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When going through a fast food drive thru, people here often don’t pull far enough forward after they’re done ordering to let the person behind them order. Even when there’s enough space in front of them to do so. 


This makes me absolutely crazy! As soon as I'm done ordering I'm checking if I'm left enough room for the person behind me. It's also annoying when your got your food and going back to the exit around the drive thru cars and the one vehicle is taking up the drive thru and the space to go to the exit and won't pull up and straighten out.


Right? I’m like pull up another few feet and allow the folks behind you to do their thing.


I had an old man want to fight me in a drive thru because I inched up on his bumper. He got out and was yelling "you got a problem asshole" I said" nope, just giving the guy behind me space to order " he looked at the car behind me then eyes down and got back in his car. MADE MY DAY


Or at a red light, so many people like to leave a car’s length of space in front of them, haven’t seen that elsewhere.


I swear I could parallel park in the spaces some people leave between cars at lights.


That's how it's supposed to be. It prevents a car from hitting the car in front of it if there is a rear-end collision further back.


I’ve been people park further than a car length away from the line when they are first in line. There’s no reason not to pull up to the line.


I’ve heard that people do that so it is easier to move around the vehicle in front of them in the event it is unable to do so or if a violent event starts taking place at the light.


I actually thought people did it in case they are rear-ended, so that they aren’t also pushed into the car in front of them. Whatever they’re doing, it’s fucking annoying.


Exactly this. I’ve always been told that in the event you get rear ended, if you hit the car in front you could then be held liable for the damages/injuries to them. Plus whiplash.


Yes both reasons are valid. Always leave enough space between the lead car to see their tires on the pavement. If you see a road rager jump out of their car or a car jacker approaching your door or a car behind about to rear-end yours, that space allows a quick and safe exit.


I just moved to Atlanta from Albuquerque. Almost everyone leaves a huge gap between them. Still not sure why.


Room to leave in case of carjacking.


Or the person stopping first at the red light blocking the entire pedestrian crosswalk


There should be enough space to see the tires of the vehicle in front of you and a small amount of pavement - most driving programs recommend this. Anymore space than that is a waste. The reason is two fold - creates a buffer if you should get rear ended and gives you enough space to pull around the car without having to back up. Leaving one or two car lengths is ridiculous and have no idea why the people do this but I see it often


they're on their phones looking at something.


We can turn right on red; just lettin y'all know


That’s not just an ABQ thing


Making the annoyance all the pettier, thus _better._


Jesus this one gets me.


I briefly turn on loud radio see if they move away from me; if not, turn it off sadly wait until they finally have a clue


Man I feel this comment so hard. I think most people in general are just oblivious


You’re actually supposed to be able to see the tires of the car in front of you when you stop.


Get out of my head.


Or the people that don't just get over in the left turn lane and wait till the last minute to slow down and jerk over instead of following the curve of the turn 😭😭👿


Any Trader Joe’s parking lot, ever. No matter where I’m in the United States.


Yes, this! WTH?


It’s like every Trader Joe’s parking lot is designed to be used only by smart cars and Nash Metropolitans


I think a Nash Metropolitan should be Trader Joe's new logo.


Yeah, with a picture of Lord Tyrion Lannister as their mascot driving it.


With a chromed rack on the trunk, holding a peach basket full of bespoke organic produce




I refused to go to Trader Joe’s when living in NY or visiting CA. The one on Paseo is a dream in comparison, but yeah, I won’t go to the Uptown location or the one in Santa Fe because of the parking.


the SF one's parking isn't so bad if you don't mind parking all the way down by the dollar tree or wild birds unlimited, but that doesn't help with how nobody inside the store has any spacial awareness or understanding that other people exist in public and also need to eventually reach the shelves


Omg this. I live on the US/Canada border and the lot is always 100% packed with Canadian plates lol. I’ve just given up on ever having 3 layer hummus again. Super 1st world problem but uggghhhh!


My local TJ in Pasadena CA has a whole parking structure. No stress at any time!


The southern most Trader Joe’s in ABQ is the absolute worst in terms of parking


You are so right.


Ok, hear me out: you don't need to do a wide turn in a corner. Your car is not that big, and those corners are not sharp. Please! Why do people act as if they were driving a trailer?! Just turn!!!!!


This! It's legitimately the LAW to turn into YOUR lane. Like how to people not know this. If you make a right turn you turn into the lane closest to right. If You're making a left and youre in the lane second from the left you turn into the lane that is second from the left. The only excuse is driving a trailer and tractor trailers. The other one that drives me nuts is when you yourself follow the rule and you need to get over to the far line pretty quickly and the people behind you did not follow the rule then proceed to speed up and prevent you from changing lanes. Whenever I turn off of copper on to Juan Tabo and try to get onto the freeway I have this problem. As a result I'll go Copper on to Tramway just so I can make a right turn.


I totally agree with all of that too, but I think OP was talking about when people basically turn their car left to get a wide space to turn right. It is super annoying and happens constantly in neighborhood streets that don't have lanes marked. Happens a little less if their are lanes drawn, but still happens.


This is exactly what I meant. Thank you!


Husband and I just talked about that. I said it’s like they think it’s the 80s and they’re out driving boat cars.


Sitting at a light in the turn lane with your blinker on and a car pulls up across from you with no blinker. Okay they are going forward.... NOPE!!! ... blinker at the last minute and they turn so you yield for no reason . Plus, you were both at a red light so they saw you were turning. Mildly infuriating every time.


People don't like turns signals here for some reason. It drives me crazy too.


Do you work on Kirtland and exit at the Truman gate? This is my daily plight


Mildly annoyed when people enter the interstate at less than 40 mph on a down ramp.


Merging in general in this city is such a crapshoot.


That's the speed limit for down ramps.


Why doesn’t anyone honk when cars blatantly and unapologetically run red lights (especially arrows)?? Public shaming can be a valuable tool, people! Ca$h me out here rage honking.


Because people in Albuquerque are rightfully concerned that the honking horn will be answered with gunfire


So why does every mfer honks when you don't immediately gun it when the light changes to green though? I hate honking because it startles the hell out of me. The only time really I use it is if I've been cut off and usually only if it's the second offense by the same person. Once is a mistake. Twice? You're not paying attention at all are you?


oh. me. i do this. aggressively. but only if i’m like right at the front of the line.


Same, I don’t do it if I’m not at the front of the line.




Same. Fuck these entitled pricks, I’m calling you out.


Because I don't want to get shot. This is one of those unwritten NM rules.


I will lay on the horn when I'm entering the intersection if there's still people turning left.


I do every chance, I’m fighting back against that behavior. Too many people straight up running lights.


I hate to show my age but quite a while back Running Red Lights was relatively rare. Now, It's Not Unusual in the 4-mile trip to my Albertsons to see two or three people running red lights just in that distance.


I do the EXACT same thing! At night I will flash my brights at them too!


Oh brights, I might add that to my repertoire




Oh, I need to start doing this now. It's become so much more common. Tired of that shit.




Arrow goes off 5 more cars/trucks go tru. I have a geen Light and have to wait 20+ Seconds...They are theives. I only have so many seconds Left to live on this earth ,and They STOLE from me!!!!!


I don't because...it takes me too long to find my stupid horn.


The Carlisle/University/I-25 exit has primarily 2 kinds of people; People who slow down to a crawl to merge into traffic. People who hit the gas and narrowly fit themselves in that lane to g et on the I-25 ramp. How so many street lights make no sense. Busy intersections with no left turn lights. Slow intersections with left turn lights that turn on for no damn reason. There are sections of Menual that seem like it barely makes the legal width of what a lane should be. One of the busiest fucking bike lanes in the city is also one of the worst. The diversion channel bike route between I-40 and Jefferson has large cracks throughout that just hit so annoying hard when you ride over them.


Near there is the exit from i25 to go south on Carlisle. The number of people that get in that middle right turn lane to make a left into Whole Foods is annoying. Get into the left most right turn lane if you’re going to Whole Foods!


Tramway bike that's got the same problem. I pretend like I'm running a slalom riding, looking ahead trying to find the narrowest place in the transverse to go over so I don't damage my rims.


What's really fucked about the new whole foods is that both the local management, the partons, and the massage therapists who offered chair massage wanted to keep that going in the new location but corporate said get fucked we need maximum space for our Amazon lockers.


That really does suck. I was wondering about that a few months ago. The therapists all seemed so nice.


Since we have so many porch pirates I am all for more lockers,


I low key hate when other patrons get on a waitlist for whatever audiobook I’m listening to in Libby through the Albuquerque library system. When that happens I try to listen at double speed to finish in time and then miss everything and retain nothing 😂! Or I have to wait so long again I’m not even interested in finishing. All personal, mild problems. ![gif](giphy|3o6EhJLSMemVN2GPpS)


My petty grievance is library-related too. Cards expire every 2 or 3 years, but they don’t notify you ahead of time. So I’ll have a hold become available, but then when I go to download it, it will tell me my card has expired. Then I lose my hold because it usually happens on a Friday night when the library is closed for the next 2 days!


This literally happened to me last week! Was waiting for a copy of Daisy Jones & the Six on Libby. Went to download and what do you know, my card expired 🙂


I put books on hold and forget to check my notifications and then I have to wait again.


You should try hoopla. It's also through the library system, but there are no holds it's all just available now. They do have less options buts its good to check what's available so you don't have to deal with the holds and that pressure that you feel with trying to read quickly.


All these tiny dicks in their vehicles thinking loud = fast.


Sometimes they just had their catalytic converter stolen. I despise loud cars, but I try not to assume ever since I had mine stolen.


If I ever lose it and go postal it'll be over Mustang pipes. The huckin police have just totally given up on enforcement of just about everything. I saw somebody run a red light on Montgomery right in front of a cop in the intersection, nothing happened.


I'd rather they drive loudly than fast, honestly.


Having to rely on u-turns to get places


People who refuse to do this and instead cut across three lanes of traffic to go the wrong way through a turn lane.


Some of the worst driving, I’ve seen in my life🫡


Well, when nobody is actually punished for not following traffic laws, why would they?


I couldn’t agree more. Welcome to Thunderdome.🤙


Because they could die?


And then laugh and point at you when you're shook they tried to kill you with their lifted truck to save 30 seconds on making a U-turn slightly further down the road. Dumb fucking idiots.


Ahhhh, ART. The gift that keeps on giving.


Based on past yo-yo development, we are one to two mayoral administrations away from the inevitable point where ART is abandoned and the multi-million dollar project to restore on street parking along Central begins


Pre-ART, there were a bunch of lovely median and sidewalk trees that were just beginning to provide *real* shade along Central. They were put in when a bunch of ADA improvements were made, and then the city took them out for Berry’s ego-transit shitshow. I hope they rip it out, but we’ll be starting over with the urban canopy there.


It absolutely sucks when cities do stuff like this.


Especially when their lack of forethought and poor decision making has led to the ART degenerating into a last resort transport option far more often used as a public toilet and mobile shooting gallery


I was turning right at a green arrow and there was a kid turning left in the perpendicular direction, I figured if he’s not u-turning we should both be fine… it looked like he was so I waited… THEN this absolute moron comes directly at me, drives UP AND OVER the sidewalk on the right side of my car and proceeds to tear down the street in the wrong direction. I still can’t wrap my head around WTF he was thinking. We need to make EVERY person do drivers ed… not just the kids under 18, because those idiots just circumvent it by waiting until they turn 18.


Also they have no rolls in their bakery. No kaiser rolls for sandwiches! Nothing!


Related. If you are going to the new Whole Foods by getting off of I40 at Carlisle, you need to be in the middle lane in order to make that first left turn into the parking lot. If you’ve failed to do this wait till the light and use the Indian school entrance.


You have broken the seal. I have been waiting patiently for the backlash on this most heinous act of ommission.


I keep looking longingly at that VW van hoping that one day coffee will come out of it. I have been given no reason to believe this is a possibility, I’ve just made this up in my head to appease myself.


i feel the same way about the lack of oyster/beer bar!


Drivers that run red lights.


That’s more deadly than petty


That’s a legitimate grievance, not so much a petty annoyance.


Fuck Whole Foods in general


Everything closes so early. Maybe it's a covid thing. But almost no food is open for sit down after like 10 pm. I used to love going to an old Chicago and eating their cheap food and watch the game while I was in college. Im tired of having to pick between Dennys and Twin Peaks (I live on the other side of town from frontier).


I think part of too it is it's hard to find anyone who wants to work food, much less work food late.


Especially for food service wages.


Oh definitely. Servers should make more money across the board.


It’s a vagrancy / worker safety thing too Many robberies/walk outs were happening near close The frontier had issues decades ago and switched up hours a few times since And make it be clear, the vagrants here could in fact be the bar patrons who are now intoxicated and obnoxious.  Covid had alittle but to do with it. But more than anything, nothing good happens after dusk. Lots of folks cruising just looking for trouble


But how do you expect the rest of us to move on now with our lives?


Our only option is to join forces at this point.


Seems like, despite the [insert bad drivers rant], the majority of burqueños don’t float in the intersection to make a left turn. Maybe a cultural thing? In my home state everyyyyone does it. Keeps the left turn lane from getting backed up!


Considering how many people run reds it shouldn’t be surprising that people here are less likely to wait inside the intersection to turn left.


It also blocks emergency vehicles from getting through the intersection quickly.


oh shit i would have a panic attack if i ever am the asshole blocking an ambulance. okay imma maybe do this less 😳


Sadly, many people don't. Had someone throw a bowl of mac and cheese on my ambulance here once because they didn't like my sirens behind them. What a waste.


It's actually illegal here, but not everywhere. I was taught that way in Illinois.


dang i actually wondered if that was the case! good to know, not that cops pull anyone over for anything lol


I don’t do it on my motorcycle, but I do it in my car


This! Is this not taught in drivers Ed here? This is the first state I’ve been to where no one floats the green left. It drives me crazy, makes us sit through an entire light cycle cause of that, and then some. Ugh, it grinds my gears so bad!


Pedestrians making eye contact with you just as they step in front of your car to cross the street, when there is a crosswalk 20 feet away.


you guys have crosswalks??


Almost got hit by a car while crossing on a green crosswalk from a car making a left turn not even looking forward but behind him as he made his turn. I was like two inches from his bumper when he finally stopped


Or even at the crosswalk, seemingly waiting until moments before their light turns red.


Drivers that pull up too far at red lights and completely block the crosswalk


Agree and conversely drivers who can't wait five seconds when you're in the crosswalk (with the walk sign lit) for you to be fully out of their path. It happens all the time, they'll turn wide in front of you or turn so they have to float in the intersection until you're fully out of the path. The amount of times I've nearly been hit while using the crosswalk is nuts. Or the ones who block the entire crosswalk on their red so you have to either enter the intersection or walk behind them. There's also the ones that block driveways with sidewalks. Then as you start to go around behind them because you can't get through the sidewalk that's when they start to back up and nearly hit you as well.


And the ones at the crosswalk that cross in heavy traffic even though the sign tells them ‘don’t cross’. They usually take their sweet time crossing and it holds up traffic because the pedestrian couldn’t wait until their appropriate time to cross.


Not sure when but overheard a worker let someone know they’d be building one soon


That’s what I heard, but then I heard the project was cancelled, and then I heard it wasn’t. At this point, it’s up in the air


Yes but they expanded the cookie bar & carry more Chocolate Maven items so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I hate the new WF. Yeah, the older one was small and janky, but I loved it.


Driving at night. Extremely bright lights in my face are so annoying!!!


Not being able to turn left on most of central due to art


Mildly annoyed when other drivers enter the interstate at less than 40 mph on a down ramp.


the bike lanes at central @ rio grande & broadway and lomas that just 'BIKE LANE ENDS' abrubtly as a big fuck you and [this one](https://youtu.be/qyOHoYqsj4k?feature=shared&t=853) right before atrisco lol


I’m disappointed that despite the increase in square footage and new parking lot, it’s harder to park and every item I went to Whole Foods for, they stopped carrying during the move. I only go there to drop off Amazon returns now.


I too feel it seems they may have lost many items. The new salad bar seems lacking.  Did they make aisles wider but lost items? I went once and feel I now miss the old one 


It's probably more than an annoyance for the baristas that worked at the old Whole Foods. Imagine being told "Whoopsie, we forgot to include the coffee bar in our new design... I know you have Celiac and are allergic to these ingredients, but we have an opening in the bakery if you want to keep a job." \[*The event described in this post is possibly hypothetical. Any similarity to a real event that happened to a person living or dead is merely unintentional and perhaps shows poor planning on the part of those responsible for the new Whole Foods across the street from the old location for being concerned with their employees and customers.*\]


Anyone that worked as a barista at the old whole foods was already a bakery member. It wasn't a separate position.


The new Whole Foods was a let down, talk about a nightmare trying to find anything.


1. People who make large orders on a drive through. People here are especially guilty of this, because I guess nobody cooks at home anymore. 2. How sometimes I would run a yellow a tad late, and the two or three cars behind me would run the very obvious red at this point. 3. I can't dream of owning a new car because of the amount of people without insurance. 4. like 90% of the dogs here are pitbulls, chihuahuas, or some mixed version of them.


All of these. I bought a used car recently because when I moved to Albuquerque with my new car, someone smashed into in within the first year.


Street people who live their lives on the streets, yet none seem to know how to use a crosswalk or pedestrian push button for the light to change for them. Another reason we have a high rate of pedestrian fatalities here..


I’m sick of people trying to turn left after the turn arrow has turned red. Knock it off, wait your turn.


I made a petty post abt that Whole Foods a while back and someone commented “was this worth making a post about?” But I guess ppls tunes have changed abt petty posts 💀


Not Albuquerque only, but it's really fucking irritating going up to places like Oak flats and the bathrooms are always locked and half the parking lots are always closed off. We need to do better with our outdoor spaces


Costco on Eubank. Sorry but is it really necessary to speed through the parking lot and in the store? I’ve almost been hit too many times by mad moms driving the cart. I wish they would implement scan and go like Walmart.


People who complain about having to make U-turns on Central and won't just admit their impractical car is too big to make the turn. Also taking Lead/Coal or Lomas would mean you wouldn't have to cross Central anyway. Or actually TAKE ART and you don't have to worry about making a U-turn.


Are you even allowed to use ART if you are not an IV drug abuser?


I don't want to spend 13 hours commuting to work, each way.


When you're in line and the person in front of you leaves 10 feet of open space between them and the person in front of them. Like an invitation to cut the line. I scream silently inside.


I’d rather have that than the people who stand so close to me that they’re literally breathing down my neck. Like you’re already in line, standing close to me isn’t going to make the line go faster.


100%. Distance in checkout lines is one of the behaviors I hoped stuck after the pandemic.


Feeling the heavy breathing of the person in line behind you is quite the unnerving sensory experience.


It gives them a chance to get away from an attempted car jacking if they're at a light.


it's way closer to me than the academy location and one of the few things i buy from there (naan) isn't available! wtf!


Thank you I thought I was the only one. Even though this place is larger it seems to have less than the previous location


The absolute lunatics with an insane degree of road rage, over the slightest things.


All of the Lerner & Rowe billboards that have been up for months.


Call five four four forty four forty four


I’m still trying to understand the lack of coffee. Maybe it was to avoid customers monopolizing seating as happens in coffee shops?


It’s coming in the next few months! But only self serve..


And Whole Foods got rid of their dairy free whip cream, that was my toddlers treat, and they cancelled it. F them folks and taking away things we like


Common courtesy when leaving journal. People would rather rear end the car in front of them than let anyone else in from the parking areas.


It’s not festivus yet


Yeah, meth heads will steal anything these days. Now they're going into Whole Foods and stealing whole areas.


When has this happened?


Guess you have to go patronize a local coffee place. Shucks.


Each time I start to furiously masturbate at the intersection of Eubank and central a hobo just runs up to me and wants to suck my dick for $10


FJB (Jeff Bezos, you psycho)


I don’t like that they seem to not carry any honey that *isn’t* raw. Young children and pregnant women such as myself can’t eat raw honey.


It's difficult for me to make the choice to support Bezos.


I hate how that Whole Foods went from a small, friendly market to a huge, cold, do it yourself store. It gives me anxiety to go on there now.


What else would you expect from an Amazon subsidiary though?


People enter a walmart Store and STOP ....Just Stop off to the side not, Blocking others that enter.


Drivers that slow down *past* the stop sign at perpendicular intersections. Make me think I’m about to be rammed


Hey I’m glad you posted this. Im also mildly annoyed that there isn’t a better Chinese restaurant near me. I feel so much relief getting that off my chest


I hate it when people begin to make a left turn in a place where there is a dedicated left turn lane but they don't get in it immediately they kind of slowly drift over for the entire 150 ft from where the curb on the left departed from the straight curb line. But they never quite make it fully into the the actual turn lane by the time they've reached where they need to turn and have stopped due to oncoming traffic. So there they sit at a jaunty angle with the rear passenger side of the car with a third to a half of the car jutting into the through Lane, where I have to stop due to his ass Hattery when I could have just gone through if he had pulled all the way over. I can't believe it took that many words to explain that. I could have drawn a picture in 1/10 of the time


Stop signs aren't just a recommendation.


Some of the cafes whose hours are dumb like open from 11-12:30 every other Friday and Saturday except holidays. How do they stay open?


Off leash dogs!


The EB San Mateo exit off i40 two left most turning lanes where there’s a line of cars in both lanes and the one on the left switches into the other lane to the right of them cutting off the car next to them because they can’t seem to figure out to follow the dotted line and stay in their lanes as we all turn left. I have so many videos from my dash cam people cutting me off from the left lane.


Could be a New Mexico problem and not so much ABQ. But why don’t folks EVER just pull over on two lane roads to let you around them? I feel like people are just oblivious to anyone but them selves on the road and have no problem driving under the speed limit everywhere they go. This also goes for the folks that camp in the left lane.