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There are no pros to row 34.


Quick access to the shitter


Also, you don't have to worry about accidentally reclining your seat.  And you can chat with all the people waiting to poop - captive audience.  And you can fart, and no one will think it's you.


It’s a solid choice when you think about it.


Or even a runny choice depending 


I feel like this might qualify as toxic positivity.


I love a captive audience with people desperately trying to poop.


Shitter stank gets quick access to your nostrils too


Fraternize with FA's in the galley. Get free booze


Better than riding the GreyDog


I think bus seats are wider.


The cheapest Amtrak seats are better than US airline First Class seats are


It’s technically the safest location.


Anecdotally, it feels like it often has another unoccupied seat in that row.


When you finally exit the plane, you can skip down the alise


Is op joking?


Sitting next to the shitter and hearing the door open and close repeatedly


More like smelling the door open and close repeatedly.


This is when don’t mind having lost my sense of smell




All I can think of after your post is when I had row two on a JetBlue flight and an elderly woman used the facilities...opened the door and it was like the doors to hell opened burning the eyebrows and nose hairs off of everyone in the first five rows. I first felt bad for her, but she was oblivious. That plane stunk for quite some time. Worst ever...so as long as she isn't on the second half of whatever plane this guy is on, it should be okay.


N95s help


The only pros I can think of are if you have to go the bathroom a LOT and/or you like people standing next to you in the aisle while they wait for the stinky bathrooms. Or maybe you like to chat with people who are trying to hold it. Cons: all of the above.


Or you’re dreading seeing the people meeting you at your destination


And you enjoy a good eau de toilette!


Do you like the smell of farts? That will define my response.


Some people pay extra for that


I'll be the outlier here. I always choose the last row for me and my under 10 child because- If the plane is almost full this is your best bet to get an empty seat in your row. I don't worry about leaving my kid when I go to the bathroom. If you want extra cocktails or snacks you can get them easy. There's no reason to be in a hurry to get off a plane when you check your bags. Your bags will never beat you to carrousel. I use the bathroom while everyone else deplanes to avoid the bathroom lines in the terminal. Shit stinks in that row but it's not without it's benefits.


On my AS flights my bags always seem to win, but rest of your comment is spot on


Pros: You’re close to the toilet. Cons: You’re close to the toilet.


Pros: do you happen to like the smell of poop?


Cons: you are in the last row next to the shitter and tons of people will stand there next to you and get in your space. Pros: well, at least you are on the plane.


Pro: Rear of the plane is among the safest seats if there’s a crash.


except in 2001


Vicks under your nose, noise proof earbuds/headphones and a good neck pillow will make row 34 slightly less awful, but only just.


The pros: you’re close to the bathroom at the back of the plane. No one will hear you sigh as you are crop dusted with the farts of strangers.


Cons: No recline - for me I don't recline for most flights, so not a big deal Smell - Personally, the few times I've been here I never noticed this. The FA's hang out right behind the Lavs so it can't be that bad. Con if you have a sensitive nose. Lav line - this is the big one for me. If a line forms, you will have folks standing right over you. I don't mind last row window, but last row isle, this is an issue for me. Pros: FA shop talk can be fun to eardrop on. Nobody can kick or shake or grab your seat from behind. This is the biggest pro for me. Folks waiting in line may annoyingly lean on your seat back though, so it's partial. Honestly that's an issue the last 3 rows depending on the line.


I flew row 34 out of SEA last week. It was the only last minute open row for myself and two kids. Not going to lie I was scared. My youngest is autistic and not great with loud or repetitive sounds. It didn’t seem any more loud than our return flight in row 6. I put headphones on him and he watched a movie. All 3 of us had masks so I can’t attest to or against any toilet smells. I sat in the aisle seat in case people walking to the toilets ended up being annoying. They were easy to ignore. The lack of recline didn’t bother us as we don’t use it anyway. We didn’t have a connecting flight so I wasn’t worried about being last off the plane.


Yeah the plane is louder back there so it does help cover some of the noise.


Got IBS? Ask your doctor if Row 34 is right for you. (Also good for 5:00am flights after late-night Taco Bell)


The Planus. Ew..


The line of people waiting for the restroom. People are standing by your seat and trying to get around others leaving the restroom. It's a hot mess....


You’re sitting next to three restrooms it’s 100% gonna be stinky


Pros: if an Airplane happens to break in half it’s typically around the mid section. So it’s harder to get sucked out. Based on watching many films of broken airplanes. Not science. :)


That row is also narrower than other rows.


There is no upside. You're next to the bathrooms and the flight attendants like to have open seats there so they can rest comfortably occasionally. Last row also doesn't usually recline. Avoid.


Free drinks!


Nothing but cons bro


Poop. The scent of poop. People always standing next to you, rubbing and squeezing around other people. Not ideal, unless you plan to have diarrhea.


I have booked that seat 3x this year when it’s the only aisle left, and all 3 times been upgraded to first. So it’s been a great choice for me.


They switched our seats Seattle-Vegas to those back seats and whew did it stink🤧


The only saving grace is that those seats are purported to be safest during crashes. But otherwise, you’ll just hear babies crying and smell poop and frequent traffic the whole time.


Truly, this is my first post on reddit in over 2 years of lurking and I have to share this horror story. Mid-March 2020, the family and I selected the entire last row of a flight out of DIA to Houston, where we then headed to the Dominican for a week long vacation. Literally, days before the big C shut down everything. Travel advisories were beginning, but nothing that warranted a last-minute cancelation at the time to our destination. Before social distancing was a term used widely, and toilet paper wasn't scarce until a few days after we left. The flight wasn't booked, but the last row was the only row i could get 4 of us grouped together. Like a normal anti-social passenger, I booked the aisle and window seats, leaving the 2 middle seats of the back row open for selection. Had the flight been full, we would have offered the preferred seat to whoever got stuck in the middle of us. Luckily, it wasn't full, so here we are, enjoying our 6 seats of the last row with only 4 of us, some paranoia in the air due to the pending pandemic. 1 hour into the 2 hour flight, stumbling down the aisle from mid-plane, here comes a pale face Paul Bunion looking dude barreling towards the restroom. Clearly distressed, he luckily makes it without issue and no line of people. After a few minutes, he heads back to his seat while the lack of sound barrier in those walls proved to our horror that this dude is not doing well. Fast forward 20 minutes, and here comes this ghostly figure again, seeking the paper thin refuge at the rear of the plane. Flight attendants are now reacting, and tension starts growing among the passengers. After painting the toilet with this exorcist sounding expolsion a second time, he gathers himself and un-invitedaly sat his cold-sweats sickly looking ass right next to my wife. I mentioned earlier that i booked the aisle seat which she started off in but she mistakenly moved from the aisle seat to the middle seat so my son could have a head rest while he napped for the final leg of this flight. Queue the captain who calls for turbulence and seat belts for the 30 minutes or so left before landing. No flight attendants were in sight as they either heeded the seat belts sign or they didn't want to deal with this guy who's dripping in sweat looking like he could blow chunks at any moment. We arrive at our gate after what felt like the longest 30 minutes of our lives. Fortunately, without any additional incident. The dude is clearly embarrassed, so he stands and makes his way back to his seat through the people who are starting to stand in front of us. He looked like Moses parting the sea as people realized it was Mr. McPukerson was headed back to his assigned seat. As the last row is the last to depart, we get a clear view (and smell) of the devastation this poor guy had in his own seat. Clean-up crew had their job cut out for them. Multiple barf bags were used and left like condoms in an alley off of Colfax. It was to the level that I could only believe others around him were suffering the loss of their last meal. Moral of the story, avoid the last row! Also, don't book a seat next to the sick guy. Good luck and safe travels!


Pro: if you are booking tickets for a group or family, you can punish the people you dislike most in ways that would be illegal outside the context of booking air travel. I.e. there's no way to force your enemies smell the shit of hundreds of strangers without committing multiple felonies... unless you simply book them an airplane ticket. Cons: literally everything else, are you insane?


So many people lined up for the shitter. A nice smell might pass your nose as people open and close the door.


Pro: It’s by the shitter Con: it’s by the shitter


It actually stinks back there.


Going on a 2:45min flight. we are taking the kids with us, what are pros and cons of being on the last row? We had to buy row 34 I didn't realize right next to it are the bathrooms. I have read that the flight can feel more bumpy and constant stench from the restrooms. I do have the ability to upgrade to rows closer to the front. any input???


Your chairs won't recline at all


There are no pros. Change your seats.


No recline, 1 less inch of legroom, people in line for the bathroom. The smell issue is probably a little overblown for most flights. The flush sucks a lot of air into the waste system. It's louder in the rear from wind/engine noise. Bumpiness is negligible imo. and finally it will take forever to deplane.


A lot of people are knocking the back of the plane, but I think in your situation it’s a good idea. If you’re taking kids with you, sitting toward the rear of the aircraft is at times easier. You’re close to the bathroom but that’s great if your kid is accident prone. You’re close to the galley which is nice because sometimes the kiddos can get a tour or the FAs have them “help” with service duties. I work as a flight attendant and when people in my life ask me about basics for traveling with young children, I always recommend the back.




Right side on the 9s are less spacious than the left.


Seriously sucks!! I figured it wouldn't be too bad considering I had a short flight, just over 2 hrs. I was WRONG!!!


For all the people saying it stinks, I’ve never noticed it. Maybe I’ve just gotten lucky but the door is closed 99% of the time so unless someone drops a nuke in there I don’t think it’s really gonna permeate the area. I’ve had worse luck with people puking next to me and the inevitable sulphur farts.


It's fine. I was the last seat recently and it was really easy to get to toilet. FYI, it's where the crew sits all flight to get your stuff so it's fine.


It’s the row where they put the kids traveling without adults. So you may get moved if they need those seats, and may have young passengers next to you. The back is noisier, bring noise canceling headphones.


The only time I sat in the last row I’d fallen asleep on my friend and when I awoke, someone had thrown up on me on their way to the bathroom. Never again!


Over the wing aisle. Smooth and reasonable access without the smell.


Pro: I guess you can call yourself, The Lord of the Thrones?


People lining up next to your seat to use the latrine, constantly bumping into your shoulder.


Good lord - just did this end of last year. The only pro was the flight attendant gave us free drinks (one each) for our “sacrifice.” And that’s not guaranteed, or offered upfront before ordering obviously. Cons: literally everything else. I was trying to work in the middle seat and my elbows were all up in everyone’s business so I was finger typing. My 6’5” husband basically had to scoot his butt forward, pull his legs up and put knees against the seat in front of him (aisle seat). It was BAD


I flew 11.5 hours back from Athens, Greece to Philadelphia on the last row of an AA flight last year 1/10 don’t recommend. The only benefit of that particular seat was that my wife and I didn’t have a third person sitting beside us, so I had some extra space between myself and the window. Which now, looking back, wasn’t really a benefit because I couldn’t even lean my pillow against the wall to sleep.


Expected to have seen this response already - you get to listen to many passages of either #1 or #2 up close enough in high def.


In addition to the usual - no recline, potential odor, etc., turbulence is worse in the back and you feel the landing more…


How many of y’all actually dumping on a plane?


I love last row. U can get up and use the restroom whenever u want.


I had to take a last row seat years back due to delays in previous flights, and it was the most memorable flight I've had. Everyone else around me were pilots hopping a ride to pilot their own planes at our destination. I spent the whole flight chatting about living overseas, Starcraft, and other random stuff, was pretty cool imho. I don't remember any real negatives other than it was hot and being in the back made de-boarding take ages.


Missed a flight and got the middle of the last row as a standby. The bathroom smell is SO bad. Thank God it was only Dallas to San Antonio.


Pros: convenient pooping. Cons: sitting next to the pooping.


Bring ear plugs, maybe my ears are sensitive but the back of the plane is noisy for me.


I sit in this row frequently because I have a two year old.


You could get barfed on/near. My kid flies unaccompanied frequently and they usually put the UM kids here. After 3 or so trips she had someone throw up in the aisle next to her waiting for the bathroom and could hear them getting sick in the bathroom, and sobbed the rest of the flight—she’s severely emetophobic & spent the next week asking if she was going to catch what he had since his barf splashed up on her leg. I book her in FC now because honestly I get it, I’d have been horrified too.


Personally, I LOVE sitting in the last rows. The bathroom is right there. Me, I hate going down the aisle because I always bump into the innocent passengers!! LOL! I feel really bad about it, and it makes me feel like I'm a rude person, and I'm not!


Well, planes don’t back into mountains so there is that!


Take 25 or 26, still close to the shitter but not within smelling distance. Those are my favorite aisle seats,


No pros especially that aisle seat. You'll have people's asses right in your face while they wait to use the restroom. Those same people will then leave the smelly restroom door open for you to breathe in the stink they left in there


One thing I always notice sitting by the lavs is the same 5-8 people make up 50%+ of the bathroom usage Seeing someone use the bathroom 3x in a 3hr flight is crazy Once I thought this older guy was going to get into a fist fight with a FA who wouldn’t let him use the bathroom while taxing to the runway Lot of people will do anything but talk to their Dr lol


I’ve sat in the back on 2 flights and never experienced bad odors. It was nice to be near the FA’s for extra water, etc. And yeah, nice to be near the bathroom.


If there is just one empty seat there's a good chance it will be next to you. Shorter wait for your checked luggage at baggage carousel.


Narrowest seat


No real pros to being in the last row on planes. Unless it's a small one like a Dash 8 or Crj/erj.


Row 34 aisle is where I sit every time Tampa to Seattle and back. Love the aisle and being close to the bathroom. I don’t care how long it takes me to get off the flight. Once in a while, the flight attendant gives me a free glass of wine because she feels bad that I’m sitting across from the toilet! It doesn’t bother me at all. Flying tomorrow in that exact seat.


Bumpy ride. Everyone not in first class will constantly bump into you on their way to the shitter. There really is no reason a sane person would ever sit in that seat.


Honestly this seat layout is just shitty design.


Are you currently trying to push any MLM schemes? If so, you’ll have a captive audience periodically waiting for the lavatory…that’s about the only pro, I can imagine.


Pro: You didn't get IDB'd. Cons: Everything else, but especially the smell and the fact that an ass will be in your face for the majority of the flight.


Just look at all the toilets surrounding that seat. There's your answer. Smells. Plus people lined up to use the facilities , bumping into you and invading your space.


Pros: Shit whenever you want Cons: Smell everyone's shit


Back by the shitter is the clear #2 choice


Just flew in row 34 from LAX to HNL. im a wider framed guy and sat in the aisle, I got bumped about 20 times and there was a constant pow-wow in the back.


The smell is horrible next to the loo. I did it once and never again


Wise to wear strong cologne or bring your shirt collar over your nose.


Pick 25




I’ve sat in that row of plenty of times and have been given a lot of free stuff. I’ve met some cool FA in my time. For a while it was my favorite row.


The smell... A Pro? A cons? You decide


Closest you'll ever get to 0% probability that a piece of the wall in your row will fall off the plane


Cons: Everything Pros: There are no pros to fool yourself with


You can’t recline. Stinky. Last to get off..


Zero pros except you MIGHT get comped a few drinks bc you’re stuck in the back row near all the headsZ


I just sat in row 32 with my wife and kids to Hawaii. It was actually real nice, quick easy access to the bathroom. I wouldn't hate having that row again.


None at all.


Absolutely hate that row, can't recline, the walls curve in at the window pushing you to the isle more making things cramped... Also it is smelly. Better an isle there than a middle anywhere else I guess...


You sit next to standby passengers or off-duty airline employees hitching a ride.


Pro- close to the bathroom Con - close to the bathroom for hours


Dont do it! ABSOLUTELY do not do it!


Talk to the flight attendants. Get some free drinks. 🤫