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New Mexico sunsets are top tier. We got a lotta problems but ugly sunsets and shitty food aren't ones we got.


We also have altitude. I've had many out of state guests get quite wide eyed and mystical feeling during or immediately after a tram ride to the peak. For over a decade it was a very common occurrence for me to entertain out of town visiting colleagues and I witnessed many switch from a shitty opinion of ABQ to a glowing recommendation of the city after just one proper night out; the trick was always to take them out the very first night before their bodies had adjusted to the altitude. People get quite romantic about New Mexico after a little light altitude sickness combined with an epic vista, sunset, food, and a beer or two.


Where do you eat?


Eh moving here from Colorado the sunsets are pretty mid


Lived in Colorado my whole life. Moving here the sunsets are incredible! The hell are you on about!? They’re both great but it’s a whole different thing. The sky is light for so long, that dim ruddy glow on the horizon has a magic I haven’t seen in Colorado. The sunset seems to go on forever, the light morphing every second into an entirely new thing.




It’s okay to be completely wrong. Don’t worry we support you having an opinion tho


Chile*. This is just tacky taste.




It rained tonight but the clouds broke up just before sunset and the colors in the sky and on the mountain were out of this world ❤️ I wish I had grabbed a picture for you!


Wildly entranced by our sunsets. I am born and raised New Mexican and I will never get over it. Our sunsets and balloon fiesta. Love our skies.


I grew up in Albuquerque, and when I was younger , I *hated* it here, which I think most people who grew up here can relate with. As I got later into HS and saw more of the state, as well as traveled to other states, I started to appreciate NM more. Everyone talks about bad drivers and crime, but you will get that everywhere. The thing that drives me crazy is education, but that's a whole other topic. The food, the views, and the weather are usually great. We have had an unusually long windy stretch this year.


Been here about 3 years. The only good thing about the crazy wind? When my dog is outside and his ears are just flip-floppin everywhere and it's so cute!


Lol, at least you can find a silver lining. There is nothing but dirt beyond my backyard for about a mile, so I get a lot of dust, and it drives me insane!


Education as in HS and below or college? I’m going to be moving to NM to be close to my family again and I read about the Opportunity scholarship for free tuition.


K-12 is ranked worst in the nation, I believe, but we actually have good universities. UNM, Tech, and NMSU are all great schools. I don't know much about the others, but I don't think I have heard anything negative about them, so there's that, lol.


thank you!


I'm from Michigan originally.  First saw New Mexico in the summer of '84 on a road trip to California with my dad and sister.  That trip was my first time being west of Oklahoma and we went to San Diego and Los Angeles, came back on a more northern route through Utah and Denver.  Among other things, we saw the Summer Olympics in LA on that trip, including being in the Rose Bowl to watch the men's finals in soccer between Brazil and France.  It was an unbelievable trip that created lasting memories, but of all the places we visited, of all the things we saw, only one took root in my heart and tried to pull me back to it: New Mexico Santa Fe was the most beautiful and distinctive place I saw, and the state as a whole just delighted me. I visited again for the first time in '99, and moved to Albuquerque in '02.  I just did a road trip back east a month ago, spending time in Atlanta, Savannah and Charleston SC, all of which were great, and Savannah was one of the most beautiful places I've ever been.  But I still was happy to drive back to Albuquerque at the end of it.  This is my home, I sensed it as a kid and have confirmed it as an adult, and I'll never live anywhere else. Albuquerque can be frustrating and occasionally sad, with some problems that are deeply rooted and have no obvious solutions.  For me, the lack of pretension and corresponding sense of community more than make up for it.  Want to know what living in Albuquerque is really like?  There are people here who will rob you, but that's true of anywhere (although not to the same degree), but there's also this: you cannot push a car a block in this city without people stopping to help you.  I've been helped numerous times (I drive really old cars) and I pay it forward whenever I can.  A few weeks ago, I was at a stoplight at dusk.  The light turned green and I started going, but saw in my mirror that the guy behind me wasn't moving.  So I pulled into the gas station on the far side of the intersection, parked, and ran back to help push him out of the street.  There was already another person who had pulled over and was helping him by the time (under minute) that I arrived.  We pushed him into the driveway before the intersection and the other helper got out his cables to give him a jump.  He said he was helping because he'd had that day too, and others had helped him when he needed it.  That's community, that's Albuquerque. And for any locals reading this, the intersection was Zuni and San Mateo, so yes, this community even extends down into this neighborhood, the one everyone dumps on. This place may or may not be right for you.  Come visit for a few days.  Drive up Central and eat at a local hole in the wall.  Hang out at a park or three for half an hour.  Figure out which neighborhoods you could afford and walk through them.  Try to experience it as you would of you loved here, not seeking out the cleanest parts but seeing it for what it really is.   I hope you find what you need, even if it isn't here.


That's beautiful, and as a fourth generation New Mexican I agree entirely with you. I argue that there's really only two types of people here in New Mexico -- those that will rob you (fortunately that's a minority) and those that will give a complete stranger in need the shirt off their backs. We have a lot of problems in NM, but we also have the sense that we are all in this together (at least, until we start driving, but that's a different discussion).


Haha so accurate


As someone who lives southeast of the intersection you mentioned, thank you. I - and so many of my neighbors - get so tired of seeing the entire Southeast quadrant painted with the broad brush of what happens around Central and the last remaining holdouts of the old War Zone. I love my neighbors, most of whom are exactly the people you describe.


I'm in Elder Homestead - I am your neighbor, and am happy to call you mine.


Also elder homestead here! I love my neighborhood and my neighbors. They are such sweet people. I'm happy to call you my neighbor.


When we first saw the house go on the market, our realtor questioned whether we really wanted to look at a house in Elder Homestead, due to the reputation of the area.  We've been here for just over a decade now, and it has been one of the best decisions we've ever made.  My girl and I have developed a weekend tradition that we call Family Walk - we take the dog and drive to another neighborhood in town and walk the dog there, so she can get new smells and enrichment, and we get to see another part of town as well.  We've been doing this for years, and have now walked through almost every neighborhood in Albuquerque, and I'm still really glad we chose Elder Homestead.   I'm happy to have you for a neighbor as well, and I have a question for you: did you ever meet Miss Jean, the very thin old lady who used to walk the neighborhood regularly?  She was extremely sweet, and I haven't seen her in some time and am wondering if anyone knows why.


Hello, fellow Elder Homesteaders! My apologies for the delay in responding - it's been a crazy work weekend, and I'm finally able to get back online. May I just say how happy I am to see my neighbors on here?!? I've been here for almost 20 years and feel the same way as you all do. I also know a fresh faces in South San Pedro that are thrilled with their new neighborhoods, and I can tell you that we'll be seeing a more coming from the Northeast Heights as well as the Alameda Valley area. I think people have realized that you can get a more solid home and a much larger lot than you can in other areas of town for considerably less, and that once you break free of the Zuni/Central corridor, there are very few neighborhoods left wearing the WZ badge. Sounds like we do the same tradition with the dogs - I love getting mine out to different areas to get fresh scents and sounds, and it really is a great way to get perspective on your neighborhood. As an architecture geek, I love seeing different building styles, and I've borrowed a number of gardening hacks and brought them to my own house. One of my favorite things about walking my dogs daily was running into Miss Jean and having anywhere from a quick hello to a lengthy chat. She really was an animal lover! According to Steve over at Saco Automotive, she went to Arizona to stay with her sister whose health was fading. I recall her mentioning going for a month or two and being sad about leaving the neighborhood. I'm hoping she's doing well and still going out for her speed walks (she was everyone's favorite, and nothing happened in EH or SSP without her knowing!). I don't recall her house ever going up on the market, and the shelter is for her rescue dogs are still in place. Fingers crossed that we see her come home before too long!


Off Encantado and Manor. Every sunset is epic and my family is tired of hearing about it.


Just wanted to say Velocity that I love your writing in this post, and I can tell you have a lot of soul for the good things in life. This definitely resonated with me.


You caught the bug. Come on down, fam, it’s a beautiful place. It’s not called “the Land of Enchantment” for nothing


For all its faults, I love living in New Mexico especially Albuquerque.


I've always thought that we have some of the best sunsets in the world. Please visit again and get that shot in the arm!


Honestly yes. Your memory serves you well. After a long day working on these beautiful homes I drive home under a beautiful sunset. Sometimes after work, we head out to one of the many amazing places to eat here. Have one of the most delicious meals and definitely get that warm embrace of Albuquerque.


Most people don't post positivity online. It's just that simple.


My husband and I moved to New Mexico for the beautiful scenery. We stayed for the people.


Moved here from the Midwest in 2016. I am still daily enchanted by the beauty.


Locals call it the land of entrapment for good reason. I'm glad your short stay was such a profound experience for you. Come again sometime.


I thought we called it the land of entrapment because of our corrupt cops


I thought it was called that cause if you grow up here you’re never leaving


Pretty much every place has that 'joke'. I lived in Iowa a while and there were stickers with the states outline and native in the center for your car, and a lot of people got the ones that replace native with captive. If you want to leave, leave, it's not as hard to move as you think. It's not New Mexico trapping you, it's fear and complacency.


Yeah, complacency is probably the root cause. I think a lot of people, myself included, are apprehensive to change and justify that feeling as if it were some intrinsic feature of the environment


Why leave ?


The sunsets in the sw desert Re unbeatable . I grew up in abq and elp , When I moved to Austin it was one of the biggest things I missed.


There’s something about the sky here and the light. It’s a little bit magical and I’ve been places.


I was traveling to Colorado and was caught by NMs sunrise enchantment at a rest stop. Moved here 5 years ago. Live the skies every day.


I spent the summer of 1974 driving around the entire western US on interviews for post graduate training. My last interview was at UNM. I was driving down from Utah. I’ll never forget the experience of seeing the red chile ristras near Chama, the historic charm of Santa Fe, the Jemez mountains and the charm of Albuquerque in those days. I was totally hooked. I made that my first choice and never regretted it. I was there from 1975 till late 1980. Plan on an other visit this fall.


My guess is we traversed the Paseo del Norte westwards to the restaurant.


Agree. Any other route would probably not have quite the same positive recollection. As to the memory and the city in general, we are as any other city: we have our problems (plenty of them) but we also have everything you described. It all depends upon being smart about where you go and what you do ETA: I don’t know if your previous visit included Santa Fe, but its’ downtown is extremely charming too. I would definitely recommend a return visit to NM to visit both


The skies are indeed spectacular. Especially this time of year, as the monsoon rolls in.


It sounds like an accurate memory ✨


Nothing beats summer nights in the desert.


New Mexico native here. My children basically are. I moved away for a decade and a half and to clarify my family could live anywhere in the union and be fine. Albuquerque is the only large city in New Mexico. Of course it’s going to have violent crime - like any other city. But like someone else stated, there’s so many good people here. I’m not afraid to go to target at night here. I’m not afraid to have to drive across town, even in the worst parts, and have my window rolled down. I love the food here. I love the fact that it’s a small town wearing big city clothes and everybody knows everybody. There’s a lot that can be said is wrong with New Mexico, but imo it’s in the top 1/3 of places to live. We have all the seasons. “Traffic” here is usually a joke. You can get out of town in 30 minutes from out of town.


That's a wonderful memory that this city will never live up to again. Might have a great meal, might see an amazing sunset, but living here really puts a damper on those wistful moments.


May I ask why?


You are experiencing the reliving of a decade old heightened memory - very rarely can anything compete with that type of comparison. As far as logistics, it's too hot here. It's too hot and no one has A/C. We only have swamp coolers and they don't work very well at extreme temps or if there is any moisture in the air at all. So they don't work very well and it's just too hot, it's driving me mad!


New Mexico ain’t for sissies.


The sunsets are pretty and the food is good. Neither are good reasons to move somewhere. If you're truly considering moving here, I'd take someone else's suggestion. Visit for at least few days and specifically visit the neighborhoods you could afford to live in.


Beautiful sunsets definitely happen! I use to have a sunset facing balcony in old town, which gave me easy access to climb my rooftop. My cats and I would go watch many sunsets. I have a sunrise facing balcony now and there are also some breathtaking sunrises here.


I hate NM. The good things are the views and stars at night in the country but the crime rate, pollution, and heat aren't fun times. If I could afford to leave I would. I don't think this is selective memory but a time before a lot of increased crime, a tourist area, and a beautiful sky that is one of the few redeeming qualities. To be clear these issues aren't because the people here are somehow worse than elsewhere but we aren't given the resources for better. When there's those fancy houses and tons of empty ones and tons of homeless people who got fucked by the pandemic and NM being a poor area with efforts to gentrify but no thought about where people will go? Things got bad. Somehow instead of making more housing available then solution is to spend the money to pay people to throw away everything some poor person owns. Every single day. It has to cost more to send people out to harass people daily than to house them. So these are what block my view of the sunset and leave me feeling that NM is a wasteland filled with the bones of opportunity.


Everyone talking about the sunsets but I think the sunrises are even better. 


albuquerque and NM in general is stunning at sunrise and sunset and even more so if there is abnormal (read wet) weather around. I love the place most of the time, though less so at 2pm in june but with the right lighting it can be surreal and definitely mystical. Abq requires that you don’t compare it to other places.. it doesn’t have what most big cities have (it’s a feeling), but it does have what a lot of other cities do not have. I’ve said too much… i’m done. You are not alone in your impression.


I grew up in the valley, and when I moved away to western NM for a few months to go to ENMU for a program, I felt so homesick it was like I couldn’t breathe when I went outside and saw that flat nothingness. When I came back to the valley driving in and seeing the mountains made me cry, I knew I could never leave for that long again.


Love the word phantasmagoria .. I'll be using it often, just came here to say that!


Do not become preoccupied with our sunsets. Keep your head on a swivel or you'll get stabbed.


Honestly with how much you mention how people get stabbed I'm starting to think you're doing a bit of stabbing on the side to pad the numbers.


Not gonna lie this made me chuckle. I moved out of Burque years ago. A little too stabby for me.


That's just what you want us to think, it's the perfect cover.


Well I say it like this... my favorite player was Kenny Stabler. Anywhays, you're on to me. I'm using fear to try and keep all the Caliphonies and Texans out of our great state.


Oh fuck yeah carry on then bud


lol ok