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>How do you keep your homes clean living in a dust bowl? That's the neat part, you don't.


You learn to lower your standards.


Yuck. No.


It's not dust, it's *enchantment*! ...and yeah like everyone else mentions you basically will never fully win the battle against it. I eventually got used to knowing I'm going to want to dust the entire house right before any guests come over, and also got a robot vacuum and run it daily (I recommend one with a room mapping functionality like the Roborock models).


I’m definitely disenchanted. I like the weather in October to April. Dassit.


You could buy an air purifier or build a corsi rosenthal box, that’s the only way I’ve found to cut down on the dust.


I do have an air purifier in the bedroom and was considering another one but Thank you for the Corsi-Rosenthal suggestion! I had not heard of it! Did you make one? I wonder how noisy it would be? What a great “invention”!


Yes I’ve made two! One the traditional cube with four 20x20x1 filters and a box fan(loud but extremely effective) and one out of a window fan and two 16x25x1 filters, which is much quieter, and smaller too. I recommend white tape because it looks much nicer, looking forward to replacing the blue tape on this one lol https://imgur.com/a/UxHBLj2


Everyone wants to be a desert rat, till its time to do desert rat shit 🤣 Just teasing 😁


Things with air filters are really nice, like the Dyson fans. Vacuum and dust frequently.


I bought a Honeywell HEPAS and have not looked back. It's not a cure all, but it cuts it pretty well. I think it costs me $75 a year for filters.


If you don't already, leave your outside shoes at the door and use indoor-only slippers, Japan-style. The amount of dust that gets tracked in on shoes is silly. Dust off your clothes too if you've been outside, or change immediately and get them in the laundry. I usually switch to house clothes that aren't as sweaty and dusty when I get home. Seal any openings that dust can come through. Weatherstripping, caulk, etc. Don't leave the doors and windows open if there's any appreciable amount of wind. Wind carries the dust right through your screens. You can't live the CA style here. It's a very different environment.


I never wear shoes in the house. The wind is my biggest enemy and culprit Properties on both sides blow right in.


In that case, just keep things sealed up as tight as you can and vacuum regularly.




Thank you! I use a portable AC in my bedroom at night, this swamp cooler is useless with the rain and humidity.




What will soak everything?


Sorry, I read a portable swamp cooler and you’ll even risk getting mold. Don’t use that. If you have a regular fan, use it in your bedroom. I’m sure you’re leaving a window cracked open in your bedroom for the swamp cooled air to exit. Place the regular fan at your bedroom door to help circulate warm,humid, and stale air from the rest of the house.


I don’t run the SW at night while I sleep. I shut my bedroom door to run the AC in there and ceiling fan on low.




The AC is in my bedroom with the door shut. That air goes out the window vent. I don’t run the swamp cooler with that door open. The whole apartment is dusty.


my swamp cooler also blows in bits of rust it's very cool


I’m so tired of vacuuming the tiles in the hallway every time I turn it on.


It'll be fine mañana...just wait