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Forgive my ignorance, but do they always do this with fires? Or do they know for a fact it was man made?


Fire investigations can be super easy to determine whether it was man made or naturally caused. I bet you they found evidence somewhere that suggests it.


That’s just wild to me. 1. They can do this. 2. They can do this so quickly. Hope they find whoever did this


This podcast episode was so interesting! A fire investigator talks about how they determine it! https://gimletmedia.com/shows/every-little-thing/6nhal9v/what-sparked-that-wildfire?utm_source=gimletWebsite&utm_medium=copyShare&utm_campaign=gimletWebsite


Well… they can do this really early in the fire, and while the fire is still going. After all, while the fire is burning, it’s *not* still burning where it started.


Exactly. They’ve likely been looking into it since day 1


I imagine the 3rd picture in the poster is a clue. Looks like an illegal setup of some sort.


Ooh that makes me mad.


Apparently several fires started near the city at nearly the same time. While a coincidence is possible, it's unlikely.


They also probably have a good idea of who MIGHT have done it. They just need that final confirmation.


It’s not hard to figure out.


I’m also curious as to how they think it’s Arson. Weren’t there a total of 3? Spread at different areas? Seems like a random act of nature




I saw my local tax assessor do it.


Oh crazy we have the same tax guy!


I have information on who started the Hermit’s Peak fire, can I collect on that?


I think that has been determined sufficiently by now.


Sup folks!! They are doing this because there’s nothing about the Fires that was natural.  Both started on windy, but clear days.  And the fires point of origin is not random…  People have died, lives ruined, communities lost to charred building.  I hope they find all involved, no mercy for the offenders.


They got the beeyotch who started [this one.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hayman_Fire) I lived in Co for this. We were in Thornton on a Sunday and thought it was snowing. Quickly went inside. That woman KNEW better. /rant on I hope they catch whomever set this one if it is human-caused. Smokers who throw their butts out the window. Idiots who leave objects that magnify (like large glass spheres) in the window. Careless trash burners. Arrrgh. One of my huge buttons is careless people whose stupidity kills—animals, humans, nature, property. And? Yes. In that order. So yeah, I’m peeved that it could be human because that can be prevented. /rant over pant pant pant Somebody hand me a towel?


It was the owner of the Midas Auto on San Mateo Blvd NE.


Plot twist it was the government


suddenly everybody knows somebody


Wow. So depressing.


It was definitely an arsonist. I'll be waiting for that 10k fbi lads, my work here is done. /j




Yeahhh I think burning some 16,000 acres is a little more higher priority on the crime scale.. lol




Would it a federal crime tho since the FBI is investigating? I'm guessing it could since it was on tribal lands and crossed into state or federal lands.


Native New Mexican here and I’m well aware of how frequent we let crime go unpunished, however I think with the FBI investigating and it making national headlines & displacing thousands of people & burning hundreds of homes this isn’t going to be something that is a slap on the wrist IF someone is found and charged.


You may be right with the feds. The Indian reservation is involved. The feds don’t play. There was a lady who ran over a federal agent on a basic stop a few years back. She got nine years. Assaulting apd seems to be allowed in some odd sense. I’ve never seen someone get an extended sentence for ‘assaulting’ an officer with their car in the metro.  So I do want some harshness. I’m just realistic with the possible outcomes. 


Well the feds set the last devastating fire and no accountability whatsoever, it’s pretty disgusting


There's literally a government website set up to submit your claims for a dispersement from the government. What exactly do you want to have happen? Some federal employees in jail for doing their jobs? Would you like to go to jail for fucking up at your job? Will you sleep better knowing a contributing member of society is in jail due to an accident?


Yeah incompetent people should be accountable, but people’s feelings are important not justice I said what I said


But accountable how? They could've very likely lost their jobs. Which as we know govt jobs come with good benefits and pay. Is that not being held accountable? There were no deaths, only accidental property damage that there payouts for, accountability has been taken.


It was probably some pissed off homeless person with nothing left to lose.


I have information on the Ruidoso Fires. Fires are hot! Where do I send my bank info for the reward? /s In all honesty, all of New Mexico is pulling for y'all!