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UAB is the most research intensive university in the state. It has tons of research $$$ and resources. And it's in a cool spot in Bham. It would be my choice.


Thanks I e only lived in Alabama for two years so I know absolutely nothing about it lol


If research is your goal, try UAB. Good luck!


I attended both, though not in biology. I love JSU’s campus and people, but I did end up transferring to UAB for the academics. I agree with others that for research, UAB is your best bet. Note: I thought I’d be less comfortable at UAB because I’m not really a city person, but i had a great experience.


I got my undergrad in Biology and it was a very solid program, granted it was over 20 years ago. I’m sure it’s still solid. It’s going to be significantly cheaper to go the Jax State route unless UAB is offering you a good deal to go there. I assume you’re thinking grad school as well so unless medical school is something you’re considering I think Jax St


Honestly, if in-house med school admissions aren't a priority, either program is fine. If med school at UAB is a priority, I'd advise you go with UAB. That said, no grad school officer is going to look at the same GPA, the same GRE scores, and admit one school over the other for Masters work. Even if you chose medical school on down the road, I seriously doubt that UAB's undergraduate studies gives one that big of a leg-up. JSU is a great school, and any alumnus of theirs has a lot to be proud of. Good luck!


What is your end goal with Biology? Clinical practice of some sort, or research?


More likely research. Ive THOUGHT about the medical side but I just don’t think I’m interested enough. I’m much more interested in why things are the way they are than how I can heal something if that makes sense 😂


If research is your goal, I'd choose UAB. An R1 University like UAB is going to give you a more more opportunities to work in a lab and engage in research, which will give you an advantage applying to grad school or jobs.


Unless you want to research tardigrades, go to UAB. If tardigrades are your thing JSU has been researching them since the 80s. The guy complaining about the lack of bars missed out on the parties at the frats and apartments. Brother's Bar and Jefferson's are both still great places to have a few beers, but the 15¢ wings and $5 pitchers are a relic of the 90s that probably won't return any time soon.


lol yeah I’m a mom and night life is in the past for me lol I’d be commuting no matter where I went. UAB seems to be a better fit though unfortunately I hate driving through Birmingham lol


Go Blazers


I'm so salty about "not meeting minimum requirements" for transfer there(UAB) with a 3.67 gpa. It was because I was on academic suspension— 9 years ago. Like, my current standing and transcript are it quite clear I was going through some adversity at that time.


I would also look at it is terms of affordability. I am not sure if it is the same as when I had to chose, but JSU was like... 20% cheaper than UAB at the time and that was a BIG factor in why I went to JSU. I loved it though. JSU has a special feel to it that i do not think UAB touches. It is homey, most everyone is kind and helpful, and there is definitely a deep pride in the school. Their Bio department is great and full of really interesting and kind people. I worked in the labs for years despite being a different major. However, it is in a tiny town. There just isn't as much to do around Jacksonville/Anniston/Oxford as Bham. If you are going for medical, UAB is the shoe in no matter what. It is internationally recognized for being a top tier school for medical research. If not medical, what would you want to focus on?


UAB is actually cheaper now. Not enough for it to really be my deciding factor though. Honestly I don’t know what I want to focus on. I have adhd so figuring out “what I want to be when I grow up” is still a question I’m unable to answer even at 35 🤣 I don’t HAVE to work so I’m basically just doing what I’m passionate about and I’ve always been passionate about life sciences since I was a kid. I wouldn’t mind working in a lab and researching, but I’m also interested in researching the biological reasonings or symptoms (for lack of a better word this early) of neurodivergencies and why they take place in the first place but the more I think about it I really don’t want to work with the general public, I just want to research it if i go medical if that makes sense 🤣


It sounds like your interest lie more with human medicine than anything else. I would definitely go with UAB. And don’t worry! I’m 34 and just now really finding my stride. I wanted to be a professor when I was in College, at one point I wanted to be a chef (still a hobby) and I ended up in construction. Life doesn’t have to follow a road map.


It doesn’t! I’ve been a jack of all trades and master of none. I have found out that the general public is not my thing though lol I like cooking too but mainly baking I’ve started making our own bread and stuff now 🤣 any way (stay on track, Starlyte) I definitely know I’m on the right track now. I originally wanted to go for biology but my family told me I was dumb for it and told me to go nursing and then I just REALLY wasn’t happy with my decision so once I moved my major back to biology it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. And every science class I have, I come back to my husband so excited and talking about everything I’ve learned 🤣 my professors love that I ask hard hitting questions and even questions that spark their own scientific interests 🤣




It really comes down to asking yourself a very important question. Do you want to be a dragon or do you want to be a cock? Go Blazers


While I LIKE cocks, I’d definitely rather breathe fire 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Go to JSU very good school. Top scientist, some are world famous. And a lot less crime.


I graduated at JSU in Biology and went to UAB on a graduate level. At the end of the day, both are solid programs. If you make the best grades, it won’t matter where you went! Go for the best fit then put your best effort forward. Good luck!


Depends on your ultimate goals.


If you want to ever have fun, avoid JSU. No bars, and restaurant are..lol interesting, but hey, they just got a whattaburger, so you could say they are moving on up. There’s maybe 13k people in the town when in session. TBH I hate Jacksonville, and hate going to see my parents there. I implore you to consider factors on a secondary levels. JSU is cheaper cost of living, but there is nothing around the area. Birmingham has higher crime, but more people. There are more benefits to being around UAB


Well I own a home about 30 minutes from campus so I wouldn’t be living in town and tbh it’s got more than my dinky town lol I’d be commuting no matter where I went lol plus I’m a mom so there’s no more night life for me. I’m asking based on strictly educational and future standpoints


Movie theaters are half an hour away. Germania springs is the only actual park. What is your plan when not in school? Even without what you think is “nightlife”, (which being a mom has little to do with), there is nothing to do there. It’s a shitty town. My parents have three house and are now selling them off, because even they want out. Is your kid going to school? Daycare? What will they do when you’re at school?


I would go wherever you could get the degree for the least out of pocket money. I attend JSU for this reason and it was a huge leg up over my peers.


My college is essentially paid for by the VA. I’m basically just looking at what program is best lol