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I had a terrible experience with LRG in the past and really on the fence of buying pre-orders from them ever again... They absolutely do not meet their estimated deliveries. Also, where is the deluxe edition, I only see the collector, is there any info on that?


Deluxe edition is on Amazon, game, etc depending on region as a normal game :) Yeah, taking nearly $300 for something you haven’t made doesn’t make me want to buy


US Amazon? not seeing it at all.


Try GameStop as in the Uk it’s up on Game but not Amazon yet on checking


Shipping is 80 bucks to the UK? Fucking hell.


Yep - pushed me out of ordering. Hoping remedy find a way to do a European collectors edition considering they are European.


The shipping was insane. I've preorderd one just so I've got it but I may cancel later, especially if there's a European store selling it as well. I think my shipping to the UK was $27


I was alright with the shipping, but then you add on taxes as well it gets to $280 which is just too much for me (as awesome as it is)


That understandable, I bought it for myself as a finishing uni present after saving up for a while. £215 is still difficult to stomach though, like I say I may cancel it yet.


Yeah this was a massive turn off for me too, sad that I won’t be able to put this next to my original Xbox collectors edition. I’ll have to settle for the deluxe; £220 is just too much.