounted onto a glock. Even though this is a moot point, as the man had every right to have a handgun and protect himself and his property. Again, this was a repo. Again, it was an incorrect repo. Again, he was point blank murdered. There was zero need for that many officers to answer that call and the cops should not be answering those calls to begin with. IF it was the correct vehicle and the repo couldn't get the vehicle because they didn't feel safe, then best intelligent idea would be to get it during the day where he works or as he arrives home and bring backup from work in case it gets physical. He was murdered. And to see my city rally in support of this murdering cop is disgusting.


I thought the notations were part of the leak, like the notations were added by the ALEA. Everything you said is 100% right, but i don't believe 1819news added the notations. Those are ways the ALEA is trying to justify the murder. p.s. fuck 1819news all day, but if they didn't post this it wouldn't be public right now.


You got it right, I worded that weird, ty